She/Her || DM Village Survival || DM Knights of Justice || DM War of the Spider Queen
I have risen once more. Arn is here.
Goal is to make love with her elf girlfriend before this game explodes. |
Glad to see you all.
When the team is together and decided on the route, I'd like you to assign the roles as described on p.165 of the Player's Guide. If you take enough dried / smoked food, you won't need a hunter for this journey.
I believe we all should have 7 days worth of rations in our starting Season packs but we have enough survival skills between us that hunting shouldn't be an issue.
I'm willing to let someone else take lead as the Guide if they really want to Role but Roan's Class abilities are ideally suited to it, As the route is through his "known lands" if he is the guide he will lower the Peril Rating by 2 on the journey and his Ways of the Wilds ability will allow him to fill any missing roles needed if he is Guide as well. His Survival Skill Total and Wisdom Bonus will mean that the GMs Embarkation roll is going to effectively be at 1D20+12/+13 (Depending on how you round +1.5 wisdom bonus) minus peril rating Rue's talents seem to lend themselves well to either the Scout or the Lookout roles (Stealth, Investigation and Perception). The others might be best suited for a second Scout, Hunter or Lookout and providing Rue or Roan advantage through Aid/Help actions, unless you have class abilities of your own i am unaware off which might help? Just my two cents worth of course ![]() |
Roan should be guide.
Rue is on top of Lookout or Scout but she can only be one right? Maybe she can aid another on the second role?
She/Her || DM Village Survival || DM Knights of Justice || DM War of the Spider Queen
Last edited by Ysolde; Nov 29th, 2022 at 11:32 PM. |
Wren is set up to provide Help (if possible) to whoever would be most useful. He's really only good if we get an encounter that can be handled socially.
Apologies for the delay. There is a myriad of reasons. I do find myself a little lost as to what we are doing/where we are going.
So long, and thanks for all the fish ~Douglas Adams
Last edited by Saratek; Nov 30th, 2022 at 02:28 PM. |
She/Her || DM Village Survival || DM Knights of Justice || DM War of the Spider Queen
Last edited by Ysolde; Nov 30th, 2022 at 02:42 PM. |
Did we have a rumor of who did it?
And I understand the boy wants to go with? And we're allowing that?
So long, and thanks for all the fish ~Douglas Adams
All we have right now is Erland, squire to master Sigvall arrived claiming that they had been attacked by Bandits 3 days south of Laketown.
Sigvall and the others have taken refuge in a ruined fort, which Roan believes is likely to be the ancient ruined fort north of the old forest road, East of the long marshes. the boys wounds were either blades or claws so really could be anyone or anything at this point. Rue has yet to let us know but it looks like the boy arrived by boat but Roan has asked Arn to get us some horses so we can use the river road to get to the fort. Adds a little time to the journey to leave by road and circle the lake but we should still be able better time on horseback than we would taking the same boat directly then hoofing it on foot The boy wants to go and he's been lead to believe we will let him, but hopefully Eydis will convince Healer Lomund to put the boy to sleep when he treats his wounds, hopefully long enough so we can get a good enough head start that he wont be involved. Arn is using her status as a knight to get us some horses. i think that's everything? |
Okay. I'd missed the claws thing, but it doesn't seem like there is/was anything for Wren to add, so...
So long, and thanks for all the fish ~Douglas Adams
All good. you didn't miss anything, truthfully the claws things was a private aside between me and GM because i rolled pretty badly on a wound investigation, so really it could just be a simple sword wound, Roan just doesn't know enough to be sure one way or another
◈ Roan is probably the Guide ◈ is Rue the Lookout or Scout? ◈ Wren will help someone else ◈ what about Arn? |
I'll also provide help, I am not good in anything other than being pretty Athletic and good with the blade.
- Roan as guide for his abilities - Rue as lookout for her perception - Wren as scout for his investigation skills (finding tracks) - Arn as whatever else is needed
She/Her || DM Village Survival || DM Knights of Justice || DM War of the Spider Queen
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