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Old Dec 13th, 2024, 09:09 PM
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Time seems to slow as the gladiators wait at the gate for the third bell, muttering hasty plans. Cumdyn sets himself to run, Mago orders his thoughts. Kári shields his eyes against swirling grit to Perception 18survey the arena. A gust from almost due northwest carries a familiar scent, fish oil that burned dim and smoky in lamps at home. The scent is gone with a change in the wind. Kári glances after it and notices a few small divots forming in the newly smoothed sand, at AG8not far from the gate.

All three come out at speed, raising a cheer from the crowd. The spectators have seen others cower at the gate to be herded out by the Marshal's knights, but this match shows promise.

Cumdyn is a step ahead, jogging to the at AG14nearest barrel while keeping an eye on the far gate. The cask stands on end, not much shorter than his own height. As he nears, he sees that the lid is knocked out. There are a few inches of water under a thin skin of ice at the bottom, not enough weight to keep him from easily tipping and rolling the cask, but certainly enough water to put out a torch.

Mago and Kári pass Cumdyn, running neck-and-neck straight for the nearest torch. Kári taps the Carthaginian on the shoulder, both veer a step left around the place where the sands slowly sift down. Mago pulls ahead and lays out his axe as a step up, crit!steady as a rock. Kári jumps and kicks off the haft, stretching his right arm at the top of his leap. His fingers brush the torch but damn, that was closedon't quite close on it. The Norse quarter of the crowd roars in appreciation of the effort even as Kári skids through the sand.

At the west end, the troll lopes out of the gate's shadows. The giantkin towers over even Mago, green, greasy, nearly ten feet in height with gangling arms reaching to his knees, holding no weapons but wearing a brace of five javelins on his back. The home crowd howls "Grodahk! Grodahk! Grodahk!" The troll takes no notice of the cheers, casually knuckle-walking to the nearest torch, crouching to hop up with arms extended and pull the wire down. Grodahk slips the torch from its loop with ease, waves it at Mago and Kári, and slings it high into the stands. Spectators scramble out of the way and shriek as the torch arcs up trailing sparks, the troll howls, the announcer shouts "FIRST TORCH FALLS TO...GRO-DAAAAAAAAAHHK!"

OODMYou're all up! Grodahk (green G) is last in initiative with a 12.

@Horseman and Gibbon - 60' from the gate with a detour to the torch along the way doesn't quite get you to your stated destinations. I marked Mago and Kari roughly on the map where they'd end up after going for the torch, but anywhere within 10 feet of there as a final location is all good

Kári picked up on a trap at AG8 (lower-case red t), and the barrel at AD5 smells flammable. Cumdyn's water barrel is mobile and can be rolled at speed, and you all can try again for the same torch using the barrel.

Grodahk disposed of the torch at F7. Torches remain at V4, O14 by a column, and AB10.
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Last edited by Corwin; Dec 13th, 2024 at 09:16 PM.
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Old Dec 15th, 2024, 01:53 AM
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Mago Cathargo

Mago didn't even think about the Troll putting out the torches himself. The big Cartaginian thumped the side of his head with the heel of his hand. There's a reason this beast has 12 skulls on his mantel. They better get going quickly.

HURRY, Let's try again.
Dice Athletics:
1d20+7 (9)+7 Total = 16

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Old Dec 15th, 2024, 06:32 PM
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Kári distinctly remembers Skuli telling him trolls were stupid. This one seems brighter than he'd thought it would be. He wonders if Skuli just made it all up, everything he told Kári. Although the troll seemed keen to get rid of the torch. So maybe the fire thing was true.

No time to think about that now. He rushes over to Cumdyn, points at the barrel and then Mago and then starts to roll it towards the giant southerner.

"Let's get this thing over there and grab that torch before that brute gets here" he grunts. "Also, be careful over there" he nods back to the eastern side of the arena. "Some sort of trap in the sand there. Ran right past it on the way in. Don't forget it if we end up back over here. Sand's all scuffed into divots around it."

