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Old Mar 21st, 2023, 06:45 AM
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'Speaking of offense,' Leonora chimed in, 'could you give us a quick rundown of what topics we should stay away from in the king's presence?' She smiled, then elaborated. 'Your king and your people have proven such gracious hosts, so I would dread for us to prove ourselves ungrateful guests.'

She pondered the armored Toddard's words for a moment, frowning. 'I am sorry to hear your prince has not yet returned.' As concerned as she was for sir Roderick's safety, she could scarcely imagine how much more worried one might be for one's child. 'It is a noble thing he did, helping a stranger from a strange land. When we go to find our lord, we shall be sure to try and retrieve the prince as well.'

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old Mar 21st, 2023, 09:50 AM
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Only Fledidi had taken her up on her question, but the friendly Fairy had at least provided the appropriate response. "Well as long as I don't look like a Kraken..." The Tiefling muttered to herself as Leonora responded with the perfect level of tact to Torbeth. Harper smiled, she agreed wholeheartedly that they should help with the missing Prince, if for no other reason than to repay the kindness of Brogg the Berry-picker. But she also knew that ingratiating themselves with their Toddard saviors was probably the best thing they could do at the moment.

As The Guard-Captain continued to warn them of the other Kingdoms, Harper felt her heart begin to race. 'Sky Knights? Large Birds walking and talking, with their beautiful plumage? Wood Guards? I wonder how many other fantastical beasts we will see before today is through?

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Mar 23rd, 2023, 06:32 PM
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Torbeth croaked joyfully beneath his armor. "You may use your own cutlery, within reason of course. We see all sorts from across the lands and are used to people eating in their own ways. As for speech topics, refrain from prying too deeply into the affairs of the king's sons, his relationship with the other swamp chiefs, and his age. Unless otherwise prompted by his majesty, of course. Not that these aren't fair questions, but they're not topics for an open court.

Though I am sure the King will be glad to have your aid in finding both his eldest son and Sir Roderick. Prince Ragglink and your Sir Roderick were fast friends and left for their adventure without the King's leave. Not that his majesty holds anything against Sir Roderick for that."

Torbeth sighed, "I taught Prince Ragglink the spear when he was young, and I can say that his reckless spirit knows no bounds. Only his wife has succeeded so far in restraining his foolhardy whims. So don't worry that the King might blaim you or Sir Roderick for this event."

"I suppose you'll also have to deal with the other guests attending the court so I'll give you fair warning there as well.
Sky Knights often move in pairs, so do not comment that the one in attendance has no partner and talk to him with utmost decorum.
The Wood Guard are a humble sort, so try not to put on airs or praise them too highly, they'll think you either vain or untrustworthy.
The River Company merchant has an easy and careless way with words, so do not be too quick to take offence or he'll think you're a bore, but if you don't stand your ground he'll think you're simple."

The toad knight grunted as he worked his way up the stairs. "All in all mind yourselves carefully." the party noticed flash of true uncertainty in the captain's tone. "You're a strange people, arriving during uncertain times. Many of us are wondering what role you will play or why you've come here. We'll have to see if this change is for the better, or the worse."

The captain arrived at the top of the stairs, where a magnificent structure of carved wood was nestled into the main crook of a central tree, This veritable palace was enshrouded with leaves, carefully manicured like hedges all around it and worked into all sorts of intricate designs. Multiple branches weaved through these foliage sculptures like some sort of arborial garden, with small platforms built in to hold benches and tables for the pleasure of those who wished to look out onto the expanse of the city below. Torbeth chuckled as he walked past, "And Skyholders say they alone are masters of the treetops."

Torbeth nodded to the guards who stood at the ready next to the grand doors and led the party further into the palace. Smoothly polished wooden floors and walls covered in flaxen tapestries were the main decorations, supplemented by fine pottery and scupltures with intricate metal inlays displaying the historical and mythical events of the kingdom.
Beyond a set of carven doorts the mouth-watering smell of a proper dinner awaited them.
Torbeth turned to the party before opening the door. "Now, I know how to announce Cadmun of Gaetsdale and Kraghbar al-Gruun of the Vanguard Cla-... er, former Vanguard Clans. But I should hear whatever titles the rest of you bear before you enter. It will do well for you to give the other guests something to wonder over."
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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Old Mar 24th, 2023, 09:03 AM
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'Thank you,' Leonora smiled at Rapploc, filing the proper customs he described away for later. 'As for why we are here, well... To be quite frank, I would like to know as well. Our ship went under in a storm, and rather than drowning beneath the waves, we miraculously found ourselves in your land. We are, quite simply, lost- and quite grateful indeed for the hospitality your king and people have shown us thus far. Rest assured, once we find out what brought us here, you will be the first to now,' the half-elf spoke, venting her frustrations a little as she spoke.

