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Old Feb 28th, 2023, 01:24 PM
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As the group draws closer to Rapploc, Liam grows quieter as he begins to take in their new surroundings. At the sound of the horn, he sits up slightly straighter before noticing the bannered entourage that has joined them. One of them is just as heavily armored as Liam himself which, although sensible, surprises Liam as he was not sure they would have such capabilities. Then again, who knows what other surprises these strange lands have...

Before he can speak to the one who identified himself as Torbeth, the toad-man is off with a shot and soon they are at Rapploc. And what a beautiful place it is. Liam inhales audibly when he sees it, and unconsciously holds his breath as he takes it all in. A town in the trees, with all sorts of manner of creatures within. Creatures he recognizes as animals from back home, yet here they walk and talk like a man. Simply incredible.

As the group disembarks, Liam extends a hand to Brogg and thanks him for all he has done for them. "May my Lord Helm watch over your travels and keep you safe, friend Brogg." Now, standing on firm ground, Rapploc seems even more beautiful than when he first saw it and Liam stands there wordlessly as he takes it all in.

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01/28/25 - Posting as normal during weekdays, but now off on Mondays so it's a bit more difficult to get them in during that time. Can post weekends occasionally.
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Old Mar 2nd, 2023, 02:52 AM
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If Cadmun had seemed excited before, the scholar was well and truly awed as he beheld Rapploc in it’s full splendor..

Cadmun had long since given up writing anything else down; at the rate he was going he’d run out of writing space before their journey had even properly begun! Instead, he observed the sights and sounds of the tree-born city (especially all those potions he’s seeing bandied about, he’d make a mental note to get back to those later) with an almost reverent attention, not wanting to miss a single detail that he might be able to put to paper later on.

Indeed, so rapt was he the wondrous city that he almost didn’t hear Jane speaking to him. “I…I…no, nothing quite like this, not even in my father's archives. It’s…” The scholar’s voice trailed off, words failing him.

As they disembarked from the lilypad to be handed off to…an armed escort of some kind (Domesticated newts? Further investigation would be needed there!), Cadmun remembered that he was not, in fact, a mannerless yokel and turned to give the old toad a deep bow. “...My thanks for your guidance and hospitality, Sir Brogg. I do hope that once we have more solid footing under us that we’ll be able to return the kindness that you showed us.”

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Old Mar 7th, 2023, 07:51 PM
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Old Brogg gave the party a final wave, "You're all such good and kind folk. With luck we'll all meet again, I wish you all good fortune."

Torbeth let out a throaty chuckle, "Newts that talk like toddarts? You strangelings do have some wild ideas! Next you'll be speaking of Boulder beetles that speak like missen! I've never heard of something so outlandish as a newt speaking and walking like a person, hah!"

The captain critically inspected the party. "Hmmm, you do look rather water-worn. But not to worry, we have a bath and fresh clothes prepared for you. However we can't do much more than simple robes, your forms are strange and we have no tailors to suit you as of now."

The toddart captain lead the party up and up through weaving staircases and across many bridges over open air. Torbeth puffed and croaked as he did so, while the other guards kept the way clear for your passing by shooing away the many curious onlookers. Turning to call over his shoulder Torbeth said, "Now I never did get your names. Normally I should have asked from the start, but we are in a hurry. Besides, you were in the company of Brogg, who is a worthy Toddart much beloved by all, so that was good enough to vouch for you all."

Torbeth stopped in front of a large, wide structure built into the crook of two branches. A large mill system built into the side was constantly funnelling water in through one end, while from the other end steaming water flowed out freely.

Torbeth gestured to the double doors.
"By your dress you seem to be mostly people of civility and some of you speak with noble tongues. We do not know your customs well, but we have drawn a few separate, smaller baths for you all and one larger one depending on your wishes. You may leave your old clothes here for some servants to wash and put on the robes we have provided in the mean time."
Torbeth eyed Fledidi skeptically, "Though our experience with Sir Roderick hardly prepared us for the variety in your forms... In any case do not tarry, the king's table is flush with honoured guests from other lands tonight. It is his wish that you present yourselves favourably to the assembled company."

