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Old May 19th, 2023, 12:44 PM
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Strange New Worlds
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Harper had changed back into her sea-clothes, and while wearing the borrowed dress for part of the evening had been a strange change from her usual trousers, and loose fitting shirt, it was not an altogether unpleasant experience for the Tiefling. Fledidi had changed her appearance again as well. And the sailor had to remind herself to not be caught staring. Yet when the small fairy fluttered up to offer her services to the King, Harper was immediately conflicted with what to do.

"Your Majesty... I am not from these lands. I know nothing of your ways, or your Geography, and I am the first to admit that I prefer the rugged coastlines, and open seas, than to the footfalls of rolling fields that it seems we are set to travel. I'm not sure how to get back to my home, if that is even a possibility anymore? But, I am also not sure what use I would be in your endeavors?" Harper gulped hard, stammering through her weak deflections as her mind raced on what to do next. "It is not that I am ungrateful. To you, or your people, for the warm welcome we have been given here! But, my Allegiance was to my ship, not to Sir Roderick. And now that he's gone off, what assistance would a simple sailor even be in retrieving him?"

Harper shrugged, uncomfortably aware of all the eyes that were on her at the moment. Perhaps if she could take the attention off of her, it would make the guilt of her denial lessen? 'Leonora forgive me for what I am about to do...' Harper hoped silently, a scapegoat forming in her mind.

"Sir Roderick! It was his idea to delve into the lands that others wisely feared to go. And it was by his misguided desires that caused Umberlee to take the ship. If he hadn't been there, my life wouldn't have gone upside-down. And in the short time that he was here with you folk, happily taking in your hospitality. It seems that he took the opportunity to abscond with your son as well? So, I suppose if you ordered it, I would be duty bound to bring Sir Roderick back to face whatever justice your court deemed necessary: Ruining the lives of those that unwittingly followed him; Poisoning the young Prince's mind with nonsenses; And then eventually kidnapping his royal highness! But there's no certainty we will find him, and if we do, there is even less that he might come willingly back to your Kingdom."

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old May 21st, 2023, 11:59 AM
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Leonora had to fight back laughing with relief at the king's request. Here she was, wondering all night whether the king would allow them to wander his lands freely, or even grant them leave to venture beyond the palace's walls. And now he was not only providing information about sir Roderick's whereabouts, but actually asking them to go after him? This... This couldn't have gone any better.

When the wooden creature was revealed, Leonora acted not with dread but with a keen interest. Without realizing it, she took a step closer to the carcass, caught by the wonder of so alien a being. A thin smile played around her lips when she cast a glance at Kraghbar- no doubt the orc would be as keen on hunting so dangerous a creature, edible or not, as she was. Indeed, the more she heard, the more restless Leonora became, eager to depart on this adventure.

Her mounting sense of glee fell somewhat when Harper spoke up, the sailor sharing her doubts with the court. It was disappointing, but Leonora could hardly fault the Tiefling. To grant or withhold her aid was Harper's decision alone, and the half-elf would not presume to demand Harper's assistance. When the Tiefling accused sir Roderick of misleading the Toddards and causing their misfortune, however, Leonora's muscles tensed. Fixing the Tiefling with an icy glare, she smiled mirthlessly, then stepped forward to address the court.

'Assigning blame rashly is perhaps an understandable mistake, given the harrowing nature of our recent ordeal. But I assure you, none who set sail with sir Roderick did so out of anything but their own free will; those who joined his expedition might not have been able to foresee the consequences, but we all accepted the risk.'

Casting another icy look at Harper, she took a deep breath, turned back to the king, and bowed her head. 'I shall not offend your people by thinking them so easily swayed by an outsider's words. Nor shall I insult your prince by considering him so impressionable, so devoid of agency in the matter.'

'Instead I offer my vow,' she spoke. 'In accordance with your wishes, I will go forth and search both your son and my lord. I will venture into the lands of the Sky Knights, I will find them both, and I will determine what caused the delay in their return. Solonor willing, I will return both of them safely,' she declared, giving princess Phyllia a reassuring nod. 'And upon my honour, I will break any blight or troll, or any other strangeling, should they make the mistake of standing between me and the fulfillment of my promise.'

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old May 21st, 2023, 10:11 PM
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Cadmun looked a bit disappointed as things started to wind down, having not having had the chance to interact with the other peoples of this strange otherworldly kingdom. But he consoled himself that their journey was only starting; he’d have other chances to expand his horizons further.

