Name: Roan / The Roan / Maracar
Culture: Woodmen of Wilderland
Class: Wanderer
Archetype: Hunter of Beasts
Virtues: Hound of Mirkwood
Standard of Living: Frugal
Age: 23
Background: Lure of the RoadDistinctive Quality: Hardy
Speciality: Trading
Hope: Absence makes the heart grow fonder; only by leaving the familiar can we better appreciate it
Despair: My experiences against the Shadow may come back to haunt me. I don’t want to be home when that happens. It would put my kin in grave danger!Shadow Weakness: Wandering Madness
Appearance & Personality: Like most of his kinsmen, Roan is tall (6' 1) and athletic from a life of struggle and survival outdoors, his skin deeply tanned and weather-worn, he carries his years heavily, looking older than his age. His eyes are a dark steel grey and unlike most of the other light haired woodmen, he was born with dark brown hair, flecked with white even at a young age, which earned him his nickname of The Roan, like the horse.
His clothing is practical and well worn with no flourishes or ostentatious flair, well suited to the wandering life of a rover but out of place in high society. Just one of the many reasons Roan avoids such situations, even if he does have experience in negotiation and diplomacy, his years of travel and interacting with foreign merchants and traders have made him well versed in social situations, he may not be a fan of them but he can fake it enough to get by.
Given his appearance and his profession as a guide and hunter (and his culture as a woodsmen), you would expect Roan to be a sullen, serious character but the truth is, amongst his friends and those "of the road" he is quite the storyteller and practical joker, much more comfortable around a campfire or a tavern hearth, telling tall tales and making jokes. "Life is hard, so when you can enjoy its pleasures just as hard" As he says. Despite this mentality, which has gotten him into some trouble at times, when it is time to be serious and fulfil his duties as a Guide for the company, he becomes the stereotypical Stoic woodsmen people expect, He would never forgive himself if he failed his duties to his new family and one of the company was hurt through his own lack of attention to his job.
Background: Maracar was born and raised in the Vale of Anduin, one of the Woodmen who made their home in the settlement of Woodland Hall. Like all woodmen, especially those so close to the Mirkwood (Although he always preferred to refer to it as the Greenwood), he was raised to be a hunter and defender of his community against the Shadows, specifically in the case of Woodland Hall, the Orcs and Spiders who made frequent attempts to enter their community.
Maracar, who as per tradition was always called by his nickname, The Roan, due to the white flecks in his otherwise black hair, mottled like the colouring of the Roan Horse, was blessed, or perhaps cursed with uncommon agility and wisdom, and excelled at both Archery and Woodcraft, destined to be one of their best hunters and trackers. But like so many young men he possessed the arrogance of youth, one greater than most due to his talents and seeking to prove himself, the then 16 year old Roan sought out the nest of the spiders which plagued his village, believing himself capable of eliminating them permanently and stopping the frequent raids on their home.
Of course Fate had other ideas, and as could be expected he didn't even come close to destroying the nest as he intended, what he did accomplish however was slaying some of the more prominent spiders of the cluster and drawing the wrath of their queens, who proceeded to take their revenge on this excursion into their nests with even more attacks on Woodland Hall.
As always the Woodmen defended themselves and pushed back the Spiders, and although he was punished for his foolishness, none of the woodmen truly held Roan to blame, they had all done similar things in their youth, though none came as close as Maracar did to drawing the Ire of the Spiders. Roan however did blame himself, and over the months that followed, with every attack by the Shadows, he became convinced that the Spiders were targeting him specifically to enact revenge, perhaps he was just paranoid and feeling guilt over his foolishness but whenever a spider managed to break the walls, it seemed to come for him over the others.
Fearing that his presence in the village was endangering the lives of his Kinsmen, Roan made the difficult decision to leave until it was safe for his return and forced himself into self-imposed Exile, taking to wandering the Great Lands with his Hound, Grey. For the next few years, Roan has lived the life of the Rover, making a living as a guide, trader, messenger and just about any job he could turn his hand too, as long as it didn't involve staying in any one place very long.
Roan's route usually takes him south from Woodland Hall in the Upper Vales, down the Great river and into the Brown Lands, skirting east around the tip of the Southern Mirkwood and then North through East Rhovanion and into the Nether Marshes, from there he often travels north to Iron Hills then West through the upper marshes to Esgaroth, or more directly through the Upper Marshes, Rarely he will follow the Celduin River through the Long Marshes directly up river to Esgaroth but he isn't a fan of that route, or any path taking him directly through the Mirkwood, although he is familiar with them. It is only recently that Roan will consider a route through portions of the Mirkwood, for many years he avoided them, which lead to his established route back and forth around the Southern Mirkwood.