Inside the building were a few changing stalls, in which were baskets for old clothing and new robes for you all. The robes were voluminous, reasonably sized and plain enough that most of the party could work the tie to properly fit it around their waists with a bit of work and a touch of awkwardness. The exceptions were Fledidi, who was practically swimming in the provided robes, Jane, who was less troubled by the size but still struggled to keep herself from tripping, and Kraghbar, who found the robes tight around his shoulders and legs, if he bothered with the garments at all.
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Last edited by Amarga; Mar 8th, 2023 at 03:08 PM.
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Old Mar 7th, 2023, 11:02 PM
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No Changing Room?
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"Oh thank you so much for guiding us, and your friendship!"

Fledidi gifted Torbeth a really wide smile and decided to bow her head too. It only felt right. These strange locals were just so polite and accommodating! It was a good thing they'd had a guide too. This city was so expansive, nebulous even! She couldn't wait to have some time to look and poke around, but the first impressions were good as could be. If this was to be a new home, then the fairy was very much in the honeymoon phase with it.

Torbeth had spoken of civility then, yet at the same time suggested they kind of strip down right here, change into robes, and head inside for a bath? A bath did sound quite excellent, but Fledidi, being a tiny woman, wasn't totally comfortable with just removing her kit right in front of everyone. Yes, not all fey were so frivolous and dancy-prancy as to be down with open nudity. On a specialist beach? Maybe. Alone? Sure. In a new city full of curious locals and new colleagues? Nope. Not happening. Thankfully, she had a little trick to help make the transition from black dress and star-studded armor of leather, to plain enormous robe.

Her little hands moved the new robe closer, and then she waved them about for a moment.

"Ready or not, here comes the drop.You feel lucky when you know where you are. Y'know, it's gonna come true."

Within the space of a five foot cube, quite large enough to cover Fledidi's full form, there was a burst of leaves. It was as though Autumn had come all at once, but only in a select area. Not only was the temporarily floating foliage a great distraction, it also hid her bare skin for just long enough... to get the robe on, if she moved really frantically!

Damn, the robe was big! She felt like a bedbug trying to navigate under some serious king-sized sheets! She'd got into, or more under, the new robe, but was really struggling to find a hole to get her head through. She was just a small lump, under a mound of cloth.


Her voice could be heard in there, somewhere.

"Could someone be so kind as to find me an arm-hole or something, so I can stick my head out of it? No point using the neck-hole I think, it will just fall right off. Hehe."

The laugh at the end, was quite an anxious one.
OOCCasting Druidcraft to create a quick effect to get some body-coverage whilst getting changed.

UTC +10. Available to post most weekdays!
GM: Tiny Beasts New Addition! - Forbidden Lands - Shivery Times
PLAYER: Ebonclad - Village Survival - Ruins of Symbaroum

Last edited by 97mg; Mar 7th, 2023 at 11:19 PM.
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Old Mar 9th, 2023, 09:25 AM
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Raising an amused eyebrow at Fledidi, Leonora couldn't quite hide a good-natured chuckle at the fairy's sense of decorum. 'Here,' she said, adjusting the robe with the benefit of an outside perspective. 'Let me help you. I'm closer to the size of these Toddards than you, but I imagine we could both use the services of a good tailor. What say you we try and find one, after the audience has concluded?'

Leonora supposed many would expect the same attention to decency of her, but the truth was, there wasn't much room for privacy on the long hunting trips she often organized. And life at court had her grow accustomed to servants aiding her during her bath. Much as she felt such aid was ridiculous, the half-elf had nonetheless come to accept it as normal, to keep ill whispers from spreading.

She did, however, opt not to take the larger bath, but remain at one of the smaller ones. Dispassionate, she quickly disrobed in one of the stalls and put on the Toddard-sized robe, placing her clothing in the appointed basket. Then, disrobing again at the bath, she pretended not to care about any who might take a peek at her lithe, scar-covered form, stepped into the tub, and lowered herself into the warm, welcoming water.

