Slam Jammers
![]() Race: *I'm like my very own gel fridge!* Goofolk Class: 'I hereby hex you to be mildly awkward around attractive members of your species!' Witch Alignment: 'It's so hard to make up our minds. Too many of them.' Chaotic Neutral Background: 'You know what I miss? Pants. You know how they lift, and cushion? ...you wouldn't understand.' Kriss was, for all intents and purposes, a valiant satyr warrior, out in the world doing good, justice, and fine women that needed the aid of both. Sadly, he was a moron, and thus never achieved much success in his career aside from "kick the monster until it falls over". His short lived attempts at heroism ended valiantly when attempting to rescue quite a large group of townsfolk from a terrible wizard. The wizard was trying to make an army of slimes with which to do Nefarious Things, and being a dirty old man, he made sure to kidnap all the womenfolk nearby in his attempt to do so, which attracted our Hero(being a dirty young man, you see). All was well, another day saved with the wizard's demise, when our hero accidentally fell into the ritual vat that was preparing the slime army. He is now the semi-dominant personality of a group of roughly 5-12(he's not entirely sure) brains coming together to form the Mighty Kriss. The surviving womenfolk thought this was terribly odd, and wanted no part in romancing their "savior" anymore(especially since he was no longer a dirty young man, which would have raised the rating on the game considerably). Saddened by her loss, she has set forth into the world to try and figure out what sort of things she should get up to nowadays. Her current goals involve: finding new people(things?) to eat, figuring out if she should stop being a goofolk(and if so, how), and generally exploring the world and meeting all sorts of new things(if you think a satyr is curious, add in a bunch of other people's curiosity to the mix too, and you have a very outgoing spluck). Description: *hides in a jar of jelly, as the Perfect Disguise* Kriss is a sentient blob of jelly, essentially. She tends to take humanoid features to communicate or make "body language", though her natural form doesn't really have too much of such things unless she thinks about it a lot(which isn't common, usually reserved for parties or other social events). Her favored method of movement involves bounding across the landscape like a squishy slinky of sorts. *spluck spluck spluck* While she can use equipment, it's not reasonably certain whether it can truly be called "wearing" it, as the stuff tends to congeal inside of her, like vital organs of sorts. She has no idea whatsoever about how to use armor, but that's okay, because her new form has lended itself heavily towards the Witchy arts. Cool Stuff: 'There is nothing wrong with learning a spell to turn people into cotton candy. The least evil people can do to atone is be tastier.' Kriss is a Witch, who revolves around doing Icky things to people. ACD damage that rather than burning people alive(which isn't very nice, you see), melts them painlessly into little puddles. Odd polymorph hexes. General manipulation of water and ice, to make people slip and fall in front of the camera, for laughs. She can heal too, gotta love that. Her "familiar" is a witch personality inside of her, who tends to take the form of a slightly more viscous part of Kriss. Familiar(as she is called) communicates with Kriss mentally, and with the outside world by forming colored shapes inside of Kriss, like a shadow puppet show. The satyr that was Kriss was a level 1 fighter, but she's forgotten about all that stuff in the mind blending. This is probably for the best, as she can't really kick anyone anymore, nor wear armor, so that would rule out most of her abilities right there.