Roan searches endlessly for a way to put right his mistake and find a way to remove the threat of the Spiders to his home, collecting tales and stories in the hopes of finding a way but this is likely madness on his part and an endless unfulfilling quest. But he searches anyway, longing to return him. As at ease as he seems on the Road, just him and Grey, the truth is Roan misses his family and his community fiercely and longs for their companionship but he knows he can't return yet. It was this longing which has led to him recently joining a band of Mercenaries, an almost surrogate family to help with his longing for companions. a compromise on his part, their roaming profession ideally suited to the Wanderer.
Mercenary Connections & Thoughts: Born and raised amongst the woodmen of Woodland Hall, Roan grew up in a very close knit community, family and clan is everything to the woodmen and despite his own self imposed exile and the wanderlust in his soul, he still misses that sense of family. But until he is safe from his fate, he cannot stay in one place too long or he will bring danger to his family. Serving with a mercenary company is the next best thing, a close community of individuals to help fight the loneliness of life on the road but with a group which travels more than the woodmen, like him never settling in one place for long as they search for work and fame.
Roan might not always agree with the Jobs the group takes on but he is pragmatic enough to know that in dark times, sometimes you have to do things outside of your comfort zone to survive in this world. the wilds are harsh and unforgiving of sentimentality, Roan has travelled enough in the dark places to know that what he has to do, isn't who he is inside, it is a small consolation when what he has to do is not strictly moral but for now it is enough for him. Until he can deal with his fate and return to his family, he will do what needs to be done.
NPC Relationships:
Vidar A Dwarf of the Iron Hills who runs The Spark and Stone Tavern. Honest and Fair in his dealings, Vidar delights in speaking in Riddles and is more than willing to trade room and food for new riddles and tales with his friends. Luckily for Roan, his travels let him collect stories and riddles from across the great lands and the red bearded dwarf considers him a friend whenever the wanderer's travels bring him to the Iron Hills
Lomund, Son of Dag - An Elder and Master Healer of Esgaroth, Lomund is one of the only men Roan trusts to help take care of Grey and the stern serious scholar has made it known many times that if Roan ever visits lake-town and does not let him check to make sure he is taking care of the Hound properly on his travels then he will be having words with the Bowmen of Laketown and it is Roan who will find himself in need of the healer's talents. Roan is only half sure he is making a joke.
Runa, Daughter of Lomund Youngest Daughter of Lomund and swiftly becoming a scholar of renown in her own right like her father, although her speciality appears to be in the Natural World and Beasts more than the healing arts of her father. It was this common interest between them and her aiding her Father caring for Grey on occasion which introduce the pair to each other and has lead many to believe there has been dalliances between her and the Wanderer when he comes to Laketown, and likely explains Lomund's increase threats of the Bowmen when Roan comes to town
Stat Block
Roan / Maracar
Chaotic Neutral | Woodsman of Wilderland - Lure of the Road | Wanderer - Hunter of Beasts
HP: 28 |
AC: 14 (16 with Shield) |
Initiative: +3 |
Passive Perception: 15 (17 Wilderness) |
Speed: 30 |
Proficiency Bonus: +2
STR 10 (+0) |
DEX 16 (+3) |
CON 14 (+2) |
INT 10 (+0) |
WIS 16 (+3) |
CHA 10 (+0)
Str Save +2 | Dex Save +3 | Con Save +4 | Int Save +0 | Wis Save +3 | Cha Save +0 |
Weapons: Heavy, Two-Handed, Ammunition, Ranged (150/600). +7 Attack (1D8+3 Damage) Great bow |
Versatile (1D10) +5 Attack (1D8 Damage) Axe |
Finesse, Light, Thrown (20/60). +5 Attack (1D4+3 Damage) Hunting Knife
Features and Abilities: Common Speech, Vale of Anduin/Dalish, Free Folk, Trade Tongues Languages |
Armor: Light, Medium, Shields
Weapons: Simple & Martial Weapons
Tools: None
Skills: Animal Handling:+5, Tradition:+2, Nature:+2, Lore: +2, Perception:+5, Survival (Expertise):+7
Enhanced Skills: Tracking (Advantage):+9, Investigate (Hound Assist with Advantage):+4, Perception (Wilderness):+7, Stealth (Advantage - Known Lands):+3, Wilderness Related Int and Wis skills +2 additional in Known LandsProficiencies
Wanderer Traits: |
Long years spent roaming over the land have given you vast amounts of knowledge about some of the regions of Middle-earth. You know the terrain of such lands like the backs of your hands and your lore can seem almost unnatural to any companions travelling with you. At 1st level, choose 3 regions + a number of regions equal to your Wisdom modifier from the Middle-earth maps. When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to a land
you know, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill you are proficient in.