There she sat for a time, relaxing her aching muscles and centering her mind on the task ahead. Sir Roderick had been here, not too long ago. Good. No doubt the king wouldn't let him simply wander into his doom. That meant Leonora's best bet was not to rush after her lord, but instead prepare herself for the journey as best she could. It would not be the first time she'd have to be the more temperate one, she considered with a smile.

Once she was clean and the water began to cool, Leonora got out of the tub again, dried off and slipped into the robe again. She smirked as she looked down- while the Toddards weren't much taller than her, they were definitely a lot broader. The robe dragged along the floor as she walked, so the half-elf tied the belt from which her scabbard hung around her waist. It might not be considered especially polite to hold on to one's weapon when meeting a king, but Leonora did not care. She was a protector, and she would not be found unarmed in this strange land.

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren

Last edited by DemonSlayer; Mar 9th, 2023 at 02:32 PM.
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Old Mar 9th, 2023, 12:59 PM
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Strange New Worlds
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Grabbing up her replacement robe with her tail, Harper began to unbutton her waterlogged clothing before she had fully stepped into a stall and behind 'proper' coverage. "I hope I get these back..." The Tiefling remarked offhandedly to the others, as she quickly slipped out of her old digs and into the new clothing. "No offense to Toddart society, or anything, but I have my own style. And pants are just less likely to trip me up when I'm climbing the rigging, or swaying on deck along to the tides... And they're much, much, less breezy. No doubt that the sooner I'm back in ship-shape, the more comfortable I'll be! " She said with a finality that offered no other recourse than to get herself back into proper attire as soon as possible.

Stepping back out to join the others, Harper gives a quick twirl and curtsey, looking down at the fabric of her robes as she does so. "So, how do I look?"

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Mar 9th, 2023, 10:48 PM
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A bath? Well that sounded nice. Perhaps get the swamp water stink out of her braid jane thought as Torbeth led them to a Bath House.

Stepping in though Jane had second thoughts. There were only a handful of private stalls to change in. A few of the others were already heading towards them. Instead of changing first the dwarf walked up to the one of the tubs, untied her braid with deft fingers showing how long her hair really was, it just brushed the ground now that it was tied up.

Taking a deep breath Jane dunked her head into the bath water. It was much warmer than she was expecting and came back up quickly. Her face red from the heat. “Oh that’s a bit more than I want,” but Jane continued to wash her hair, face, neck and arms. Her dirty clothes were now wet with bath water. If they were going to be washed what was the point of changing.

Once Jane thought herself clean she headed for the one of the stalls and changed out of her dirty, mud and water logged robes of Silvanus. Looking at the robes provided by the Toddarts Jane questioned if it would fit. She did see Felididi struggle with her robe and Harper and Leonora didn’t look bad in theirs.

Throwing it over her head, it was far too big. The neck hole went out to her shoulders, nearly falling off. The sleeves were well past her fingers. The robe was more like a loose dress on the cleric trailing behind her like a puddle of fabric. "Oh dear..." she whispered.

“Leonora,’ Jane called from her stall, “I think I need some help. The robe is swallowing me up!” When Leonora appear she raised her arms showing just how big the Toddart robe was on the dwarf. “Suggestions?”


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Old Mar 10th, 2023, 01:37 AM
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Fledidi was oh so grateful for Leonora's help! Without it, she might have been trapped within the robe for quite some time, and the more she might have wiggled, or heaven forbid, got angry, the more wrapped up in the shroud she'd become! Yes, it was nice to have someone larger to help navigate to a arm-hole or something. When at last her head popped out, it was smiling and rosy-cheeked with embarrassment.

"Thank you! I thought I was going to suffocate in there. The perfect fairy trap eh?"

She chuckled, and then looked down at the huge swathe of cloth around her. Something would need to be done about that! A tailor? Leonora's suggestion gave her an idea. First though, Harper's little display caught the fairy's attention.

"Know how you feel. My black dress is really important to me. Personal styling is very important! Us ladies can't just go about meeting Kings wearing itchy ill-fitted cloth. You though, well, you look..."

