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Old Aug 15th, 2012, 03:45 PM
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Morgan strokes his chin thoughtfully.
"Lady Phyre, if you're heir apparent then there's no question that you need to do everything you can to avoid infection yourself. With Aiden obviously infected you should probably not be here when he arrives."
If things got messy a drop of blood, sweat, or saliva could make Tyson the only option left even if Aiden didn't actually come into physical contact with Phyre. Morgan doubted she'd like it, heck Morgan wouldn't in her place, but it was the smart thing to do.
"Syltar too if he's high risk."
Schakri at least had apparently proven immune.
"If either of you insist on staying I'd suggest you talk to the healers, they may have vials of antiplague and antitoxin, magic, or just plain advice that could help you minimize your risk."

He turns his attention to the others.
"I can take care of myself but you all might want to seek magic to protect yourselves from fire."
If things went bad that, and claws and teeth, would be Aiden's most obvious weapons.
Thanks to all the great great GM's. Especially: Makenshi, Birched, Savoylen, Davion, and Homestarbaby.
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Old Aug 18th, 2012, 06:21 PM
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Phyre regards Morgan stubbornly. "I need to speak with him. If he is really on the verge of madness then its even more important that I do it before its too late."

Syltar nods. "There's things we need to tell him, but you're right." He turns to Esiard. "Would a soldier be able to escort us to where the healers are quickly and either bring them back or get help there?"

The General nods. "Ask for Kala and tell her that Esiard sent you to her." He gestures for a soldier to escort the pair away while the rest focus on clearing the hall of students. Lord Inaha refuses to leave and, though Esiard almost looks ready to have him forced out but drops the matter when it becomes clear that Jarlan won't budge.

As the students are being led away Nevh's last Quallish student arrives with a pair of soldiers, his clothing looking a little worse for wear but otherwise looking hale and healthy. Flux and Drake arrive only a moment afterwards, the former looking like a young Rinnish man with short blond hair and green eyes. As an Ambassador, and consider Quallish students had been affected, Nevh could likely convince Esiard to allow her to stay and have the Walking Dead pair escort the students back to Quall in her stead.

DMing...: Trials of the Young King [3.5, Full] | Working on...: The Godling Sagas [PF, Gestalt, TotYK Sequel]
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Old Aug 18th, 2012, 10:26 PM
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Nevh felt no need to stay here any longer than necessary, feeling the matter was in good hands.
When her last student was returned to her care, her task was done and she was ready to depart. She took hold of his chin, lifted it slightly to get a better look at him, eyes full of fury. She whispered to him, inquiring if he was alright, then grouped him with the others.

However, when Drake and Flux showed up, things got different. It was a good thing they were so competent.
This might be the last they would see of Aiden for a good while and so it might be a good idea to get the most of it.
She walked closer to her bodyguards, getting close enough to palm their shoulders.
"Sorry it took so long. Here's far from the safest place around, I know, but I've some more business here that must be dealt with."
She turned to the Quallish students, sniffed, beckoned them closer.

To her bodyguards, again. Talking to Flux.
"Please return them to the Quallish embassy in my name. I'll return shortly and we'll see them back in Quall."
Turning to Drake: "Although the area has been made secure by hands most able, it would not do that I remain in such a dangerous place on my own. I would have you stay in the next room at the ready if you may not remain here with me."

She then confronted Esiard.
"I'd say I am an essential person considering what my countrymen were exposed to while they were in Aiden's care. I must have words with him while he is still able of conversation. I'm not bringing an half-assed report back on this incident. Not for something so dire. Besides..."
She spared a glance in the direction of Morgan, Phyre and Syltar.
"I'm no archmage but I've some magic of my own and can take care of myself. If push comes to shove I won't hold you responsible would somethin happen to me on your watch."

Last edited by Blue; Aug 20th, 2012 at 11:23 AM.
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Old Aug 20th, 2012, 10:47 AM
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Morgan has dubbed Lucius as 'Lucy'Lucy waits a little behind Wainraith, looking bored but alert. Hran and Versovesh go with Phyre and Syltar, since Esiard isn't sure whether or not they're in danger.

