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Old Sep 12th, 2023, 09:28 PM
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Fledidi had smiled and waved excitedly when the rabbity and mousey folk had arrived.

"Hope to see you again soon too! Thanks so much for everything!"

Then, she buzzed her way over to the lilypad and plonked her backpack onto the flat vessel's middle section. It landed with a kaplut! and might have created a ripple or two, but it seemed that a fairy's collection of small favorite things was unlikely to sink the wide green expanse. That probably came as good news to those who were about to get on-board too. Just in case though, Fledidi kept her wings moving and her feet just a foot or so above lake-level.

It was then that Wilcock said something quite interesting. The weather needn't merely be a subject of conversation during a hair cut or when hitching a ride.

"Ooo... you might be right. Let me see, how does this go again?"

Her fingers did a little dance in front of her face then, before one of them appeared to hold some kind of imaginary pointing device. Before her, a translucent pane of magically-crafted glass, or something similar, appeared. With her mimed stick in-hand, she then pointed at it.

"And now for today's weather report..."
OOCCast Druidcraft to predict what the weather will for the next 24 hours (in this current location).

UTC +10. Available to post most weekdays!
GM: Tiny Beasts New Addition! - Forbidden Lands - Shivery Times
PLAYER: Ebonclad - Village Survival - Ruins of Symbaroum

Last edited by 97mg; Sep 12th, 2023 at 09:28 PM.
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Old Sep 13th, 2023, 12:07 PM
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Liam helps load up the supplies the best he can before he boards the lily pad with the others. Approaching Brogg, he says "If you would like, I can ask Helm for a small blessing to help you navigate this ship. I trust you don't need the help, but it would be rude not to ask."

Casting Guidance on Brogg as/if he needs it.

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01/28/25 - Posting as normal during weekdays, but now off on Mondays so it's a bit more difficult to get them in during that time. Can post weekends occasionally.
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Old Sep 14th, 2023, 12:57 AM
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Jane smiled and waved at the mouse and rabbit folk as they bid their fairwells then went to work helping Sir Liam load up the supplies from the dock onto the raft and lilypad. She looked up at the cry of the birds and waved at Sir Keuron and his squire with her entire arm just to make sure they could see her.


The dwarf return Torbeth bow when he arrived with the otter captain.

“Clouds from the south-east….You think so,” Jane asked Wilcock asking about the rain and clouds. Making a mental note of what the air smelled like and the direction the otter captain had indicated.


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Old Sep 15th, 2023, 01:36 PM
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Harper smiled as Cap'n Wilcock gave warning about the weather, it seemed no matter where in the planes you were... All seafarers seemed to have similar superstitions about the clouds, wind, and waves, that helped them make their careers. She made a tilting nod towards the Otter, resolving herself to get her craft to safe harbor as soon as possible... regardless of whether the Captain's predictions care true or not. "Well, best be casting off then, aye? I'll see what bounty comes our way, until then Good Fortunes Cap'n!"

When all goods were properly stored, and all passengers set. Haper took command of her craft, and did her best to guide the heavy wooden raft after Brogg; whom she trusted was going to lead the way to their next destination.

Water Vehicles :
Dice Roll:
d20+2 (4)+2 Total = 6
Dice * Roll:
d20+2 (8)+2 Total = 10

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.

Last edited by Alemar; Sep 22nd, 2023 at 01:11 PM.
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Old Sep 18th, 2023, 07:28 AM
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Cadmun smiled and gave a farewell wave at the Wood Guard who would soon be on their own journey. He hadn’t spoken to them much during the banquet, but he looked forward to remedying that in the near future.

Once they approached the craft Cadmun tapped his chin thoughtfully, contemplating the horizon. “...North should be…over that way I think.” As the scholar pointed, well, northwards. And then stared in wonder at Fledidi’s bit of weather magic. “Oh! That seems far more useful.”


Last edited by Citizen Sam; Sep 18th, 2023 at 07:29 AM.
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Old Sep 22nd, 2023, 09:49 PM
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Brogg smiled warmly at Liam, "Why, Sir Liam, I would never turn down such an offer. Please, it would be an honour."
Fledidi's divination showed the rough breakdown of the storm. It would hit in the early afternoon, and continue for a few hours. Then the glass calmed. It was still grey, but was placid and much more manageable

The clouds continued to gather as the party drifted through the swamps. To start with, toddarts swam with them at a distance, watching them with curiosity and awe. However this quickly dropped off as the outsiders got further and further from the settlement, and was replaced by the occasional houses on stilts in the region surrounding Rapploc. These too fell away, and the clouds grew darker.
Throughout this, Brogg spoke. He spoke of berries and of beasts, of wonders small and large, and of dangers much the same.
What might be a rare creature in the lands you know is a common occurrence in the woods of these lands.
Fauna of fungus and branch, flora with menace and will, insects of large size that could be docile or vicious. You will have to be on your guard when in the wilds, for there are few set roads when not travelling by river.

