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Old Aug 18th, 2012, 07:23 AM
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Paderau took a closer inspection of the half-elf. There was a certain something about the girl; a quality he couldn't quite put a finger on. He frowned curiously at Sina and furrowed his brow in concentration.

"Have... have we met before?" he mused to Sina. As he walked closer, her unique scent filled his nostrils, and a vague impression of several memories arose in Paderau's mind. They were extremely distinct, and in fact they reminded him of something...


It made no sense. But somehow, he had gained enough instinctive knowledge to make a distinct decision. "I'm stepping down for this round, lass. Get mad if you need to."

Last edited by Akeii; Aug 18th, 2012 at 07:23 AM.
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Old Aug 18th, 2012, 11:40 AM
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Ambereye instinctively touched her nose as she heard the blob shout out in counting, "Not It!". She didn't see the rest of the group do so, and figured that it was a gnome thing. Well, a gnome and slimy blob thing.

As Sina moved towards the mayor, Ambereye had no intention of stepping up in her place, She had enough trouble carrying around the contents of her backpack, if it was unpacked. At sina's request that the rest of the group come forward as witnesses, Ambereye actually took a step back, "Actually I'm farsighted. I see best from about 20 feet away. Anything closer, and I'm uncomfortable." Amber has every intention of making sure she was 20 feet away.

20 feet away from the mayor that is.

Last edited by Insacrum; Aug 18th, 2012 at 11:40 AM.
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Old Aug 20th, 2012, 12:22 AM
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The mayor laughs as he flexes his biceps, his muscles bulging as he stares at all of them in turn. "Alright then, lets wrestle!" He shouted, grabbing the half-elf's hand in his meaty mitt and squeezing, beginning to put the force of ten gorillas behind his mighty, veiny bicep. Behind him the crowd oohed and ahhed as they gathered around, watching the arm wrestling, most of the crowd chanting the Mayor's name, but a few chanting "Half elf!"

OOCGrapple check please, Fairman. Add your STR bonus.
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Old Aug 20th, 2012, 01:45 PM
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Tulip sauntered over to the table, her Guitar neatly strung to her back and her hands in her pockets she squats down as she reaches it. Her eyes just peek over the top of it, level with the surface and she is seemingly content to pluck the strings seemingly aimless but as Sina begins to grapple the plucking turns to quiet strums and at the peak of the struggle a violent passionate riff is brought forth filling Sina with Confidence, she believes she can definitely beat this 'Village people' Wannabe.

ActionsInspire Copmetence in Sina. +2 bonus to her grapple attempt if Allowed. If not then the jam has simply been thrown down for Atmosphere!
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Old Aug 21st, 2012, 12:44 PM
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Ambereye watches as the group gathers in front of her. She thinks it odd that some of the members of the crowd that was ready to burn the lizard headed priest are now starting to chant for Sina. With the crowd so engrossed in the strength of arms being displayed for all, Ambereye decides that now might be a good time to have a talk with the previously mentioned lizard headed man.

Ambereye decides to leave her previous post focused on the mayor, and heads over to the priest attached to the post while Steath Check: 24avoiding the attention of the crowd gathered around the arm wrestling contest.

OOCAssuming that no one notices me, this might be a good chance for me to free to priest and walk away with him.
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Old Aug 22nd, 2012, 01:05 AM
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OOCThis is fine.

InscarumWhile most of the crowd fails to notice you, a few eagle eyed members of it keep a close eye on Ambereye, one of them, a old, rather brutish orc wearing a frilly cap, backing up so that he was in Ambereye's path. There was no way that wasn't intentional, and it served as a warning - they were watching her.
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Old Aug 28th, 2012, 08:46 AM
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The mayor grunted and wheezed as the two locked in mortal arm combat, arms bulging and veins throbbing as the two put will against will, brute force against brute force, arm wrestling might against arm wrestiling might. But at last, a victor came to show. With a roar of the crowd, Sina slammed down the mayor's arm, who looked at the half elf for a moment then bowed his head in awe. "It would seem the gods have decided that the witch is innocent." IIIIIIMMM NOOTT EVEEN A WIIIITTCH" "Right, release him." The mayor said, standing up with a grunt, flexing to cause the sweat on his body to literally cascade off of him as the preist stumbled to the group, rubbing his palms with a look of anger. At least he wasn't dead! "Seeemmmss I owweee youuuss a debt. Did theee maaassster, he who roaarrsss above, sseenndd you?" He said, dusting himself off as he glared at the villagers, who seemed to have gone into a furious debate about who was the better arm wrestler. The mayor meanwhile flexing and lifting things, clearly disraught over his loss,, apparently flexing so hard that little fist-shaped fireballs exploded from his muscles and collided into a nearby mountain.
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Old Aug 31st, 2012, 09:32 AM
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Ambereye is happy to see that Sina managed to defeat the mayor. This would be one less fight that the group would have to deal with. While waiting for the villagers to untie the Lizard Priest, she noticed that the mayor was distraught over having lost the fight. 'Well, in truth, he isn't a witch... he's a priest.'

