I was thirteen when I first witnessed a D&D game in progress. I'd just moved to a new city, and there was a gang of neighbor kids all hanging out in a tent pitched in the backyard of the neighbor on the opposite side of the block. They were high-school age, except one of them. I was between 6th and 7th grade. It was in the early days of Summer vacation, and things could not have been more right with the world.
Two of them were very nice, and came over to the house to introduce themselves and ask me if I wanted to hang out. (Very nice behavior, if I do say so, for kids of that age) They invited me to the tent where they played D&D. Advanced 1st Ed. I believe it was. I didn't actually play, but I watched, and was instantly hooked on the notion of playing it. It wasn't long before I hooked up with some folks closer to my age and began to play myself, but that experience is what whet my RPG whistle for sure!
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw
Gold Box, Curse of the Azure Bonds. That game was amazing on our old 486 (I think that's what I played it on). Followed by Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale 2, Neverwinter Nights, Dungeons and Dragons Online, etc.
Ended up creating my own rpg system so I could play with friends in college (we called it Lore). After college, with no one to play with, I ended up here. ![]()
A group of family and friends invited me and hubs. So much fun!!!! Excepting one girl who pooped the party every time. The freedom of imagination hooked me line and sinker. Then babies! The games ended. Our GM found this site. Now here I am too. Tada! :]
It's 1983. I'm in 4th grade and my parents move to NJ, uggh. I have no friends and just want to meet some new people. A guy down the street named Troy says he'll hang out with me if I play D+D with him. I buy the red box, color in the dice and voila. I'm hooked. I spent the better part of my childhood and young adult life rolling dice and looking forward to the times when my friends and I could be legends in our minds.
I have another question for whomever feels the need to answer... What's your favorite RPG that you couldn't find a group to follow along with and play? Robotech by Palladium Books takes the cake for me. Only found 1 other person who wanted to ever play. |
I got into D&D when I met a cool dude about two years ago. We ran parkour together and played TES Oblivion and eventually he brought up D&D, I grabbed some dice, made a rogue and began my life of crime. I fell in love from day one and since have been looking for people to play with, but it's not common to find around my area
Neverwinter Nights was one of my favorite games as a child, and I played the hell out of it, both single and multiplayer. One morning, when I was a wee 12-year-old lad, I woke up and suddenly decided I should try the real thing. Within a week I had bought the 3e PHB and found a game at my local hobby store. As it turned out everyone had already migrated to 3.5e by that point, so I had purchased the PHB for nothing, but at least my fellow gamers hooked me up with books to use until I could afford another
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I was in grade school back in the 80's. There was a group of enrichment students playing in the school library over a lunch we had to spend indoors due to weather. I was sitting near them reading something about D-Day and overheard them.
The DM was playing some version of Ancient Egypt with 1st edition Adnd rules. Took me all of about 17 minutes of listening before I went looking to get in on some of that. My first character ever was a pre-made gnome illusionist (to this day I loathe gnomes). He was really really squishy and I died about 20 minutes into the game. |
Like a lot of kids from my era, I first saw DnD being played while watching the film E.T. I honestly couldn't figure out what they were discussing, but I was only 5 at the time so I just waited impatiently for the alien to show up.
I got into computer and video games way before tabletop stuff. My first exposure, really was through gaming magazines around 1990. Back then, you could find a Waldenbooks or some other bookstore in malls or strip malls all across the U.S., and on the first of every month my parents would make a stop after school, give me $3.25, and I'd go inside and pick up one of the now-defunct magazines that would cover all of the popular formats of the time (with the NES usually getting most of the attention). Often, advertisements for the D&D pc titles served as my second exposure to the series; Pools of Radiance and others from the gold box series. Then one day, while waiting for my mom and sister to finish up at the craft store next door, I went a little further into that Waldenbooks. That was when I saw it: That. Red. Box. I'd played wargames and classic board games. But how did this work? You could do anything? There had to be so many rules to keep things from getting out of hand. (for me, at the time, a Dungeon Master was still that guy in the red robe in the cartoon) DnD did not become the first rpg I picked up. Mechwarrior came first, then Shadowrun. I didn't buy a DnD book of my own until 3.5 came out, I mostly just mooched off of friends (I have an aversion to spending money). These days I always buy the new player handbook, though, and others if they come out as an ebook.
Character: Sir Glaswick the Yellow |
when i was 16 i played a witted game called survival, pretty much a free for all word game based on wit, I didn't actually get started into D&D until i played the Xbox 360 game..... It was alright. Now that i'm 21, I was bored and read on imgur a hilarious D&D adventure a person and their friends had. now i kinda want to get into the whole scene, Its alittle confusing for me but so far i have not been disappointed!
In High School, my friends and I started a three-year long campaign that (more or less) had the same characters. Met every now and then after school, or at someone's house.
