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Old Jul 9th, 2023, 10:33 AM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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"Right, right. We'll have ourselves a nice breather... and refill some of that energy we spent, ey?"

Kraghbar knelt his bulk next to Esylle as he produced a clothed bundle of something from his person. Unwrapping the package, he revealed some leftover roasted grasshopper bits from the banquet, leftovers he had been keen to save for later before the servants had completely finished cleaning out and storing the leftovers in whatever larders they had in this tree palace.

"You've got some spit, Essy. Kept coming at me something fierce. Loved it!" He munched quickly on some cricket, chewing messily on the treat before swallowing to continue the conversation. "But, uh, you expecting to grow to Keuron size anytime soon? Don't know if all you sky folk get that big, but as you are now, not exactly a winning strategy. I mean, I've seen some folk make it work, mostly dwarves, but ya gotta work with what ya got. And it ain't this gut, I'll tell ya that right now."

He slapped at his belly, letting the extra mass jiggle beneath his armor.

"But never mind all that. Where in all the hells was your WAR CRY? How are you expecting to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies when ya don't got a proper WAR CRY ready to go at the drop of even the smallest wasted morsel? Everything you are and everything you wanna fight for, all in one shout from the depths of your soul. You got that there in your Roost, right?"

Kraghbar was still chewing on the last of his share of the crickets as he looked Esylle in the eyes, occasionally blinking as he awaited her response to his thrown curiosities.


Last edited by Crocodile; Jul 9th, 2023 at 10:33 AM.
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Old Jul 9th, 2023, 02:55 PM
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The Terrace
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Esylle grasped a flask in her wing and slugged back some water. With vigour and indulgence, the young squire took a good long gulp before responding. "Thank you Kraghbar, but you see my problem... I will never be that size. I will not get much bigger at all at my age, my people are not as big as the Greatwings."

She chirped frettfully, and looked greedily at Kraghbar's grasshopper remains.
"My people do not normally make a great amount of noise and..." Esylle flicked a talon angrily at a small pool of water, "And our war cries are nothing like the Greatwings." She notably avoided his gaze, and Kraghbar was reminded of young trainees, full of ideals and insecurities, lacking a grasp on the reality of their bodies and skills.
"We strike in groups, or from where the foe is not looking." The squire sounded spiteful, and continued, "Nothing like what Sir Keruon does..."
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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Old Jul 12th, 2023, 04:31 PM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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"You really admire him that much. I guess it makes sense, seeing as he's this great hero and everything."

Kraghbar's look became pensive, Esylle's words summoning the memory of tasting blood flecked dirt day in and day out as the discipline of the kingdom was beaten into him and so many others on the dunes, with nothing but dishonor awaiting any who could not handle the rough treatment. Brutal, unforgiving, but not without purpose. It was the way of his people, just as Esylle's own people had their ways of fighting, or the Greatwings, of which Keuron appeared to be a shining example. Many ways of fighting, many ways of living.

But did where you were born have to determine that path?

"I think I've got an apology to make to you, Essy, for calling ya too small." Kraghbar sat himself down on the floor from his crouched position, making himself even more comfortable as he continued. "I mean, yeah, you're not gonna be towering over folks anytime soon, but you talked about how 'our war cries' are different, or how 'we strike in groups'. But that's not what I saw just now. That's not YOU."

For emphasis, Kraghbar poked Esylle in the chest with a meaty, scarred finger, looking her dead in the eye as he did so, his expression serious.

"If you don't want your only way of fighting to be mobbing your enemy or sneaking up on them, then you're not too small to take the direct approach. I don't have the right to tell you what you can do. I've lived that life, and if I hadn't left, I never would've gotten the chance to be anything but a big, dumb wall of muscle. Now I'm a big, dumb wall of muscle that can cook! Ha!"