Flux raises a curious eyebrow at the order. "Ok, boss." He turns towards the Quallish students, his face rippling for a moment before a middle-aged Quallish man stands in front of them, though still with blond hair and green eyes. "You heard the Ambassador, follow me."

As Flux leads them out Esiard regards Drake for a moment before answering. "Another skilled fighter couldn't hurt just in case Aiden does become unhinged, but if the worst happens I expect all of you to listen to me. If I tell you to retreat I expect you to listen. Is that understood?" He looks around the room at everyone who was electing to stay.

DMing...: Trials of the Young King [3.5, Full] | Working on...: The Godling Sagas [PF, Gestalt, TotYK Sequel]
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Old Aug 20th, 2012, 06:22 PM
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He was so cautious it made her even more edgy that she already was. She removed the greatswords on her back and let them lie next to her on the floor. If anything, it made the dragon wings she'd been having since she entered the Plane of Shadows easier to move around.

She spared a glance in one of her component pouch for good measure then stood still, waiting.

Last edited by Blue; Aug 20th, 2012 at 06:22 PM.
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Old Aug 20th, 2012, 07:16 PM
SpatulaOdoom SpatulaOdoom is offline
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Morgan simply nods. He'd already made his stance clear.
He wants to go with Phyre to see Kala, but with Lucius sticking so close to him he didn't want to risk bringing them together early and Lucius somehow recognizing her. For now there was nothing to do but wait.
Thanks to all the great great GM's. Especially: Makenshi, Birched, Savoylen, Davion, and Homestarbaby.
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Old Aug 21st, 2012, 05:25 AM
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Mrogan raised a hand from behind Nevh. "I'm not an ambassador or archmage, but I'll be tagging along if it's not a bother." He didn't want to say it out loud, but he found this incident interesting at its base level, something that had caused the Dragonblaze to go mad like this.
"How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some higher principles in his nature, which interests him in the fortune of others, and render their happiness necessary to him, though he derives nothing from it, except the pleasure of seeing it." - Adam Smith
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Old Aug 24th, 2012, 09:22 PM
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Drake towered over Nevh by over a foot, and about 6'7"was even taller than the two Morgans, however it was his general bulk that truly made him look the part of the menacing bodyguard - that and his adamantine shell that was covered in a multitude of runes from top to bottom. That he wore a mage's robe with similar but not identical rune designs over the top of his heavily armoured body only made him appear more imposing, although it was somewhat odd to see him wearing three rings - Warforged were not, as a rule, wearers of jewlery especially the older ones after all. As the Ambassador put down her swords he simply rested a hand on top of his sheathed scimitar, his cold mechanical eyes drifting around the room looking for danger.

It doesn't take long for the Dragonblazes, Hran and Versovesh to return, by the time of which everyone else has been evacuated from the great hall. After giving the newly arrived Warforged a curious look they move towards Schakri and wait for Aiden and the Captain to arrive.

It isn't long until the great doors open and a dozen people walk through. In the centre was a dishevelled and bloody looking Aiden walking next to the familiar figure of Captain Blaze Jadewalker. Surrounding them were the robed mages and mage-knights under Jadewalker's command, known throughout most of Halvanna as 'longrobes' for the distinctive long tails to their robes that they all wore - often over armour. Despite his appearance Aiden looked in good health - his eyes quickly roaming over the other people in the room - and if they didn't need to wait long for confirmation that he was himself, as he immediately gives a polite nod of the head. "General Emlyn. Lord Inaha. Archmage Wainraith." He looks more than a little puzzled at Nevh and Crescent's presence. "Ambassador and...court bard?"

Once those pleasantries are exchanged he frowns at his sister and cousins. "You shouldn't be here. It's dangerous."

"But-" Phyre tires to speak up.

"You can't put yourself in danger Phyre, not now. You and Tyson are the two highest Dragonblaze unaffected and if the whole of the head family become ill then the others will end up fighting for who's next in line." He glances from one cousin to the other. "Especially since by the letter of the law, the hierarchy would fall to the eldest son of our father's brother." He looks back towards Phyre. "And can you imagine how much worse things could get if Schakri were in charge?"