When you are travelling in one of your Known Lands you gain the following benefits:
• If any part of a journey passes through a land you know, the DC of your personal Event tests are lowered by 2.
• If the entire journey passes through lands you know, and you act as Guide, you lower the Peril Rating of the Journey by 2.
• You have advantage when making Wisdom saving throws against Corruption caused by Blighted lands you know.
• You cannot become lost under normal circumstances.
• You know at least one place in each Known Land where you can safely take a long rest: a settlement where you have friends, perhaps, or a hidden cabin in the
woods or simply a dry and defensible cavern or secret glade.
• You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) ability checks and can move stealthily at a normal pace.
• While tracking other creatures, you automatically learn their exact number, their sizes and how recently they passed through the area.
At both 6th and 10th level you choose an additional number of Known Lands equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier, with a minimum of 1. With the Loremaster’s permission, you can save these Known Lands until you start exploring new areas – once chosen, they cannot be changed. Known Lands |
You have a great deal of experience from travelling through the wilderness and surviving the various dangers that the wild constantly offers. At 1st level, you have advantage on all Wisdom (Survival) ability checks when tracking others through the wilderness.
If you act as a company’s Guide on a journey, you are considered to be assuming all vacant travelling roles (you are considered to ‘fill in’ as the company’s Hunter, Scout and Look-out at the same time, if no other companion is already covering that role).
At 6th level, your time in the Wild has taught you that only those that strike fast and hard live to fight another day. When fighting in the wilderness, your first round of attacks in every combat has advantage.
At 14th level, you can no longer be ambushed and cannot be surprised in the wilderness. Ways of the Wild |
At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.
Archery You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons Fighting Style |
Also at 2nd level, whether travelling, exploring or even resting, you have learned to constantly pay attention to the sights and sounds of the world about you. When in the wilderness, your proficiency bonus for Perception is doubled, if you are proficient in Perception. Natural Watchfulness |
Also starting at 3rd level, when you stretch yourself upon the ground with your ear pressed against the turf you can decipher the sounds of the earth. You can hear it groan when the enemy treads upon it, or echo the distant gallop
of horses, or sing in tune with the rushing of tumbling waters.
Between each long rest, you may make a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) ability check. On a success, the Loremaster must give you a useful piece of information about a quarry you are hunting or a place you are seeking. If you get 25 or higher as a result, the information gleaned may very well seem near-miraculous to others. Rumor of the Earth |
You can track your quarry across many miles, and bring it down with a well-placed arrow or swift blow. Some folk in Middle-earth rely on hunters for both sustenance and protection; the Woodmen of Mirkwood, for example, are kept safe from Spiders and other horrors by the arrows of
their Hunters. Others, like the Elves, hunt for sport, or for the joy of the chase – or hunt two-legged prey, trespassers and despoilers of the wood. Wanderer Archetype - Hunter of Beasts |
Beginning at 3rd level, you double your proficiency bonus when making Wisdom (Survival) ability tests to track a creature. Furthermore, you may substitute Survival for Investigation when making deductions based on tracks,spoors and other physical traces Tracker
Woodsan of Wilderlands Traits: Your Dexterity score increases by 1 and you may increase two additional ability scores
by 1. Ability Score Increase |
Woodmen don’t usually become adventurers before their 16th year of age, and rarely continue beyond their forties, when they retire to serve their family and folk Adventuring Age |
Most Woodmen stand between 5 and 6 feet tall.
Your size is Medium. Size Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Speed |
You have proficiency in the Survival skill Woodcrafty |
You gain one Woodmen of Wilderland Cultural Virtue of your choice. Virtue |
You can speak the Vale of Anduin Tongue – an archaic version of the Common Speech, closely related to Dalish Language
Background: You are a rover; the road calls to you and you must answer. Sometimes, rare years, you return home to friends and family, but it does not take long before you start longing for the next adventure, to explore a new land, or meet unusual people.
