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Old Apr 24th, 2023, 08:02 PM
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“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know you had lost your entire crew, “Jane apologized for having asked for such a tale. “We will do what we can to not venture into those woods or waters. It sounds like a mighty strange place that should be left alone. But may I ask a few more questions,” the cleric asked organizing her thoughts.

“What was your ships name that you lost? The sword in the lake, what did it look like? Was it a make or style that you recognized? And the Stranglings that came out and attacked you while you made repairs; were they woodland folk and river folk of this land or Strangers like us,” Jane asked if Captain Wilcock was willing to indulge the dwarfs endless questions.


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Old Apr 25th, 2023, 10:53 AM
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A pleasant smile adorns the face of the stoic Liam, as he feels truly blessed to be in such good company. He almost visibly relaxes ever so slightly as he leans in to speak some more. "That is wonderful! I truly feel fortunate to be in your midst then. And I would be honored to meet your Commander one day." He grins even wider at their antics, almost forgetting they are at a royal feast.

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Old Apr 30th, 2023, 04:36 AM
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Cadmun was about to go into launch into a detailed treatise about how citrus juice played a key role in the fermentation of the cheese that was Gaetsdale’s namesake when one of the avians…Sir Keuron was the name Cadmun heard bandied about…had a sudden and very heated outburst. Cadmun found himself staring at the proud knight, his pale blue eyes gone wide.

…And to those who were canny to such things, if they were to look into the scholar’s eyes, would see not fear or shock…but intrigue. He wondered what’d be the likelihood of them meeting such a creature…

But seeing that he’d be unlikely to pry anything else about the beasts from Keuron, Cadmun instead turned his attention back to the King and his family. He looked sorrowful upon hearing that knowledge of their water system was becoming a lost art. “Oh…that is a shame. I mean…not that those don’t sound like worthy vocations to pursue, I’m sure…but it would be a sad thing to see such a wonder fall to disuse.”

The scholar tapped at the shaggy black scruff on his chin. “...Assuming you’d allow such a thing, once we’ve sorted out our own affairs I’d be interested in studying your pipeways. I’ve previously only read of such things in my…” He paused a bit, briefly looking uncomfortable at mentioning it. “...My father’s archives.”

Last edited by Citizen Sam; May 2nd, 2023 at 10:10 AM.
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Old Apr 30th, 2023, 10:27 PM
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Of Rabbits and Men
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These half-animal people were so adorable! Fledidi was truly all smiles as the furry folks interacted with each other, and made both her and Liam so welcome. The fairy wasn't really educated, nor converted, as far as religion was concerned though. Helm seemed like a silly name for a god, unless of course it was a dwarf in a big steel hat! Anyway, discussion on the topic of faith and worship was something she'd try to steer clear of. There was only one power in her life, other than hereditary good looks, and that was her Goddess. She didn't know this entity's name yet, but she we dearly hoping that is wasn't something like "Scarf" or "Sombrero"...

With the tray of berries presented to her, Fledidi took a small handful and popped them onto her plate, quite looking forward to the tasty sugar-hit. After giving one a good nibble, she looked to Foulk again.

"Your first time here too? Oh, what a relief! It is so hard to know what to expect sometimes, and I didn't really get time to read the travel guide."

The fairy chuckled to herself then, whilst remembering how most rabbits that she approached in the past, tended to run away at full speed. Foulk was a nice change, and she presumed that his comfort and ease in the currently crowded state of affairs must have been due to... his human side? This, naturally, made her wonder about other things, but they weren't the kinds of thing to make dinner conversation out of.

"A waystation? What is that? Oh, forgive my ignorance... but I've never seen one before. From how far away did you have to travel, to attend this fine meal? Oh, and I'm so glad you all did."

UTC +10. Available to post most weekdays!
GM: Tiny Beasts New Addition! - Forbidden Lands - Shivery Times
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Old May 1st, 2023, 06:59 PM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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There was an uncomfortable gulp as Kraghbar tried to respectfully swallow his latest morsel, the knight's ire upon mention of the serpent making the sensitive nature of the topic quite clear. He spied the plate of steamed worms, an unknown glaze giving the foodstuff a particular shine, and slowly slid the bowl up to Sir Keuron, snatching a single morsel for himself before returning to his own plate.

