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Old Feb 15th, 2024, 02:22 PM
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I have been interested in checking out the Eberron setting for some time and did a bit of research while coming up with this character concept. That said, still a bit of an Eberron noob so if you see any glaring errors or contradictions please let me know.

right-aligned image

Name: Seeker Bhastyan Torryn
Race: Human (variant)
Class: Warlock/Undying (Blood of Vol) – Pact of the Blade
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Background: Marine
Personality Traits(2): 1. I speak rarely but mean every word I say. 2. I am dependable.
Ideal: Perseverance – No injury or obstacle can turn me from my goal of achieving true immortality. (Any)
Bond: I strive to be the example of the power of the Divinity Within to those who have settled for relying on divine beings for aid.
Flaw: My intensity can drive others away.
Backstory: Raised in a devout family, Bhas was taught to meditate on the Divinity Within from an early age but it wasn’t until his military career took a dark turn that he found his spark – or it found him.
Bhas was the third son of a fairly successful family of ranchers on the plains of Karrnath – nestled among the foothills of the Ironroot Mountains. By family tradition his eldest brother stood to inherit the family holdings after his two years of compulsory service, and the second son – also by tradition – was sent to be an acolyte at a nearby Seeker chapel following his two years. This meant that any subsequent male children must find their own way in the world, which for most meant military or civil service.
Bhas had no talent for civil duties, and no patience for them, so sought to make his name in the service. Karrnath had a long military tradition, which meant that it was often difficult to stand out. Fortunately Bhas was a skilled warrior and soon rose past the rank and file, earning him the rank of sergeant and a transfer to a newly formed marine unit. Unfortunately the officer in charge of their unit, a cocky nobleman, was big on attitude and low on tactical know-how. Since the end of the war Karrnath’s naval forces had been tasked primarily with patrol and suppression of piracy. Every ship of the line holds a contingent of marines as boarding was a common tactic. In their first skirmish with piracy Bhas’s lieutenant instructed them to board and seize the pirate ship even as it was breaking away, thus stranding Bhas and a few of his fellow marines on board. They managed to make it into the hold where they fought a last stand. Bhas was injured and slipped into the bilge.
Upon awakening Bhas was forced to survive on brackish water and rats for days. He suffered from fever brought on by infection. During this time he spent many hours in contemplation of the Divinity Within, and in his desperation he finally seemed to find his spark. It lent him not only the strength to survive but helped him to free the pirate’s slaves and lead them in a revolt – a feat that would not have been accomplishable aboard one of Karrnath’s galleys due to their use of undead for oarsmen. Upon returning to Karrnath with the seized ship it was only to discover that his incompetent lieutenant would be awarded the credit for the capture.
After decking the young officer Bhas found himself drummed out of the military – his accomplishment the only thing that that spared him from summary execution. This suited Bhas fine as his divine spark seemed to be calling him in another direction. With the funds from his discharge he took a lightning rail to Sharn, the City of Towers, and a fresh start.
RP Sample: Bhas had been in the city for a few days, trying to make contacts that could lead him to gainful employment possibly as a mercenary or an adventurer. His divine spark seemed to have been kindled under duress, and it was through duress and study that Bhas believed it would continue to grow – eventually leading him closer to immortality. As he wandered the shadowy backstreets on his way to the cheap inn he was staying at, Bhas heard the sounds of screaming and detected a dim green glow from around the next bend. Clutching his spear, he dashed forward and peered cautiously around the corner. The scene that greeted him was like nothing he had seen before. Glowing green webbing seemed to have spewed forth subduing, or possibly killing several people. As he struggled to make sense of the scene he heard a voice.
”Help me”
Turning, Bhas finds a soldier standing near the mouth of an alley. Taking a step towards the man he addresses him. ”Are you alright? Do you know what happened here?”
The soldier is armed so Bhas steps closer with caution, his own spear at the ready. The man spoke again.
”Help me.”
There was something off about the voice, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. It was only then that Bhas detected a strange blue glow to his eyes. Then he noticed the odd little creature behind the man. It was like no creature he had ever seen before but he couldn’t help but feel it had something to do with the soldier’s weird response and glowing eyes. And there was every possibility it had something to do with the scene behind him as well. ”And just who is it needing my help here? You, or that strange looking goblin behind you?”