DMing...: Trials of the Young King [3.5, Full] | Working on...: The Godling Sagas [PF, Gestalt, TotYK Sequel]

Last edited by Makenshi; Aug 24th, 2012 at 09:24 PM.
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Old Aug 25th, 2012, 12:24 AM
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When addressed to, Nevh returns the nod. "Lord Dragonblaze."
She looked relatively calm despite the situation. Now that the students were gone, there were no traces of her previous apparent anger.

Sending her thoughts to Zilira, considering that she was probably attentive due to the situation and Wainraith's proximity.
Asking for permission to be divulge critical information with Aiden. It may be that at this point there is nothing left to gain in keeping high secrecy on most of the matter at hand. At least not from those who might be our most important allies. He and Schakri are here, it may be time to get as much out of the situation as we can while Aiden can still be spoken to.

Last edited by Blue; Aug 25th, 2012 at 12:27 AM.
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Old Aug 25th, 2012, 04:22 AM
SpatulaOdoom SpatulaOdoom is offline
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In the time between Morgan leans tiredly on his staff , his thoughts dark and struggling to encompass the situation on the larger scale rather than just the Dragonblazes themselves. It was foolish to expect that Zera would sit back and rest on his laurels for a bit to give them time to catch up. That didn't make it any less frustrating to be behind before they even knew the race was on.

He'd struck the Dragonblazes, how didn't matter nearly as much as why. If he'd been after the dagger his daughters certainly wouldn't have left before finding it, so the attack on Scion hadn't been about that. What had happened, was still happening, tonight was about weakening the Dragonblazes. He'd done it in a way that would strike a heavy blow both to the individual people but to the family's political power.

Of Halva's three great families the Halvas had taken a great blow decades ago. The intent had been to put Zera forth as a legitimate heir, but Jester had ruined that possibility by exposing him. Now the only way Zera would be accepted is if he gave everyone no other choice. Now the Dragonblazes, politically powerful, large, and a family of mages who could combat his trollish army.

Morgan's stomach lurches. The Sols would be next. They had the resources he'd need to hold onto rulership after he took power. More they were politically speaking the only acceptable alternative to the Halvas. If there were no Halvas left Morgan could see the people accepting a Sol ruler or rallying around to destroy "the great betrayer". He'd need them under his thumb or destroyed and their assets seized. Both his previous attacks had been subtle, this next one would be too.

His mind first goes to the situation with Lyrason. It seemed possible that his current problem with the Sols could have been engineered to entrap them somehow. Could a clever legal move turn the tables and cost the Sols a large chunk of their financial empire? It didn't seem likely, but it was possible. It didn't seem subtle enough, but then again maybe Zera was mixing it up, or even (hopefully) his resources were overextended. Either way a warning was in order.

The mage frowns. It was time to put pressure on Dillon and Mara. Esiard wouldn't like it, especially since Morgan couldn't tell him much of what was going on without risking exposing his hand.

When Aiden arrives Morgan returns his nod. He might not be particularly fond of the Dragonblazes in general, but that didn't mean he'd wish horror like this on them.
”We advised Lady Phyre against staying but she insisted that there was something she needed to speak to you about.” His eyes flick momentarily to Phyre then Syltar before returning to Aiden. ”Perhaps you would be so kind as to minimize her exposure by letting her get to the point?” Rather than interrupting her to say things that anyone with half a brain knew.
Thanks to all the great great GM's. Especially: Makenshi, Birched, Savoylen, Davion, and Homestarbaby.
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Old Aug 25th, 2012, 09:39 AM
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Syltar remained silent, offering a nod of greeting when his cousin walked into the hall. He seemed in a state, covered in blood and showing wear to his clothing, but he seemed well enough. Of course, the truth was that he was very ill - a fact Syltar knew from sources - and would likely kill himself following a powerful display of magic. In that regard, whether Aiden knew it or not, the group were probably safer than they expected. But mentioning that would only give false security, and Aiden would undoubtedly still prove very dangerous even in such a weakened state... it was best to presume the worst, and have everyone ready to act with everything they had.

I never considered I would find myself considering how best to kill my kin, should they become mad... this disease has truly ruined this family.

When Morgan spoke about allowing Phyre to speak, Syltar watched Aiden, holding his staff in his right hand. The black raven, Tias, perched on the young mage's shoulder, also watching the proceedings. If it were to come to blows, it would be a sorrowful end to an even more dismal day; especially with the Dragonblaze line more or less wiped out near completely, and the remainder of the dirty job likely being done by those clambering for power and position in the head family's falls.