"But just a bit of advice, one fellow warrior to another, you don't have to do things exactly like Keuron does. He's, like, 20 times your size, and that's gonna take some accounting for. Hells, I couldn't copy him either, he's bigger than me. And I guess there's the whole having wings part too... the point is, you'll get the best results if you take what he's showing you and just find your own way to making it work for you. Forget what your people do, forget what Greatwings do, this is going to be what you do. Because if you're going to risk making yourself buzzard food, you should be giving it your all to get the skills to match, not wallowing in regret on the battlefield."


Last edited by Crocodile; Jul 12th, 2023 at 04:37 PM.
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Old Aug 2nd, 2023, 11:41 PM
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The Terrace
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Esylle's little chest puffed with pride, and her eyes sparkled at Kraghbar with the same hero-worship she typically reserved for Keuron.

"My own way..."
She snapped up and unleashed a flurry of blows at the air, then fluttered back to perch beside Kraghbar.

"I will think on this, Sir Kraghbar."
She yawned and hopped off of her perch, "Thank you, I hope I can show you what I've come up with when you come back from your trip. Maybe I can try your cooking! I've never had a strangeling meal before!"

She scampered towards her room, chirping and occasionally striking out at the air as she tried to think of new ways to fight, and a new vision of who SHE was. It was certain she would sleep soundly tonight.

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The Sun rose in the east, its light filtering through mist and window to grace your rooms (If you left your shutters open). Croaks, chatter, and the shuffling of castle life echoed down the halls as people began their days anew. Splashing could be heard as Toddarts took to their morning baths, and you will all find a small basin of fragrant water paired with a cloth on a stick at your doors. Something to help you refresh your skin and warts, and the enhanced water was undoubtedly a luxury for a Toddart.

Soon enough, an energetic Toddart woman would be along, knocking on your doors and summoning you to breakfast, "Come and get your meal! Captain Torbeth said you'd need plenty of fresh and hardy food to prepare yourselves for the day ahead!"

After they've emerged from their rooms and exchanged whatever morning pleasantries they wished, the intrepid bunch would find themselves at a large, rectangular table where Torbeth was waiting, clearly annoyed. "That Wilcock..." He grumbled.

The table was set with a spread of fresh berries and greens, along with a fair amount of smoked fish. The King seemed ready to make every one of their meals a wonder to behold. Kraghbar couldn't help but wonder at the skill of the King's chefs.

OOCAaaaaand we're back! Feel free to have quick chats between one another as you gather for breakfast, we're about to get down to business!
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Last edited by Amarga; Aug 2nd, 2023 at 11:43 PM.
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Old Aug 3rd, 2023, 01:35 AM
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The Afterwards
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Her tummy full, and having partaken of a day devoid of any annoying duties to offer veterinary services to copperless villagers, Fledidi had expected an excellent night's sleep. The bed she hopped upon had been substantial, like a great continent of warmth and comfort, all for one tiny soul! This was all starting to feel like a good ol' vacation. A time away with expensive luxuries, endless extravagant meals and generally fun times all round. There were some aspects of this "trip" which played on her mind though, as it was allowed to see past the immediate pleasures, and look deeper into the predicaments that lay on the dreamy horizon. With deep sleep came her subconsciousness's veritable screaming of truth. She wasn't on holiday! They were all about to head out into nowhere-land and face whateverhavemes on a royal quest! What should have sounded grand and adventurous, was portrayed to her through dreams as more of a... nightmare.

Hopefully any companions in adjoining rooms wouldn't hear, for the little fairy screamed and yelled several times during her slumber.

"The tree! Its walking and looks angry at us!"

"That's an army of undeady things! RUN! FLY!"

Needless to say, in the morning when she awoke for a wash and yet another meal, Fledidi looked rather rattled. Still pretty and clad in a silky black dress, but the color of her eye bags wasn't supposed to match the garb quite so well! She looked at the array of foodstuffs, and then turned to her companions at the table, regarding them through a set of half-open and ocean blue eyes.