She laughed when Rapploc described the prince to her. 'I can see why sir Roderick and he would find common ground, if indeed he is as impetuous as you describe. Sir Roderick has always had a predilection towards adventure- one which courtly life often kept him from, as you might imagine,' she smirked.

'As for introductions,' the half-elf mentioned, doubting for a moment. 'I would feel ill at ease to be boastful about my title, given our means of arrival in your lands and the kindness we have been shown since. But if you think it will help...' she shrugged, raising her eyebrows as if to indicate a bewildered acceptance. 'My full name is Leonora Arnuanna, and I serve sir Roderick as his mistress of the hunt.' She paused a moment, then rolled her eyes. 'Which is honestly less glamorous than it sounds,' she remarked under her breath.

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old Mar 24th, 2023, 11:39 AM
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Although the robes fit well enough, Liam feels that it is a bit too short for his tastes and as the group travels he keeps tugging down the bottom of it for the sake of modesty. As Torbeth shares his concerns about Prince Ragglink, Liam tries to console him. "The curse of youth that many young men suffer from what it sounds like. I too was a bit wayward as a youth until I found my calling in life. I pray he does the same." He takes mental notes on what he tells them of these Sky Knights, the Wood Guard, and the merchant but cautions himself that he does not yet know what these folks look like so it is best to be wary until then.

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, Liam is once again in awe of the amazing construction and sight before them. He has never seen such a thing in his life, and it is truly inspiring. As they walk he looks at the tapestries and the inlays to see if he can learn anything from them about this strange place as well as to admire their craftsmanship.

When the discussion of introductions arises, Liam decides to keep it simple. "I am simply Liam, a Companion of the Watcher God, Helm."

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Old Mar 24th, 2023, 12:52 PM
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Harper walked along behind Torbeth, only half listening to the conversation as the magnificent views among the trees and rivers of Rapploc did their best to capture her attention. When it came time that the Toddart asked how she would like to be introduced, Harper thought he was speaking in jest, and so answered as such... "You may refer to me as The Lady Demarque, Mistress of the Waters..." But upon realizing that the Toddart may have been serious, she quickly added "Actually, that may be received poorly. You may choose Torbeth; Wayfarer, Wanderer, or Chief Boatswain of I couldn't remember if we had set the Ship's name, so substitute if this is incorrectThe Adventure. A pleasure to be at your service..."

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Mar 27th, 2023, 01:01 AM
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Personal cutlery was allowed! Fledidi was thrilled at the news, and tucked something small into a fold in her robes. Then, standing, her head moved side to side as a set of inquisitive and bright little eyes surveyed the answers people were giving in response to the question about names. It was fair of Torbeth to ask of course. Kind of hard to introduce people without knowing what personal descriptions they went by.


The fairy's lips squished together as that information was processed. Did that mean... umm... what it meant back in her homeland? Or something else? Either way, she planned to find out!

Companion of the Watcher God.

Well, at least "Mistress" meant something, for Liam's former job title was full of vaguety! A God's companion? How exactly did that work? Was this a man in denial of some kind, or a victim of Godly intervention... much like she was? Fledidi's list of potential dinner conversations was growing by the minute!

Harper. Mistress. Another Mistress?

Fledidi hadn't expected Harper to change her tune, but mid-self-naming she had! Chief Boatswain. Yes. That made sense. Then all of a sudden, Torbeth's squishy big glob-like eyes seemed to be focusing in the fairy's direction.

"Oh... Umm... Oh... I'm... Umm... Fledidi Pitchidi, a... umm... veterinarian or something."
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Old Mar 28th, 2023, 02:15 AM
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“Very curious…” Cadmun tapped at the sad scruff on his chin before looking to Leonore. “The way everyone has described Roderick as rushing on ahead I’d almost say he knew we’d be transported to these lands. Has he ever mentioned anything like this to you?”