"Try the worms. They're pretty tasty. You too, little squire. Gotta get some protein in ya to grow big and strong, right?" He munched on his own worm, pausing a bit to appreciate some yet unknown aspect of its flavor and texture, finishing it off with a mild look of satisfaction. "Could use some spice though. Not too much, don't wanna overpower that natural earthy flavor, but at least something to give it some kick on the back end. Excuse me, um, Mr. waiter, sir, you got any spicy powder or sauce around here?"

Learning that the avian warrior spoke elvish of all things, as confirmed by Leonora, was certainly a surprise.

"Many thanks for thinking of this poor orc here. Never had no reason to learn to speak Librarian. But you two knowing the same language? A whole world away? What are the odds of that?"

Talk then turned to the subject of Sir Keuron's Empress, the brief mention by the knight in his anger having sparked some curiosity in Leonora. For Kraghbar, mention of any royal figure held in such high regard had him thinking of his own previous monarch, and of how things had ended with him.

"You know, I've visited some of them moon god temples, but they're a pretty stingy bunch. They never wanted to give me any cheese no matter how much I asked. I was offering good coin for it too! I figured that if regular cheese was so good, moon cheese must be amazing, but they're just keeping it for themselves in secret chambers, literal mountains of the stuff, just for themselves and their chosen. Rubbish is what it is. Pure, stinky, limburger rubbish. Sir Keuron, I hope when your Empress throws a party, she's generous enough to share the cheese with her people."

At the mention of cheese, now Kraghbar had to look around and see if there was any on offer at this feast. He'd spoken himself into a new appetite.

"By the way... Esylle, right? What's it like being a squire? When they were training me to be a guard, the vets just beat us new recruits bloody until we learned not to get hit so much. Nose still makes a funny sound from all the times I had to set it back straight. Took a while to learn that's not normal most other places, so I'm wondering, what's learning under the big guy here like?"


Last edited by Crocodile; May 1st, 2023 at 07:01 PM.
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Old May 2nd, 2023, 10:58 AM
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Strange New Worlds
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Harper nodded grimly at the conclusion of the tale. She was unsure how true it was, sounding more like the River Company representative had fallen asleep on a pleasure cruise and had a bad dream. But 'something' had caused her to be in a similar nightmare, so perhaps there was more truth to it than she was ready to realize. Either way, caution was always a good response to new places, and new people, so she did her best to hide her skepticism, and give reverence to the Otter. "Thank you Cap'n Wilcock, for the warning, and your company. It has been a strange day indeed, and I think it best we take to your good example, and avoid such strange places if within our powers to do so, Aye?"

Taking the opportunity for a quick glance around the table, Harper wondered if the others were being regaled with such fanciful stories? Or if they were learning anything more useful about what they were doing here, and more importantly, what they might do to get home?

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old May 2nd, 2023, 08:42 PM
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Captain Wilcock shrugged, "Weren't my ship, not really. To be honest I just about thought most of the crew was a bunch a pigheaded ninnies, captain included. The ship was ol' Sally's, and she called it The Mite. Fittin' name really, it was a small, cramped old bird at the best a times, and I had long been thinkin' of gettin' my own anyways." A broad smile cracked his rascally features, "I call my own ship Sally's Folly. I was in a bit of a mood when I named her, but there's no goin' back on a ship name once Umberlee's heard it."

He nodded sagely at the mention of the sword. "Beautiful thing it was, even with me old captain skewered on it. Not flashy, or bedazzled, or even too swaggy. It was plain, long, slender, unadorned, and silver white like nothin' else I've ever seen. I don't even think my captain's blood clung to it,just slid right off and left it clean as a whistle."

The otter winced at the question of Strangelings, "Now that's a question. Most have a hard time pinning down strangelin' types, but I can say for sure that these were the rottin' sort. They lumbered and screeched, growing all sorts of mosses and plants from places that shouldn't. Some looked like woodland folk or river folk, but some looked different. Those different type were just bones really, but I can't pin them down..."

Captain Wilcock squeezed his eyes into a squint and eyed up Harper and Jane. "... But those bones didn't look like no folk I've seen before, not until now..."

He shuddered and knocked back another goblet, "You'd be wise to do as ya say, and keep far from such places if you can. Somethin's real strange 'bout all this, makes me whiskers stand on edge."

Yvonne smiled graciously, "The pleasure is Mine, Liam. I am glad to see that Helm's protecting hand truly extends past our known lands, I'm sure Lady Osenna would greatly enjoy having you teach your ways to some of our fledgling members."