EDIT: My brain is fight. Awkward MRIs don't help. Expect delays. A satyr rises in the morning, and hangs the coffee mug on his horns, so that he won't lose it. The coffee is done, but the mug isn't in its usual spot. Where did it go? He forgot. Last edited by Fragmaster01; Aug 6th, 2012 at 09:44 AM. |
I prefer to link my character sheet to the character name, but if you want it in NSHEET, here it is: |
![]() Name: Tulip Sanchez Race:Vishkanya Class:Rogue/Deadly courtesan Alignment: Chaotic neutral Description: Five foot tall with a penchant for trouble. She petite and lithe, lamenting her lack of height. Green scales frame her face covering her left arm and right leg "A gift" from her Alchemist father, a man who loved to experiment, especially on his family members. Her most striking feature are her Golden, almond shaped eyes which completely compliment her button nose and thin lips. When she has to she can easily seduce any man with her hypnotic appearance. She is most often seen walking idly through town dressed in a hooded robe with her eyes roving uninterested and always half closed. Personality: Careless and useless are the two words most commonly used when talking about Tulip. She talks with a slow drawl, as if it is an effort to even try and hold a conversation. Very evasive in her answers it has foretold she’s “going to tie knots into that forked tongue of hers.” In reality this indifference is really a front for the frequent bouts of Mania that often drive her to make rash decisions and act fairly deranged, often with harsh consequences. She loves sarcasm and will often slip it into a conversation even when it doesn't make sense to do so. She doesn't particularly get along with people and is pretty much just looking after herself that said even if she likes you she’s probably going to focus her attention on you, whether or not that's a good thing is up to you to decide... Background: No one really remembered the day when Prof. Sanchez renowned alchemist, moved to town. Many people tried to approach him initially but found him very strange to talk to. He didn't seem to have the kind of common sense a normal person would have, taking great pleasure in crushing spiders and listening to storied of considerable violence and laughing at inappropriate moments. Soon the townspeople began avoiding him, Not his wife though, Lucy was lovely and many people thought her mad to be married to this man. Whenever people ventured to ask her why she would only smile sadly and say "I've given him myself and he's promised to give me something I thought I had lost". Many people were repelled and thought he must have been a lustful man with more money than sense, but the situation was quite different. As the years went on strange noises and wailing could be heard from there dwelling and it was only after several month's that the locals realised they hadn't seen Lucy in quite some time. After arguing for a week, the local priest was forced into calling over. He knocked on the door and Professor Sanchez was the one to answer. As the priest began awkwardly making conversation he noticed a small hooded figure come up behind the professor and cling nervously to his leg. The Professor impatiently shook her away from him and as she fell over the priest recoiled in horror. "It was a child...no a creature....no an ABOMINATION" he recounted to the village people. Poor Tulip was only 3 years old at the time they stormed the house. As they Rummaged through the various experiments they found her curled in a ball next to the now serpentine corpse of what they believed was Lucy. Later on trial the professor simply stated "She wanted a child, I wanted a test subject it was a mutually beneficial agreement.." He was promptly executed and Lucy's corpse burned. They didn't know what to do with Tulip. It was decided by the powers that be that she was to be placed into medical care, that didn't last long. After she got her first "booboo" aged 6, The nurse that kissed it better was violently ill and it was discovered that every drop of blood in her body was poisonous. Of course they would never say anything bad about a child but Tulip knew even then she was different. It was then decided she would be jettisoned off to a more advanced civilisation so they could "discover more about her". She landed in the world of Fortunia, A place where the experiments were kept in the slums and the scientists were living in luxury. Upon arrival she was immediately taken in to be examined. She was not released for a year and in that time developed what can only be described as a hyper-manic disorder. This disorder means that for days at a time she can remain hyper vigilant and excited not to mention insanely happy but is often unaware of the havoc she can cause while under it’s influence, a stark contrast to the usually quiet and lazy id in reality. After her release into the slums it became clear that the scientists just did whatever they pleased. They would send out patrols to gather various mutants and once or twice they caught her again. She became quite skilled at hiding and disappearing not to mention stealing, but if there was a particular undesirable giving her trouble she would immediately point him out to the feds, getting him dragged away for experimentation. When she was caught the second time she was 17 and unfortunately in the middle of a manic episode. She was promptly locked in a cell. For hours she threw herself against the wall under battered and bruised it came to her. Cutting her wrist on a shard of glass she used her acidic blood to melt the lock on the cage. Laughing all the way to their hover bay, she disposed of three guards easily. Still laughing she climbed into the biggest hovering juggernaut she could find and blasted her way through the castle and out into the blue sky. Grinning derangedly to herself she drove it up into the sky as high as she could before directing it toward the research facility, and sending the massive craft into a nosedive. The explosion was heard even off planet. The slum people didn’t even know what had happened they just seen the facility spontaneously combust. Luckily for Tulip she had leapt from the craft minutes before the collision , bellyflopping into the moat surrounding it. She only broke around a dozen or so bones. When she woke up she was dazed and had no idea what she had done, yet with thousands of people gathered around her, their unwitting and uninspiring hero. Last edited by TristineEndelwood; Aug 6th, 2012 at 08:19 PM. |
Character Sheet in the Works!
Last edited by Akeii; Sep 18th, 2012 at 11:15 AM. |
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