Game Thread Chapter 1 - RPG Crossing
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Old Oct 8th, 2022, 02:25 PM
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Chapter 1

Late spring had brought a surprising amount of warmth to the region. The sun's brightness was blinding to the unprotected eye, and at places the snow covered less ground than the open brown-green soil itself. Since everything was wet to a degree, there was no dust in the air, opening crystal clear sights almost as far as Dale itself. Some claimed to actually see it from the eastern piers.

Vidar was unusually cheerful, and it promised a delicious lunch. Eydis was singing to herself as she served the early birds who showed up, as opposed to her regular remarks about folks loitering instead of working when she thought it was too early for decent people to visit the tavern - any tavern, for that matter.

She greeted the companions with a warm smile. "What would you drink?"

Last edited by PsychicNomad; Oct 8th, 2022 at 02:32 PM.
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Old Oct 8th, 2022, 06:01 PM
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Roan and Grey
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As much as Roan loved the open road, it always felt good when the company returned to friendly ports, and the Woodman was a particular fan of Laketown. Despite the hopefully said in jest threats by Elder Lomund, His first stop with his companions was the Spark and Stone Tavern to have a drink and some food to work the dust of the road off, even though there wasn't any dust in the warm wet air. The Company was familiar enough to the Militia manning the bridge into town and waved them through without any problems, and the Guide led the group to the Tavern by the Elven Quarter near the Watergate

It always brought a smile to Roan's face when he thought of the glee Vidar had whenever he told the story of how upset the elves were when the dwarf decided to open his tavern so close to "their" quarter. Throwing his hood back to enjoy the sun and salt air on his face, Roan smiled at the face's he recognised amongst the people of Laketown. His wanderings had taken him all over many areas of the great lands, with Esgaroth being almost a terminus for his route for many years, he was well known amongst the people, often carrying messages and small parcels south through the marshes to the family members in other hamlets and villages for the residents of Laketown as he and Grey wandered.

Stepping into the Tavern, Roan was happy to see that Vidar had thankfully not lit the hearth and had the windows open to let the cooling sea breeze in. The Tavern was lit brightly as always with many lanterns and candles, Roan could smell the fresh paint on a pair hanging over the bar, no doubt Eydis's handiwork. With the hearth unlit and being so close to the sea, the interior of the Tavern was the perfect cold respite from the unusual seasonal heat. Roan chuckled as he noticed that he wasn't the only one who had come inside out of the heat as he saw one particularly bold seagull stealing food from the bowl of an inattentive patron who had chosen to sit by the window.

Grey bounded around the Bar to greet Eydis happily, the great hound nearly barrelling the Barding woman over in his haste to say hello, though Eydis and Roan both knew he was just being overly friendly to beg for food. Roan gave the woman a warm smile in greeting.

"Eydis, Always such a beautiful sight at the end of a dreary dull journey" Roan commented in Dalish.

"Today i think i will try something unusual, two bowls of your hottest food and a flagon of the Red Ale" he said with a chuckle.

Eydis could only roll her eyes, in all the years he had been coming here, Roan always ordered a Red Ale. And as he placed some coin on the counter top, she didn't reach for them immediately, knowing what was coming. Roan gave her a smile and covered the coins with his hand as he turned to Vidar and called out

"Alright old man!. What Falls but never breaks? What Breaks but never falls?"

It was an old game the friends played, one Roan very rarely beat the Old dwarf at but he knew it made his friend happy when he tried anyway. Vidar was obsessed with riddles, and it was common knowledge that he would give you free food and drink if you could stump him with a new riddle. Roan keep an ear out for new ones on his travels but the dwarf's knowledge of them seemed endless.

the old Dwarf laughed out loud, already in a cheerful mood "Roan my dear boy, you are a wonderful collector of riddles for sure but in a battle of wits between us, the difference is like NIGHT AND DAY" he answered with a grin. Roan chuckled and uncovered the lost coins as Eydis returned with his drink.

"One of these days your going to be buying the drinks old man" Roan commented as he took his drink and found a table, grinning at the few patrons watching him with knowing smiles of their own, like Roan very few of them had managed to best to old Dwarf either

Actions & MovementTurn Summary
Action: Contest of Wits - Roan vs Vidar
Dice Roan Riddle Check:
1D20 11
Dice Vidar Riddle Check:
2D20+10kh1 (16, 14 (keeping 16) )+10 Total = 26

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Old Oct 8th, 2022, 06:48 PM
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Rue pushed her hood down and allowed her golden hair to fan out as stepped into the inn. It was long enough that it kept her ears hidden so that way she wouldn't get too many people wondering about her as she'd found out, nearly seventy years ago now, that keeping a hood up in a tavern actually would get someone more attention rather than less. So, hair out and over her ears was the best way to go and it hid the features that the shadow would be most looking for anyway even if there were a few other elves around town.