"Yesterday was real, right? We're leaving this nice place, and I have to put on my horrible studded armor.. and fly a lot? Hey, can you pass a coffee over or something?"

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GM: Tiny Beasts New Addition! - Forbidden Lands - Shivery Times
PLAYER: Ebonclad - Village Survival - Ruins of Symbaroum

Last edited by 97mg; Aug 3rd, 2023 at 01:38 AM.
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Old Aug 4th, 2023, 02:29 PM
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Liam arises at the rising of the sun, the light just visible over the horizon. This is Liam's preferred time to start his day as it is the perfect time to pray to Helm. Taking a knee next to his bed, he places his elbow on his raised knee and puts his closed fist in the middle of his forehead as he begins his benedictions. Never much for small talk, the prayer of the Vigilant Ones is as straightforward as you can get.

"Never betray your trust. Be vigilant. Stand, wait, and watch carefully. Be fair and diligent in the conduct of your orders. Protect the weak, poor, injured, and young, and do not sacrifice them for others or yourself. Anticipate attacks and be ready. Know your foes. Care for your weapons so they may perform their duties when called upon. Careful planning always defeats rushed actions in the end. Always obey orders, providing those orders follow the dictates of Helm. Demonstrate excellence and purity of loyalty in your role as a guardian and protector."

After his time of prayer, he draws his sword and commits to his daily practice. He focuses on footwork and form, remembering the motions long ingrained in him from hours of practice, determined not to let the edge of his training begin to dull. After working up a light sweat, he washes up and is dressed and armored when the toddart woman arrives.

Walking downstairs, he greets Torbeth and smiles at his companions. "Good morning, everyone," he says pleasantly.

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Old Aug 7th, 2023, 08:50 AM
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Waking early, Leonora took a few moments of inspecting her unfamiliar surroundings, before remembering where she was. Shreds of memories passed before her mind's eye as she slowly purged herself of what drowsiness remained. The ship going down. Waking up in a swamp. Meeting the frog like Toddards, and all the other strange and wonderful creatures who dwelled here. Rapploc. The feast. Then, her duty- to find sir Roderick, and bring him back safely. For one moment of weakness, it seemed like a chore, rather than an honour- a dangerous, unpleasant task which distracted her of the wonder of this place. Then she remembered her oath, and admonished herself for her moment of weakness.

Getting up from her bed, the half-elf groggily stumbled across her room to her window, opening it to let in a fresh breeze. The humid air above the swamp was anything but fresh, but nonetheless helped dispel the last of Leonora's weariness. Deciding not to put off the inevitable, she splashed some water onto her face, barely registering the water's fragrance, before putting on her clothes and strapping on the belt from which her rapier hung. Finally, she slung her archery baldric over her shoulder, from which her longbow and quiver were suspended.

Having readied herself, Leonora took one last look at the comfortable accomodations her Toddard hosts had provided, then left the room and closed the door.

Downstairs, she joined her companions, nodding to each with a kind smile, and with a more respectful inclination towards the assemled Toddards. She decided to stick with the berries and greens, rather than the fish- a little too early in the day, the half-elf considered.

'Good morning,' she offered to the others. 'I trust you all slept well?' Then she cast one look at Fledidi and offered her a sympathetic smile. Apparently the accomodations had not been to everyone's liking. 'Quite a bit of travel we have ahead of us, today. Grave as our task may be, I must admit I'm quite looking forward to exploring these lands,' she admitted, barely suppressing an eager smile.

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old Aug 7th, 2023, 06:34 PM
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Sunlight and the chirp-chirping of birds brought the Dwarf out of her slumber. She had flopped into bed the night before more tired than she had been in ages. It was probably good they had not been sharing rooms as Jane was prone to snoring at night after long days like yesterday. The food had at least agreed with her.