Cadmun didn’t take too much time in his allotted room. Just enough to get changed into his newly-laundered clothes (he was quite thankful to have all those pockets back again) and update his makeshift journal. Sadly, while there was much to add there was little time space to document everything he had seen so far. He’d have to rely on a series of shorthand and mnemonic devices for now…

And so, his quarterstaff strapped to his back, the young scholar was quick to rejoin the others, his coat clean and his staff attached to his back. The reedy scholar likely didn’t make for much of an intimidating sight compared to even utilitarian blades of the Woodguard…but intimidation wasn’t something he’d ever been terribly interested in.

He was uncharacteristically quiet and solemn as the royal family told their story…at least until Sir Keuron revealed a corpse of what (for now) was the strangest creature Cadmun had ever seen. Wood instead of flesh and skin. Strange purple stones instead of…well…he’s not quite sure what they were for but he would find out eventually. Blue eyes wide with curiosity, he began circling around and poking at the ghastly thing.

He’d only look up once the King had made his request. He was about to agree whole-heartedly with Fledidi’s words of paying back their generosity when Harper and Leonara began having a bit of a disagreement.

Cadmun coughed before trying to mollify the situation somewhat. “Regardless of who is at fault, if anyone, we will likely end up tracking down Sir Roderick for answers about our own situation sooner or later. An opportunity to repay our hosts’ kindness seems like a bit of a bonus if nothing else.”

And at last the scholar grinned excitedly. “As for me, I fear I’d need to be restrained to keep from exploring these lands further.”

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Old May 22nd, 2023, 04:23 PM
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With the announcement of the meal being over, Jane gulped down one last cup of wine or ale or whatever the drink was the Toddart King had provided as she rose from the table and followed the washing lady to a suite of rooms. There had been no drinking contest but perhaps it had been for the best. No reason for her or Kraghbar to make fools of themselves so early into their visit.

There, Jane found her hammer, robes, armor and boots the cleanest any of them had been in many years. Having a mirror the dwarf took a few minutes to redo her braid. The weight of the wet hair had caused it slide and come loose. With her braid reset Jane joined the gathering group in the hall with Sir Torbeth.

Entering the throne room The Dwarf marveled at the architecture once again. Her engineering brain working to understand how they had made it. The voice of the king pulled Jane’s attention back to the assembled creatures. He explained that Sir Roddrick and his eldest had left without his blessing causing the small frog lady to sob anew.

It was reported that Roddrick and the Prince were in the Sky Knight kingdom but the bird folk had not stopped or persued them as they had a new problem that was more pressing. Jane was wondering what was more pressing than the prince of the neighboring kingdom on your lands without permission when Sir Keuron dumped the contents of a sack onto the floor of the chamber. Out tumbled what appeared to be a wooden creature. Sir Keuron said that it and others like were infecting the forest and being helped by trolls. Jane was no more fond of trolls than the bird folk or the Toddarts; nasty, foul creatures that had little care for civility.

The Dwarf sidled up and past Leonora to get a better look at the tree creature. “ I will accompany Leonora. I stepped onto Roddrick’s ship willingly not knowing what lay beyond the sea. My lord Silvanus sent me to learn and spread his work where is was needed,” Jane touched the oak leaf on the front of her robe. “ I feel his work is needed here, seeing this blight before me now. I will do all I can to bring Sir Roddrick and the Prince home safely. And rid our kingdom’s of this blight if it is in my powers.

“May I nature check see dice roll below in action blockexamine it,” Jane asked gesturing at the wooden body stepping closer to it. “How did it die if I am ask,” she directed at Sir Keuron.


Beth Quinn
Tower graduate #820

Last edited by silverfeathers; May 22nd, 2023 at 04:23 PM.
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Old May 22nd, 2023, 09:04 PM
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The Tiefling narrowed her eyes as the group around her spoke, some evenly, others seeming to undermine her plans. 'Any strangling? Does that include me I wonder?' She thought to herself, a cold chill running down her spine as the image of Leonora plunging a pointy object into her body crossed her mind for the first time.