Vidar had even opened his tavern near the "elven" quarter of town though Rue felt that the four families hardly counted as a quarter and she suspected they'd be gone within a decade anyway. Would they still consider this the elven quarter then? Probably not, it would be lost like so much else of her people was already lost.

Eydis' song cheered her up a little from the melancholy feelings and the riddle contest between Roan and Vidar made her smirk to herself. Never riddle with a dwarf was a saying her people had and Roan proved it true every time he tried. Her voice was soft and almost unremarkable as she ordered, "Whatever your warm soup is and whatever drink is the hardest mixed with half water." She ordered, knowing that the hard alcohol would ensure she didn't get anything from bad water. Then she put herself as close to the back wall as she could and keeping a wary eye out over the place.



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Old Oct 8th, 2022, 08:04 PM
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Arn, Daughter of Arnulf
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Arn had no love for coming back to the Dales, many bad memories abound, and many more still remember her. Yet, this place holds the best tavern in all the lands s the company say, and she couldn't really complain. It has been months since her knighthood and her stay at Minas Tirith, yet she has grown from a girl that wields a sword to a knight.

She enters the tavern, and gives out a warm smile to Eydis who grace then with a sight of her singing voice and Vidar, who grace them with unusual cheer and his grand riddles. They were a welcoming folk and she's glad to know them. However, her eyes draw on to a girl with golden hair and a voice that's unremarkable yet it has a charm to it, a sense of gentleness and hidden kindness. Rue could immediately hear the sound of clinking of armor approaching her, then suddenly felt metal gauntlets wrapped and constricted her in a hug,"Heh, looks like I caught myself one fine Rue, how have you been. I hope you miss me as much as I miss you, my lady." she says, giving the elf a kiss on the cheek, she then let's go to turn to Eydis,"Lady Proprietress, I'd like to take a more light drink if you will. Had a long day of travel, and still a long ways to go, so I need to keep my head clear."
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Old Oct 9th, 2022, 07:14 PM
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"Wren" Gilbarad, Son of Borondir
Dúnedain Herald Warden

It was certainly a beautiful day, especially when traveling into town over the water. The sunlight had cast down at just the right angle that morning to make the ripples sparkle with light. It had taken 'Wren" longer than the others to reach the agreed upon tavern. After their last job, they'd spread to the four winds knowing there wouldn't be much rest to have before the next. Now they were coming together again, most likely to go on another grand adventure that would not pay nearly what it ought to.

"Wren" could be incredibly noisy if he wanted to be. While the company knew of his heritage; rearing, it wasn't something he promoted. While other Rangers may have chosen to stay out of the limelight, Wren found it easier just to shine as brightly as possible. No one would ever suspect such a loud, bumbling man. As the door swung open, the clanking of the lanky man's pack announced his presence just moments before his eyes lit up as they came to find Eydis.

"Eydis! Looking as radiant as ever. Between your singing and that smile, it really makes this already beautiful day just that much better." Stepping forward, the door swung back to smack Wren in the pack, causing a brief cacophony to jingle from it. As the man moved to the bar, his gaze swept quickly across the room, locking on each of the company for the briefest of acknowledgments before moving on.

Laying his hands on the counter between them, Wren let out a low hum in thought before leading it into, "...You know what? I'll just have my usual: One Mead and One Coffee, if ya have it." Smiling brightly at the woman a moment, waiting for some sense of acknowledgement on her part, as soon as she showed some, the man smiled, again, "Thank you so much, Eydis. I'll be at my usual spot," he told her as he slid away from the counter and made his way towards the back of the tavern.

Clinking and clanking his way to the back, Gilbarad stopped on just the other side of the table from elven woman, an looked down at her as she sat there. Taking in a large, swift breath through his nostrils, the breath left his chest as a hum, "...Now you know that's my shadowy corner." Shrugging his shoulder and expertly dropping the strap into his hand to halt the pack with naught a sound a dagger's width from the floor, the man took a seat across from Rue and dropped an elbow onto the table with a hand raised, "So? Normal rules? Winner gets the chair?"

The man appeared to be challenging the small elf to an arm wrestling contest. This wasn't the first time Wren had done this, but it was clearly some form of joke. If Rue, or anyone, had taken him up on the challenge before, they would quickly realize that he was not a man of impressive strength. Even the lithe elf had a reasonable chance to beat him.