She took a deep breath remembering she was not at home in the chapel or underground in the dwarven city. A few minutes of relaxed breathing, Jane rolled herself out of bed and made her way to the window to look out at the Toddart city in morning. The place was bustling below her window, little ferries and lines of the frog-folk swimming along to their morning destinations.

She began to pray to Silvanus, unsure if her god could hear her in this place. She thanked him for her sleep, the sun, the earth and soil. These things she was certain of. She continued through the Prayer of the Oak Tree and was nearly finished when a wrap at the door let her know breakfast was ready. The cleric was quick enough to get dressed, washing her face in the basin and a quick braid and bun of her hair.

The dwarf made her way to the room where the others were already supping with the Captain. She nodded at the others as she made her way along the table.

“What of him? Wilcock I mean,” Jane asked Torbeth settling down with a plate of berries, greens and some of the insects from the night before, near the Captain.’ Did he leave already?”


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Old Aug 8th, 2023, 05:59 PM
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Strange New Worlds
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Harper was roused from her slumbers by the noises of her companions being summoned for breakfast. Tumbling messily out of the bed she had been given, and onto the knit rug on the floor, she hastily stood up and went to the doorway. Flinging it open just as the servant had approached to knock, the Tiefling let out a startled chirp, scaring both women immensely. Luckily for her, she had remained dressed after her gear was returned the previous evening, or perhaps she might have missed valuable time eating for having to get dressed. But instead, she was one of the first to approach the fine feast that had been presented to them.

At the Captain's words, Harper's ears had pricked up. She had liked the Otter from the River Company very much, and wondered what sort of mischief he had gotten himself into to warrant such displeasure from Torbeth this morning? Whatever the recourse, Harper was sure they would be given their bearing soon. Either during the meal, or straight afterwards. No sense in having his guests all in bed and eating his food here, while the son was afield! And she felt that Leonora was eager to be reunited with her Lordship as well. Harper knew that sense of Loyalty, lots of crews felt that way towards their first vessels, so she didn't hold it against the Paladin. The wind would blow where it willed, and Harper, and the rest, would all be carried along with it.

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Aug 10th, 2023, 04:18 AM
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Cadmun was up with the sun, chipper as a bird as he prepared to greet the day (and his compatriots!) with an eager smile that marked him as that most fowl of all beings; a morning person. “Good morning everyone!”

Quickly the scholar would make his way to the dining table, greeting Torbeth with that horridly cheerful smile while making himself a meal of vegetables and smoked fish, (though he had to be careful to hide his disappointment at the lack of insect dishes, he surely didn’t want to appear ungrateful in front of their generous hosts after all!)

He sat plopped down right next to Fledidi, nodding eagerly at her words.

“I know! Isn’t it exciting? A new land with any number of wonders to uncover! I wonder if we’ll meet one of those serpents Sir Keuron mentioned…”

This was followed by Cadmun happily passing the the fretful fairy a fresh cup of coffee.

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Old Aug 11th, 2023, 07:15 PM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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"All I know is we'd better have our rations in order before we head out. Nothing worse for the spirit than marching on an empty stomach. Oh, this fish is tasty! Wonder if they've got some more somewhere stored and salted for freshness?"

A light bit of sparring just before bed had done wonders for Kraghbar's sleep, leading to the well rested orc rising with high spirits, only to be further lifted with the call to breakfast. But even in the midst of his liberal consumption of greens and trout, he somehow still found the time to look bemusedly askance at Cadmun after his latest statement.

"Thinking we'll be getting enough excitement from the evil trees, Caddie. But when we've got the Prince and Roderick back to safety, I'm game for some snake hunting. A little certain death to spice up the trip before we head back home is just the kind of adventure that makes a place memorable. Who knows, maybe ya even get swallowed whole and live to tell about it, eh? That'll impress your clan back home for sure."

Then as he munched down a handful of berries, he looked between the coffee cup and the fairy who had received the life giving elixir.