While Renfred sorted out his food situation, Foulk cheerfully answered Fledidi's question.
"Well my lady, we Woodguard do a lot of travelling around the free lands, but sometimes we find ourselves further out from a bed or a good resting place than we would like. Soooo, we have a bunch of little nooks and crannies hidden all over the place where guards can retreat to in times of need. We usually have the places stashed with whatever goodies we can spare, and any notes or messages other guards might find useful."
The tall rabbit shrugged, "I can't say much more than that my lady, but know that if you're ever in need, a woodguard is always just around the corner!"

Foulk smiled at Fledidi, "We travelled two weeks to get here, but really it was only a week out of our way. We were checking up on a missing person in a village along the edges of the Swamp Kingdom, so we were already as close as we normally get. Still I am also glad we came here, this has been a most pleasant meeting." The rabbit looked out wistfully at the feast, truly enjoying himself.

The great bird looked away, seeming abashed, "You could not have known, I forgive you. You are most welcome to my wisdom, I hope it leads you to a long life."

Sir Keuron frowned at the language situation, "You may find it a comfort, but Kraghbar is correct to be confused. It is an odd thing indeed that we whose people have never met share a language. As for the queen..."

A frog waiter scurried off to try and find some spice for the orc while they continued talking.

"Few of our folk hold the night to be so sacred, I myself can't keep my wits in such low light."

Esylle peeped in agreement as sir Keuron continued carefully. "Queen Gwenhylotte's title is from a night-sighted roost that favours the night, hence her moniker. She leads as well as can be expected among the proud roosts of the skyborne."
The Sky Knight bristled a bit, clearly annoyed on his Queen's behalf while masking somewhat the difficulties a ruler must have with such a proud folk.
"Each of our Roosts favours the gods differently. My own is dedicated to Bane, though I follow Tempus as of late."
Sir Keuron graciously thanked Kraghbar and plucked a talonful of worms to sample, "I cannot say my people know much of cheese. While the feasts of Queen Gwenhylotte will be beyond your wildest dreams, you would be better off talking to the woodlanders."

Esylle eagerly spoke up when she was addressed, "Oh it is nothing like that! Sir Keuron is truly the best Knight to serve! He never strikes me, and rarely raises his voice. If anything, he is even kinder to me than my own mother and father."
Esylle flicked her eyes over to her knight, and upon seeing him engrossed in the food (however aloof he tried to appear) she leaned in closer to whisper, "Actually it's gotten pretty boring. I am sure Sir Keuron knows best about how to be a knight, but I am starting to wonder when I'll be able to do some combat training. Some of the other squires my age have already started carrying swords of their own, but Sir Keuron has never let me near any sort of fighting..."

The frog waiter returned with a small jar of sauce. Kraghbar's sampling of it will find that it's still milder than he would like, but passable for his own purposes.

King Rapplus III croaked deeply, "Indeed, it is a shame. But then the inventor was a singular sort of toddart, and by all accounts he never fit into the teacher's rolel. You have my full blessing to study our pipeways, so long as you pass to us whatever pipe lore you uncover."

During the meal, an industrious looking toddart woman who was familiar to the bathhouse goers scampered around to each of the guests and whispered to them that their clothes were ready whenever they were.

OOCLooks like we're reaching the end of some of the dining hall discussions, let me know in your next post if you're move on. Great posting everyone!
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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Old May 3rd, 2023, 07:01 AM
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Leonora tried to contain her shock at the mention of the deities worshipped by Keuron's people. 'Right,' she tried, keeping her face as even as she could. 'We've heard of those two, as well,' the half-elf admitted. Deciding not to dwell too long on the sky knight's concerning choice of deities, Leonora nodded diplomatically, straightened herself and smiled. 'It seems our worlds are perhaps closer to one another than we imagined... Or perhaps the gods' reach is farther than we imagined.'

She made a mental note to remind herself of asking Jane and Liam about their opinions on the religious tendencies of this place. 'I'd be interested in hearing more of the religious practices of this realm, and how they might compare to our own. Have you ever heard of the deity Solonor?' she asked. 'I must admit to not being the most pious of individuals, but His teachings provided much comfort, when I was younger...'

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old May 4th, 2023, 08:39 PM
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Of Rabbits and Men
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The fairy was looking oh so cheerful as these pleasant and furry new friends spoke of their travels. She wasn't totally sure what their profession was, yet, but she was too embarrassed to ask given that they called themselves Woodguard and everything. They guarded woods, right? But... from what? Would inquiring about that kind of sour the mood? Fledidi didn't quite feel ready to hear any stories about monsters, wildfires or other environmental threats.