So long, and thanks for all the fish ~Douglas Adams
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Old Oct 10th, 2022, 07:46 PM
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It was, of course, nearly impossible for her to miss Arn the scale wearing woman might as well have announced her presence with her clinking armor though Rue's eyes avoided looing right at the woman and waited for her to move close and put her arms around her. The warm lips on her cheek were nice while the cool metal was less so. Rue kept the smirk on her lips and eyed Arn whispering something in Sindarin, "Time is evil my flowerAnand na ogol nin lóth." After that she moved to their common language being somewhat more cagey in her words, "Ask and elf a question about time and they will tell you about the tree they watched grow a few hundred years ago. Ask an elder about time and they will tell you they remember a time before the sun. Ask one what they miss and each will have their own answer along with a sad story. So here is mine: I remember my sister's child. How he cried and cried with only scant times to breath and maybe be fed. It was annoying, loud, terrible to hear, but when it stopped it would never return again. I missed you like I miss the sound of my sister's child."

She would not have named herself Rue, she supposed, if the tale she told was not sad in some way. She had few memories that weren't in some way and even whatever small happiness she had at being close to Arn was tinged with her own knowledge of how long human lives were. Though, perhaps Rue would perish in battle though, she knew, that thought was no happier than the last.

She sighed and was thankful that Wren came to offer a small challenge. She put her hand to his and smirked as her arm went down to the table. "You'll have to avenge my honor Arn."



Last edited by Ysolde; Oct 10th, 2022 at 07:51 PM.
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Old Oct 10th, 2022, 08:23 PM
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Arn, Daughter of Arnulf
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Arn could never understand her beloved's ancient language, though she can only assume it's a compliment based on a nickname she's given her in Sindarin. Though she wouldn't comment on her lack of understanding, as whenever Rue speaks of her language, she can hear a little bit of emotion from her. Though, it wasn't to last as she goes back to a somewhat grim mood,"... You must miss your nephew dearly, I'm touched that you'd care about me since my departure, my lady. But I hope you won't have to tell a sad story whenever I'm in it." she says, being very much optimistic as usual.

When Wren appeared to challenge Rue to an arm wrestling match. Arn immediately threw her ironed gauntlet on Wren's feet,"If you wish to take my lady's spot, then prepare thy self, Wren. I won't hesitate to go all out if I must." she says, readying her own arm for a wrestling of a lifetime.

Last edited by Onward; Oct 10th, 2022 at 08:24 PM.
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Old Oct 10th, 2022, 10:47 PM
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"Wren" Gilbarad, Son of Borondir
Dúnedain Herald Warden

Wren turned to look up at the Knight from his seated position with a look of expected annoyance, "Arn, we've talked about this. You can't just be goin makin up rules as we go. It's been long established that if you want to sit in the 'Ranger Corner', ya have to beat the Ranger. And no giveaways," the man says, pointing a finger at the woman to emphasize his point.

There was a reason this company choose this tavern at this type of day: privacy. They were the only one that didn't catch Eydis's ire by being so. The proprietors didn't bother the company, and were always sure to ignore whatever foolery was being discussed.

With the stage, or as was always the case the table, set, an epic battle between two legendary competitors commenced. There was an immediate moment of struggle at the go from Wren as the man tried to make quick work of the elf, but Rue would not be so easily defeated. The seconds of stalemate between them seemed to stretch on for minutes, but after watching both clench their jaws and continue to try to out-muscle the other, the elf seemed to have enough as her arm was slowly tilted back until her wrist touched the table.

Wren's arms shot up as he let out a loud, "Woot!" as he came out of his seat, but his enthusiasm was quickly extinguished as he looked to his next challenger who was standing hungrily by. Picking up his pack and standing next to the chair Rue still occupied, the man motioned with his head, since all knew how the game worked.

But he did feel it necessary to remind the knight, "You know if you beat me, you can't be just givin her the chair." Stretching his neck back and forth as he took his seat upon Rue's departure from it, Wren sucked in and huffed out a deep breath before he perched his arm at the ready on the table and looked up to Arn, "If you want the seat, you know what you gotta do."

So long, and thanks for all the fish ~Douglas Adams
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Old Oct 10th, 2022, 11:14 PM
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Arn, Daughter of Arnulf
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Arn was daunted as the ranger defeated her beloved elf down in one go, but she was not going to refuse his challenge,"I know the rules well, Wren." she says, then turns to Rue,"My lady, if I win, you can seat on my lap. I won't hold promises that I'll contain my affection for you." she says with a wink before she sets her arm up for the challenge.