"Huh, didn't know fae-rees even drank coffee. Guess that means it's not gonna make your heart explode. That's good, that's good..."

Even with that stated self-assurance however, Kraghbar continued to regard Fledidi with some curiosity, as if waiting to see how her body reacted to the beverage, on the off chance such a tiny frame did have a more volatile reaction than others.


Last edited by Crocodile; Aug 15th, 2023 at 01:22 PM.
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Old Aug 12th, 2023, 08:23 PM
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Torbeth huffed, "What of him? He's late. Would that he were just gone and that I had no need of him, however he-"

"G'mornin' all!"Captain Wilcock greeted them all cheerily as he loped into the room and slumped down onto a chair. The otter captain picked through the breafast selection as Torbeth stared at him from behind his helm.

"You're late."
the captain of the guard said in a deadpan monotone.

"It seems t' me I'm just in time." Captain Wilcock said cheerily, "E'eryone's here and we're ready fer ye. No noeed t' be twistin' me whiskers when I can spend a few more minutes experiencing proper beddin'."

Torbeth sighed, "Fine. We'll begin." He reached into a bag hanging from a chair and pulled out a large scroll. He rolled it out, revealing to the party a map of the yondering lands. He pointed towards the bottom part of the map, where Rapploc stood prominently in the center of the Swamp Kingdom, Paloro.

"This is where we are, Paloro. Princess Phyllia says Prince Ragglink and Sir Roderick went East and North. We have heard word that they were seen in Larag, but we have heard few details about his plans from that point onwards. The reason I have asked for Captain Wilcock's aid is that he will have a better understanding of the lands in the region, as he came down the Trollflood to get here."

Captain Wilcock grimaced, "That river's name's more meaningful these days, un-for-tu-nate-ly. Aye I have some idea of what trails they might've taken."

The otter pointed at Larag, then traced a line with his paw to Loch Gal. "There's been an uptick in talk of strangelin's in the area 'round Gally'O, and not just trolls. Strange news's been poppin' up from traders dealin' with folk from Givet and the surroundin' spots."

Captain Wilcock pointed at the forest just below Givet.
"They say there's been odd gatherin's of dangerous things in th' Whisperin' Woods, folks dissapearin' and the like. The airheads from Neanor havn't sent anyone to check it out, what with their own problems as Redcloak showed yesterday. I heard a Woodguard went missin' tryin' to investigate."

He stepped back from the map and nodded, "So if I was lookin' for them, I'd say ye've got a good few spots to start."

As the party inspected the map, a few of them would notice some peculiar things:
-First of all Kraghbar would note that some of Paloro's town names had an orcish tint to them.
-Leonora would definitely be able to note that the skyhold towns had alarmingly elvish flairs.
-Upon seeing the strange hill spots in the NorthWest Jane would be able to recognize the "Dhorn" prefix as a dwarvish word for "surface entrance" which was used to mark where their people would build forts to exchange goods and information with the surface dwellers.


And here's the meat folks! You're more or less free to set out a basic plan for your travels. Brogg the boat toddart will carry you to Larag to start with, and from their your trail is up to you and the information you find. Feel free to ask for any information and clarifications you need for your journey.

Larag is a day's ferry from Rapploc, and from there you can probably extrapolate distances and timings accordingly.
Feel free to ask me anything of relevance and of course I will be updating the map soonish while also making a smaller cutout of the immediately relevant area for your convenience.

The map itself is a large image, so I recommend opening it in a seperate tab to be able to better read it.
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Last edited by Amarga; Aug 22nd, 2023 at 04:16 PM.
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Old Aug 16th, 2023, 05:59 AM
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'Hmm,' Leonora hums, leaning over the map. 'I may know little of your lands,' she admitted, 'but I know of sir Roderick's character to make an educated guess about his reaction to the rumours.' She placed one delicate finger on Larag, and slid it up to the loch, careful not to tear the paper. 'Faced with a choice of investigating disappearances and confronting, er, strangelings,' she said, 'he would no doubt choose to do the latter first. Not out of a lack of concern for those who disappeared, mind you,' she hastened to add.

