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Old May 3rd, 2023, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Mitsubachi View Post
Hmmm, would this party be helped by a ranger - someone with a longbow for some ranged firepower? I might even look into some way to make the arrows magical for better power.

I'm thinking of an over-sensitive wood elf (again), just because we can have brilliant In Character arguments/bonding with Cruum heheh.
FYI - I'm thinking a High Elf Artificer Artillerist. So we'll have 2 ranged characters.
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Old May 3rd, 2023, 06:09 PM
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Name: Logan Boysen
Race: Halfling (Mark of Hospitality)
Class: Life Cleric
Background: Pirate
Personality Trait 1: My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what.
Personality Trait 2: I work hard so that I can play hard when the work is done
Ideal: I'm committed to my crewmates, not to ideals.
Bond: The gods of my people are a comfort to me so far from home.
Flaw: I can't help but pocket loose coins and other trinkets I come across.




Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.

Last edited by Kshnik; May 15th, 2023 at 06:23 PM.
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Old May 4th, 2023, 09:14 PM
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“Unit 13 - Application v1.0
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Name: Unit 13 (ne. Eric Balfive)
Race: Warforged
Class: Fighter (Battle Master)
Background: Soldier
Party Role: Tank

Character Concept: Aliens ? Don’t aliens steal people’s brains, and use them for nefarious purposes ? Sure they do. Someone’s brain was stolen by the aliens and put into a battle suit.. But it managed to break free of it’s programming and now works against the aliens.
*Yes, I am sure there is a film about this, but it wasn’t that good, and anyway this is AD&D, far more real !

Mannerisms. Personally, and Appearance
  • Some of 13’s old personality as a human still exists… he used to be a soldier, the first group to be “attacked” by the aliens, in-fact the 13th conversion. So he’s regimented, follows orders.
  • 13 knows his old name was Eric… something… it might come to him in the future, but his memories are very dim.
  • 13 is a robot… with a human brain.. Who knows he was a human. He’s angry but in a “deep down seething rage” way. Towards the aliens.
  • 13 is a sleek metal killing machine, except he’s lost all of his “robot” killing know-how as well, he’s just back to a basic human brain in a robot body. In his head a red glowing light shines dimly, increasing in intensity when he goes into battle.
Heirloom: His brain ! Protected deep inside the robot “somewhere” is his human brain. Maybe one day it can be used to restore his whole self.
Mechanical Flaw: Disadvantage on all History checks… his memory is not that good.

Personality Trait 1: 13 is driven to eliminate all aliens.
Personality Trait 2: 13 wants to know who he was.
Ideal: Somehow through magic maybe.. Restore his old self.
Bond: To humanoid’ity…
Flaw: 13 doesn’t remember much before his brain was taken.. His first name (Eric), maybe a building or two, but its very frustrating.
Goals: 13 wants revenge.. BIG revenge.. After all, his brain was ripped out and put in a machine.

Eric Balfive was standing as normal at watch on the city wall, bored out of his mind, sweating in his armour, wondering when he could get back to his wife Erin, and his two children. At 46 years old he was pushing retirement soon from this soldering gig, and a good thing to, his young wife was expecting their third child and with his pension was planning on setting up his own blacksmithing business at home and semi-retire. He’d never got far in the ranks, his brains being more “stubborn” than “intelligent”. He just never gave in they said, which is why he was still a Corporal after 30 years. Well, 29 years, 11 months and 28 days. 3 more days to retirement.

Then the world ended. What followed can only be described as chaos, as loud booms sounded overhead, multiple cylinders of shiny metal streaked out of the sky, and there were… explosions.. He’d only ever seen a wizard cast a ball of fire once before in his life, and this was FAR worse. Balls of fire, falling buildings.

The smoke, and then screams in the darkness. Flashing lights, strange sounds. And then a shiny arm, 20 foot long snaked out of the mist, grabbed him by the head, and pulled him up.

He fought, he struggled, he swung his arms… 3 more days to retirement, this could not be, HE WOULD NOT ALLOW IT. He had his pregnant wife to get back to, his children.

An excruciating pain on his scalp was the last thing he felt.

13 was one of the first to be converted… an unlucky number for the aliens, as Eric was stubborn enough, driven enough to break their programming.

13… Eric… 13.. Eric.. 13.. Eric.. ERIN !

The light in his head turned from a deep blue to a glowing red, and he knew who he was. Around him a dozen strange huge metallic silver creatures stood rigidly still, and several small pink humanoids with huge heads scuttled around their feet.. HIS FEET !. What the hell was going on, his feet .. His legs ! He was metal…

Scared, he ran.. As fast as he could. The small aliens scattered in surprise. He ran, he screamed for Erin.