It was the most formidable battle she has ever done ever since she left the Dalelands. Ever since the day she first ever lifted a blade, this was a battle she could not win. It was over as soon as her hand landed down, flat on the table,"Ah, no, I failed." she says, slamming on her pained fist down on the table, then downs her light drink in one go,"... Ah, you have a surprisingly strong arm Wren. My lady, I hope you could forgive me for my failings." she says down casted.

Last edited by Onward; Oct 10th, 2022 at 11:24 PM.
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Old Oct 11th, 2022, 08:49 AM
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Rue slid from the seat and passed by Wren, hands moving so soft and delicate that nearly none would ever notice, then moving behind Arn where she began braiding the dark hair. "Failings? Why I recall a young woman who paid for her own protection. This same woman learned the sword and fought the shadow even though she was afraid. She left the company of someone she cared greatly about just to learn more and become even more powerful. She returns here in scale armor with markings of that power all about her. Surely, nothing could be said about her failings."

She finishes the braid and ties it with a bit of purple ribbon before sitting down next to Wren and dropping his own money pouch before him. "Six silver pennies? Just what have you been doing to deplete your store and does it have anything to do with your newfound strength?"



Last edited by Ysolde; Oct 11th, 2022 at 09:03 AM.
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Old Oct 11th, 2022, 09:02 AM
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Arn, Daughter of Arnulf
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Arn blushed as Rue braided her hair and spoke, well the truth,"My lady... You've always knew how to say the right words whenever I'm down. I may not be as strong for my expectations, but knowing I improve so much coming from you brings me no end of joy." she says as she inspects and braided hair,"Heh, it has been a while since you've styled my hair, I dearly missed your touch." she says as she caressed the purple ribbon to complement her braided hair.

Last edited by Onward; Oct 11th, 2022 at 09:09 AM.
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Old Oct 11th, 2022, 12:55 PM
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Roan and Grey
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Heading for a table by an open window, Roan gave Rue a nod of greeting and a grin as she smirked in his direction, he could guess what she was thinking, she had told him the very same thing several times in the past. Never Riddle with a Dwarf. Roan would just chuckle and shrug his shoulders in response, not that he thought he could actually beat the old dwarf but he was stubborn enough to keep trying, or as he preferred to say, he was charmingly persistent.

Roan wasn't offended when his companion chose to find a table by the back wall in a darkened corner, not that any corner of the Spark and Stone could be called dark with the amount of candles and lanterns Eydis decorated the establishment in, but there was a spot that suited his more silent companions nature better than others, The Ranger Corner.

Self Dubbed by Wren of course, but the name had stuck, and Roan could guess what would happen when their flamboyant extroverted Herald made his appearance, Which he did shortly after Arn arrived. The wanderer was pleasantly surprised to see the young girl had returned from her training, and was looking forward to having her back with the group, not only to see what tricks she had learned with the Blade she was quickly becoming deadly with, but also because of the effect she would have on the Silent Rue. She would deny it of course and threaten to fill him full of arrows if he even suggested it but Rue was noticeably happier when Arn was around.

Eydis had just brought over Roan and Grey's bowls of piping hot stew, the Large Mirkwood hound following the Barding Woman closely, eyeing the food eagerly. The Hound was well trained, Woodland Hall was famous for such training so Grey did wait until Roan took the bowls from Eydis and after giving Greys Bowl most of the chunks of meat from his placed it on the ground, making the hound wait a few moments before giving him the signal to eat, which he did with gusto. Grey was well trained but Vidar's cooking always pushed the hound to his limit. Roan didn't like anyone else feeding Grey, he didn't want to encourage the bad habit of accepting food from people other than him for the dogs own safely but truthfully he wouldn't have objected if Eydis had fed Grey behind the bar where he liked to relax when the Tavern was busy, but he did appreciate the fact she respected him enough to not do it, though he suspected Vidar had been slipping Grey food for a while now from the way the great hound doted on the man

Roan had just started eating his food when the door opened loudly and in came Wren, the tall man juggling a travellers pack which was disturbing loud. Roan stifled a laugh with a spoonful of Stew. He had known the loud, bumbling man for a while now, he knew it was an act. Wren might not follow the traditional mould of the Silent Reserved Dunedain Ranger, but Roan had travelled the roads with the man enough to know that he could be quiet when he needed to be and he knew how to secure a pack so it didn't clank. he had likely loosed some strapping before he was half way across the bridge leading into Laketown.