Unfortunately as he was waiting on Leonora’s answer he was suddenly distracted by Fledidi’s introduction to their illustrious host. “Ah! I was not aware you worked with animals! I’ve not been privileged enough to interact with many myself. Do you work with domestics or do you deal with more…exotic beasts?”

Just uh…give him a second to get back to Leonora.

Last edited by Citizen Sam; Mar 29th, 2023 at 11:01 AM.
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Old Mar 28th, 2023, 04:08 AM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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"Mu~ch better. Now I've got some actual room to strut my stuff." Kraghbar stretched and flexed in his magically tailored fabric as he tested his newfound comfort. Though the robes were still a bit tight around the middle, he was definitely feeling much less restricted than he had been moments before. "Thanks for the assist."

As the promised feasting time approached, the orc grew even more excited at what awaited them in this strange land. Oh, what could these fantastical creatures serve up that would equal the wonder of everything else he had witnessed so far. If he could stuff his face full of a delectable royal feast, then almost drowning would seem the smallest of prices to pay.

"Whuh? Can't talk about his highnessesses age? That's weird. If I lived long enough to start seeing my hair turn grey, I'd be bragging about that all the time! Borkak didn't even get to see his coming of age ceremony before he was mauled to death by a dire scorpion! Hahahahaha! Ah.... first time I'd ever seen the insides of an orc. Best camping trip ever." The whimsical smile on the scarred orc's face spoke a great deal to the fondness he still held for that moment of carnage, something truly unforgettable that he would hold dearly to his heart for the rest of his life.

Listening further, Kraghbar nodded along as the predicament with the prince and Sir Roderick was expanded upon. In the brief time he had known the human, the orc had recognized the passionate wanderlust which drove the man to his core. And if this toddart prince had that same fire burning within him, then it was no surprise that the two would go off on their own to parts unknown to take life head on. Kraghbar could respect that.

"How tough are ya, Torbeth? Being the big toad in charge of keeping the king safe gotta mean you're up there. So if that prince of yours listened to even half the stuff you were teaching him, maybe he'll be okay. Might even be having the time of his life as we speak."

The list of rules and etiquette for dealing with the factions and guests was something that had the orc less than enthused, especially when combined with the rules already put in place for communicating with the king. He had already forgotten half the protocols that had been instructed to him before Torbeth had drawn breath to begin the next topic of discussion, leaving the orc with a slight sense of unease and a determination to just try and make it through the night with minimal talking and maximum eating.

"Right... mouth shut and full of vittles is gonna be my strategy. Starting a fight at diner is just plain rude."

Then came the topic of introductions, which made sense. They were a guest in someone's house, they'd like to know who they're having over for dinner. It just so happened that they were a fancy king, which meant fancy announcers.

"Yeah, the 'former' is very important. Got no idea how my kin are organizing things back home, the ones that aren't going berserk in the dungeons anyway, but we're no ones Vanguard anymore. Gonna have to look into that when I get back home." And he was going to get back home, there was no doubt in his mind about that. They all were. And speaking of his companions, they seemed to all have some preferred monikers of their own.

"Eh, you're a hunter? Oh, oh, what's the biggest thing ya ever bagged?! Got 'em mounted on your wall somewhere? Stuffed and put it on display at home?" A topic worth pursuing to be sure. The fancy speaking human really did have more to her than he'd thought. Continuing on to hearing how the others wished to be presented, Kraghbar was given a bit of a headscratcher as a question came to mind.

"Um, goat-lady? Harper? If you're the mistress of water and all that, couldn't you have told the ocean not to eat us? I mean, it ended up okay so far, and we've definitely met some real nice people out here, but that was the most terrifying experience of my life. Just something to think about when we get a boat out of here." Perhaps the ocean couldn't hear her over the storm at the time? They'd have to make sure things were nice and sunny on the way out. "And if ya need help wrangling the sea and tellin' it what to do, Liam's helmet god could help out. Since he's apparently watching all the time, figured he'd see we need some of that divine assistance not to drown again."

And though Fledidi's own expressed profession seemed mundane in comparison, it caused the orc to start scrutinizing the fairy just a little bit more, eyes narrowed as he appeared to be in the process of doing calculations his upbringing had not equipped him with the tools to accomplish.