Super hot as always. Mmm, maybe best not to say that out loud. "... pretty good! Far better than I do."

Luckily, a further distraction came in the calls from Jane. Okay, so the dwarven woman hadn't specifically asked for Fledidi's assistance, but she had a plan! By taking some really long steps (for a short person), she tried to catch up with Leonora. Upon arrival she smiled to Jane. Jane was nice. Jane was nice to Cadmun too and that stood for a lot.

"Ladies. I might just have a solution to our woes."

From her things, she retrieved a small knife. A dagger? Well it could probably be used as one. Hopefully it would be sharp enough.

"I'll test this theory on my robe first okay, just in case I... make a meal of it or something."

Her stomach rumbled. Yea, a meal would be good!

Blade in hand, the little woman then cut through the excess cloth of her robe, which was honestly most of it. The locals wouldn't mind would they? Always good to have robe in XXS size available for future guests!

Right. Now she looked like a fairy in a robe that had been badly trimmed. The edge of the cloth was already beginning to run, and in general the alterations were a bit jagged. The solution came when she simply raised a hand, and ran it around the rough edges.

"When work it be pending, for ourselves we be fending, with some magic light bending, comes time for a little... mending!"

Her tiny hand seemed to glow then, and as it moved, the hems were neatly stitched up as though a seamstress had been on-site.

"It works, right? Want me to fix yours, Jane?"

Oh the Goddess would be so proud! The gifts were being used for things of deep importance, purpose and good!

Standing upright, Fledidi tested her new robe out. Well, it was kind of lop-sided, but in some lands a little asymmetry was considered stylish.

OOCCasting Mending to mend the damage to my robe after doing a little excess cloth dissection.

UTC +10. Available to post most weekdays!
GM: Tiny Beasts New Addition! - Forbidden Lands - Shivery Times
PLAYER: Ebonclad - Village Survival - Ruins of Symbaroum

Last edited by 97mg; Mar 10th, 2023 at 01:45 AM.
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Old Mar 10th, 2023, 11:30 AM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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"Hahaha... yeah... what a cooky idea..." Kraghbar had no idea what a 'missen' was, and at this point was too afraid to ask. All he knew was that this place was weird, was bound to get weirder, and that all he could do was ride that wave all the way to the next buffet.

Sometimes it was better to just leave curiosity at the door.

Following behind Torbeth, Kraghbar continued marveling at his surroundings, amazed that a people could have built something so elaborate among the trees, especially when his experience with trees had been limited until he had left his homeland, and even afterwards he had come across nothing which compared to this kingdom's foundation. The only thing that broke the orc out of his observation was the armored toddart asking for their names.

"Peace be with ya, Torbeth. Name's Kraghbar, Kraghbar al-Gruun of the Vanguard Clans." He paused a moment, seeming to rethink his last statement. "Er... former Vanguard Clans. Just so happens I used to be a guard too. I'd even say I was a pretty good one in my day!" Until I wasn't. "So, what can ya tell us about this Swamp King o' yours? Must be a pretty upstanding guy, right?"

A king who let others eat readily from his table was certainly winning points in Kraghbar's proverbial book. And this impression improved all the more when the group was introduced to the baths, their opulence reminding him greatly of the oases which had once been the privilege of the ruling class of Eransahr. The Sultan and his progeny would have never dreamed of sharing their pools with a mere orc, and here Kraghbar was, about to dip his toes into some of the finest baths he had ever seen.

"Clean up here? Back home, this was the stuff of only royalty or one a them super-rich merchants. The rest of us made do with the sweat tents." With no hesitation, Kraghbar began disrobing where he stood, not even bothering with the changing stalls as he shed his shirt and mail. "I'll still say, nothin' beats a good sweat tent to really get ya nice and relaxed after a patrol, but the novelty of washin' yerself in all that water? Still fun! Especially with toys. Especially especially one of them cute floating duckies. Now I wish I'd brought one a them with me. Oh well..."