"Nook and crannies?"

She giggled.

"I've had many such places for a home. My last was a tree's hollow, and I must say that it was very warm in there and a safe place for one such as me,"

So delicate and beautiful hehe.

"Wait, you said a missing person? Oh I hope it was an innocent thing, and nothing too worrisome?"

A tap on her shoulder, and the fairy was told that her lovely black dress had been cleaned and dried! The good news was kind of dulled by her anticipation of an answer to her question... about people falling off the grid.

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GM: Tiny Beasts New Addition! - Forbidden Lands - Shivery Times
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Old May 6th, 2023, 02:42 PM
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Giving Yvonne a slight bow, Liam smiles and replies "And I am sure they would have something to teach me also. The Vigilant One never fails to remind us to stay humble and ever watchful."

When Foulk describes the promise of a Woodguard always close by, Liam thanks him. "I am sure it will do all of us well to know your aid is always close. Thank you, sir."

When the toddart woman approaches him about his clean clothing, Liam bows to her also and says in a low tone, "Thank you, madam, I appreciate what you have done."

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Old May 8th, 2023, 07:57 AM
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Feeling that the interaction had reached it's natural conclusion, and having already thanked the Captain for his company, Harper busied herself with eating the food and drink offered her at the table. She knew that there were berries, mushrooms, and probably all sorts of wonderful things available to eat in the Toddart Kingdom, but those required effort to harvest. She would be a fool not to avail herself to the fruits of someone else's labors.

After she was done, Harper once again looked around the table at the eclectic group that had gathered there... Feeling slightly awkward about what to do next, and wondering if they'd be given some sort of direction now that they were strangers in a strange land.

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old May 8th, 2023, 01:51 PM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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Kraghbar drizzled a decent amount of the mildly piquant sauce on his plate, allowing it to pool evenly into a small circle along its surface before dipping a line of worms into the seasoning, marinating each morsel one at a time and laying it to rest before working on the next with his fat, cabbed over fingers.

"Huh, since the gods look like they watch over both worlds, maybe we can ask them for a ride back home." Same languages, same gods, such different inhabitants. It was enough to make an orc's head spin, and since Kraghbar liked his head just where it was, he opted not to think too deeply on the matter and return to his meal, assuring himself that the answers would come to light in due time.

Having finished his line of spiced worms, the orc leaned in conspiratorially with Esylle once more and continued their conversation, offering her samples from his plate of worms at the same time.

"Hmm, weird way to be raising up a future warrior, that's for sure. Gotta get those instincts honed in while you're still young. Maybe... he's waiting for you to do something to show you're ready?" Secret tests of character were not unheard of in many old stories involving curmudgeonly old masters and young, bright eyed apprentices. If everything else around here seemed to come out of a fairy tales, why not this too? "Something big and impressive, that'll wow the boots off him... if he were the boot wearing type, that is. Got anything in mind that fits the bill?"

"If nothing else, I could use a sparring partner to get the rust off if you're sticking around after dinner. Even without a sword, you've got that beak, those talons, your wings. If you're gonna be a great knight, you're gonna have to hone that body to be as deadly as any steel." Kraghbar took one of the worms and slurped it up in one go, enjoying the taste but wishing once more that the sauce were spicier. He pushed the plate closer to the squire, the time for talking giving way to the time for more food.


Ready to move forward with the evening.


Last edited by Crocodile; May 8th, 2023 at 01:52 PM.
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Old May 10th, 2023, 10:40 PM
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The reedy scholar’s blue eyes actually blinked in surprise at the king’s words before shaking his head quickly. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Knowledge is meant to be shared.”

For Cadmun’s part there’s be little else of note for the rest of the evening. He seemed to have taken a particular liking to the more…insectoid offerings at the table. Or perhaps it was merely the novelty of the idea.

Still as he’d work on his dish he’d pause periodically before piping up with either a question or a theory or idea of his own, mostly about the food. Inquiries about which varieties of indigenous insects that were safe to for consumption, or a few ideas about possibly harvesting the creatures versus gathering from the wild, or the how such foodstuffs keep over time. He even had a few ideas for seasoning that are...uh...'new' if nothing else. Thankfully, he wasn't bringing up the subject of Sir Keuron's monstrous serpent, as fascinating as he found the idea of such a beast existing.