As he expected, the Ranger made his way to "his shadowy corner" and challenged Rue for the Chair against the wall, and did so in his usual fashion, an Arm-wrestling match, which was an unusual choice for the tall ranger. For all his skills and abilities, Wren was not a physically strong man, perhaps being the weakest in that respect amongst the company, not that Roan himself was a herculean figure either. But then perhaps that was the way of the Men in the Company, they liked to challenge opponents in contests they were weak at, Wren with his arm wrestling and Roan's own battle of wits with Vidar.

Watching his friends as he finished his stew, he was only mildly surprised to see Wren beat Rue after a close match. But what did surprise him greatly was the Warden besting Arn. She might only be a slip of a girl but she was deceptively powerful, her long hours training with armour and blade only making her even stronger so seeing the wiry Ranger pinning her arm was a shock, perhaps there was more to the Warden's acting than just the loud bumbling persona he showed the world.

Seeing the young girl looking so dejected by her defeat, Roan is tempted to step in and try his hand at dethroning the Ranger, he could then lose to Arn "fairly" who he knew would do the same for her Love, not technically against Wren's rules after all but before he had the chance to finish his food and head over his sharp eyes caught the subtle deft movement of Rue's hands as she left her seat and moved around the Ranger under the pretence of braiding Arn's Hair.

Meeting Rue's gaze as she glanced over he gave her another grin and a nod before sitting back down. He knew his companion would not keep the man's coin purse, though he probably deserved it, so he just continued to watch to see how Rue handled things and finished his drink, Grey had gotten bored waiting for Roan to give him more food and heading back behind the Bar to look for someone more susceptible to his begging

Actions & MovementTurn Summary
Bonus Action:
Other: Passive Perception in Laketown - 17

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Old Oct 12th, 2022, 09:51 AM
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"Wren" Gilbarad, Son of Borondir
Dúnedain Herald Warden

Wren was seemingly just as surprised that he'd beat the warrior who he had a long history of losing against. His surprise quickly turned to a momentary look of suspicion as if he thought Arn might have taken a dive, but that seemed beyond what the woman's honor would allow.

Happily taking his seat, Wren was unaware what the elf had expertly slipped from his belt until it was plopped down in front of him. Exclaiming, "Hey!" as his hand swiped across the table to snatch up the pouch, another, "Heey…" came in a dropping tone making it mean more, 'How dare you?' in regards to the Ranger's liquid assets.

"No, I have no 'Newfound Strength'," he replied mockingly gruff, "And what I spend my coin on is my business."

Momentarily, turning his body in the chair as he turned to open the pouch, Wren poked a finger in to count the coins, whispering to himself, "Only six silver pennies left? I need coin more than I thought."

Turning back to the crew, with Roan having now joined them despite yet another attempt to get the company Not to sit in the dark, back corner, the man asked, "So what's the word on the job this time?" He wasn't about to tell them he needed the work having only a few days worth of funds left to his name.

So long, and thanks for all the fish ~Douglas Adams
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Old Oct 13th, 2022, 03:13 PM
PsychicNomad PsychicNomad is offline
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The chatter of the company brought a smile to Eydis' face, she didn't even try to hide she was happy to see them unharmed. Vidar nodded to each as he came out of the kitchen once or twice, but his mind was obviously occupied with the cooking once he started it.

However, no-one could answer Wren's question about any jobs before some commotion was heard from outside. Two men were arguing, and as they drew close, phrases drifted in, like 'healers', 'in a hurry', and 'need to find'.

A few moments later the door flew open, and a young man of about twenty winters staggered in, followed by a town guard. The youth had ugly wounds on his leg and left arm, with lots of dried blood and torn clothes.

The guard was trying to support him, but he didn't seem to care. He looked around frantically and quickly made eye contact with the company in the corner.

"Excuse me, my ladies and lords?"

Eydis closed in quickly, bringing a chair. "Sit down, young man. You need to sit down." - she pleaded with a worried face.
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Old Oct 14th, 2022, 10:52 PM
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Rue gave a wink to Wren and a shrug, everyone knew she was able to take nearly anything she wanted and everyone also knew she'd generally give it back unless it was Elven and then she would consider it to be hers to return to the Mirkwood.

She returned to her gentle teasing of Arn saying, "I know. I rarely bestow it. You may perchance be special" Then the man was rushed into the Inn and Rue sighed, "Well it looks like playtime is over."

She moved to the town guard and said, "Sadly I don't have the healing gift or I'd crush some aethalas and he'd be better in moments. That said, my companions and I can likely find whatever did this to the boy and bring back its head." Her smile was not a pleasing one, it was more like a predator bearing its teeth before it came in for the bite.



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