Last edited by Gibbon; Dec 15th, 2024 at 06:32 PM.
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Old Dec 15th, 2024, 09:14 PM
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OODMAt Dash speed, Kári can get to Cumdyn and they can get back to the torch with the barrel this round. Kári would be about out of movement, but Cumdyn would have some left. With Mago helping him up onto the barrel, Cumdyn needs to make a DC 8 Acrobatics(DEX) check to get the torch at AB 10.
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Old Dec 16th, 2024, 01:13 PM
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Cumdyn is as surprised as the others at the intelligence of the troll, but it was obvious now that in order to collect twelve skulls as trophies that it had learned a thing or two in the arena. There was really no time to think about it now. If the three of them weren't focused on survival then there would be three more skulls added to its trophy case.

Cumdyn gave a nod of thanks to Kari as he pointed out the trap to him. He made a mental note to be on the lookout for any other traps as he pushed the barrel over onto its side and began to roll it over to Mago and the torch. He flipped the barrel onto its edge and attempted to climb up to grab the torch.


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Old Dec 18th, 2024, 12:40 AM
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"HURRY, Let's try again." Kári races to Cumdyn and they tip the barrel, sending water and fragments of ice sloshing into the sand as they roll it back and flip it onto the open end. A ragged cheer goes up as Mago boosts Cumdyn onto the barrel, fading as he slips on a sheen of frost that sends his feet out from under him. With a booming thud, Cumdyn lands hard on his side across the barrel before he can even get a hand up.

Grodahk watches with glee, hooting and snorting before taking off at a leaping run for the next nearest torch. The floor collapses under his weight a few steps into the run, dropping the troll five feet. He lets out a howl, scrabbles out of the pit, and lopes on with greenish-black blood spattering from long gashes on his feet and shins. The wounds heal almost instantly but the trap slowed him just enough to keep him from reaching a second torch.

OODMCumdyn is prone on the barrel below the torch at AB10. Make another DC 8 Acrobatics check to grab the torch after standing, or DC 4 if Cumdyn stands and someone climbs on his shoulders to gain more height.

Grodahk blew a Perception check and hit a trap at K12. He's on the ground with 10-15 feet to climb to reach the O14 torch.
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Old Dec 18th, 2024, 03:12 AM
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Mago Cathargo

It suddenly dawned on Mago that with the barrel there all three of them could climb the barrel and leap for the torch. Mago considered trying it himself. No, he had to trust in others, as much as he hated to. This scoundrel has failed twice already, but Grodahk would not be defeated by a single gladiator, and Mago had no desire to have his skull on Grodahk's mantel. So, he made a choice. Grodahk was wounded, and healing, the stories were true. Mago would meet him in battle, leave the retrieving of the torch to the others, trusting in them.

If Mago was to die, it would be in battle, not balancing on a barrel at the laughs and jeers of the crowd. Mago shouted, Get the Fire, I go to make a wound that won't so quickly heal. Mago Sprinted toward Grodahk, roaring as he ran. Grodahk, You Die Today !

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Old Dec 18th, 2024, 04:07 PM
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Cumdyn cursed as his foot slipped and he ended up sprawled out on the top of the barrel, still several feet removed from the torch above him. He shook off his embarrassment as he hears the jeers of the crowd and attempted standing once more on top of the barrel to reach the torch.

I got it! he yelled to his companions as he grabbed onto the bottom of the torch and lifted it from its suspension chain.

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Old Dec 20th, 2024, 04:08 AM
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Kári slaps Cumdyn on the back.

"Good job" he grins. He points at the barrel to the north of them. "I could smell fish oil earlier. I think it's coming from that barrel. Maybe use it later. For now, we'd better go and help the big 'un"

Kári sprints west, quickly glances into the barrel there to see what it contains, and then runs towards the fray.

OOCSorry folks, busy couple of days. Eudorus, Kári is pointing at the barrel at AD5 which he thinks is full of fish oil. Then checking the barrel at S9 on his way to help Mago.

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Old Dec 20th, 2024, 12:40 PM
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Mago Cathargo

OOC: I'm traveling in the next couple days, may not be posting so I'm rolling attack rolls now, even though Mago may not be in melee til next round depending on what the Troll does.