You aren’t limited to roads or the towns that dot them. No, you’d just as happily camp within a cave in the Misty Mountains or make a lonely camp in a deep wood than
settle down in a roadside inn for the evening. Not even the Shadow will deter you from traversing every nook and cranny in this part of the world, no matter how dark and dangerous. Lure of the Road |
Animal Handling, Lore Skill Proficiencies |
As a seasoned traveller you have an uncanny ability to predict the weather; you can ‘smell’ rain or snow earlier than others or sense when a fog is about to roll in. You also know the best places to shelter from sudden storms and
which areas to avoid. You have well-established habits and the ability to quickly forage what you need before settling in to wait out a storm. You also have a good grasp of creature habits in various types of weather conditions; you know where bears hibernate and where a Goblin band is likely to camp when a storm hits. Weather-Lore |
Those afflicted with the Lure of the Road, sometimes called rovers, tend to be adventuresome souls, always looking to explore a new land or return to an old haunt just to see what’s changed since they’ve last visited. Rovers are self-reliant and used to travelling alone, although they do enjoy the company of other travellers. Rovers also enjoy collecting stories from far-off lands, motivating them to visit the places they mention. Suggested Characteristics |
Your body is used to long hours on the road. You are rarely tired and you weather extreme conditions well. Distinctive Quality - Hardy |
You have met many different types of people in your journeys; you’ve gained considerable skill in diplomacy and negotiation. Characters who have often had to deal with merchants in foreign countries have generally picked up a word or two in various local languages, and can state their intentions fairly clearly, as long as they do not need to communicate overly complex or profound matters Speciality - Trading |
Absence makes the heart grow fonder; only by leaving the familiar can we better
appreciate it Hope |
My experiences against the Shadow may come back to haunt me – I don’t want to be home when that happens. It would put my kin in grave danger! Despair
Virtue: Your folk have always delighted in training great, longjawed hounds, stronger than wolves. You have chosen a wolfhound of Wilderland to accompany you in your wanderings and the faithfulness of your hound reinforces your spirit.
Raise your maximum Wisdom score by 1 point.
Add your proficiency bonus to the Hound’s AC, attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws and skills. Its hit points are equal to four times your level. The Hound heals using your Hit Dice. The Hound obeys your commands and stays by your side. On your turn, you may use your action to command the Hound to take an Attack, Dash, Dodge, Disengage or Help action. If you have the Extra Attack feature, you can make one weapon attack yourself while commanding your hound to Attack.
The training of a Hound of Mirkwood is an endeavour in itself; the teachings of Radagast have turned this craft into an art. When you first choose this virtue, your Hound learns to assist you with one skill as described underSupport below. You can train him to Support additional skills, as well as to Fight in combat, as a separate undertaking during later Fellowship phases, as follows:
You can train your Hound to assist you in one activity. A dog can be trained to support you when making any one of the following ability checks: Charisma (Intimidation), Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception). It takes a Fellowship phase worth of training to teach your dog to complete an additional task.
When you make ability checks using one of your Hound’s trained skills, you gain advantage, and count as proficient in the skill even if you are not – if you are proficient, you get to double your proficiency bonus.
As a Fellowship phase undertaking, you may train your Hound to Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge or Help without requiring a command from you. Each action takes a
separate Fellowship phase to train your Hound. Hound of Mirkwood
Known Lands: Anduin Vales, The Mirkwood, Brown Lands, Nether Marshes, Upper Marshes, East Rhovanion.
Shadow Weakness: Wandering Madness
Stat Block
Hound of Mirkwood | Medium Beast
STR 13 (+1) |
DEX 14 (+2) |
CON 12 (+1) |
INT 3 (-4) |
WIS 12 (+1) |
CHA 7 (-2)
Armour Class: 14 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points: 12 (HD for healing is D10)
Speed: 40 ft
Skills: Perception +5
Senses: Passive Perception 15
Keen Hearing and Smell: The Hound has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) ability checks that rely on hearing and smell.
Str Save +3 | Dex Save +4 | Con Save +3 | Int Save -2 | Wis Save +3 | Cha Save +0 |
Actions: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 Hit, Reach 5ft, 1D6+3 Piercing Damage. If the target is a Small or Medium creature, it must succeed at a DC 13 Strength saving throw or have disadvantage on its next attack. Bite