With all of his gear now in one messy pile on the floor, Kraghbar was now a walking, grey statue of solid muscle, rolling fat folds, and angry, badly healed scars. The orc scratched casually at his rear as he took his time to decide where he wanted to go and get himself clean.

"Gotta go with the big tub for sure." Bending all the way over to gather his things, Kraghbar was careful to ensure he did not leave anything of import behind before he walked over to a stall just for long enough to dump his things for cleaning, exiting a mere breath's length later to climb slowly into the large tub, sinking himself deeper into the water as a warm chill crept up and down his spine. "Oh yeah... my complements to the king. I definitely needed that. Water's great, friends, come on in!"

As he splashed about happily in his relaxed state, the orc paid heed to his companions as they each took to cleaning in their own way. The flurry of leaves was certainly a bizarre spectacle, but the orc concluded that it was probably how fairies cleaned themselves, eliminating the need for either a bath or a sweat tent. Very convenient! Lady Jane's washing routine drew a raised eyebrow from the orc, but again, foreign dwarves probably had different habits from the ones of his homeland. Hopefully not the drinking part though!

The only one so far who seemed to be making sense was the fancy one, Leonora, who had opted for one of the smaller baths. But even as he was about to offer shouts of encouragement and assurances as to the water's quality, the scars gave his actions pause. Perhaps it had been her posh demeanor, but despite carrying her blade quite comfortably by the standards of any fellow armsman, the orc had never considered that she had actually been privileged enough to have a history carved into her flesh and lived to tell the tale. The people who had the fancy words and high graces did not fight, they had others do the fighting for them while they took care of the complicated bits, like making laws and organizing the food. But as was clear to everybody now, this was not the case for this woman.

It gave Kraghbar much to think about. Too much in fact, as he had not even finished delving completely into the thought before he had finished with his bath and sauntered over to retrieve his own robe, struggling somewhat to get it on his person before tying it off awkwardly, fidgeting constantly as he felt the fabric strain against his person.

"I don't know about you lot, but this thing's a few inches shy of fitting an orc proper." Kraghbar tried not to strain too strongly against the tightness, as he was afraid of tearing up the outfit after it had been so kindly offered to him. "Definitely fits ya much better, goat-lady." Looking over at Jane and Fledidi's situations, the orc came to the conclusion that his troubles with the clothing could be worse. "You two, not so much, eh?"

Bearing witness to Fledidi's alteration first filled the orc with panic, seeing her wantonly destroy a gift, even an ill fitting one like these robes meant for a creature substantially larger than her, but with a little rhyming and magical flair, Kraghbar's thinking was brought from the brink of panic to a good bit of curiosity.

"Huh. Magical dress making. I'll be a saurok's uncle." Seeing the extra cloth that was leftover then gave the aspiring chef a sudden burst of inspiration. "Say... if you're gonna be cuttin' up them robes, think you can help your new pal Kraghbar get some extra room in here?"


Last edited by Crocodile; Mar 10th, 2023 at 11:39 AM.
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Old Mar 10th, 2023, 11:28 PM
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Pale blue eyes gave a confused blink at Torbeth’s words before looking down at himself. …Cadmun seemingly hadn’t noticed his clothing was still a bit…damp. And a discreet sniff followed by a wrinkled nose quickly confirmed that the scholar smelled quite noticeably of brine. “Erm…yes, perhaps we ought to…freshen up a tad.”

Still, he’d smile broadly as their names were asked for…as if he hadn’t just introduced himself to the group not too long ago. “Cadmun Ashward, of the humble town of Gaetsdale, at your service.” Cadmun gave a short but sincere bow. “As I was saying to Sir Brogg, you and yours have been quite generous to us castaways, particularly considering how much trouble other groups of these ‘strangelings’ have cause your people in the past. I hope in time we will be able to return your generosity in kind…”

And then it was bath time. Or at least ‘gawk and marvel at an honest to goodness running water system’ time. Cadmun almost forgot he was here to clean himself up as he found himself drifting closer and closer to the elaborate array system of mills to get a closer look…until Torbeth reminded them they were on a tight schedule. “Er…yes, of course! We’ll be along shortly.”