His voice sounded strange, his body felt strange.. Then he remembered the pain.
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Old May 4th, 2023, 10:20 PM
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Application: Rori


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Name: R'or'iyistricar "Rori" Moonglow
Race: High-Elf
Class: Artificer - Artillerist
Background: Criminal (Enforcer/Bounty Hunter)
Personality Trait 1: I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me.
Personality Trait 2: I cannot keep my hands still and may end up dismantling something absent mindedly during a conversation.
Ideal: Honor. I don’t go back on a deal once it's made. There has to be some order in my life.
Bond: I will become the greatest Bounty Hunter who ever lived.
Flaw: An innocent person is in prison for a crime that I committed. I’m okay with that.

Rori was probably the worst Wizardry student from their clan. Maybe ever. When the other students were studying their grimoires Rori was tinkering with the potion heaters to make them run hotter and burn cleaner.
After tinkering with one to explosive results Rori's mother found an Artificer in need of an apprentice and Rori was off to the city!
The Dwarven Artificer Hafdan Knapper was a decent enough teacher, and a bit of a retired adventurer, but not the best business person. To make ends meet Hafdan worked for certain underworld parties to collect bounties for specific targets.
In essence being an enforcer with the appearance of legitimacy as a sort of Bounty Hunter.
It was during this leg of Rori's apprenticeship that they learned the importance of keeping a deal - no matter what - even if the target wasn't technically guilty of the crime as charged. Because if you broke the deal - you'd get broken on the wheel, and no one would find your body.
With Rori's apprenticeship over they were considering their next options when something fell into the city.

Help Me.

Puzzled, Rori tilted their head and peered through the scene to try to make out what was going on. Seeing the strange, pink, goblinoid-creature, Rori drops into a defensive posture - their legs bent, ready to spring in any direction, longsword held out in a low block.

"Corporal Donner?" Rori asks the soldier, thinking they recognize the man. Calculations run through Rori's head - does Donner look controlled? What kind of control? This doesn't look like any of the Charm spells Rori was supposed to study so many years ago. What kind of pink, goblin monstrosity crawled up from the sewers?

I need more information, Rori thinks, or more guards.

Rori's left hand points at the weird creature and they calmly say in Common, "You'd best back off, friend."

Last edited by ratchett; May 11th, 2023 at 07:42 PM. Reason: corrected Background, fixed some formatting and inserted image
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Old May 5th, 2023, 12:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Mitsubachi View Post
I'm thinking of an over-sensitive wood elf (again), just because we can have brilliant In Character arguments/bonding with Cruum heheh.
We could do the whole Odd Couple thing. The messy, melee, slob of a half-orc has a cheeseburger in one hand and is punching a dude with the other hand. Then in the back, the elf is spam-casting prestidigitation to clean each arrow off before they shoot it. Over the course of the campaign, you teach me how to hold in my farts, and I teach you the joys of dumpster diving.

I love it.
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Old May 5th, 2023, 11:17 AM
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Name: Ossian Whitetail
Race: High Elf
Class: Wizard
Background: Charlatan
Personality Trait 1: I've enjoyed fine food, drink, and high society among society's. Rough living grates on me.
Personality Trait 2: I'm driven by a wanderlust that led me away from home.
Ideal: Independence. I must prove that I can handle myself without the coddling of my family.
Bond: One day I will return to my family a hero, and prove them all wrong.
Flaw: My family history prevents me from going home. That kind of trouble seems to follow me around.

"Whitetail by name, Whitetail by nature. It is a terrible thing indeed when a family can be cursed by the actions of one man. Even worse when the act itself fades into history and only the legend remains. Ossian's great-grandfather was the perpetrator of the cowardly behaviour and as few who can remembered the facts, and fewer still who wish to be involved, the legend becomes all"
excerpt from History of the great and fallen families by Calen Runder

Ossian was the only child to a small noble family with money but dwindled social influence. His parents, ostracised by many due to the family name, were loving and his childhood was happy. He had access to pets, gardens, family retainers who were loyal and true. An books, he loved them most of all. A prodigy, he was schooled at home. He had few real friends but never understood why, he was easily consoled by the worlds he found in script. The heroes, the travels. He lived a hundred lives before he came to manhood.

Unfortunately, that is where the cruelty and politics of the real world found him. Ill prepared for these realities, he was shunned as soon as his name was mentioned. The crimes of his family's past laid on him by those who had no real knowledge of such things and relied on stories there elders had passed on, or gossip-monger's lies. His choices became limited and he regressed socially. This was his life for several years.

But life has a way of drawing you out and Ossian fell in with a different crowd. Those more interested in the here and now, new fashion trends and social groups who were as likely to disappear on the next strong wind as gain route in society. He made friends, drinking compatriots and travel companions. This filled a space in his life and when the urge took him to be better, he would retire to his rooms, blaming some imagined malady and read for days before, his social battery recharged, returning to the lifestyle of a rakish gentleman about town.