'But he was always one to solve the immediate problem before turning to something more time-consuming. I remember one hunt I organized, scouting the location of a bear cave, and the trail of a pack of wolves. Both had been causing trouble for the deer population, but sir Roderick decided to ride straight for the bear's cave- an immediate problem, with a more immediate solution. He was direct like that,' she smiled, before correcting herself. 'Is. Is direct like that.' Solonor above, I hope he still is, she couldn't help herself from thinking.

'The wolves, well, he let them be until there were no more immediate problems which could be solved. But I expect that what lives at the loch are no mere wolves. Undoubtedly, sir Roderick and your prince would have required resupply. And I do not think they would have crossed the river back to Larag again,' she said, tracing her finger up to Givet. 'Instead they would have traveled over land, to the nearest settlement.' Pausing, she turned to regard captain Wilcock. 'This is a settlement, I assume?'

Running her finger back down to the Whisper Wood, Leonora nodded. 'And finally, the problem with no clear immediate solution. The disappearances,' she said. 'I assume sir Roderick and the prince took this long way around,' the half-elf declared, running her finger from Larag, to the loch, to Givet and to the woods again. 'Which may explain why he has not yet returned, if he has indeed tacked such a detour onto his travels...' Smiling, the paladin nodded, looking up at the others. 'But such may work in our favour. If we travel to the Whisper Woods directly from Larag, we will gain a few days on him.'

Straightening herself again, Leonora pushed a strand of hair from her face, and shrugged. 'That, at least, is my estimate. But I admit I may be too focused on my own trail of thoughts, and would very much like to hear other perspectives.'

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old Aug 16th, 2023, 04:24 PM
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Harper wondered if she should speak, not only due to the friction between her, and the other the woman yesterday. But also because she didn't really have much to add to her plan. Going back and forth on it, Harper decided that it was probably best to respond to the Paladin, since she had asked.

"I don't know any more about these lands than you do, and in fact I'm much more adapted to be helpful on the oceans, while this appears to be mostly a land mission... But I would say that you Leonora, are in the most advantageous position here. You know Sir Roderick the most completely, and while I don't really have an opinion on if going after a single bear versus an entire pack of wolves is the more direct approach... Your gut, and your history, is the best lead we have to go on... And if you're right, making up full days of travel on our missing Comrades sounds good to me!"

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Aug 17th, 2023, 10:21 PM
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Jane did not think Captain Wilcock late. Everyone had just arrived to breakfast as quick as they could. But she kept her opinion about timelyness to herself and took another bite of food just as the Otter entered the hall.

She crowded around the map with everyone else as Torbeth unfurled a map and lay it on the table. Her eyes followed the Toddart’s hand at the bottom and the Otter’s claws as they spoke of places new to the volunteer trackers.

While Leonora spoke of what she thought Sir Roddrick would do, the cleric’s eyes wandered over the rest of the map “Dhorn” caught her eye, not expecting to see a dwarvish word on such a map, and was that a hint of Elvish too? She couldn’t be certain until she consulted with the others. But there were hints of familiarity on the map that were unexpected but hopeful that this place wasn’t so far flung as they had first thought.

“I think that is good start. But could we stop in Larag when we arrive and see if we can pick up any new leads or get some first hand information before departing again? The Prince and Sir Roddrick may have a good lead on us but they may have changed plans and acted out of character upon receiving new information.

Leonora, you say Sir Roddrick is a direct problem solver, if he learned new information say leading to the Loch would he go there instead? I think collecting more information in Larag should be our first step and then decide if we continue on to the Whispering woods, the loch or Givit,”
the dwarf said tapping the locations as she spoke.


Beth Quinn
Tower graduate #820
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