Cadmun quickly disrobed, setting his crumpled pile of clothing, seemingly too distracted by the various sights and spectacles he’d seen today to realize that he was basically trudging around in the nude in front of his newfound traveling companions….not that there was much of note going on there, unless you were into scrawny humans. At any he’d quickly slip into the communal bath and start scrubbing himself down, gushing about the city’s marvelous mechanisms to the tub’s only other occupant at the moment, the massive orc Kraghbar.

“...Did you see that? I wonder if it delivers water to the entire city… Do you suppose it’s magical? Or wholly mechanical? Oh I can’t wait to get a closer look…” After taking a moment to wipe the sodden mess of his hair out of his eyes Cadmun continued. “You look like a fairly well-seasoned fellow. Have you seen any such mechanisms in your travels? Or perhaps in your homeland?”

Cadmun looked about ready to pepper the big orc with about a thousand or so similar questions as he stepped out of the communal bath (fortunately remembering to grab a robe this time as he dried off) before catching sight of his fairy friend managing her affairs. “Ah! I know that one! Quite a handy little cantrip, isn’t it? It’s interesting how the same spell can have multiple methods of invocation…a shame we have to cut up these robes like this…”

And that’s when the metaphorical whale-oil lantern went off in Cadmun’s head as he spotted Kraghbar and Jane having similar wardrobe issues (albeit with the orc arriving at it from the other direction of the dwarf).

“...Supposing we were to use scraps from Fledidi’s and Jane’s robes and mend them to yours? That might solve everyone’s situation quite equitably. …And I’d hate to leave a mess of torn rags for our hosts to find.”


Last edited by Citizen Sam; Mar 11th, 2023 at 09:28 PM.
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Old Mar 11th, 2023, 06:25 PM
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“Oh!! What a lovely idea Fledidi,” Jane smiled watching the fairy use her magic. “I’ve forgotten I have that spell prepared too,” the dwarf beamed.

Holding out her arms she directed Fledidi to cut the extra long sleeves shorter and followed after her with her own mending spell to tidy up the seams. It took a few minutes but the two cleric made quick work of the too big robes to make the more suitable for their small size.

“There, so much better, Thank you fledidi.”
Jane turned about in the amended robe looking like it fit better but not 100%.

I bet we could do as suggested and give Kraghbar some breathing room. Gotta make room for all that food and drink, right,
” Jane said cheerfully scooping up the fabric scraps and heading over to the Orc.

“Some quick work with the blade and some mending spells and you’ll be just dandy Karghbar,” Jane smiled holdng up some of the scraps to see where they would fit best on his torso. She just hoped Sir Torbeth wouldn’t be collecting them just yet and they had time to mend all the robes that needed it.


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Old Mar 13th, 2023, 08:46 AM
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Leonora smiled at the others- it seemed that between Fledidi and Jane, the matter of improperly fitted clothing was being handled. Instead she decided to join Cadmun, the young wizard still marvelling at the pipes and systems distributing the water. 'It is quite amazing, is it not?' she asked, her eyes on the machinery. 'I must admit, I had guessed at a more... Primitive level of technology, judging by our hosts. They seem kind and content,' she elaborated. 'A kind mind is a peaceful mind, and a mind at peace rarely seeks to change their environment. I hate to think what hardships might have driven such a peaceful people to adapt,' she added, frowing a little as she remembered the stories of strangelings and trolls.

'But they definitely seem more in tune with the natural world,' she said, her smile returning, then breaking into a chuckle. 'None at home would have thought to use lilypads for boats, for one.'

She stared up again at the pipes. 'I must admit, I can't make heads or tails of it,' she finally admitted with a shrug and apologetic laughter. 'But you sound like you have some understanding of similar systems...?'

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old Mar 14th, 2023, 04:42 PM
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Liam is absolutely mortified at the communal bathing situation, and the complete lack of modesty of some of his companions. His face scarlet, Liam decides a full washing up is not going to happen and instead finds a small tub as far away from the others as he can. He removes his armor and tabard, carefully placing them together and then, making sure the others are suitably distracted and his eyes do not linger on flesh for too long, he removes the loose fitting shirt he has on, revealing a taut, pale upper body. He is not a huge man, but he is bigger than most, although nothing like Kraghbar the orc. The pale chest certainly contrasts with his sun weathered face, however.