Then the storm hit suddenly. The greenish water of the swamp rolled and bucked as high winds blasted your vessels. However as soon as they had come the winds passed, and the rain began. The waves writhed and battered you as the heavy rains of the swamp slapped into the party. Brogg grumbled and steadied his pad with effort.
However Harper struggled. She was no novice to rough weather, and the accurate information given to her definitely helped, but she still struggled. Her vessel was hardy enough so as to not be at risk for flipping or sinking, but it did cause her and the other occupants some trouble.
One particular wave sent the entire group slamming to the floor of the ship, leaving bruises and scrapes.

No less unfortunate was the collection of supplies they had lost to the storm. There was still plenty left, but the storm had either ruined or scattered a significant few.

Eventually the storm eased, almost right on schedule by Fledidi's prediction.
Brogg grumbled as he shook off some of the wet. Turning to the raft he called,
"Are you all right? That was a rough storm, even for the season!"


"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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Old Sep 25th, 2023, 09:38 AM
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'Quite,' Leonora replied. 'No doubt it would have been a lot worse, had we not braced ourselves. Thank you, Fledidi,' she offered with a grateful nod to the fairy. The half-elf then wiped the rain from her face with a wet sleeve. The storm had left her drenched, but she cared little for her own discomfort. Instead she turned to look behind her, to the raft.

'Is anyone hurt?' she called out, concern clearly present in her voice. 'That was quite a bumpy ride! Do we need to stop for a moment?' she asked, trying to assess how her companions were doing.

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old Sep 26th, 2023, 09:04 AM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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Until the storm had hit, Kraghbar had been having a wonderful time taking in the sites and sounds of this new world's natural beauty, cataloguing things of interest, wondering what would taste best marinated in garlic and chilies. But with the coming of the crashing waves and relentless rain, all those thoughts were washed away, leaving only thoughts of not drowning yet again before they had even begun their quest.

Kraghbar's time on the water was once again marred with misfortune, but at least he had people to share it with.

"Goat Lady has this under control, right?! Right, Harper?!" A worried Kraghbar had shouted over the wind and rain, holding on for dear life as the tumultuous waters assaulted their vessel, hoping to hear the comforting words which would assure him that they were not once again meant for a watery grave. But before he could wonder whether or not they were about to be sent to yet another alien world entirely, the unthinkable happened right before his eyes.

"NOOOOO-blrggrrfggl!" The orcish chef was helpless as he watched the party's foodstuffs get tossed into the river, a nasty wave having sent his bulk crashing down to the ship floor where he had slammed his head. That was definitely going to leave a nasty bruise.

When the storm had passed and it was time to assess the damage, Kraghbar had crawled straight to whatever remained of their initial supplies, his face crestfallen as he realized that even among the inventory not lost to the river, a great deal of it had been ruined by the introduction of moisture in all the wrong places. He only barely heard Leonora call out as he continued assessing the damage, broad shoulders slumped in defeat and the sour mood on his face enhanced by the raised bruise which now dominated his forehead.

"Only shaken, not broken. No stopping on this orc's account. Our supplies though, the real tragedy here. A waste." He gently laid down the waterlogged package, looking around to everyone else to see how they had fared after this nasty bit of weather. "What storm god do we have to appease to make sure this stops happening? We need to find the nearest temple and get ahead of this before we really do drown."

Perception = 20


Last edited by Crocodile; Sep 26th, 2023 at 02:15 PM.
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Old Sep 26th, 2023, 11:44 AM
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The raft was cumbersome, not like a perfectly balanced ship's wheel, or even the small vessels the Teifling would have used to ferry herself to and from the larger ships she had served on. Still it was embarrassing how well she thought she was handling the new experience; Only to have it all fall apart in front of everyone! At least they had only lost a few bits of supplies... Those could be replaced through foraging, or purchased at one of the several villages they were sure to pass through while looking for information. If they had lost a crew member? That would have been harder to salvage...

At Leonora's inquiry, Harper did her best to exude calm, experience, like she was still in control despite her recent poor performance. "The sooner we get to the next stop, the sooner we can gather information on Sir Roderick , and the sooner we can replace what we lost! I say we keep going until we reach our first destination like we planned with the King... We can stop and make a new plan once we safely reach civilization, if that's what you want?"

We still have 311 supplies so we should be OK for a while provided the dice start being a bit nicer...