Once the priest is loose, and handed over, she starts to giggle at his comment. "Well if you consider a well timed burp to be a roar from above, then sure. That's who sent us." After this comment, she aims her pistol at the man, waiting for him to make any sudden movements.

Last edited by Insacrum; Aug 31st, 2012 at 12:56 PM.
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Old Aug 31st, 2012, 10:19 AM
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throwing her guitar over her shoulder so it hangs down her back, Tulip watches as the mountain nearby begins to crumble a little, silently relieved they didn't have to fight the man. Approaching the priest she ignores whatever it is he was saying and roots in her backpack...

eventually she pulls out a pair of glistening manacles and Slaps them onto his wrist pulling him close.

"Try run and not even you're god will be able to help you" she leans over him her face appearing slightly manic for a hint of a second.

Last edited by TristineEndelwood; Aug 31st, 2012 at 10:19 AM.
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Old Aug 31st, 2012, 01:55 PM
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"In truth, we're here on behalf of someone else entirely, we just need to find your master so we can aggressively negotiate with him for the return of something he has which we need. Given that we just saved your life, I think that your intervention on our behalf and a good word with your deity would not be out of the question. If you disagree, I think we can certainl let those people have a second chance at witch burning, I do so hate to waste a good fire." The cat bared his teeth during his needlessly hostile conversation. The lizard being would likely have helpd them, he just really liked watching the edibles squirm. Plus he had to keep this one in line lest all the other creatures start disrespecting him. He didn't want to have to put his foot down, but when the going gets tough the catfolk gets angry.

Last edited by NightSky; Aug 31st, 2012 at 01:55 PM.
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Old Sep 2nd, 2012, 12:55 AM
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"Well, that depends. Did we bring the marshmallows for the fire?" Upon realizing that no, no one brought the marshmallows, Kriss supposes they can let Raptor Jesus go. Just this once. "Still, I don't suppose you could enlighten us? Maybe a business card?" Kriss, of course, had never actually seen a business card, much less one from a Dinosaur God. She did think she understood the general concept, though, and it sounded like a useful thing to get.
EDIT: My brain is fight. Awkward MRIs don't help. Expect delays.
A satyr rises in the morning, and hangs the coffee mug on his horns, so that he won't lose it.
The coffee is done, but the mug isn't in its usual spot. Where did it go? He forgot.

Last edited by Fragmaster01; Sep 2nd, 2012 at 12:56 AM.
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Old Sep 2nd, 2012, 01:50 PM
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"Whoa now; we can't just kill him because it's convenient!" cried Paderau, alarmed. "The lizard still might be innocent! Leaving him now would be like slaying the fellow in cold blood. Well, I suppose his blood would still be..."

He paused. "That's beside the point!" Flattening his ears, he walked up close to the priest. "Right now I'm probably the only one here who would rather not see you turn into a lizard kebab. But I'm not your friend, friend. If you want my support, you've got several seconds to convince me that you deserve it."

Last edited by Akeii; Sep 2nd, 2012 at 01:50 PM.
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Old Sep 5th, 2012, 01:51 AM
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The priest snorted, clearly unfazed by the threats, but nodded as Paderau came close. "Fiinnallly, ssssomeone who'sss sssaanne arounnnd here!" He said as he looked them all over, his eyes slowly blinking before he said. "Riiiight, iff youuu wannnttt mee to telll youu thaatt, ffirst, you wwiilll haavvee tooo hellpp mee with ssomething. Nothing larrrge, jussst a sssmall favor." The priest said, gesturing behind them, towards a nearby...what appeared to be a monestary of sorts. "Youuu ssseeee, wweeee havvvee falleennn out of ccoonntact with the ggrreeaattt onneee beeecauusee ourr teemmple wassss overrun by ssssspiders. Iffff youu wouulld hellp usssss clearrr it ouuttt, I coouulldd aaattt lllleeeeasst ssseet up a auddieence for youuu" Sneering and sneezing, the raptor-man squirmed his arms. "Ittt would be niccceee iff at sssome point, theeesssee cuffsss were removed asss well."
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Old Sep 11th, 2012, 10:07 AM
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Ambereye looked among the rest of the group, trying to discern their thoughts about removing some spiders from a temple. Granted the guy could be using the word spider to describe almost anything that wasn't a lizard walking on two legs.

"Can you describe these spiders? Are they the normal eight legged things you step on, or are they a little bigger, with possibly some intelligence to them?"
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Old Sep 12th, 2012, 08:14 AM
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Tulip knelt down to get face to face with the lizard.

"We just saved you're ass from the big cess pool in the sky and deprived an entire cannibalistic village of it's Lizard á la stick for tonight. If anything I'd say you owe US a favour."
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