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Old Oct 15th, 2022, 12:06 AM
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Arn, Daughter of Arnulf
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Arn gives out a sigh as well when the injured man appears,"And I so desperately wish to continue, but it seems that's not the case, my Lady." she says as she stands up and approached the injured man in his twenties. She's seen her far share of death and hideous injuries, though she can't help but wince at his pain,"Ease up Sir, please tell us your tale of what happened here. It seems you have something you wish to say."
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Old Oct 15th, 2022, 10:05 AM
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Roan and Grey
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It was Grey who heard the commotion first, his ears flicking around and his head lifting from his paws where he was laying at Roan's feet by the table. He might not have yet been able to hear what had alerted the hound but he noticed the dogs attention shifting and his eyes followed as his hand reached under the table to loosen the knife at his belt before he too started to hear the argument drawing closer.

Taking in the scene before him, eyes scanning the young mans wounds from across the room as he looked around and found the small group of the company in the corner easily, As he suspected, the Darkened "Ranger Corner" anything but, thanks to Eydis's Lanterns. Giving Grey a short whistle to follow, Roan left his table and approached the group also, he was pleased to see Eydis and Arn had both moved to help the young man while Rue approached the Town Guard as he arrived and heard her offering the groups help to find what had done this, she looked happy at the thought of a hunt.

Arriving at the group, Roan left the care of the young man to Eydis and Arn for the moment, and addressed the guard "The boy should be at a healers, not a tavern. Has someone called for Master Lomund at least?"

As proficient as he was at patching the common injuries sustained on his travels, seeing them up close, the boys wounds were clearly beyond his own skills. Without waiting for the Town Guard to answer his question Roan turned to Grey, giving a short sharp whistle to get his attention, Calling out his commands in the Anduin Tongue that all hounds of Mirkwood were trained to understand since Pups

"Find Lomund, Find Runa, Fetch Quickly!" The Large hound looked at Roan for a moment, then almost seemed to nod as he took off at a run, claws scratching for a moment at the hardwood floor before he disappeared out of the still open tavern door. Grey was perhaps even more familiar with Laketown than Roan was and had visited the Master Healer on numerous occasion's over the years. If the healer had already been called, Grey would find him quickly, if not then the large hound barking and scratching at his door without Roan present should send the message that he was needed.

Truthfully Grey didn't need to bring Ruva either, although she was an able assistant to her father she was not the healer he was and he would have no difficulty tending the young man on his own but it had been several moons since Roan had been to Laketown and it appeared he would be leaving again much faster than he would have liked so he would be a fool to not seize and opportunity to see her before he left again.

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Action: Attempt to recognise what inflicted the wounds if possible from the markings
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1D20+4 (7)+4 Total = 11

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Last edited by Dylan Scott; Nov 2nd, 2022 at 08:43 PM.
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Old Oct 17th, 2022, 05:17 PM
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The efforts of the guard and Eydis were not for vain, as the young man sat down on the chair. It obviously brought him some relief, but also the wounds necessarily moved, which made him cringe.

The guard looked at Rue and Roan confounded, trying to make sense of Rue's threat. "I don't know what or who did this ... I'm trying to get him to the healers, but he just won't listen."

The wounded man nodded fervently at Arn, hope lighting up in his eyes. "My master is in danger! He and his companions need help, and quickly. Could you please find them?" He wasn't very coherent, he looked deadly exhausted, on the verge of collapsing any moment.

Last edited by PsychicNomad; Oct 17th, 2022 at 05:36 PM.
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Old Oct 17th, 2022, 05:50 PM
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Casting his eyes over the boys wounds, Roan could tell he was very lucky, they looked ugly and clearly hurt but none of them appeared to be deep enough to be an immediate concern, Master Lomund would arrive soon and tend to the boy and no doubt give him some tincture or herbs to prevent infections. He couldn't tell whether it was a blade or claw which had made the marks but they didn't look particularly clean whatever had caused them. The Boy would have some impressive scars to show off but would likely be fine.

What concerned Roan most was the boys fevered calls for help for his master and friends, the urgency and tone suggested that they could still be alive but he had no idea who they were, let alone where. he needed to get the boys attention focused and get answers before the wavering young man passed out from pain and exhaustion. He would no doubt get an earful from Eydis for what he was about to do, and he definitely would get one from Lomund and Ruva if they saw him.