'I can't really fault them though, I didn't have the time to brief them. I'm still coming up with this plan on the fly. But the Toddarts were clearly upset with the disappearance of their Prince; The Princess was a bubbling mess, and if they were in this situation themselves, how would they feel after a stranger showed up, took advantage of their hospitality, before taking off in the middle of the night with their Crown Prince?' Harper wondered. 'Can't they see that Sir Roderick might not be the most popular person at the moment? That taking a more supportive stance of trying to bring Ragglink back to his Court, the stranger back to speak for himself, and to face their laws if required... Instead they were seeing death threats, infighting, and more strangers coming to their shores trying to implement their own sense of morality onto their gracious hosts.

Who was to say they even could find the two out in the wilderness? Or how long it would take to bring them back... Who believed that they couldn't spend their time trying to think of ways to try and get both Roderick and Ragglink out of this mess once they did find them?'
Still, The King would have his say. He had asked what they would do, and clearly wanted their assistance, so that meant they weren't being considered enemies just yet... But if anything happened to their Prince, how long would that leniency last?

'It's a sad day when an old pirate like me is trying to be the responsible one; trying show deference to the laws of the Land, not to mention empathy...this really IS a strange situation we find ourselves in...' The though that 'she' might be the responsible one for a change made a grin spread across Harper's face as the irony hit her. But all she could do was see how the King responded to the mention of Justice, and various offers of support.

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.

Last edited by Alemar; May 22nd, 2023 at 10:35 PM.
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Old May 23rd, 2023, 11:51 AM
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Upon entering to meet the King, Liam decides to be on his best courtly behavior so once presented in front of him, he takes a knee to show respect until he is directed to rise once again. Liam then listens intently to the toddart king as he presents his dilemma.

When Sir Keuron empties the bag containing the twisted looking creature, Liam outwardly shows no reaction but inside his mind recoils. What manner of beast is that? Surely dark magic is behind its creation. He listens to the exchange of first Harper, then Leonora, and finally Jane. He is pleased to see that most seem to be in agreement - they are duty bound to find Sir Roderick and this Prince Ragglink, both for the hospitality of their hosts and for their previous arrangements. Even the scholarly Cadmun is in agreement. Liam is disappointed to see Harper seems to have no sense of duty or honor with her excuses. Fortunately, Leonoar seems to have smoothed things over.

When it is his turn to speak, Liam replies in a simple, straightforward fashion. "You have welcomed us into your home and treated us as guests, Your Majesty. I shall eagerly honor your request, both as a man of honor and as one sworn to the Vigilant One. I shall search the lands for Prince Ragglink and Sir Roderick until they are either found or their fate confirmed."

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Old May 24th, 2023, 02:20 PM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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"Hah! Haven't had gear this clean since I left home. Actually, it wasn't even that clean back then either."

Kraghbar was gushing at the work which had been done on his equipment, making it all seem brand new once again. He imagined himself making a very impressive figure after a thorough wash and a new batch of freshly laundered gear, certainly more than satisfactory for holding audience with a king now that the meal was over. It was also comforting to have his weapons on hand, just in case. Once could be having the time of their life with the friendliest of dinner partners, but there was never any telling when somebody might get it into their head to do something rash for no reason. That was just the way the world was.

The orc almost reflexively stood to attention as the king began to speak, the tone of authority reminding him so much of his previous life. The memories were not something he wished to dwell on, so he endeavored to focus on King Rapplus' words as the toddart caught them all up to events so far, giving context to the weeping toddart woman and more exact details regarding Sir Roderick and Prince Ragglink's disappearance. It all seemed as one could expect, except when Sir Keuron threw them all for a loop by unveiling the corpse of some wood monster which was apparently causing his people some trouble.

"Evil tree-people? Don't see that everyday..." The orc's cursory examination of the fallen creature from afar told him the remains were worth nothing more than kindling, unless there was some value in the stones embedded in its body. Certainly wasn't anything appetizing about it either, but that didn't mean he couldn't find other reasons to be excited by its reveal.

After all, he'd never fought a living tree before.

As the king ended his plea for aid with an inquiry towards the intentions of the friendly strangers, Kraghbar made his voice heard alongside the others.

"So what you're saying is we've got a potential rescue mission on our hands, with a bunch of trolls and tree-people standing in our way? With all due respect, your majesty, even if there weren't lives on the line, I'd still be going in there to crack some skulls! Now I just get the extra pleasure of helping the sad princess lady not be so sad anymore. Just point us in the right direction and we'll do the rest! With those two being capable types, they've probably holed up somewhere nice and defensible until they can figure out a way back home. It's what I'd do if I was surrounded by enemy forces."