"Exotic nothing, I'm just wondering how she's working with animals without the lot of them treating her like she's on the menu."


Last edited by Crocodile; Mar 28th, 2023 at 04:09 AM.
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Old Mar 28th, 2023, 04:25 PM
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'If it was his intent to bring us here, then he never shared as much with me,' Leonora said, shrugging apologetically at Cadmun. 'Though, if I had to guess... No, I don't think he would've known,' she said, wondering as soon as she said the words whether her judgement of the man was entirely without bias. She shook her head for emphasis, mostly for her own benefit. 'He was rash, but I never knew him to be cruel. If he had known we'd end up here... I do not think he would've kept the fact from us. Bring us here against our will. Let us think we were going to drown, far from home.' At least, that's what she hoped.

Her sombre thoughts were broken by Kraghbar's question, the corner of her mouth curling into a half-smile. 'The largest thing, hm? Well, there was that one time we bagged a prize elk, standing almost six feet at shoulder length. The head was mounted on an oaken plaque- you may have seen it, hanging over the door in sir Roderick's office. As for the rest of it... Well, let's just say elk makes for fine dining,' she smiled.

She shrugged then. 'Unfortunately there's nothing too impressive stalking the forests on sir Rodericks fiefdom. I've heard tell tale of mighty beasts, more myth than animal, but we were fortunate not to have such creatures plague the surrounding villages. The worst we had to deal with were wolves, and the occasional bear. Which, in turn,' she smirked, 'was far more than the "hunting" nobles cared for. In my time at sir Roderick's court, I found most of them enjoyed hunting... As long as someone else did the planning, the tracking, and the coralling for them, and kept away anything which actually might bite back.'

'And you?' Leonora asked politely. 'You are an expert at cooking meals... How are you at catching them?'

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old Mar 29th, 2023, 07:27 PM
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Being ushered out of the bath house and along the ‘streets’ of the city Jane listened carefully to what topics of conversation would be suitbale for the evenings banquet. Avoid sons, swamp politics and age, right easy enough. I am sure there will be enough specially in both groups to keep the conversation well away from those topics, Jane thought.

The dwarf was still aweing at the engineering of the trees that she ran into the back of Liam as the party stopped outside the doors into the hall. She apologized for her clumsiness but the smell of food caught her nose and her stomach growled in was probably loud enough for everyone to hear. She had not eaten any of the berries offered by Brogg, a bit leery of taking food from strangers. Jane now regretted that decision as she did not know how soon food would be presented. Sometimes at the feasts she had attended in the Dwarven kingdoms, food did not come out right away as speeches were sometimes given first since no one would truly listen once food and drink was out among the dwarves.

“Oh ummm, title,” Jane thought for a minute as Torbeth asked for everyone’s preferred title for introduction, “Lady Jane Quartsknife of the Black Mountains, Cleric of Silvanus.” She hadn’t been introduced with her full clan AND service before. She had been one or the other before joining Sir Roddrick’s ship.

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Old Mar 30th, 2023, 04:35 PM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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"Er, your nobles are sounding like they'd be better off in diapers, Nora. Why even bother at that point if they're gonna just let the hard work get done by others?."

Just the distraction the orc needed from contemplating his new fairy friend's lack of being devoured by people's pets, Kraghbar thought short and hard on Leonora's question to ensure that he gave her a proper response.

"Wouldn't call myself no expert there, but I've taken down a wild thing or two in my time. Mostly critters getting too close to civilization for the Sultan's liking. The dire scorpions are a special kind of trouble every mating season, whoa boy. Some of the older Clansfolk had some real horror stories to tell. Never got that bad in my time though, or I'd probably be dead! Ha! Crazy thought." Rubbing at his scarred chin, he took a moment to try and recall any other details. "Other than that, ya got them sauroks, nasty knee high lizards with an even nastier bite, the buzzards that got too big for their own britches, packs of jackals desperate enough to risk it all for a meal... and then there's the worms." As impossible as it seemed, the orc's greyscale skin tone suddenly got just a little more pale at the mention of this final beast. "We stayed away from the worms."

"Anywho, never got time to be bored on the wildlife front back home, but I was more of an exterminator than a hunter. Only trophies I got to show for it are these scars and some delicious venom glazed roast! Just gotta make sure your mouth's in good shape before chowing down. Good dental hygiene and all that. If you never find any of them mighty beasts you were talking about back home, maybe try out Eransahr for a change of pace. Just stay away from worm territory. It's bad."


