Currently playing Rise of the Runelords-GM |
Year 7, at the lofty age of 11. One of the teachers let the bookworms, nerds, wargamers and whatnot use his classroom at school as a place to hang out, shelter from the cool kids and so on. He also ran a general misfits club for our school's 'activities week,' the last week of term before school holidays. The cool kids were off doing white-water rafting, school trips abroad and so on, while the dozen or so who didn't pick anything else (myself included) lounged around for the week in this teacher's classroom doing more or less nothing.
Most of the days were spent playing the flash games that weren't blocked on the classroom PCs, but one day the teacher (let's call him Mr Williams) asked if anyone wanted to give this game called Dungeons & Dragons a go. Fast forward a few hours and the 10-strong party of pre-teenagers were exploring their first dungeon. (...Well, 9-strong. My character's initiation was him trying to abseil down a ravine, getting about halfway when one player helpfully pointed out that I should be taking armour check penalties to my climb rolls. Said penalties were applied for my next climb check, and I apparently left a small crater when I subsequently fell to my death. ![]() But, I made a new character and joined in the chaos of the 10-person DnD 3.5 adventure again, and it was like nothing else I'd tried - the closest thing would have been playing with action figures and coming up with names and adventures for them. Fast-forward to a month later, and I'd begged for the DnD starter set, convinced my younger brothers it was the best thing ever, and spent a rainy week in a caravan in Germany teaching a highly inaccurate set of rules to a 9 and 7 year old. Fast-forward further, to after Christmas, and I came back to school with my backpack laden down with the player's handbook, monster manual and dungeon master's guide (which together, as some people likely remember, could be used to capably kill a man). The other nerds and misfits joined in, and Mr Williams started running a game (well, a series of linked encounters) each lunch break if he had the time. He didn't have the time for long, of course, and after a week or two asked if anyone else wanted to try GMing. With the misplaced confidence of a nearly-teenager, I volunteered and... well, nearly 20 years later, here I am. I've run games on and off since then, but barely had a chance to actually play games. Hopefully now I'm here, that'll change! Last edited by Southpaw; Jan 26th, 2021 at 08:07 PM. |
I had long known that D&D was the bomb, having grown up playing Pool of Radiance, Hillsfar, Eye of the Beholder, etc. Problem was, I didn't have internet for most of my childhood, and didn't know what I needed to play. By the time I had the internet and was old enough to buy my own stuff, I had kind of forgotten about it since getting enough like-minded people together to play was an insurmountable challenge for me anyway.
Fast-forward to college and I rediscovered a long-lost childhood friend, who happened to be a D&D fanatic. She invited me into her game, and I was thoroughly hooked. We started dating and here we are almost 12 years later, married and still rollin' them bones! I'm hoping my 2-year-old son grows to love the game as much as we do; we need a cleric!
Previously known as "Crimson 0M3N". |
I started with the blue box when I was 12. Saw it at a store and bought it, then started reading the rules. Got a couple friends to sit down and play a few sessions. Sadly the "Satanic Panic" hit that same year and I had to put the box away in hiding for a while. My junior year of high school was in a new school system due to a move. The guy sitting next to me in English class kept drawing whenever the teacher was lecturing. One day I looked at what he was drawing. Graph paper had all kinds of lines and symbols on it. I asked him after class if that was a D&D map. He agreed it was, mentioned he was in a weekly group and asked if I was interested in meeting them. Been playing ever since.
I initially heard about from various random YouTube videos, in my preteen years, though I was never particularly interested. Then, in my mid teens, I got into a podcast called "The Adventure Zone." That got me interested enough to finally give it a shot.
I'm one of the waves of people who tried D&D because of a show on the internet called Critical Role. I know a lot of people have mixed opinions regarding the show and how it has affected the TTRPG community, but it's a wonderful watch and I attribute a lot of the fun times I've had playing D&D and all subsequent RPGs I've played to that show. Everything I've gained through roleplaying, whether friends or even my partner, I've gotten because I watched that show and loved it enough to try these wonderful games. Say what you will about them, but they've contributed to a lot of people trying D&D for the first time.
Always curious about pen-and-paper RPGs ever since I learnt of the existence of Dungeons and Dragons back in the late 80s and early 90s.
First actual game though, I think during the first or second year of medical school. It was not actual D&D however, Advanced or otherwise. It was Dragonlance's card-based SAGA System courtesy of a rather persuasive friend (he actually frequents these here forums, goes by the name of Elanir). It lasted a while and it was fun, although the system itself was a little... buggy, shall we say. Afterwards, I did play a few games of AD&D. Then came the 3rd Edition and a rather long campaign in another friend's homebrew setting (Elanir was a cleric in that one). That was great fun! But my best and most fondly remembered campaign? Dragonlance, 3.5 (I think), elf wizard character, Elanir as the DM. It. Was. Awesome. Both the game, setting and players included, and the DM. Afterwards, due to university ending and free time diminishing, there was quite the prolonged hiatus until I was made aware of Pathfinder and the Paizo forums and the whole PbP thing.
"We'll have to go out through the kitchen." I have taken the Oath of Sangus
Last edited by FCastor; Apr 25th, 2021 at 05:55 AM. |
always wanted to play but my parents said it was witchcraft....Yes I had those parents!!!
but when I was working at rallys I met a friend who was into dnd and battlehammer. They got me playing.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e) C.A.T.S.stories: https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthre...06#post9374506 |
I feel your pain. With my mom is was Magic: the Gathering. Love my mom but some goofy things happened growing up that I hope I never find myself pushing on my kid.
Previously known as "Crimson 0M3N". |
I have actually not played yet but I have seen it in media (tv and movies) before, and watched YouTube videos where they play and it looks fun.
Looks aren't always deceiving, thankfully
Previously known as "Crimson 0M3N". |
My older brother got me into it when he started playing AD&D. I was his test subject for learning how to DM. Naturally that progressed over time and by the end of high school we had a weekly RPG group meeting (although we went to Rifts for the weekly game).
01/28/25 - Posting as normal during weekdays, but now off on Mondays so it's a bit more difficult to get them in during that time. Can post weekends occasionally. |
I was hooked by a D&D chat site linked to a forum. We kept tabs of character details and lore in the forum, but did the playing in the chat. I don't think the site exists any longer, but it was fun while it lasted. While I've always been curious about playing IRL, consistently being able to meet time commitments on a regular schedule is too difficult, and gaming usually comes second to my other commitments so I'd rather not disappoint friends by being a no-show. PbP is a fun alternative, though!
When I was 16, a close friend of mine took me over to a place where they were getting together to smoke some weed and play games. My first character was a neutral evil middle-level AD&D archer (from some dungeon magazine excerpt) named Rockin' Robin with an intelligent great bow named S-S-Slither. His first real action was to give up his soul for a ring of invisibility. (So if you're wondering what price I put on a soul, there ya go). Only played him that once, but found another more serious group to game with and rolled up my first beginning character, a ranger named Regit.
Last edited by ImpInTraining; Oct 16th, 2021 at 12:29 PM. |
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