The others seemed to more or less give their ascent to being sent on this mission as well, with the less being a rather ambivalent critique by the horn-headed Harper. Kraghbar attempted to blink his confusion away as he contemplated her words, head tilting to the side as he studied the tiefling with the world's most painful quizzical look on his face.

"That's a little harsh, isn't it?" The orc scratched at his grey, scarred scalp as he came to no helpful conclusions, settling only to believe that the tiefling was just not very fond of Sir Roderick. Or maybe it was a self-esteem issue, considering how much she seemed to downplay her skills outside of shipcraft. "I mean yeah, getting swallowed up by the ocean wasn't all that fun, but he was pretty upfront about the whole Yonder Sea trip being crazy dangerous. Gotta respect that kind of adventuring spirit, especially when it keeps biting ya in the behind and you keep going anyway."

"And from the sound of things, the prince enjoys the idea of a bit of excitement in his life too, so Roderick probably didn't need to do much convincing at all. Come to think of it, those two sound like real peas in a pod when it comes to the exploring life. Probably hyped themselves so much they didn't want anybody spoiling their fun."

The more Kraghbar thought this through, the more he wondered if they really needed to 'rescue' the pair. Perhaps they were just fine out there in the wilderness and having the time of their lives. The orc was even about to suggest this before Princess Phyllia's distraught look forced the words right back down his throat.

"Er, yeah. We'll get your son back, your majesty the king, sire. No problem. We'll deal with whatever else afterwards." Kraghbar moved to stand besides Harper, placing a friendly grip on her shoulder while the other hand gave her a thumbs up. "Hey now, just because you've got no boat doesn't mean you're useless. I'd never even set foot on a ship before this whole trip and now here I am. Sure, I drowned, was even kinda seasick for a lot of it, but then I got to have a feast with a king, and we're being offered the opportunity of a lifetime to be big darn heroes. I'm just saying, a guy like me can luck out like that, someone much more clever like you can definitely make it work out there. And if you're really, really worried about Sir Roderick not coming back with us, I've got plenty of rope. Probably won't need it, but you know, just in case, right?"


Last edited by Crocodile; May 27th, 2023 at 07:45 PM.
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Old May 28th, 2023, 05:04 PM
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The Council
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Prince Rocus snorted, "I agree with the Lady Harper! Too often was my brother's mind taken by flights of fancy and foolery. Besides, wouldn't sending our guests into another's lands risk offending the Sky Holders? Besides, we must look to our own borders. These new strangelings are bold and by the looks of them mighty allies. They should stay here where we can help one another until they find a way home. Besides, they have no hints other than to go west! It's a fool's errand"

Princess Phyllia's blubbering stopped and it was as if all of her tears turned to ice. Rocus literally rocked back in his place beside his father. You can only count yourselves lucky to not have seen whatever look in her eye so frightened such a proud prince.
Worse for sure would her words have been if Sir Keuron hadn't interrupted with a derisive click of his beak.
"Our people know what happens on the forest floor, but we do not think of most of it as our territory if the odd traveller wishes to wander through it. I do not doubt that some of our folk in the Roosts saw and tracked the two as they passed through our lands. Even without that, I am sure the rootling settlements aided them on their expedition as they wandered."

Foulk snorted, "Oh yes we've head all about those 'rootling' settlements you have beneath your oh-so-fine tree homes. I'm sure you Roost Lords have been giving them your protection if things are as dangerous as you say! It's the least you could be doing for them after all the taxes you lot levy fro-GAH!"

Yvonne jabbed Foulk in the side with her walking stick and fixed him with a glare. But it was too late.
Sir Keuron planted on taloned foot forwards as if to launch himself, but Esylle leapt forwards and chirped away furiously. "The rootling settlements are none of your business you big cabbage-head! They benefit from being associated with the might and splendour of the Sky Holders and are more prosperous than any of your "free" backwater towns!"

Now Renfred stepped forwards to have words at the little squire, and was struggling against Yvonne's hold on his ear. Suddenly a loud *CRACK!* drew all attention back to the throne.