Last edited by Crocodile; Mar 30th, 2023 at 04:36 PM.
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Old Apr 1st, 2023, 02:58 AM
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Torbeth puffed in response to Kraghbar's talk, "I have spent my life training and fighting the enemies of our realm. The wretched creatures from the deep swamp, the beasts that occasionally come south from the Endless Wood." He paused, "But I must admit it has been some time since I've had a proper match. I was only a young trainee during the Season of Trolls. I hesitate to claim that could be an equal to one of them even now."
Torbeth grumbled, "Some of us would prefer that our lords let us handle some situations rather than watching them constantly throw themselves into danger, hunt or no. I have faith in the prince's ability, in many ways he has surpassed me, but I still worry... Good Liam is right, youth leads many of us to make some foo-" the captain straightened suddenly, "Helm you say? Your peoples know of Helm, The Guardian? The Watcher?" He flicked his glance to Jane, noting the name Silvanus as well, "With the tales the your names tell the company will be very interested in speaking with you over dinner. Let's enter now."

Two guards heaved upon the large wooden doors and Torbeth strode forth, his armor clanking as he stepped into the hush beyond.

A massive square table dominated the center of the large dining hall. A large circle was cut into the center such that two people could stand in it with arms outsretched, and the table was separated into two pieces with gaps so that servants could walk on the outside and inside of the dining space to best serve guests.
The company was a fantastical sight to behold. All of them save one stood to greet the incoming party.
Torbeth began by announcing, "To the table of King Rapplus III, Lord of the Swamp Kingdom, Trollsbane, Ancient Touched, Master of Wrath and Waters, I announce our distinguished guests from lands unknown, the companions of Sir Roderick."

"Leonora Arnuanna, Sir Roderick's Mistress of the Hunt.

The Lady Demarque, Chief Boatswane of the Adventure.

Fledidi Pitchidi, Master Veterinarian.

Scholar Cadmun of Gaetsdale.

Kraghbar al-Gruun of the Former Vanguard Clans.

Liam, Companion of the Watcher God, Helm.

Lady Jane Quartsknife of the Black Mountains, Cleric of Silvanus."

There was much murmuring and whispering around the hall, before replies sounded.

A group of three stepped forwards.
This group consisted of a young mouse folk with light gray fur who stood a bit shorter than Jane, dressed in clean but clearly well-used travelling gear. An old mouse of the same height, clothed in a light blue cloak. And finally a tall rabbit folk who stood as high if not slightly higher (counting the ears) as Kraghbar, with the same style of well-worn travel gear as the younger mouse.
The older mouse bowed her head low to the party, "We are the Wood Guard of the Free Forest. I am Guard Yvonne the Counselor, accompanied by Guard Renfred the Bold and Guard Foulk the Tall."

Sitting next to the Wood Guard, a single otter fellow of rather rascally appearance grinned at the party, "M' name's Cap'n Wilcock o' the River Copmany, at your service."
The strange otter seemed extremely amused by the party for one reason or another.

The next group was positioned as far away from the Wood Guard and Captain Wilcock as possible, a clear sign of animosity between them. This pair stood with a regal pomp and pride that showed their belief that they were the best of the table. The one that truly drew the eye was the massive raptor, a bird of prey that stood over eight feet tall with talons that could easily tear a man's head from his shoulders, dressed in a fine red cloak. This bird said nothing but instead let his second, a small songbird with a pleasant and piping voice, announce them.
"Sir Keuron the Sky Knight of Lorilaine Roost, BearsBane, Badgerbane, Mousebane, Trollsbane, Bearer of the Argwellon's Lance, and Slayer of the Demon Serpent Sorosh. He is accompanied by his squire, Squire Esylle of Lorilaine Roost."
The little songbird bowed her head. After a moment, Sir Keuron did as well, drawing a shocked gasp from some of the toddarts in attendance and a whistle of surprise from Wilcock.

