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Old Aug 13th, 2012, 09:54 AM
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Ambereye is quickly thrown for a loop, literally, as she falls to the floor, and begins to slide through the door into nothingness. That nothingness seems to coalesce into a solid landscape. A solid landscape the comes to rush at Ambereye very fast until, "Umph!" She stops very suddenly.

She is slightly dazed, but none the less in one piece and undamaged, a fair trade for the interesting journey. She looks around, and notices the scene of the mob surrounding something tied to a very large stake, with a dinosaur head. "A god of dinosaurs would obviously have dinosaurs as followers I guess."

The chants and shouts coming from the group seem to warrant a need for speed, coupled with caution, in that they were attempting to kill the creature before they even had a change to get information out of him first. "Greg, Now might be a good time for you to try and get that group to see things our way. Everyone else, expect a fight, albeit perhaps a short one." With that said, Ambereye pulls out her revolver, from this distance, using Belcher would not only be a waste of time, but also allow her to get surrounded too easily.

Last edited by Insacrum; Aug 13th, 2012 at 09:55 AM.
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Old Aug 13th, 2012, 11:26 AM
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Sina gets up slowly, shaking the cobwebs off her mind. Her body quickly recovers from the interdimensional fall, but she is NOT happy with being tossed around like this, and decides to tell Cayden Cailean a few choice words the next time they meet in person.

"That's our priest? He sure fits the bill. Didn't think we would find him right off the bat." She looks around, wondering if anyone had noticed the sudden appearance of six weird strangers out of nowhere. She can feel her danger sense tingling; those people may look funny and not very powerful, but Sina knows better than anyone how dangerous people can get when they lose their cool.

She then nods at Ambereye's advice. "Right. Don't wave your weapons around too much, though; we don't want to look threatening for now." Ironically, with her scars, her eye patch and her surly demeanor, Sina probably looks the most threatening one of the whole lot. In any case, she readies herself, wary of whatever might come their way.

Last edited by Fairman; Aug 13th, 2012 at 11:27 AM.
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Old Aug 13th, 2012, 12:24 PM
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"Divine travel sure is convenient. Poing, we're here!" These people, all stuffy and mothlike. They would be great additions to the fold. Well, once you got past the dusty exteriors. It's the chewy insides that really make it worthwhile.

Kriss slinkies up behind Ambereye, which is entirely not threatening to the townsfolk in the least. *spluck spluck spluck*
EDIT: My brain is fight. Awkward MRIs don't help. Expect delays.
A satyr rises in the morning, and hangs the coffee mug on his horns, so that he won't lose it.
The coffee is done, but the mug isn't in its usual spot. Where did it go? He forgot.

Last edited by Fragmaster01; Aug 13th, 2012 at 12:24 PM.
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Old Aug 14th, 2012, 05:41 AM
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Greg does what Greg does best... well aside from when he's doing nothing, that is. He saunters up to the group."Hello good people. My name is Greg and I come on behalf of... some people who want to take that problem off your hands there. We'd prefer him unburned if at all possible." He of course has no idea what's going to happen when a walking cat person begins speaking to them.
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Old Aug 14th, 2012, 06:27 AM
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Paderau kept his balance throughout the fall, twisting his body in a controlled slide to maintain equilibrium on his two rear paws. At the last moment before impact he somersaulted off the former floor and drew his shield in the same quick motion.

He landed lightly in a guard position. His headache was fading, now, and the cries of the surrounding townsfolk banished any further attention he had been giving it. He sniffed the air and bristled instantly. The promise of violence hung in the air, and it reeked of sweat and adrenaline.

Paderau motioned for the gnome's attention. "Ambereye, these folk aren't likely to give us a friendly welcome," he whispered. "We'd better prepare for trouble."

Last edited by Akeii; Aug 14th, 2012 at 06:28 AM.
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Old Aug 14th, 2012, 12:49 PM
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Ambereye was already ahead of Paderau, as she was removing a pistol from her side holster. She wasn't about the start lugging around Belcher in front of these people. She had no clue how they would react to seeing a 10 foot long piece of machinery being toted around by a 3 foot, 2 inch girl.

"I'm way ahead of you Doggy. I hope everyone else is ready for when this goes south as well."
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Old Aug 14th, 2012, 04:41 PM
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Tulip doesn't even attempt to resist as she is sent flying through the open door. Sliding on her back she watches calmly as the universe speeds up and flies past her uninterested eyes. As it seems to slow she focuses her eyes ahead in time to see the ground rush up to meet them.

landing lightly on her rump she looks up to observe the scene. Scratching her head she stands and looks over as Greg attempts to address them.

"If they're already burning a guy...that looks like a lizard...what'll they do to the one that looks like a talking cat?" she speaks slowly as an idea comes to her. Rummaging around in her backpack for a second she pulls out an ornate Guitar. it looks busted and scratched but as she hits the strings with her scaled finger tips a lovely little melody springs forth.

She looks to Amber

"Need a distraction?"