Last edited by Ghrimm; Feb 15th, 2024 at 02:22 PM.
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Old Feb 15th, 2024, 03:06 PM
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not a problem, i'm being pretty loose with the setting
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Old Feb 15th, 2024, 05:54 PM
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Never played in this setting either. Will follow after game restarts to get a better understanding of this realm/world.
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Last edited by Drachenspirit; Feb 15th, 2024 at 07:22 PM.
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Old Feb 15th, 2024, 11:01 PM
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Silvia Sterling
Race: Human
Class: Hexblade / Paladin
Alignment: Lawful Good
Homeland: Thrane, Flamekeep
Background: Acolyte of the Silver Flame

At a Glance: Silvia is an optimistic young woman with strong beliefs and a fiery passion. She has been ostracized by the church for her claims that she hears the "voice within the flame."

Personality Trait: I'm always polite and respectful.
Personality Trait: I see omens in every event and action. The flame tries to speak to us, we just need to listen.
Ideal: Faith. I trust that my deity will guide my actions. I have confidence that if I follow my heart, things will go well.
Bond: Though I have been excommunicated by the church, I am loyal to the sovereign.
Flaw: I have a high opinion of myself and my ego sometimes gets the best of me.
Flaw: I am devoted to the flame, ignorant and somewhat intolerant of other cultures and beliefs.

  • Silvia grew up in Thrane, just outside of Candlekeep. The youngest of three sibling her family was well-off and devoted to the church.
  • As a teenager Silvia claimed to hear the "voice" of the flame. Being a religious family the Sterlings worried that the church would frown upon such behavior and had Silvia keep her so called divinity a secret. She did however travel to Flamekeep and study as an acolyte.
  • Not long ago the voice began to make itself heard again. Silvia was convinced that her family was in great danger. However when she tried to tell the priests of her visions she was chastised and ostracized.
  • Knowing that she was on her own Silvia took drastic measures... she stole a sword and armor and rode for home.
    Only to find them all missing with no signs of why or how they disappeared.
  • All alone and unable to return to the temple Silvia has been travelling the continent searching for clues and doing her best to fight for her beliefs.

Last edited by JohnStone; Jul 12th, 2024 at 10:15 PM.
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Old Feb 23rd, 2024, 04:08 AM
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three players were called for and three players have answered, and so three players have been accepted. you can find the game here, but please refrain from posting in the game thread. i will be introducing you in a new game thread i will post sunday
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Old Jun 27th, 2024, 02:58 PM
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now accepting applications
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Old Jun 27th, 2024, 04:06 PM
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Sounds like fun

Last edited by Cardassian; Jun 27th, 2024 at 04:08 PM.
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Old Jun 27th, 2024, 04:16 PM
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it certainly has been
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Old Jun 27th, 2024, 08:31 PM
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The family that steals together, stays together:
right-aligned image

Name: Zorin Dentwick
Race: Changeling
Class: Rogue
Background: Criminals




Backstory: This story isn't one that is widely known, just like most stories about thieves and beggars. In the city of Sharn, as much as there is wealth, there is poverty. It isn't everyday that someone is born into poverty but the young boy known as Ardent was, born into the squalor. His mother was the only parent he ever knew and the small one room hovel that was little more than scraps of wood stacked in a pile was the only home he knew. Even this amount of forgiveness wasn't meant to last as living in such conditions wasn't good for anyone and his mother grew ill. With her passing, Ardent was forced out of the small hovel he had called home by other vagabonds and he was forced to find other shelter. By watching the other urchins like him, he learned how to steal and that stealing was the best way to survive. He plied his trade during the day, among the crowds and fenced his goods at night. It was a great way of life and eventually, he met and fell in love with the local fence's daughter, Lissella.