Next the attention turned to the head of table. An old, wizened toddart dressed more like a barbarian king than anything else sat still in his seat, his bulbous eyes taking in the room. The seat to his right was empty, but the two seats to his left were occupied. The first to speak was a brute of a toddart. Where the rabbit was taller but leaner than Kraghbar, this toddart was shorter but broader. His sheer brute strength made Torbeth seem small in his armor, and his speech rumbled out to match it. "Prince Rocus, Second son of King Rapplus III."
The next toddart nodded to the party. This one was slender, marked with strange symbols of arcane nature, "Princess Vishel, eldest daughter of King Rapplus III."

There was a pause in the room, then the wizened toddart moved. He gestured to the empty seats between the Wood Guard and the pair of birds. "Be seated and enjoy the hospitality of the Swamp Kingdom. No doubt you need good fare."
Prince Rocus snorted and bellowed, "You heard the king! bring out the food at once!"
At once servants began pouring into the room, carrying trays of vegetables, berries, fish, and even insects for those who would have it.

The chairs were ready, but there was no reason the party had to sit as a singular unit, perhaps they could talk more to the other distinguished guests if they chose their seats wisely. Besides there were plenty of people to talk to.

OOCWHEW! that was a long one, thank you all for your patience! Anyways I'm probably going to set up an information thread soon to keep track of NPCs, locations, factions, etc.
IN THE MEANTIME a good description of where you're sitting (basically who you want to talk to) is a good step. I didn't give specifics about the rest of the toddarts in attendance (this was already long enough), but you can choose to mingle with them if you want to.
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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Old Apr 1st, 2023, 06:58 AM
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Seating Arrangements
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Fledidi kind of wished she'd paid more attention to the advice that Torbeth had offered earlier. Damn it, she should have pressed the man for some useful tips about the customs here! Was this a hand-shaking kind of gig, or a full-prostrate deal? The fairy decided to apply the law of averages, and react somewhere in between. A curtsy! Yes, that would do!

Obviously, a pretty short woman was going to be hard for people to see behind the tables and chairs, so Fledidi set her wings buzzing and hovered upwards a short way. Not far enough to be taller than anyone else though, and certainly not to an altitude that might offend anyone. Once in view, she then dropped a knee, and pulled on the sides of her makeshift rope with her hands. As all this happened she bowed her head.

A master vet? Talk about over-promising and under-delivering...

It was too late now though, and "master" did have a pleasant ring to it.

As she raised her head post-curtsy, she smiled and descended in order to let her feet touch the ground. With a bit of a hurry in her step, she then moved to find a seat beside the mouse and rabbit people.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" She asked Foulk the Tall.

Dammit! What was she thinking! They'd just announced her as a vet, and now she was going to sit beside mice and bunnies? Oh she dearly hoped they wouldn't be offended. Perhaps she'd get a chance to explain? Woodland beings just felt right for a fairy. Especially kind of cute ones.

Speaking of cute, she took a quick moment to turn around. Had anyone followed her to this part of the table? She kind of hoped a wingman or wingwoman would be available....
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Old Apr 3rd, 2023, 09:57 AM
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Great Wyrm
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Leonora hid a little smile as she and her companions were introduced to those gathered in the king's court. She put little stock in titles save those earned by merit, or those held by ones who had lived up to them, but to be announced in such a fashion... The half-elf couldn't deny there was something satisfying about being treated with such respect.

She nodded her head at each of the court's members in turn, trying hard to burn each name into her memory despite the wondrous nature of her hosts. As she was moved up the hall towards the king himself, her bow deepened, paying additional respect to those closer to the king. Before she could introduce herself to the king himself, however, the Toddard bid them all to sit and eat. A bit disappointing- Leonora would've loved to go over the particulars of mounting a mission to pursue sir Roderick and the prince, but it would have to wait. And while she waited, perhaps other allies could be won...

Seeing Fledidi approach the Wood Guard, Leonora nodded and, with a smile, chose to approach sir Keuron and his squire. Leonora remembered well Torbeth's warning about these Sky Knights and their haughty manner- something she had been accustomed to dealing with her entire adult life. 'May I?' she offered, indicating the seat closest to them, before sitting down. 'It is truly a wonder to find ourselves in these lands,' she assured sir Keuron. 'We have been here not a day, but nonetheless I have heard tell of the noble Skyholders.' Technically not a lie- Torbeth and Brogg did speak of them, though not in the most flattering of words. 'A pleasure to meet you,' she assured the knight, bowing her head once more as a token of respect.

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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