Last edited by Citizen Sam; May 10th, 2023 at 10:57 PM.
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Old May 16th, 2023, 09:27 PM
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Captain Wilcock grinned, "Looks like the meal's wrappin' up. We'll see soon what's got all these folk gathered like this."

Foulk chuckled softly, "This time it was a simple thing my lady. An old field missen had himself a mite too much to drink and had gotten all turned around in the woods near his home. He was half starved and clean frightened when we found him, but he'll be perfectly fine. Probably won't drink as heavily either!"
He smiled brightly and took a swig, "But that's what we do. We protect the little folk from those that threaten their freedom and livelihood. Whether it be an intruding skyholder, a beast from beyond, the little disputes that crop up, and the general difficulties people have. I certainly wish I could invite you to one of our waystations, I'm sure you'd make any old burrow the finest home in the realm."

Yvonne shook her head, "Don't go wagging your tongue too much Foulk, we only give people the entrances to our waystations at the utmost need."

Foulk puffed, "Oh come now. I'll have you know young Renfred here has been showing his dear wife the entrance to the Willowhock waystation for a few months now whenever he gets-"

Renfred, who was finally finishing his meal, leapt up in alarm and tried to silence his tall companion, "Foulk! You promised you wouldn't tell a soul!"

Foulk blinked, "Oh? Oh. Why you're right my good fellow... oops-"

Yvonne's gaze was iron, "We will talk about this later."
Turning to Fledidi and Liam she added, "We do apologize for showing such tomfoolery, most of us Woodguard hardly have any courtly manners or a sense of decorum except in the most dire of situations. In any case we'd best prepare for the king's council, see you soon."

The toddart maid who had given Liam his clothes smiled, "It is my pleasure sir, it has such a fantastic shape to it. I've hardly seen the like of all the things you folk form afar wear."

Sir Keuron nodded, "Some of the roosts that lay along the edges of the Endless Wood worship Solonor. I have my own respect for him, and young Esylle's roost follows his teachings.

Esylle shrank into her seat, trying not to draw the attention of her knight while pecking at the spicier foods with little note of the added heat. "Deal, I saw a spot that would be perfect when we were coming in..."

With that the dinner ended, and the toddart woman showed the companions to rooms where they might get changed. While these rooms were not very large, each had a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and a chair. These might serve as places for the party to rest should they stay in Rapploc for any amount of time.

The Council
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After the party donned their excellently cleaned clothes, (they had almost gotten out some of Kragbhar's old stains), Torbeth appeared in the hall of their rooms to guide them to the council room. "Here." he said, "Is where we'll discuss a few matters of interest to the gathered company." He opened a large door and ushered the party into a large, circular room. At the end of this room stood an elevated throne upon which sat King Rapplus III alongside his two present children, Prince Rocus and Princess Vishel. Also attending was a downcast toddart lady, dressed in finery and sitting upon a padded cushion, blowing relentlessly into a handkerchief and wiping her eyes.

Moonlight pierced through the perpetual mists of the land, and light shone off of the watery floor of the court. The company, much the same as the dinner company, stood in attendance. Most bore their weapons now, the simple but functional swords strapped to the sides of the Woodguard contrasted with the brutal lance Sir Keuron clutched in a fierce talon. At his size was a large sack, roughly the size of an adult human, or a toddart.

"We are gathered today because I seek advice from the outlander." Boomed the toddart king. "My firstborn, Crown Prince Ragglink, has embarked on a mission with Sir Roderick the strangeling. They left without my blessing, and have been overdue for three days, so says Princess Phyllia." A fresh sob broke out from the dainty toddart woman.

"It is for this reason that I call upon our outlanders. Sir Roderick and the Prince would be a conspicuous pair, but they told few where they would be going. Have any of you seen them?"
The Woodguard looked at one another for a moment before Yvonne stepped forwards, "Oh great king, I have heard of whispers of an odd pair travelling the lands. But these lands lie to the eastern edge of the woodland, which the Skyholders control fiercely."