My first experience with D&D happened... something like 13 years ago, I believe. There was this guy I knew that often hung out with another group, but whenever they couldn't get together in middle school he hung out with the small group I tended to be with. I can't remember why but we ended up getting onto the subject of D&D, or what they were doing there, and he said that's what they were playing. Faulty memory again, not sure if I'd heard of D&D before that, but I think I must have since I had an interest in it. Anyway, he offered to run the first 'game' and it... it wasn't D&D, suffice to say.
That's not to say I'm the type of person who says 'D&D must be played this way and no other.' Quite the contrary. What we did was more akin to collaborative storywriting than D&D. No dice were involved, things were very... abstract, and the DM sort of made it up as they went along, and were writing what we were doing as we did it. Success or failure was pretty much determined on a whim. I can't remember where it came from, either from this guy's stories of his group, or something that happened in our first game, but the only friend I still have from that era and I sometimes joke about walking into a room with 1000 skeletons, being unsure what to do, and told to just 'swing our swords.' So we said we did that, and we killed a few hundred per swing. It made no sense. We didn't play that again. However, it made me look into what D&D actually was. Funny how it isn't the first time that happened to me, either. I'm not sure how many things now I'm into that I initially got into by playing it 'wrong' and learning more trying to figure out the right way to play it. I ended up picking up a basic box. It came with this big paper map, and a basic adventure. I DMed for a lunch period and that was about the only time I ever used it in a 'group' of some kind. My friend and I still did little 'duo' games, but it was more just a dungeon crawl smashfesh than anything, and it grew boring like that, and with just the two of us, after a few times. Plus, Neverwinter Nights came out. We both got the game, and started doing our D&D co-op adventures on there. I can't remember the number of times we played through that game. I do remember I made modules for us with custom gear and items (the two in particular I remember was a dagger that only did 1 damage but had a DC133 petrification effect... that was awful, yet hillarious, and a bastard sword that shot magic missiles when you swung it). My first 'real' experience came from the early days of this website. I initially joined in 2005, and faded in and out of a few games. It wasn't as big a hobby for me then, and I admit to being one of those 'vanish' type players, I did it on... two games, and one I DMed. Still, I consider that my first 'real' experience with the game. It wasn't until a year later on a different site that I started up another proper game, and it was about 7 years ago that I really got into it after a period of off-and-on. At least I think that's what happened. I can barely remember.
Danke to the kind soul who provided a CS membership!
=<[ Cap's NPSGs ]>=--=<[ Distorted Keep ]>=--=<[ Pokemon: FS ]>= =<[ 100 Themes [Oct 19] ]>= Last edited by Captain Devonin; Oct 8th, 2014 at 04:25 AM. |
My sister and I played the heck out of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance I and II on our PS2 as kids. I was always the flashy magical characters (sorceress in I and the cleric and necromancer in II) and she always went for heavy hitters (dwarven fighter in I and drow monk and dwarven rogue in II). As such, our games usually went as follows: She gets a head-start leveling up early in the game on account of me being squishy and dying a lot, her having more loot and better armor due to her greater strength, and then me laying waste to everything in the mid and late game due to a super arsenal of spells that destroy everything before her melee character can get close to them.Eventually she started spamming Bull Rush every five seconds so she could get far enough ahead of me to reach the enemies before I could drop a meteor on them.
I didn't start playing the actual pen-and-paper game until I joined RPGCrossing. I had been wanting to try it for some time but didn't know anyone who played. I was too scared to join an in-person group of people I didn't know because I dreaded being the only noob and the only girl. I still toy with the idea of joining the local Pathfinder Societynow that I know more about the game, but I haven't worked up the courage yet.
Pseupercallafragelisticexpialladocious. Last edited by Pseudonymous; Oct 8th, 2014 at 01:43 PM. |
My parents played when they were younger, with some friends of theirs and one day they told me a story about it.
My dad, who was playing as the DM, was becoming increasingly frustrated as the other players in the group continued to ignore his epic Tolkein-esque story of ogres, trolls and gnomes fighting one another. Finally after a long session the group came to a wall of fire and, jokingly, one of the players, unsure if the wall was an illusion or not, said "I pick up Cricket and throw her into the fire." "Cricket is dead," was my dad's response. And he closed the book, and the game was done for the evening. I remember hearing that story when I was about 10 and it made me laugh and laugh the way my parents told it. Though they never really played D&D after that, my parents encouraged me to try playing it sometime, knowing that I was really into fantasy and had just finished reading the Hobbit at the time. So I got the books for Christmas and had a game set up before the end of the winter break. I played with some friends. We were all terrible at it, but everyone enjoyed themselves and from that point on I was hooked. I've played on and off over the last 14 years, playing only real-life games, but most of my playing and DMing has occurred in the last 10. I live in a small town though and all of my friends are far away now so it's hard to get a real-life game going, but I'm glad to say that I'm a lifer when it comes to D&D. All because of that one little gnome and a wall of fire 10 years before I was born. |
Short version is that I wanted to, and had some friends that wanted to. So, we used the PSRD online, and rolled up some characters, and away we went! Never look back!
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