Lissella grew up among criminals even if she didn't know it off-hand. Her father being the best fence in town and an upstanding member of the thieves guild, every pick-pocket, smuggler and cat burglar in town visited their home. What Lissella wanted was an honest business alongside the fence, something where they could make honest money without bringing too much suspicion. Her father always shot the idea down, but he was reassured by the protection of the guild, no matter what kind of heat he brought. When she met Ardent and starting spending time with the young thief, he somehow talked her into going into business for herself, letting her father run a fence until he was ready to retire and then she would find an investor so that she could build a real business around the fence. Lissella bided her time and kept her ear to the ground, using her silver tongue and friendly demeanor to make as many wealthy allies as she could. When her father was ready to retire, she took over the fence and called out to her investors. Something had happened though, someone had slandered her name and her father's name to anyone who might have been interested and without the protection of the Guild, she was in danger of losing it all and ending up in the dungeon. Ardent helped Lissella move the business and reach out to anyone who needed the fence but the city officials were still closing on them. A wealthy benefactor just happened to show, when all seemed truly lost, A man simply known as Xivis proved that he was an up-and-comer in the criminal world and was backed by a very generous amount of money. He buried Lissella's fencing business in a pile of paperwork and authentications that allowed her to run an honest business with ties to several successful trade routes and supplies. Lissella all but disappeared behind a front of honest business.

Ardent and Lissella were finally able to settle down but for one, the thrill of burglary was too much to give up and for the other, so embroiled in the criminal underworld through her benefactor, had no choice but to remain in business. The business and nightly activities kept both of them happy and relatively safe, allowing them to have a life and bring a beautiful daughter into the world, Zirilla. Their second child came only a year later, Ardent stumbled upon a family, a mother and son...just as he had been. The mother asked that Ardent take her child and give him a home so she would never have to fear for his health and safety. Ardent and Lissella was able to care for both children, loving each of them the same. Zirilla grew up to become a bit of a scrapper, having a short fuse and a free spirit. Zorin grew up to be more cautious, his eyes always on the prize, looking for valuables and figuring out a way to steal them, using his deft fingers and agility to get him in places that other's couldn't. Together, they prospered but it rains on the just and the unjust alike.

The rope started to fray just where it started, Xivis, someone sold him out to the authorities and it trickled on down the line from there, ending in a blazing inferno as Lissella's general goods shop was razed to the ground, with the whole family inside. Only Zorin could fit through the last remaining crack they could find before the flames cut them off from escaping. He hadn't wanted to go but his father shoved him through, telling him to flee. He held onto the hands of his family, through the crack until the fire got too hot and he couldn't bear it any longer. He ran, he hid, he cried and the law didn't find him. Zorin spent many nights, completely alone but then came the voices, his mother, father and sister had returned. Somehow, in the mirror, he could see them and speak to them. He was overjoyed and it was like everything went back to normal.

RP Sample:
Zorin is padding through the city and at first, when he sees the lights, he thinks it might be better to go the other way but then he feels his father's hand on his shoulder and the voice, "Wait, Son, this could be important." Zorin nods as his father takes the lead. Ardent creeps forward cautiously to investigate the strange object and the green ooze but he doesn't get there as he hears then sees the guard. The rogue reaches for his bow and knocks an arrow, holding until he can see what's going on. "Help me..." then they see the other creature, something not from this world, obviously. Ardent feels the strong hand of his daughter on his shoulder as Zirilla moves into a forward position, drawing a pair of daggers, "I'll take it out nice and quick." she whispers a promise. When the creature locks eyes with Zirilla but then Lissella steps between the strange creature and her daughter, "Maybe we can make peace with it, It killed a guard, after all."

Zorin finally gets a chance to speak, placing a hand on his mother's shoulder, "This is beyond us, Mother, let's just sneak away and maybe find someone that can help us or knows what's going on aside from the creatures themselves." The singular family of thieves slinks back into the shadows of the alleyway, cautiously, keeping their eyes on the stranger from the sky.

Last edited by Red Leper; Jul 13th, 2024 at 11:46 PM.
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Old Jun 29th, 2024, 05:28 PM
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Is there a place I can roll my stats, Class doesn't matter so much but It helps if I know what kind of stats I can use.
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Old Jun 29th, 2024, 10:09 PM
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yes you can roll your stats here
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Old Jul 2nd, 2024, 10:34 AM
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Shameless plug: this is one of my favorite games I'm currently in. Posts are frequent, downtime between "missions" is rewarding, the missions themselves are fun. It is a fun game. Just saying.
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Old Jul 2nd, 2024, 11:33 PM
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Ooh, what a cool concept! Definitely interested!
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Old Jul 3rd, 2024, 10:52 PM
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Can we use Xanathar's Guide and/or Volo's Guide for races/subclasses, or are we just doing PHB?
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Old Jul 3rd, 2024, 11:00 PM
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It's stated in the advertisement that those are acceptable sources
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