DM called for a Perception Check :
Dice Roll:
d20+3 (18)+3 Total = 21

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Sep 26th, 2023, 10:29 PM
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Fledidi had never thought of the weather being all that important, well, not until she'd started traveling so much. It was times like these that she remembered home, or at least one of her former homes. That warm, cosy, neat little hollow in an old tree. She should have settled down there properly, but the true fey's curse had come upon her eventually. Boredom. What was life without finding things new? If new was what she wanted, then she was in the thick of it now!

Completely sodden, her nice black dress was now well and truly stuck to the protective layer of leather beneath. Each little movement caused horrible squelchy and squeaky sounds too. She did manage a smile to Leonora though.

"It was my pleasure, friend. I'm sorry that I can only report on it, and not actually change it though!"

The fairy walked across the "deck" then, a platform of floppy and surprisingly buoyant green. Squish, creak, squit, squeak... Indeed, she dared not fly, for flapping some wet wings around would probably infuriate everyone further, much like when a long-hair dogs shakes off its wet coat a little too close for comfort.

"Aww Kragbhar, don't fret friend. We'll find plenty to eat along the way, right? It could be worse, right? I've heard of lands where there is little more than sand! I'm very hopeful we'll find more than scorpions and snakes along the way..."

UTC +10. Available to post most weekdays!
GM: Tiny Beasts New Addition! - Forbidden Lands - Shivery Times
PLAYER: Ebonclad - Village Survival - Ruins of Symbaroum

Last edited by 97mg; Sep 26th, 2023 at 10:30 PM.
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Old Sep 27th, 2023, 12:29 AM
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The ride was pleasant and entertaining at first, and Liam was having an enjoyable time with Brogg regaling them with stories and information all about Rapploc.

Then the storm came. Liam had never been aboard a small boat in such conditions before, and the thought of how they first came to Rapploc was fresh in his mind the entire time. Needless to say the whole affair has set his stomach on a terrible turn, and it takes all of Liam's bearing and discipline not to explosively vomit everywhere.

Thankfully the storm finally subsides and the waters are calm once again. Collecting himself, Liam answers Brogg's question with one of his own. "Is this common among these waters?"

Dice Perception:
1d20+4 (8)+4 Total = 12

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01/28/25 - Posting as normal during weekdays, but now off on Mondays so it's a bit more difficult to get them in during that time. Can post weekends occasionally.
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Old Sep 28th, 2023, 10:53 PM
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Brogg bobbed his head back and forth in response to Liam. "Yes and no. The storms get worse as autumn settles in, but even so you usually only deal with a rough burst before it settles into the regular drizzle. Something like that shouldn't hit us for weeks, or I'm a newt!"
The old toddart tipped his hat to let the water pour off.
"The storms are worse in the spring, and they last much longer too."

As Brogg spoke, Harper and Kraghbar noticed movement in the water. A large shape disturbed the stilling waves and a large, blue, baleful eye stared up at them. The beast was the size of a draft animal, and while it didn't look very agile its bulk alone made it a threat.
It seemed content to watch for the moment, but that may or may not last.


Knowledge nature check (You can pop that Brogg knowledge bonus if you want!) to get a read on the beast.
Or act as you wish, you are not yet in combat order.

"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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Old Sep 28th, 2023, 11:09 PM
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Harper saw the strange creature, and though it did not appear to be much of a threat at the moment, she assumed that would likely change if it decided it was in the mood for some Strangelings. Wracking her brain, she thought of all her experience with nautical creatures, knew of any legends, or had any ideas whatsoever, that this beast may be?

DM called for a Nature Check : 20 (rolls)

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Sep 28th, 2023, 11:26 PM
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Harper wracked her brain, and a name flashed into her mind. The beast was a goeroe!

Relatively rare in other lands, this beast liked to live around bogs and the rivers that fed into them, snatching people and beasts that wandered to close to the waters. Their mouths could stretch incredibly wide and swallow draft animals whole.

Their scream was apparently so frightening that even hardened monster hunters had been known to faint or flee when they heard it. However this scream was mostly a defense mechanism, and the goeroe was really a timid creature that preferred ambush to outright confrontation.


"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Last edited by Amarga; Oct 1st, 2023 at 05:20 PM.
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Old Sep 28th, 2023, 11:43 PM
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"Careful Crew, there's a Goeroe lurking nearby! I had heard stories, but I wasn't sure if they were real or not..." Harper pointed to the mass lurking at the water's crest. She was relieved to be able to be of some use to the others after her failure in navigating the raft safely through the strange river-storm. "From what I remember, it's not likely to attack us directly. It prefers to sneak up on, and then ambush it's prey. Eating even large animals whole... So steer clear of it if you can?" She advised the other boat; Realizing that Brogg probably already knew far better than most how to deal with the creature. But still needing some sort of outlet for her nervous energy.

@amarga Not sure if you want a Water Vehicles check for Harper to try and avoid it... considering how bad my last one of those was? LOL

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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