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Old Feb 4th, 2012, 12:16 AM
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Savrin couldn't help but grin at the complete decimation of the arrogant Karrnathi. Clearly someone who has spent his life in places where his status would always get him what he wanted without much question. You saw them sometimes, back in the war; usually it got quickly beaten out of them, unless they were rich or important enough to get a commanding rank from the get-go. And those ones were usually disliked strongly enough by the rest of the officers that they rarely had an enjoyable time either way. Perhaps things worked differently out west. Those Karrnathi certainly had some strange ideas about them, that's for sure.

"No worries, a pretty face like mine can surely make up for this joker's mug," Savrin pipes up with a grin, pointedly turning his cheek to subtly display the wicked burns that covered one side of his face. He turns back to the rest of the group, dropping his voice to a low murmur. "I don't fancy getting tied up with some shady guild without knowing a bit about them. But the discount is certainly tempting. I guess we go find this Jumbo fellow and see what happens from there, eh?"
Getting over the flu and busy with university work--sorry for the slow posting as of late!
All of civilisation waits unknowing on the shore, blissfully ignorant of what the Savage Tide is about to bring in...

Last edited by Ange; Feb 4th, 2012 at 12:17 AM.
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Old Feb 4th, 2012, 10:02 AM
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Breaker nods and says, "Would we all have to join? Could one of us join then just buy 4 sets of climbing gear? Or we could ask around about them. The warforged I met last night, Crucible, the one without the battle-axe, might know. Either way, I don't care."

Last edited by aivanther; Feb 4th, 2012 at 11:28 AM.
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Old Feb 4th, 2012, 03:45 PM
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"For the love of... Here, I'll go do it. I don't care about joining the guild, or whatever it is.". Having very little understanding of currency, Nal buggered off to go find a fat gnome and join the guild (he had at various points joined and abandoned traveling caravans with little thought of consequence, so he did not presume this to be any different).

Last edited by sammichweasel; Feb 6th, 2012 at 02:18 PM.
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Old Feb 5th, 2012, 10:48 AM
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Darius calmly listens to the merchant's tirade then does a smart about face and walks off, following along with Nal. "Well I can at least try and keep you from trouble," he mutters, obviously dissatisfied with the welcome he's gotten here in Sharn.
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Old Feb 6th, 2012, 02:20 PM
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Nal patted what he could of the tall(er) officer, tutting at him. "There there, Sharn hates everyone. Well, it's people. The city couldn't, that's silly. Unless it were somehow actually a sentient being, thinking and working and plotting... that WOULD explain some of the district development plans..." He began muttering to himself, almost forgetting to look for the over-sized gnome.
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Old Feb 7th, 2012, 10:57 PM
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"Honestly people here can be so illogical." Darius grumbles as they walk, "I think it must be the fumes of so many packed into such a small space."
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Old Feb 9th, 2012, 09:11 AM
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"I know, right? This mess of people, just stagnant, hoping for some sort of change, something to come and make their lives interesting." He glanced over to Darius, his left eyebrow arching suspiciously. "Look at me, agreeing with you. I guess that warforged was right - we're not all that different."
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Old Feb 9th, 2012, 02:36 PM
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Up one flight of spiral stairs and Jumbo is an easy find. Standing about a half foot taller than Nal, he is easily four times his girth and shrouded in fine red and black robes that depict roaring drakes swirling around his massive form.

"Good day my fine gentlemen... What is it that I may do for you today?"
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Old Feb 9th, 2012, 04:23 PM
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Nal took an immediate dislike to Jumbo. Maybe it was something about his wacky dress/shirt/thing, or his over-polite manner of speech; whatever it was, he didn't want to be talking for any longer than they had to. "Membership, please." He held out two of the higher denomination coins, guessing that the rate was probably 10-1.
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Old Feb 10th, 2012, 06:10 PM
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"Indeed? It is not often we have one of the plainsmen join our ranks, what is it that has brought you here? What are you passions? What are your thoughts and beliefs about the Immortal Dragon Husk upon which we make on our mewling little lives? Will you be able to join us and speak to your fellow guild members when we gather? Will you aid them when the call comes?"

"Ah, excuse my rude manner. All of these questions are part of our normal vetting process, I am sure you understand. I am just one of those people who loves to met new people. I get ever so excited when it comes to meet new gentle bodies. I do have some paperwork for you to fill out, if you would accompany me to my office in that lovely little nook over there. You can answer the questions orally, so it shouldn't take more than a tick to write down what needs to be written."

"And what of you good Ser? Karrnathi, unless I mistake my wager? Are you here to check that the King's sister is not being mistreated?"
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Old Feb 11th, 2012, 11:54 AM
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Breaker says, "No, he's here to argue with the short one." He considers the gnome, and continues, "How does a gnome that is bigger around than he is tall come to lead an adventurer's guild?"
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Old Feb 11th, 2012, 12:09 PM
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Nal let out a small sigh, barely audible, before plastering a smile on his face. "I come to you because I thrive on action, and I want to join with a group of likeminded individuals, so we can talk about all the neat things we've seen. The oceans, great cities like Sharn, dinosaurs that can swallow gnomes whole, not matter their circumference. It'll be the best thing ever.". He somehow managed to avoid rolling his eyes, but his demeanor never really lent itself to appearing sincere. Still, he followed, quite ready to fill out the necessary paperwork.
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Old Feb 12th, 2012, 12:08 AM
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"I am in Sharn on behalf of the Rekkenmark Academy, guildmaster." Darius answers, standing rigid and tall, "For academic purposes. What questions are required for the paperwork? I suspect they are not so eloquent as yours." The Karrnathi crosses his arms and scowls slightly, refusing to answer some of the more elaborate conversational openings.
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