You can sell any item for +20% over book in town, and of course keep any item you found. The town did offer to pay you, if I recall, for your trouble ascertaining the problem. If you don't have that already logged I can go back and look for it.
Anodyzed |
The offer to pay was when we had the town meeting and the fire? If you can dig that up that would be great.
I'll calculate the values of the above masterwork items. Does that +20% include valuation of the painting, hairclips and war medallion? The five items were left behind in the room they were found, I believe. We could always go retrieve them. What does everyone think? I thought they were all cursed: "So, back to the items. ALL cursed in some manor. Some of them are not good for the person touching them, some not good for the person carrying them, some also not good for the prisoner they represent, or his 'minions' (some of which you've already defeated)."
---------------------------_/ /\/\ /\/ ----------------------------- mike@noozoo.com |
The weapons are:
Adding it all up in gp value (gold plus weapons plus art items): 500 + 1.2x (100+302+602+328+ 40 + 100 + 35) = 2308.4gp or 461gp, 6sp, 8cp each (Chemistry, Brax, Kat, Cronus, Kazgar -- that's everyone, right?) If my assumptions and calculations are correct.
---------------------------_/ /\/\ /\/ ----------------------------- mike@noozoo.com |
I went back and looked, the offer after the fire, was 500 GP each. None of what you listed above are cursed.
Anodyzed |
Yeah, I realize none of these are cursed. The ones we think are cursed are back at the prison where we found them. They were a flute, a spell book, a hammer? and a few others.
So, are my calculations correct, and can we sell those items (not the cursed ones)? And has the town council payed us (we can roleplay that or just FF through it; I'm good with either but would rather FF). If so we should each add 500gp + 461gp, 6sp, 8cp for the found loot, so 961,6,8 each to our character sheets.
---------------------------_/ /\/\ /\/ ----------------------------- mike@noozoo.com Last edited by noozoo; Apr 8th, 2021 at 03:33 PM. |
FF is fine, Totals are good.
As for selling or otherwise getting rid of the five items, we can address them individually. Some you might actually want to keep(?).
Anodyzed |
Chemistry does not really want to drive a wagon. What skill/strength does it really need? Brax could, surely, but he also may prefer his own horse.
Another option is we all just get horses. Kendra is having most of her stuff shipped later anyways. Light horse 75gp (+35 for combat trained) Riding Saddle, bit and bridle 12gp Saddlebags 4gp Chemistry would like a combat trained light horse, with all that gear, so 126gp. Also a medium tent (we should buy three, to hold six people) 15 gp And some food for the trip.
---------------------------_/ /\/\ /\/ ----------------------------- mike@noozoo.com |
pack horses then for the rest of the gear (Kendra has several bags) would be the price of regular horses.
Anodyzed |
Kazgar, dwarf, won't be riding a horse, or anything else, either
gaming since 1980 Jethandun, Conan: to save a kingdom Prr'Estorr, Star Trek Dark Nebula Shen Lo, Kara-Tur: Fall |
Is it really hard to drive a cart? What skill/strength is needed?
---------------------------_/ /\/\ /\/ ----------------------------- mike@noozoo.com |
Driving a cart does not require "Handle Animal" unless you attempt something unusual. No strength checks again unless something unusual happens.
Anodyzed |
Then I recommend no wagon tricks, and we get a wagon. We can all take turns driving it. Someone can ride Chemistry's new horse when she's behind the reins of the wagon.
---------------------------_/ /\/\ /\/ ----------------------------- mike@noozoo.com |
Uploaded the updated pdf sheets Cronus bought one horse for the wagon and a horse to ride and Kat bought the wagon and one horse for it and a horse to ride
Cronus also bought a bunch of rations and they both bought a medium tent
I come in peace |
I didn't see the sheets for Cronus or Kat. Will go back and look. Are they in the Character forum?
Also, since we're only waiting on Braxious, I'll send him a message to get on the stick. I printed Chemistry's level 5 character already. Thanks! STill need Kazgar's level 5 sheet also.
Anodyzed |
I took out the old sheets and replaced them with the new sheets same post same forum
I come in peace |
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