Moving swiftly, Roan passed behind Arn, whispering in her ear as he did so before kneeling before the boy in the chair, lifting his chin with his left hand to make eye contact, he could see them glazing over "Arn, please hold the boy steady"

Giving the boy a soft smile "I am sorry about this young man" he said before his right hand clamped down on the boys leg, squeezing at the edges of one of the smaller cuts, the pain flashing in the boys eyes and bringing his attention back into focus for a moment

"Eyes here boy. Focus. who is your Master and where are they? give us details so we can find them"

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Old Oct 17th, 2022, 06:05 PM
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"Wren" Gilbarad, Son of Borondir
Dúnedain Herald Warden

Just when they were getting to the point of their meeting, the relative quiet, which had been desired, was interrupted by the sudden appearance of an injured man and a guard nipping at his heels, seemingly wanting to aid him, but only in how duty dictates. It was of no surprise to Wren when the guard spotted the group and immediately tried to pass responsibility off. This resulted in the Ranger being unwilling to move, replying to the guard's appeal with only a blank stare.

As soon as Rue, Arn and Roan involved themselves with the young man's plight, Wren knew it was both a mistake and would result in the whole band being dragged in. The only one that seemed to be on the right path of thinking was Rue, but the Ranger couldn't be sure if the Elf was doing so in pursuit of glory or coin…but Wren hoped the latter.

Being the only one left at the table, and given the position his 'Ranger Corner' provided him, the man didn't seem too quick to move. The others seemed to have it in hand, and he couldn't think of any skills he had that could help. Picking up a cup and taking a look into it, Wren shrugged before downing its contents and looking to fill his mouth with whatever was within arm's reach. For now, he'd watch on. Something told him he'd be called to action soon enough.

So long, and thanks for all the fish ~Douglas Adams
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Old Oct 18th, 2022, 12:40 PM
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It was a common misconception, among people who didn't know elves well, that they weren't hasty. This was not true, and Rue was, rather hasty indeed. Especially in situations where she might be called upon to fight agents of Shadow. No matter what form the creatures took, whether it was orcs, trolls, or even worg packs she was more than ready to fight them. The young human child, surely, he must be a child, yes? Well, he was being difficult, and she wanted information now.

She nodded as Roan spoke and added, "Roan, let me know what he says, I'll take a look outside and see if his path tells me anything." Then she slipped out the door and examined the newest set of prints in the dirt outside. It shouldn't be too hard since the child wasn't even beginning to attempt to conceal himself.



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Old Oct 18th, 2022, 08:00 PM
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Arn, Daughter of Arnulf
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Arn looked at Roan, trying to figure out what he plans to do. She shook her head as she stands behind the boy and looks her arms on his shoulder. When the Hunter decided to interrogate him, she can't help but disagree with his approach but she won't argue it's usefulness,"Best to listen to him, kid."
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Old Nov 2nd, 2022, 02:36 PM
PsychicNomad PsychicNomad is offline
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The wounded man gasped loudly as Roan evoked the pain in him, but in a few moments his eyes cleared up and focused on the woodsman. "My master's name is Sigvals, he is a trader of Lake Town. He ... we were attacked by bandits south of here, three days afar. It took me three days. We barricaded ourselves in a ruined fort, but I managed to sneak out." He started coughing drily, convulsing with it. "Water, please." - he managed to say with effort.

Eydis let out one scream as Roan 'treated' the man, staring in disbelief at what was happening. She didn't say a word, however, just left the events unfold, until he asked for water. She erupted into action and was back with a mug of water in seconds.

The young man gulped down the water immediately, and dropped the mug down on the table with a loud bang. "I am Erland, son of Fingar."

It was as easy as walking to follow their tracks for Rue, two men stumbling around openly. They came from from the Water-gate, meaning he arrived via the lake, not the bridge to the main gate from the west.
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Old Nov 2nd, 2022, 09:09 PM
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Roan gave the young man a smile and a pat on the shoulder as he stood back up "Get some rest Erland, Master Lomund should be here shortly to patch you up"

Retrieving a rag from Vidar, the Woodsman cleaned the boys blood from his hands as he looked over to Arn and Wren.

"A old fort three days south of Laketown is likely to be the Forests Edge fort by the Long Marshes. Its an ancient structure but still solid, if Sigval's smart he could have barricaded himself in easily enough and could still be alive"

"We will make better time if we travel the river bank, i know a way but ideally we would need horses to stand the best chance of getting there in time. Arn? do you want to see if you can talk the guard into lending us some? i am sure they will respond much more favourably to the request from a Knight of your standing"

Erland, son of Fingar seemingly forgotten now he had the information he needed, Roan returned to his table by the window to retrieve his Bow and Pack, rooting around in it as he approached Eydis, giving the woman his most charming smile as he pulled a small parcel from the bag, wrapped in kid leather and tied with twine, and offered it to her

"Please don't look at me like that Eydis, I didn't enjoy doing that any more than you did but it was necessary. May I ask a boon of you? I had hoped to deliver this myself but it seems i will be leaving sooner than i intended, please will you make sure this gets to Lady Runa for me?"

