Dec 24th, 2024, 11:37 AM
The Lord of Gifts
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Last Visit: Feb 8th, 2025
RPXP: 36010
Posts: 15,030
Support #mentalhealth research
Just2Now Support #mentalhealth research and win a gift certificate to a lovely little Etsy store in the Ozarks.
A Mom and Pop shop based just outside Little Rock, Arkansas called Just2Now kindly supports our charity drive with the opportunity for one of our fine donors to receive a 50 dollar gift certificate to their Etsy store.
The store includes:Fun & Memories with game-boards, dice towers, chess boards and more
Heirlooms with personalized clocks, rebound (reclaimed) books, etc.
Legacy with personalized plaques for every occasion
The top donation in the next twenty-four (24) hours will receive this wonderful thank you.
And thank you, Just2Now!
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Don't be afraid to use all the colors in the crayon box .
Pronouns: He/They