King Rapplus III had smacked the base of his staff hard against the ground, and a wide smile split his ancient features. "You all bring such discord to my hall. The topic at hand is the safety of the Crown Prince and of Sir Roderick."
He smiled at Leonora and Harper. "I lay no great blame on Sir Roderick's shoulders. He was as foolhardy and brazen as Prince Ragglink, and each only served to inflame the passions of the other, Kraghbar is right about that. I shall have stern words for both, if Tyr grants me that small justice. Many are the fools who easily assign blame, but I am not one of them. I have known warriors, and indeed have raised one such warrior, with more bravery than sense. Such are the many natures given to us by the gods."

Captain Wilcock piped up, "But Harper has a good point, this bunch seems ta be keen on the trip for the good of it and all that. But I'm guessin' your not gonna send them off just with a warm belly and a soft rest?"

King Rapplus III croaked and nodded absentmindedly. "Of course. Should you return with my son you shall have all the aid I and my people can give you in finding your way home if that is what you desire. As well, I will offer you the aid of my people and the use of some of my treasury for your journey."

While Jane poked and prodded the strange beast Sir Keruon muttered, "It was hewn by a falchion. They are dangerous in numbers, but individually they are no stronger than any novice."
Jane would recoil upon closer inspection of the wounds. Those pustulant purple rock-like growths were spreading to fill the wounds. Jane doubted it would get back up because of this, but as it was still potentially capable of spreading whatever infection afflicted it if not properly stored.
Other than that, it seemed to be made entirely out of splintered, rough wood.

"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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Old May 30th, 2023, 07:13 AM
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If that is what you desire.

The king's choice of words planted a seed of doubt in Leonora's heart. Was returning to her home what she desired? True, this place was no less in the grip of the court politics she found so wearisome than sir Roderick's court. But, while she was an outsider here more than she had ever been back "home", Leonora felt more welcome in Rapploc than she ever had among the pompous fops who feigned loyalty to sir Roderick. And this land, while alien, was not without its beauty- the charm of unspoiled wilds, so different from the neatness of her homeland's towns, roads and cities.

Putting the thought aside, Leonora shook her head to clear her mind from such doubts. 'Any aid you would provide upon our return would be most welcome,' she spoke, deliberately not specifying what sort of aid. 'But I would beseech you for a measure of aid before we leave to find your son and our lord. A map of the area would be most welcome,' she elaborated, 'for we are strangers in your realm, unfamiliar with the lay of the land. Provisions, perhaps- I am certain Kraghbar in particular would be appreciative for another chance to try out Rapploc's cuisine,' she said, granting the orc a half-smile. Then her smile fell back to a more reverential expression. 'And, on that note, perhaps someone in your court would be willing to explain to us which plants are, and are not, edible, should the need to forage arise?'

Turning to sir Keuron, the half-elf gave a polite nod to the feathered knight. 'We would not wish to offer insult by venturing anywhere in the Sky Holders' domain where we are not welcome. Do you know if these rootling settlements you speak of would be welcoming towards us? And are there any official letters or the like we should carry, to proce that we have a right to wander your lands?'

Leonora then turned back to the king. 'And on that note, might I ask you for a token with which prince Ragglink will recognize us as working on your behalf? We are strangelings, after all,' the half-elf spoke, 'and we would not presume for him to accept naught but our word.' After all, while Leonora scarcely dared contemplate the possibility, there was no guarantee sir Roderick was still with prince Rapploc to vouch for them...

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old May 30th, 2023, 03:33 PM
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The Council
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King Rapplus III smiled, "Of course I will provision you well for this trip. Enough food for three week's travel, a strong pack beetle to carry your supplies. As for a tutor on plants, I know the perfect instructor. Brogg knows all there is to know about the things that grow from the ground and sprout leaf or flower. And for a map, my own library's maps are likely outdated and of less use. But I have just the traveler to aid you."

The king turned to look meaningfully at Captain Wilcock, who swore and nodded, "I see what yer gettin' at your majesty, I guess I owe you lot for dinner anyhow."

Sir Keuron was still furious, but he settled his ire and plucked a single feather from his head. This large, resplendent feather was offered to the party, "This is a sign that you have either slain me, which few will credit, or that you have gained my endorsement. It will show that you have the respect of a mighty warrior and if asked you can use my name. Few will hinder the business of the Loromane Roost. The rootling settlements of other Roosts should also be deferential as you travel with this token."

