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Old Jun 10th, 2023, 12:59 AM
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The Council
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King Rapplus III looked to Torbeth, who spoke, "The Prince and Roderick left eight days ago, they should have returned after five. That's what Princess Phyllia claims."
A fresh sob burst from Princess Phyllia.

Sir Keuron scowled and quickly scooped the creature into his sack. "I will have this burned as soon as able, wretched thing."

Captain Wilcock sighed, "I'll go get me maps ready, ye should see the lay of the land in any case."

Foulk seemed torn, but Yvonne tugged at his cloak meaningfully, "You have your duties, Foulk. Besides, you know the presence of a Woodguard would only hinder them in Skyholder territory."
The old missen lady raised a hand to Liam in salute, "May His Vigil keep you and your companions true, Liam."

Sir Keuron nodded to Kraghbar and offered his own salute. The large bird raised a talond claw upwards, hoisting his mighty lance high. "I will eagerly await word of your exploits, Kraghbar al-Gruun of the former Vanguard Clans. And yours, Lady Leonora. Keep your eyes open out there."

The king thumped his staff twice and two strong toddart thudded into the courtroom bearing a chest. They set this chest down before the party. "Brave strangelings. To aid your journey I have had some things from my treasury for you to pick from. Each of you can take something from this chest to keep on your quest."


"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Last edited by Amarga; Jun 10th, 2023 at 01:02 AM.
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Old Jun 10th, 2023, 01:27 AM
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Strange New Worlds
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The Tiefling eyed the revealed treasure greedily, a devilish grin forming on her mouth but for a moment, before she reminded herself of her present situation. Scrunching up her mouth in a disappointed furl, she went over the contents of the chest one by one. Doing her best not to mouth the words, as she read the flowing Toddart scripts, and labels, if any were available.

'Some beads? Not sure if they're worth much? Let's see, a candle? Ohhh, that earring is pretty, and might make conversation easier if I go scouting ahead. Hmm but what else? A lantern, I can see in the dark, so perhaps less useful to me than to others? And a Sword, better to let one of the stronger members of the party fight over that one... Various potions, a pack of dust, and some oil... All in all not the greatest of hauls, but the price seems right!'

Bending low, Harper reached forward to grab the earring, and one potion of healing, before stepping back with her selections and allowing the rest of the group their choices. "I do hope everyone is ok with me taking these? Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty. We are, I'm sure more than happy to take our leave to rescue your son, and our Commander, at your discretion." She offered, all while secretly hoping 'In the Morning would be better... We've only just been drowned, and rowed our way here on a leaf; so a nice rest in a good bed wouldn't go amiss.'

We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Jun 10th, 2023, 11:00 AM
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'Thank you, sir Keuron,' Leonora offers deferentially to the Sky Knight. 'I look forward to continuing our conversation, once we return with the prince and our lord.'

Leonora bows once again as the king brings out his treasure. 'Thank you, your majesty,' she offers respectfully. 'These will no doubt prove a great boon on our journey.' Going over the treasures, the half-elf does not have to think long before picking up the bag filled with purifying marbles. She had been on plenty of long hunting trips to recognize the importance of fresh water, both for drinking and for cleaning wounds. 'We are strangers here,' she explained. 'And strangers are always more susceptible to the diseases of strange lands. These, I think, will keep us safe on our travels.'

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old Jun 10th, 2023, 06:53 PM
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Cadmun had been so thoroughly wrapped up in poking and prodding at the strange (and thankfully dead) tree creature that he had, tragically, missed a large part of the conversation between their group and the various representatives of this strange new land. The easily-rapt scholar was about to ask taking one of those strange purple protrusions from the wood-beast as a sample when the treasure chest was brought in.

“Oh um…” Cadmun scratched at that sad bit of stubble on his chin as he looked over the offered loot. “...A candle with an unquenchable flame? That sounds like it could be quite useful...”

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Old Jun 12th, 2023, 07:23 PM
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As the chest was brought forth Jane let a few others got first and take a look at what the King was providing. Harper, Cadmun and Leonora stepped away with interesting choices, an earring, potion, candle and beads.

Taking her turn to step up to the chest, Jane looked over what was left; quite a bit actually. Her hand immediately grabbed a potion, you could never have enough of them and they were so laborious to make too.