Sir Keruon nodded, "Indeed we have heard and seen the two you mention. But we have had little time to trace their movements, as our lands have been facing a new blight."
He opened up his sack and dumped its occupant onto the floor. The beast was made of twisting wood, embedded with bits of purplish stones that seemed to sprout from its already warped frame like growths. Clearly dead, it appeared to have been hewn many times.
"These new strangelings have been plaguing our roosts. Wherever they appear trees become infected with their kind, growths cover the tree and the splinters of rotted wood become these... things. Worst of all are the trolls who seem to lead them in bizarre raiding parties."
A low rumble of anger came up from the assembled toddarts, who held a deep hatred for trolls that had once threatened their kingdom.
"Ragglink and Roderick wandered into our lands at a poor time, and we haven not seen them in days. I am sorry."
Princess Phyllia began sobbing loudly, and beside her Princess Vishel did her best to comfort the sad toddart lady.

Phyllia stood from her seat and shouted, "R-raggy would never be delayed unless something went seriously wrong. You must find him!"

The great bird knight bristled, "Lady, our people are stretched thin as it is. These vicious strangelings terrorize our people and our knights have been fighting beak and talon to protect our roosts. It is only in the direst circumstances that I have come to the Swamp Kingdom to ask for the King's wisdom concerning trolls."

King Rapplus III nodded sagely, a smile breaking his great features. "And in this time of need more friendly strangers come into our midst. Truly these are interesting times."
All eyes turned to the party.
"Noble strangers from lands unknown to us. You have heard our plight. My folk are not skilled trackers outside of the swamp, and the skyholders are too busy with their threat to spare their warriors. Only the Woodguard are both free and skilled enough to pursue this lead, but I know this business would take them far from the lands they are pledged to protect."
Yvonne grimaced and raised her hand, "King, I cannot go for my duties are clear. I must return to our keep and report what is happening so that all of our order will be alert in case this new threat spreads to our lands. I will also need a companion, as I am too old to wander alone. But I can spare one of my people if the need is dire."

The king croaked long and low, nodding his head in appreciation. "You are gracious, Yvonne the Counselor, but this job is too dangerous for just one of your order. And you, Sir Keuron, will be needed to defend your people as soon as possible. I cannot expect you to go on a wild and potentially fruitless hunt while your roosts are threatened."
Again the king addressed the party. "So I turn to you, fair strangers. My eldest son and your companion have gone missing in dangerous lands. What will you do?"
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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Old May 19th, 2023, 08:08 AM
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The Afterwards
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In the privacy of what she assumed to be her own room, at least for now, Fledidi had grinned. A lot. Not only had she just made friends with some wonderful animal people and met a real King, she'd also got her dress back! The land and its people were so great. It was like a luxury vacation, though the little fairy was already hoping she'd never have to go home. Yes. Maybe one day she could be a woodguard or something. And she had her dress back!

One tiny hand smoothed the luxurious black silk out, whilst in the other she studied her reflection in a dagger's blade. She sucked in her berry-filled belly then, to try and strike a perfect pose, but only temporarily. This wasn't a fashion show after all. She just wanted to look her best, for what she assumed was going to be the main event. Some dancing? Some schmoozing? Maybe some eyelid fluttering and close-proximity whispers? Well, before she set out, she adjusted a ring on a finger, just to ensure that the semi-precious stone was clearly visible. Worthless but pretty? So what, it was a family thing, and even if she didn't miss them, one couldn't completely disregard one's heritage. Around her neck she pulled a necklace free from around her collar too. This odd trinket didn't get a lot of air time, but it felt right to draw a little attention to her magnificent neck line. If people wanted to focus on and near her spell focus, then so be it!

Not so long later, Fledidi stood tall as the King made the evening's true purpose clear. What was it they used to say back in that village? Before you... you know... you should at least buy or make someone dinner? It seemed that this wise King had just done exactly that. She would have smirked, had it not been for the apparent pain and serious concerns coming to light in the room. Her heart kind of went all soft feeling at witnessing Princess Phyllia's distress.

The fairy hovered upwards a little way, wings beating so as to at least be visible to the royal folks. Then, she bowed her head low, and as it rose back up she ran a sideways glance across her companions. Did they look like they were ready to get involved? Would they help these people? Well, that was up to them. Eyes on the King then, Fledidi spoke.

"Friends. You have shown us much kindness. I could only hope to extend the same back to you, in return."

A pause. She waited to see if anyone else piped up.

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GM: Tiny Beasts New Addition! - Forbidden Lands - Shivery Times
PLAYER: Ebonclad - Village Survival - Ruins of Symbaroum

Last edited by 97mg; May 19th, 2023 at 08:10 AM.
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