Princess Phyllia's blubbering began anew, "I-I have a token, show him this!" she cast her soggy handkerchief towards the party, "It has my mark on it, and my tears. He'll come back home right away if he knows what's good for him, making me worry so!"

"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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Old May 30th, 2023, 11:04 PM
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“how strange,” Jane muttered crouched down close to the dead tree blight. “ I think it would be best if it was burned or kept isolated from any other plant life. It may be dead, but I think the purple bit is still alive, or at least contagious,” the Cleric concluded straightening up. The purple pustules were unusual and unnerving seeing it continue to fill gaps in the dead creature.

“How long have they been gone? And how long was Sir Roddrick here before he left with the Prince,”
Jane asked wondering how fast the two of them could travel. She was trying to put together a time line of how much of a head start they had vs. how long the rest of them had been out laying in the swamp before Brogg found them.

“Thank you all. We will do everything we can to bring both of them back,” Jane bowed to King Rapplock, Sir Keuron, the Princess and the others.


Beth Quinn
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Old Jun 5th, 2023, 09:33 AM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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Kraghbar may not have much in the way of formal education, he liked to believe he still had a grounded sense for how people went about things, and this interaction once again reinforced in him the true power of a good meal to bring people together. Good King Rapplus III had brought together all the elements necessary to see his desires come to fruition, made certain all the players required were under his roof after having enjoyed his food, and had even gotten everyone to mingle with one another before making his proposal. Give or take one near-miss with an almost brawl, it all seemed to be working in the monarch's favor. Food was truly a versatile tool in the right hands.

As he went over to receive Sir Keuron's offered feather, Kraghbar pondered the strangeness of a custom that required one to present parts of their own self as a token for safe passage. Parts of other people, certainly, a good head on a spike gave a very clear message, or collecting the ears of bandits and turning it into a trendy necklace, and that wasn't even going into just good old fashioned trophy hunting. Nevertheless, this was what would be needed for the journey ahead, and he was certainly more than willing to accept the gesture.

"Well much obliged, Keuron. Looking forward to seeing that rootling hospitality on the journey ahead. We'll knock down a few more tree-things for ya on the way through, it's the neighborly thing to do." The orc's meaty fist, still closed around the token, was pulled back to rest against his chest as he straightened his posture, the appendage coming to a sudden halt as it beat against his chest over where his heart should be. He gave this salute to affirming his acknowledgement of the raptor's aid and the resolve to see it put to good use. He then turned his attention to the group of royals, a hungry smile splitting apart his briefly serious look.

"The fancy lady's got me all figured out. When you're done tearing the hide off the runaways, we can mend hurt feelings with another great feast!"

"So, uhh, calling dibs on not taking the sadness handkerchief though. Already got the feather. Any takers?"

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Old Jun 5th, 2023, 10:09 AM
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Strange New Worlds
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Harper was extremely pleased that Leonora had mentioned maps, and while things may have become strained between the two women with their pleas to the king; He seemed to be on their side, at least for the time being. Harper decided that she had probably spoken enough, and to quit while she was ahead, so instead she nodded appreciatively as the Court. Bowing low as to retrieve Princess Phyllia's handkerchief, Harper quickly tucked it into a breast pocket; Allowing a small corner of the dainty square to peek out over the thin cotton fabric of her blouse.

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Jun 6th, 2023, 10:02 AM
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Liam thumps his right fist over his heart and bows formally, swearing "Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty. May we repay it by accomplishing the task you have set before us. I swear upon the Vigilant One I will do all I can to find them."

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Old Jun 8th, 2023, 02:36 AM
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The Afterwards
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So it seemed that Fledidi and the random assortment of the ship's passengers and crew, would be off on a journey! It couldn't be too bad really. The fairy figured that the probability of being drowned and transported somewhere really weird... was so low... that they'd probably be safe from that happening again, at least. So far in this boggy and froggy realm, she hadn't witnessed anything horrible, or scary at all. With any luck, that wasn't about to change any time soon!

"I'm quite looking forward to this," the dark-clothed fairy said, smiling, as she looked to her companions.

"Can I propose to be the barer of the most kindly gifted feather, and token of goodwill, for this task? As I too can fly, it might make for easier... you know... negotiations if we run into any difficulties."

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Last edited by 97mg; Jun 8th, 2023 at 02:39 AM.
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