Quickly washing off his torso, his face, and his head with water, he retreats to a private changing stall where he emerges with the robe on, which does not fit as loosely as most of his companions. Then, returning to the small tub, he keeps himself covered as he cleanses his lower body before he finishes and meets the others by the door. He desperately tries to keep his eyes away from anything improper, his face still glowing a bright red. As an after thought, he straps on his sword over his robes, giving him a somewhat strange look but as a Helmite to go without one's sword anywhere is a serious offense of decorum.

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Last edited by Grouchy; Mar 14th, 2023 at 04:47 PM.
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Old Mar 16th, 2023, 01:26 AM
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With the robe situation somewhat figured out, a small, cheerful toddart woman entered in with a smile. She had been one of those servants who had been in and out of the baths cleaning the party’s clothes.
“Well don’t you folk all look a fine bunch in those robes! We almost have your clothes ready and the captain wanted to have a quick word with you all.”

She bowed and Torbeth walked in, nodding at the robed group. “Those will have to do for dinner. But we should have your proper clothes cleaned in time for the court proper, where you will be seen by many distinguished guests officially. In particular we have a couple delegations from our neighbors. The Wood Guard have sent a trio of their warriors, while the Skyholds have sent a single Sky Knight and his page.”
The armored captain paused for a moment, “We also have a merchant from the River Company here. He’s an odd fellow, but friendly enough if you can get past his uncouth tongue. The Wood Guard are a bit rustic, but charming and polite. But the Skyholders…”

Torbeth’s throat released a frustrated croak, “Arrogant, ruthless, and cunning. Stay on your guard with them.
As for his majesty, he is a fair and just toddart. But do not let his grace convince you that he will stand for disrespect. He is also concerned that his eldest son, Tadorus, has not returned from an expedition he went on with your Sir Roderick. I do not want to alarm you, before your meeting, but it has become concerning.”

The captain of the guard shook his head, “My apologies though, I am sure you are just as confused as Sir Roderick was, so I will try to answer a few questions while we walk.”
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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Old Mar 21st, 2023, 02:41 AM
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Fledidi used to laugh at the old village ladies near her previous residence. They had something of a knitting club, where everyone would get together and chat, nag, moan, compare partners and children, and generally offer society little in contribution, other than some nice handkerchiefs. The fairy had never been invited of course, and she considered this a compliment. She was way too young for sewing clubs!

With all the hurried robe alterations completed, Fledidi had paused to reconsider her past judgements. The whole process had actually been exceptionally fun, and interesting! Jane was a wonderful help and made for double the pace! Cadmun's geometric observations and ability to analyze things really helped too. Through some kind of miracle those of the group less "Toddart-like" in physique, could now walk with pride and no unwanted fleshy bits visible for royalty's perusal.

Dinner. Court proper. Some internal politics stuff that kind of went right over the fairy's head. Torbeth was back! This was actually going to happen. She was about to meet a King... wearing... white! The horror!

Fledidi gulped and looked uncomfortable for a moment. The only way to make this right would come once she had her nice black dress back, so until then, she'd need to do something else to lift the styling up a notch. It was with this in mind that she knelt down in front of her bag of things, her heavy and annoying pack of essentials. First, she pulled out a very pretty... but essentially cheap-looking, silver ring with a big red stone in it. It was actually steel with a glass gem, though it looked the goods. Small enough to fit on a baby's small toe, she slid it onto a finger. Then, she touched on a piece of leather within her assortment of things, before looking to their chaperone.

"Friend Torbeth, would it offend our gracious hosts if I bring my own cutlery? I find most people's utensil's quite heavy and laborious. No offense of course, but you know..."

A smile and a shrug followed.

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Last edited by 97mg; Mar 21st, 2023 at 02:43 AM.
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