Last edited by TristineEndelwood; Aug 14th, 2012 at 04:41 PM.
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Old Aug 14th, 2012, 05:04 PM
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Ambereye confers with Tulip, "Distraction?! I would even settle for a well lit pie at this point. Anything to get that Lizard away from those people wanting to burn him, while not getting us killed in the process as well."
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Old Aug 14th, 2012, 08:09 PM
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Tulip Nods. She isn't really in the mood to play but sure if it means she can get a little bit closer to her Duck-hood she'd do it. Clearing her throat loudly she cries uncharacteristically energetic:

"Oy Peasants. Listen up."

Idly she tunes the top string, her forked tongue sticking out the side of her mouth. taking a moment for the attention to look towards her she starts a small melody reciting words from the top of her head. Her
Dice roller error:
[dice= Diplomacy check]1d20+8=[/dice] is a badly formed tag (please see the FAQ for help)
lazy voice is surprisingly complimented by the
Dice roller error:
[dice=performance check]1d20+10=[/dice] is a badly formed tag (please see the FAQ for help)
jazzy sound.

"We came from really far away,
strange to your eyes some might say
But here stand 5 semi-demi gods
except for Kriss, the sentient blob.

We've been called forth
to slay rwarasauras prime
And if you don't kill that guy
you'd really save us some time.

If you light the torch,
we'll start the fun
the monk's got an eyepatch
ambereye's got a gun"

She continues on in this vein until hopefully the audiences attention is focussed on her.

Last edited by TristineEndelwood; Aug 14th, 2012 at 08:10 PM.
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Old Aug 14th, 2012, 10:18 PM
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The Corgyn groaned and rolled his eyes. He glanced around at his present companions: a gnome, a half-elf, a blob girl, a snake girl, and a cat. He winced.

Paderau's eyes slowly returned to the raging townspeople.

... "Woof?" he barked, hopefully.
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Old Aug 14th, 2012, 11:31 PM
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Kriss objects strongly to this. She's totally a semi-demi god. Or was that a hemi-semi-demi-blob? Either way, this seems like a good idea, so she'll let the impromptu dance number continue.
EDIT: My brain is fight. Awkward MRIs don't help. Expect delays.
A satyr rises in the morning, and hangs the coffee mug on his horns, so that he won't lose it.
The coffee is done, but the mug isn't in its usual spot. Where did it go? He forgot.
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Old Aug 17th, 2012, 02:59 AM
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The peasents all turn to look at the group behind them, blinking. Was...was that a song and dance number? A tall, shirtless, extremely buff man in suspenders walked out from among the crowd and stood there, silently staring, judging, before saying "So." He said, staring, arms on his hips, his muscles bulging as he stared. "'You want to try and save this witch, eh? Well, we in this village have a policy..."

They appear to be getting in position, and OH GOD THEY'RE BREAKING INTO A MUSICAL NUMBER

To the tune of Macho Man...

The man flexes, dancing as he sung "So you wanna save this Witch..." He said, squeezing his back muscles in tune to the singing "Well, we in this village have a policy!" The villagers drag out a table from gods know where as he dances, flexing a she sung "There's just one way to prove this witch is innocent!" He said, leaping up to the table and slamming his gigantic, muscular, bulging arm into it shoulder first. "You gotta..." The village broke into chorus "Oh you gotta! You gotta! You gotta!" They dancing and sung the lyrics of Macho Man for awhile, until at the end of the musical number, the mayor said "And to be a macho man, and prove he's not a witch worth hanging, you must arm wrestle me and win!" He said, flexing his arm.
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Old Aug 17th, 2012, 04:51 PM
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"1-2-3 Not It! Which one of you is a nacho man?" She looks around, eventually deciding on the kitty. If anything, he'd be a good distraction while everyone else got in position to murder the mayor for Undescribed but Totally Heinous Acts of Cheating.
EDIT: My brain is fight. Awkward MRIs don't help. Expect delays.
A satyr rises in the morning, and hangs the coffee mug on his horns, so that he won't lose it.
The coffee is done, but the mug isn't in its usual spot. Where did it go? He forgot.
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Old Aug 17th, 2012, 07:07 PM
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"Arm wrestling... how lucky! I just finished stretching not five minutes ago." After the coordinated number is over, Sina steps forward, locking her gaze onto the buff mayor. Now THAT is a kind of diplomacy that she can handle.

"Victory equals innocence, huh?" She starts cracking her knuckles. "Fine by me! I'll whup you so hard that your 'witch' is gonna turn into a little girl scout." She is, of course, referring to a certain order of young, female vigilantes, widely known for their respect towards the law and their cookie baking prowess.

She walks towards the mayor, rolling up her coat's right sleeve and revealing her own well-defined arm muscles. She then looks back at her companions. "You guys should come closer. When it comes to trials, the more witnesses, the better." Facing the mayor again, Sina lays her arm on the table and hovers her hand inches away from his, ready to start wrestlin' at any time.
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Old Aug 18th, 2012, 04:34 AM
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The catfolk puts his paws over his ears at all the singing, even though Tulip's wasn't that horrible it simply hurt to listen to the lyrics. He certainly wasn't going to be the one arm wrestling, spindly little things that he had. He'd probably leave it to the half-elf, or perhaps the small dog.
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