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Old Jul 15th, 2013, 01:03 AM
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House Rules

GM Text
This thread will include rules about posting, houserules, and character creation rules. Please refer to it. I will note any updates in the OOC threads.
Player: Volstrad
GM: Shackled City, Shackled City
Old Jul 15th, 2013, 01:06 AM
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Posting Format
Not too long ago I joined a large project on this site called Eternity's End, a Pathfinder MMOPbPRPG run by WoLT. I was lucky enough to get in as a beta tester and have become a staff member there.

One of the many things I'm going to shamelessly rip off is the formatting structure WoLT requires in EE. It's beautiful, clear, and I can't imagine how I ever posted any other way.

Here is an example of how an in character post should look:

Belros Gellantara

Belros Gallantara is a visually stunning man. His hair is blond and hangs to his shoulders in an attractive weave. He smells of a fragrance which can only be obtained by bathing daily in flowery waters. He stands tall and proud, and moves with confidence wherever he goes. He's very proud to be a paladin and ensures everyone he talks to knows he is, as he introduces himself with his full title of “Belros Gallantara the Paladin” to everyone he meets.

There are several elements that make this formatting so superior, in my mind.

1) Using the [FIELDSET] tags to clearly identify your entire post area
2) Using an image in the [FIELDSET] tags so those reading can quickly determine which character is posting and associate that character with the player
3) Having the character's name directly beneath the image for further identification
4) Having the character's second name link directly to the character sheet for easy and quick reference
5) Having the character's first name link to the character's private thread for notes, updates, gear, XP, and copy code.

So this is how I would like you guys to format your posts. To make it easy, here is some copy code that you can use.

Copy Code


Character description and actions.

[b]"Character speech!"[/b]

[i]Character thought...[/i]


Player: Volstrad
GM: Shackled City, Shackled City

Last edited by Ulfskar; Mar 9th, 2015 at 11:03 PM.
Old Jul 15th, 2013, 01:07 AM
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Character Creation
Instead of "rolling characters", when the time comes, we will be creating characters together. I will be limiting the randomness of character generation in Pathfinder and will work with you, using your background and questionnaires, to help you create a character. Here is a list of some of the character creation guidelines I'll be using:

Characters will start at level 1
All core races and classes accepted, as are base classes and psionic classes. Other races are available case-by-case
Stats will be done using assignment of some scores and point buy for others
Skills will be determined by class, race, background, and traits during the character creation process
Each character will start with two traits. Players are strongly urged to pick one AP trait.
Player: Volstrad
GM: Shackled City, Shackled City

Last edited by Ulfskar; Jul 15th, 2013 at 10:38 PM.
Old Jul 15th, 2013, 01:10 AM
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House Rules
Diplomacy & Bluff: These are powerful skills and they will remain that way in my game. The only difference is I will not accept a simple "I diplomacy them!". If you are rolling bluff and diplomacy, you must role-play out the conversation. Depending on your role-play, your roll may have a bonus added to it (or a penalty).

Hero Points: Work as per normal.

Leveling: You will level at certain times during this Adventure Path without accumulating XP. This will be story-driven leveling.

Hit Points: Max at first, rolled for level increases (re-roll 1's, once).

Skill checks: These can be rolled in game (OOC field set, or TT tags) or in your private thread. Feel free to roll your own skills anytime you feel it appropriate, and I will ask for them when necessary. If you roll a check that results in no additional information, I may simply just not reply - but feel free to ask for clarification in your private thread if needed.

Good/Evil Acts: If you perform an extremely good or evil act (DM Discretion) and you are not Good or Evil aligned (respectfully) you will start to shift towards a new alignment. Depending how good or evil the act was it may take one or more actions to fully change alignment. (Example of Evil Act: Torture, killing helpless prisoners for no reason, etc)

Critical Hits: PCs have the ability to perform extreme acts and deal impressive damage in heroic situations. If you manage to roll a crit/threat when confirming a crit/threat, continue to roll. This will repeat as long as you continue to confirm with another crit threat. Keep track of how many crits actually confirm (if the final roll doesn't actually hit, the previous roll simply counts as a confirm and does not multiply damage). Your critical damage will continue to multiply with each confirmed critical, except it will have a decreased multiplier bonuse

Re-rolling characters: In most cases if your character dies (or you simply want a new character) and you want to create a new character your new character will come back at 'party average level' -1. At higher levels this will be adjusted to -.5. Special cases can be made (or in cases of extreme IC actions (that fit with the character) that resulted in death). Starting money for new characters will always be max for first level plus 10gp per level.
Player: Volstrad
GM: Shackled City, Shackled City

Last edited by Ulfskar; Sep 23rd, 2013 at 11:06 PM.
Old Feb 4th, 2014, 02:00 PM
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Bold/Black is normal speech.
Blue will be used for communication over the 'collective'
Italics is used for internal thought
Player: Volstrad
GM: Shackled City, Shackled City
Old Mar 23rd, 2015, 04:50 PM
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Combat will be held with "group" initiative. This means that at the start of combat all of the PCs roll initiative and the average is taking as the party's initiative, the monsters will do the same. The highest group average wins initiative.

PC order will be determined by who posts first and can/will change each round of combat.

All damage / healing received will be tracked in the mechanics thread in a specific post for each combat and post combat actions. A new post will be made each time combat begins.

Loot / treasure will be tracked in the game thread as well as the "Party Loot" thread found in the Campaign Information folder. Mundane items will automatically be sold and added to the party's loot at sale price. Should anyone want a piece of mundane gear found they can claim it and "buy it back" for the sale price (I'll just deduct the gold given and you keep the item).

The gold added in this manor is considered added upon safe return to a location with vendors (the city).

Magic Items
Magic items will come in one of two formats. The first format is the standard "You find a +1 longsword" which we should all be familiar with. The second is a magical enhancement gem.

A magical enhancement gem will come in the form of either "or whatever the bonus happens to be+1 weapon enhancement" or "or whatever the bonus happens to be+1 armor enhancement". These can be applied to any appropriate MW or magical equipment already in possession using an appropriate craft skill (or NPC) and takes one hour. This can be done while adventuring.

Bonuses applied with a gem do not stack, so applying two +1 bonuses to the same weapon will still give you a +1 weapon. However applying a +2 gem to a +1 weapon would give you a Can be any bonus that would be found under the magical weapons table, following the standard creation rules.+2 weapon (the greater bonus).
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