Jun 3rd, 2013, 03:19 AM
Babipoki Tapipoki
Monster Inquisition Company Ranking System
MIC Ranking System | WIP
- Student, ranks: I, II, III, IV
- Page, ranks: I, II
- Recruit, ranks: I, II, III
- Servant, ranks: N/A
- Assistant, ranks: I, II, III, IV, V - promoted by his/her Master
- Soldier, ranks: I, II, III
- Master - can have one Assistant
- Knight, ranks: Second Class, First Class - can have 3 soldiers & an Assistant
- Lieutenant, ranks: I, II, III - can have 10 soldiers, 1 master & an Assistant
- Captain, ranks: determined on the area of operations - can have any number of above mentioned, in the same AoO
- Head Captain: determined by the continent of operations - has direct control of all captains in his/her designated continent
- Paladin - functions like a Captain or a Marshal, but his/her AoO is the whole planet
- Head Master - highest possible rank, functions as the director of the organization
Last edited by Babipoki; Jun 4th, 2013 at 12:52 AM.