"I will share after you, Phyre."

Syltar dreaded what was to come, the information he was to share, and the conversations that were to follow. Still, perhaps the meeting would yield positive results and some answers could finally be found... but until then, Syltar remained ready to react should things take a turn for the worst.
Contrary to popular opinion, the plural of anecdote is not facts.
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Old Aug 25th, 2012, 07:46 PM
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Schakri gives his best affronted look at Aiden's remark, seemingly having relaxed a lot more now, though he still wasn't quite acting like the foppish playboy they were more familiar with.

Aiden frowns slightly at Wainraith's retort, but quickly sighs. "Apologies. Given the circumstances I'm sure you'll understand I'm a little on edge, but before we continue I need to tell the General about some collars he'll likely need-"

"Lord Schakri has already informed us of the collars that suppress magic." Esiard cuts in. "Some of my soldiers are retrieving them as we speak."

Aiden seems surprised for a moment before dimissing it and carrying on. "Very well then." He looks to Phyre. "Did you come back because of the illness?"

Phyre shakes her head. "No. We left Kerberos' group some time ago to deal with the Tella'kessir - they're Elf-touched who-"

Aiden holds up a hand. "I'm well aware of the Tella'kessir." There is an obvious disliking to his tone, making his opinion of the xenophobic Elf-touched clear.

"Hran's mother was one of them and he-"

"I know what happened to Hran. I made a point of it when you two left." He glances towards the Half-Dragon before looking back towards his sister. "Don't worry about the background, if I don't know what you're talking about I'll say."

Phyre nods, seeming a little nervous. "Well, they tried to kill Hran - attacked all of us to get to him." Aiden frowns but doesn't interrupt this time. "People died, including a friend of Hran's, and so we felt we couldn't continue. We had to stop them from coming after him again. The High Inquisitors wouldn't be there to help bail us out of trouble next time afterall."

"Schakri told me as much when he delivered the King's message to Lord Faeresril."

"Ah! I...uhh...forgot about that, sorry...uhm..."

"Phyre." Aiden's tone was softer this time, with a note of concern. "Stop worrying. Relax."

His words, or perhaps his more concerned tone, seemed to help cam the flustered noblewoman. "Well, we went looking for Hran's father, Versovesh." She gestures to the Dragon, who was looking bored and inattentive to her words, seemingly more concerned with Aiden. "Once we found him we intended to try and intimidate them into finally leaving Hran alone-"

"It is unlikely it would have worked." This time it is the Dragon that interrupts. "They soon forgot my last warning after all."

"-but when we got there it was a massacre." Aiden looks startled for a moment. "Oh, no! It wasn't us. They were dead by the time we arrived."

"It was Trolls." Versovesh seemed to watch carefully for Aiden's reaction, which was one of surprise and concern, as was Esiard's.

"But...the Trolls are gathering in the west, all the groups large enough to be a threat to the Tella'kessir at least, and they reside in the north-east of Halva."

Esiard frowns. "There's been no reports of sizable movements in the north from the Trolls, nothing that could come close to explaining how enough of them managed to attack the Tella'kessir without the Rogue Legion knowing about it." He looks over at Jadewalker. "Can one of your soldiers relay this information to Captain Seint-Kigo. He's going to want his own eyes on the scene and the surrounding area."

"There's more." Versovesh continues. "Magic was used. Against the Tella'kessir. As a rule, Trolls don't use magic, at least, not magic powerful enough to slaughter dozens of people at a time. They prefer to get up close and personal. And I'm no expert at tracking, but I've kept a close enough eye on the Tella'kessir's numbers to know that there was no where near enough bodies to account for all of them."

Zilira's eventual response, given once Versovesh and Phyre finish their own discoveries, is given to Wainraith as well as Nevh. "Agreed. Things are moving too quickly, too often and on too great a scale now. After the events today Vulcar intends to call a meeting of the a meeting that includes the High Council, Lords, Ambassadors and Archmages, though depending on the matter being discussed, it won't neccessarily involve all of the latter threeGreater Council as soon as possible. However, I suggest you leave revealing information to Morgan. He is already well known to share the confidences of the King, while your apparent neutrality should be maintained if possible Nevh. Best do so while the other Dragonblaze are here. Phyre will most likely be the acting head of the Dragonblaze afterall, and her two cousins will likely be key advisors all things considered. It will also be interesting to see Schakri's reaction."