Mago charged the Troll, screaming at him, challenging him to combat.
Dice Initiative:
1d20+2 (13)+2 Total = 15

Dice Attack:
1d20+7 (2)+7 Total = 9

Dice Damage if hit:
3d12+5 (8, 8, 1)+5 Total = 22

LOL, well Eudoras and Gibbon, looks like it's my time to fail

Last edited by Horseman; Dec 20th, 2024 at 12:41 PM.
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Old Dec 20th, 2024, 01:07 PM
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OOCI'll be catching up posts this weekend.
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Old Dec 21st, 2024, 02:05 PM
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The northeast stands erupt with boos and hisses as Cumdyn slips. The troll slams into a pit a bare second later, and a wave of laughter and hoots from the south side drowns out the chant of "Gro-dahk! Gro-dahk!"

Mago charges the troll with axe at the ready, Cumdyn rises and reaches up, Kári sets out at a run. A hush descends as the gladiators separate. Grodahk looks from the fire hanging above him to Mago just as Cumdyn pulls the far torch down. Rage and bloodlust overcome the troll's feral cunning. He forgets the torch near him and runs straight at Mago.

Kári glances into the center barrel and sees a few inches of half-frozen rainwater in the barrel, then skids into a tight turn to rejoin Mago just as troll and barbarian nearly collide. Grodahk leans back, a thunderous sweep of Mago's greataxe missing him by inches, then lunges forward, sinks his teeth into Mago's face and savages the Carthaginian with two lightning swipes of his claws. The announcer's shout fills the arena. "FIRST BLOOD TO GRODAHK!"

OODMThat's a lucky troll! Mago takes 34 damage.
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Old Dec 21st, 2024, 06:24 PM
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Kári curses in dismay as he sees the troll almost disembowl the Carthaginian with its claws. Somehow the southerner seems to still be on his feet, but he won't be for long if he doesn't get some help. Perhaps it was a mistake, taking that detour to check the barrel. Especially as it wasn't full of the oil Kári had been hoping for. But then he hadn't expected the southerner to charge headlong into the troll like he was in a wrestling competition, either...

As he sprints towards the fight, Kári pulls a handaxe from his belt. He yells at the troll to attract its attention, then hurls the axe at it. Hopefully that will distract the troll long enough for the southerner to take advantage of it with that huge axe he's got.

Kári will use expend one of his superiority dice on a Distracting Strike maneuver:

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to distract the creature, giving your allies an opening. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll. The next attack roll against the target by an attacker other than you has advantage if the attack is made before the start of your next turn.

Dice Initiative:
1d20+4 (14)+4 Total = 18

Dice Attack:
1d20+8 (12)+8 Total = 20

Dice Damage:
1d6+2 (3)+2 Total = 5

Dice Extra Damage (maneuver:
1d8 3

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Old Dec 23rd, 2024, 06:36 PM
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Cumdyn's celebration at securing the torch was short-lived as he caught the sight of the Troll tearing into Mago out of the corner of his eye as he climbed down from the barrel. He cursed that one of them was so quickly and horribly bloodied as he secured the torch in hand and quickly headed toward his companions. He rushed to join the fight, hoping that the arrival of the torch would create some sense of hesitation with the Troll for the three of them to attack. He wished that they had been able to find some oil to douse the troll in but they would have to make do for the time being.

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Old Dec 27th, 2024, 04:03 AM
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Mago Cathargo

Mago’s spirit burned hotter than his failing body. If he was to die, it would be in glory, taking the beast with him or leaving it vulnerable for his allies. With a feral roar, he surged forward, his axe swinging wildly in a reckless assault, fueled by sheer will and the thirst for vengeance.

Mago using Reckless attack, giving him advantage
Dice Initiative:
1d20+2 (3)+2 Total = 5

Dice Attack:
1d20+7 (3)+7 Total = 10

Dice Attack:
1d20+7 (4)+7 Total = 11

Dice Damage:
3d12+5 (6, 4, 1)+5 Total = 16

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