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Old May 5th, 2020, 03:39 AM
ginnlogic ginnlogic is offline
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Early teens. Found an old beat up box of HeroQuest at goodwill. Needed more. Found the 'red box' in books section at a thrift store.

We expanded on and mashed stuff together. Improved and started making own stories.

Found Planescape Boxed Set at same thrift store. It expanded SOOOOOOO much of what we thought the game could be. We realized it wasn't all boxed sets... (we were kids). Everything sort of springboarded from there.
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Old May 5th, 2020, 04:17 AM
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Well, I may not have a storied past with the hobby, but it is one that the whippersnappers would have no clue about. Where the grognards and graybeards got their feet wet on THAC0 and box sets, I discovered Dungeons and Dragons in the age of Limewire. I didn't have my own PC at the time, so it wasn't me sailing the high seas in search of PDFs to pillage and plunder, but I may have benefited from the extralegal activities of my compatriots. For the latter two years of my high school life, as well as the first year afterward, I would ride my bicycle eight miles to my friend's house to pore over every last virtual page of D&D 3.0 and then 3.5e content, from the Player's Handbook to the Book of Weeaboo Fightan Magic to the, well, yeah, the Book of Erotic Fantasy. What can I say? I was the bad stereotype of a nerdy dude.

I didn't actually play Dungeons and Dragons, though. No. My friends and I might theorycraft monsters or PCs to specifications given to us as useless challenges, but none of us actually played. We didn't have regular transportation or motivation, and more importantly, we didn't have anyone who could manage to run a game.

It wasn't until I was twenty that I finally got a game of D&D. Perhaps six sessions actually happened over the course of as many months, followed by the dissolution of the group as people got jobs that conflicted with session times or generally lost interest. I played a few solo sessions of Star Wars Saga Edition with the DM from the 3.5e game, but soon I fell into full-time World of Warcraft, and my soul was almost eternally lost.

I will not ramble on much further, as the preceding answers the question posed by this thread, but I am eternally grateful to a member of my World of Warcraft guild's Ventrilo server for bringing up the idea of Pathfinder, which eventually led me to Virtual Tabletops, and then, with the presence of my first child, play-by-post. Life is better with TTRPGs.
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Old May 13th, 2020, 03:06 PM
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I first started playing D&D when I was 12, in 1989, back when they only had the game modules. My friends and I had lots of fun with the game, and even started inventing our own scenarios using the original equipment lists and whatnot.
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Old Sep 2nd, 2020, 08:08 AM
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My sister's boyfriend had the AD&D books in 1983 or so. Me and my best friend played it. His brother had Star Trek and Traveller and Dr. Who. He would get Marvel Superheroes. That last was probably the strangest system I'd played, but the characters were familiar. The books were a little risqué, as I recall. A long time ago, a different time. Fond memories.
It doesn't even matter.
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Old Sep 2nd, 2020, 12:03 PM
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Fantasy novels. I used to love fantasy novels when I was younger, particularly the Icewind Dale series which first got me into all this. I must have read them more times than was healthy and I never even realised there was a game that the books were based on until I happened to saw the same Forgotten Realms logo in a shop window.
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Old Sep 2nd, 2020, 03:34 PM
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My story is probably pretty typical and boring. Some friends had a gaming group and they wanted a girl to join them, so they drafted me. I enjoyed the roleplaying and got hooked.
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Old Oct 7th, 2020, 03:39 PM
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Hey all, hope things are going well.
Another typical story over here. Parents started me with the fiction (Tolkein, Moorcock, le Guin), then when a friend asked if I was interested in playing a TTRPG session or two I was hooked.

We've been playing on-off campaigns with 5e and WoD for a few years now, but college/work commitments always mean we end up playing like mad goblin cultists for a couple of months, then trailing off for half a year.
P-b-P seems like something that can scratch that itch a little more regularly, and provides a pretty fun opportunity to practice a little writing while I'm at it.
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Old Oct 9th, 2020, 05:30 PM
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High school. I had a friend I looked up to who mentioned to some of us he was thinking of running a game. I had heard of D&D, but didn't really know anything about it, but I was eager to be in the small group who were going to play so I joined in.

I only ended up playing one session with them for some reason or another, but I was hooked. I quickly found this website shortly afterwards and dragged my now-husband with me, and we played a few games here. Then my boy decided to run his own games, and the rest is history!
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Old Oct 11th, 2020, 03:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Neko View Post
I quickly found this website shortly afterwards and dragged my now-husband with me, and we played a few games here. Then my boy decided to run his own games, and the rest is history!
Oh hi, that would be me.

I found a Monster Manual for 2e in my uncles house and ended up collecting a ton of the old books... until enough of my high school friends want to play. Then, I was the DM.
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Old Oct 12th, 2020, 02:17 PM
AMansfield01 AMansfield01 is offline
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I got in around version 3.5 but fell in love with 4e, haven't gotten to play much, just got with a group recently and I love it and not I'm interested in trying to learn some Pathfinder.
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Old Oct 12th, 2020, 07:04 PM
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Neko and Nickolie together make for a genuine love story. I can say this as I had the good fortune of being in one of their aforementioned games.
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Old Nov 15th, 2020, 11:49 AM
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I started out at university, when a friend took me to a game where they needed another player. It was AD&D (yes, I'm that old) and while I didn't really like that system (it was clunky I feel) we quickly started doing other stuff. In the 20-odd years I've been playing, I've done AD&D, D&D 3.0 and 3.5 of the D&D systems (and many more other systems beside that).
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Old Nov 16th, 2020, 02:14 PM
InMemoriam InMemoriam is offline
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I got into D&D through Catching up on C2 and haven't finished C1 yet. No spoilers!CritRole just last year, like the filthy casual I am. My younger brother had been watching it for far longer and finally asked our dad for books, and he got us a bunch plus the Tomb of Annihilation boardgame. From there we dove straight into an ongoing homebrew DMd by said brother and that's pretty much my only TTRPG experience outside of RPGX.

As you can see, unlike a lot of the replies on here, I am so, so new to D&D, but I've devoured the books and then some
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Last edited by InMemoriam; Nov 16th, 2020 at 07:03 PM.
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Old Jan 23rd, 2021, 10:50 AM
BrahanSeer BrahanSeer is offline
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I grew up in the late 70s and early 80s and got really into gaming in arcades and on my Atari, I didn’t discover tabletop till I went to university where some friends had a DND game going. I loved it but life got crazy fast and I lost the board gaming habit though held on to the video gaming one. I’m loving edging my way back into the DND thing now.
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Old Jan 25th, 2021, 03:57 PM
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I was bartending in 2018 when a cook I worked with essentially double-dog dared me to join his D&D 3.5e campaign. ("Too bad *Lashiec* thinks he's too cooool for anything but Rocket League and drinking Red Bull.") This type of tactic is still one of my greatest weaknesses after all these years, but I'm also big on trying everything at least once.

We got through three six-hour sessions (which was actually three hours of session split in half, flanking three extra hours of me watching people make 'brownies' that I refuse to eat because I just cannot hang). After session three, I put that awkwardness in my rearview mirror, but I wanted more. ...D&D, not pot brownies.
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Last edited by Lashiec; Jan 25th, 2021 at 03:58 PM.
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