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Old Aug 26th, 2012, 02:24 AM
SpatulaOdoom SpatulaOdoom is offline
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Morgan hadn't known that Hran's mother had been one of the Tella'Kessir, another little note he files away for later.

If the king and Zilira
"The trolls are agents of Zera the Betrayer. He's preparing the ground for another strike at the Halvan Crown. He's gathered the trolls with the aid of the Blue Lady with the Eyes of a Void. His most powerful agent of destruction, or the dragon, to use the literary colloquial." Morgan had spread a warning about her about during the Engagement Party, but he's not sure it got around to Aiden. He draws the paintings of the Enchantress and Shaper from his satchel and holds them up for inspection. "She is usually found in the company of these women.
This is relevant to the current situation because I believe the illness and madness that has afflicted your family is part of his preparations. I'm sure of this because the madness has coincided with another event."

Morgan looks expectantly at Syltar. He'd agreed to keep the information Syltar had given him confidential, and he kept his word, but now was obviously the time for Syltar to inform the head of house. Considering Aiden's impending madness it seemed unlikely Esiard and the other military people would allow them much in the way of privacy. Hopefully Syltar would be wise enough to avoid mentioning the dagger, Morgan would be sorely disappointed if he did, but the subject of Scion's death or capture at the hands of the Blue Lady seemed very relevant at the moment.
Thanks to all the great great GM's. Especially: Makenshi, Birched, Savoylen, Davion, and Homestarbaby.
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Old Aug 26th, 2012, 07:04 AM
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Nevh had strongly considered revealing her status as a spy, but Zilira's suggestion incited to keep the whole of her actual allegiances secret for the while. A reveal might help Aiden feel more at ease in revealing more delicate matters and, although there was little to gain in maintaining the charade any longer, there was nothing much to gain in doing so either.
It was just a pain to fake faking not being surprised by Morgan's revelations in order to let someone as perceptive as those around her believe she actually wasn't too aware of what was going on.

With the power base of Halva being targeted, there was a logical succession of events that seemed to get clearer in her mind.
She glared a Schakri, her suspicion growing by the second. Something about him had bothered her ever since the incident in Ikra.
Lyrason was also one of the pillars of Halva, and his power had begun to decline not so long ago... and now the Dragonblazes. The Sols had done the strongest blow at his business, and Schakri was doing spy work on him, but for whom? Aiden? The Sols? Zera?
Shackri having a foot in the Dragonblaze family, another possibly working for the Sols and his cock in Lyrason's wife, he could be quite a mole to use to bring down the pillars of Halva. Hopefully just another pointless suspicion.
Sending thoughts to Zilira again.
Has Vulcar confronted Aiden on the matter of Schakri's spying? If he hasn't, I think it should be taken care of by the next few minutes. And, again, was the identity of the Dragonblaze whom provided the Deceiver's Bane for Celes discovered?

Last edited by Blue; Aug 26th, 2012 at 07:09 AM.
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Old Aug 26th, 2012, 11:39 AM
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"Didina disagrees. Outing Schakri as a spy would only further damage the Dragonblaze name and help de-stabilise them. After Phyre and Tyson he is the next in line to the 'throne' of the Dragonblaze Kin. This does present us with a useful opportunity though - but showing our hand to him would be best done more privately, not in front of a General, a Captain and a rival Lord, let alone all the soldiers who's tongues might waggle. As for the Deceiver's Bane, I still do not understand your fixation on it. It was a deal with the Dragonblaze Kin - not an individual within it - so depending on your definition of 'provided' it would be either Aiden himself (who handled the negotiations) or whichever Dragonblaze crafted or retrieved it, which we'd need to ask them about. It is possible Aiden is one of the few who knows who that would be."

DMing...: Trials of the Young King [3.5, Full] | Working on...: The Godling Sagas [PF, Gestalt, TotYK Sequel]

Last edited by Makenshi; Aug 26th, 2012 at 11:39 AM.
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