Barclay, a waifish fop with an attraction to Dwarven women which was often unappreciated with comic effect, had suggested a trip to Eberon, and Ossian, seeing an opportunity to be father away from those who labeled him by his family name had obliged.

@Ratchet. There would seem to be the potential for Rori to be familiar or have heard something of the Whitetails, maybe even know of Ossian himself. He would have been put forward to a wizard academy or the equivalent but lasted a very short time due to the social politics. I would be happy to explore this if agreeable.
Ossian is struggling to be a better man (Elf) but the adventuring lifestyle may grate with him initially.


Last edited by Talissen70; May 10th, 2023 at 11:03 AM.
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Old May 6th, 2023, 11:54 AM
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OK I'm a little worried about encroaching onto Rori's thematic/practical role territory here. But I hope Taela might fit in here and not conflict too much.

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Name: Taela Sparrowswift
Race: Wood Elf
Class: Ranger
Background: Outlander
Personality traits: I’m driven by a wanderlust that led me away from my home.
Ideal: Nature
Bond: An injury to the wild forest is an injury to me
Flaw: I am driven by emotions, and my moods are fickle like the weather.
Backstory: Taela is a Wood Elf, raised in the deepest glades of the mysterious Yoretul forest, in a community still hidden and suspicious of the "technological advances" of the other races. The Wood Elves watch, defend their borders, and those that dare pass the invisible borders into their realm are likely to fall to deadly accurate arrows loosed from the shadows.

Taela, typical of the impatient youth, became bored with the reclusive, restrictive life of her kindred. She was a fickle troublemaker, so the elders were happy to assign her to the waywatchers that patrolled their realm's borders. But from there, Taela spied upon the neighbouring lands, and began to venture further and further afield. She became fascinated with the hot-blooded humans, the cute halflings, and the hairy dwarfs. She stole things that took her fancy; trinkets or freshly made pies left on window shelves to cool. In exasperation, the villagers called for aid and a cohort of soldiers arrived. Taela enjoyed the games of hide and seek, with ever more daring acts to taunt them.

But one day she was caught, tied up, and taken in a prison cart to the great city of Eberon. On the way, Taela managed to slip her bonds, and then, when a strange explosion knocked over the caged wagon on one of the cobbled streets of Eberon, she managed to break out of the cage to freedom.

RP Sample:


Last edited by Mitsubachi; May 9th, 2023 at 09:37 AM. Reason: RP sample added
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Old May 8th, 2023, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Mitsubachi View Post
OK I'm a little worried about encroaching onto Rori's thematic/practical role territory here. But I hope Taela might fit in here and not conflict too much.
No worries from me, friend! Woodsy-Ranger and Urban-Artificer are pretty different in my book. Plus, putting holes in things from a distance is useful no matter what.
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Old May 8th, 2023, 05:14 PM
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I wood(sy) agree. Plus, ranged damage isn't the only thing that makes either class great. Depending on the subclass, rangers make excellent scouts, in addition to the druidsey spells here and there. On the other hand, I imagine artificers to be like the guy in Jumanji with the backpack. You need something? I got it. (Or can make it.)

Ribbon Hood vs. Iron Man. Both very over-used tropes, but they illustrate the differences well.
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Old May 8th, 2023, 05:47 PM
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I've never played an Artificer before, but when I saw that this looked like an X-COM inspired game, or at least one with alien tech, I had to play someone who is going to fiddle with every piece of alien tech they're allowed to touch. Unlocking the Alien tech trees was so much fun in those games.

I love the Moose Finbar reference! I just hope that when it comes time to roll stats Strength is not my weakness.
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Old May 8th, 2023, 05:51 PM
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Or cake...
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Old May 8th, 2023, 09:02 PM
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Spoiler, you'll be able to unlock alien tech trees in this game too
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Old May 9th, 2023, 03:34 AM
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Ooh yeah, if Rori can build some laser-tipped armour-piercing arrows for Taela that would very cool. And I see Rori is the complete opposite in terms of temperament and emotions, compared with over-passionate Taela.

I think between that dynamic and Taela trying to avoid mud-wrestling with Cruum this might be quite a special team structure!

I will work on that RP sample...
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Old May 9th, 2023, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Togot View Post
Spoiler, you'll be able to unlock alien tech trees in this game too
I knew I could count on you, Togot!
I am doing the happy-middle-aged-gamer-geek-dude chair dance right now.

Originally Posted by Mitsubachi View Post
Ooh yeah, if Rori can build some laser-tipped armour-piercing arrows for Taela that would very cool. And I see Rori is the complete opposite in terms of temperament and emotions, compared with over-passionate Taela.
You got it!
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Old May 9th, 2023, 09:39 AM
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I have added the RP sample. I believe my app is complete?
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