Giving Vidar a nod by way of farewell, Roan made his way to the exit, calling out a comment to Wren as he passed the Rangers corner "You know a Trader like Sigval is bound to be very generous to a Warden with his gratitude, and what a story it would make" Without waiting for a response from the younger man, the Woodsman made his way outside to look for Rue and let her know the location he suspected the Trader was holed up in like she'd asked and find out what she had discovered in her search, she might not be as experienced in tracking as he was but she was an exceptional scout and observer and he had to begrudgingly admit that her eyesight was much better than his was in the darkness

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Old Nov 3rd, 2022, 10:44 AM
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Arn, Daughter of Arnulf
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Arn crosses her arms to Roan,"You sir should have been just a tiny bit more respectful instead of being so crass." she says, shaking her head in disapproval,"I'll grab ourselves some horses, no worries. I don't doubt any guards will deny my orders." she says, heading off to grab some horses.
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Old Nov 3rd, 2022, 03:52 PM
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Rue - Waiting
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She eyed the path taken by the men and juggled with following before deciding that such was far too hasty even for her. So, she waited for the others to exit while enjoying the air. As she waited she noticed Arn heading out and decided that following her would be better than standing out here and simply waiting.

She stepped up next to the, well armored, woman and said, "Looks like they came from the Water-gate. Likely he arrived via the lake, not the bridge to the main gate from the west. Beyond that you probably have more information that I do." She waited to hear letting Arn decide if or how to say her piece and, in the meantime, staying close to the one human she'd never wanted to kill. She could count the number of such humans on one hand so this, whatever it was between them, was clearly important.



Last edited by Ysolde; Nov 3rd, 2022 at 03:52 PM.
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Old Nov 4th, 2022, 05:39 AM
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Arn, Daughter of Arnulf
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Arn relaxes herself as she sees that it's Rue that appears before her,"Hehe, well I'm afraid I don't have much. But the story is simple enough to follow. Bandits attacked traders in three days time, due south. Last known location was a ruined fort. Also Roan is being an absolute jerk." she says, still frustrated on the scene that transpired on that tavern, she then gives out a sigh,"Anyways, I'm heading to the guards to procure horses. Wanna ride behind my back? I promise it'll be as frivolous as I'd make it be." she says, confident in her cavalier training in order to control a horse.
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Old Nov 4th, 2022, 02:20 PM
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"Wren" Gilbarad, Son of Borondir
Dúnedain Herald Warden

Having not had anything to say, Wren's arms remained crossed over his chest as listened to Roan's baiting words. Rolling his eyes as he leaned the chair back forward onto all four feet, the man shrugged before standing, "Better be worth it..." Collecting his things, the Warden readied himself to set out, even if he wasn't entirely sure what role he would play in all this. Probably less than half of them was all that would be required to deal with the average band of road pirates, so Wren had a feeling this story wouldn't really be one worth repeating.

So long, and thanks for all the fish ~Douglas Adams
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Old Nov 6th, 2022, 09:49 PM
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Rue - Waiting
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She gives Arn a small smirk and leaps into the air flipping herself and landing perfectly behind the armor clad woman. Is Rue showing off? Oh assuredly the elven woman can be quite complicated despite having an often single minded focus on the shadow, "Roan? Now, now he's not nearly as dour as a dwarf even if I do sometimes feel bad for poor Grey the hound has to live with the man."

She flicks Arn's new braid and blow softly on her neck adding, "Frivolity? Not nearly enough time but let me tell you what you've missed lately." She paused and spoke of her recent scouting expeditions, a trip into a lost tomb that ended up without any treasure, and a tale about how one of the new scouts she was working with had mistaken a squirrel for a bear somehow. Rue had ended up putting the squirrel in the man's bedroll the next evening. "So I shout 'bear' and he jumps up and the rodent squirms over him and leaps out, he screams and then faints. We're calling him bear fainter now..."


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Old Nov 7th, 2022, 08:25 PM
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Arn, Daughter of Arnulf
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Arn gives a smirk as Rue decides to showcase her acrobatics, Was she trying to impress me?, she thought, she couldn't help but think on that,"Hehe, yeah, Grey has it rough." she says, though she would feel disappointed at her rejection for a horseback ride, if she didn't breathe down her breath on her neck. She quivered a bit but didn't mind. She listened to Rue's recent adventures when they separated,"... Haha, did you really said that? My lady, I didn't know you could be so mischievous, remind me not to take you so seriously. Don't want to end up as Arn, The Second Bear Fainter." she says jokingly,".... Meanwhile, you haven't missed much, I trained real hard, fought some orcs, and made myself a home, meaning no inns for me now, I have a roof on my head. So if you want to visit Minas Tirith, you could always lived with me, I wouldn't say no to your company... Also, Sir Joar is still alive and kicking, kicking new recruits that is." she says, suddenly losing her nerve and decides to change subject.
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