Her eyes fell on the little packet, she picked it up and held it next to her ear as she shook it gently and gave it a sniff. Iron, it smelled of old iron. “I think this will be useful too,” she said stepping back with the Dust of Corrosion and healing potion. "what is this, it smells like rusted iron," Jane asked holding the small packet up.


Beth Quinn
Tower graduate #820

Last edited by silverfeathers; Jun 13th, 2023 at 01:35 AM. Reason: editing post in response to OOC questions.
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Old Jun 13th, 2023, 02:26 AM
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The Afterwards
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Was "something" a countable, a plural? It was hard to interpret the big toad King's exact meaning. Fledidi just wasn't sure. There were too many variables, like being in a new world for starters, and culturally still a tad unfamiliar with how things worked around here. Anyway, when a few of her companions interpreted the King's invitation to take "something" from the chest, to include more than one item, the fairy quietly smirked. Smirking was generally a silent maneuver, but seriously, it was really quiet when when a little fey did it.

Greedy, much?
She thought to herself, desperately fighting back an urge to giggle. Actually, the only way to control herself was to try and be very formal. She hovered up off the ground a little way and dipped a bow in King Rapplus III's direction.

"Thank you so much for your generosity. I'm sure the extra help is greatly appreciated."

Then, fluttering over closer to the contents, she weighed up the remaining options, spending a good deal of time staring at one particular potion bottle. A bottle with a picture of a badger on it.

"Too cute! Does anyone mind?"

If there were no objections, then she'd take it. If there were objections, then she'd take it and describe the kinds of damage a super-strong, airborne foe might do. She'd never dropped a boulder on anyone before... and hopefully wouldn't ever have to. Best to be prepared though!

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GM: Tiny Beasts New Addition! - Forbidden Lands - Shivery Times
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Old Jun 13th, 2023, 11:11 AM
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Liam bows humbly before the King's offering and, upon reviewing the labels of the potions inside, takes one of the healing potions and stores it in his belt pouch. Useful not only for myself but also for the others if my magic is depleted, he thinks to himself.

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01/28/25 - Posting as normal during weekdays, but now off on Mondays so it's a bit more difficult to get them in during that time. Can post weekends occasionally.
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Old Jun 14th, 2023, 06:07 AM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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"Uh, Fledididi, nothing against you or nothing, but if I saw some tiny flying thing with bug wings try and present this slackin' big feather all official-like, I'd probably think someone was having a laugh at my expense. If we're gonna be showing these root folks we mean business, we've gotta present this feather serious-like from the get-go."

However, whatever misgivings Kraghbar had about Fledidi getting the feather did not transfer to her claim on the badger potion, for his eye was caught by another of the yet unclaimed items on offer. At first he figured he would take a potion of healing for himself, surmising that if there was going to be any bashing of skulls he'd be right in the thick of it, but then his eyes wandered to the bottle filled with the oily substance.

"Well what have we here?" The orc picked up the bottle and was in turn informed as to its effects, drawing a chuckle from the chef. "Like a greased pig then, trying to save itself from the butcher's knife. Hah, they'd never see it coming!"

His choices made, he stepped back from the chest and waited patiently for what came next.

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Old Jun 20th, 2023, 02:46 PM
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The Council
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King Rapplus III let out an amused croak, and gestured deferentially towards Harper with a glint in his eye. "I have full faith in you. You seem a solid, dependable sort. Unfortunately Brogg will likely not be awake this late, so you shall have to wait until the morning for his ferry. He will instruct those so inclined in the plant lore you need while you journey through Paloro."

Sir Keuron bowed to Leonora, "You will have the full delight of my people's hospitality, should your journeys take you to our Roost. If any of your company could fly like us I should better act as a guide to the Sky Hold lands. But as it stands I can only wish you safe travels. May we meet under green leaves and blue skies."

Esylle peeped quietly and sidled in close to Kraghbar while her knight was talking to Leonora, "Find me on the southern terrace two hours after the court adjourns, Sir Keuron should be too involved with his nightly rituals to notice my absence." the little squire quickly tells Kraghbar how to get to the terrace before returning to her knight's side.

Princess Vishel answered Jade, "That is a pouch of Corrosive Dust. I would caution its use if you carry naked steel. It is made from the essence of a rare strangeling that sometime comes south out of the Endless Wood, which we call rust beasts. It can easily reduce any common unenchanted metal to useless dust in an instant. However water robs it of its virtue, so the pouch is oiled to keep out moisture."

Captain Wilcock began walking towards the exit, "It's been a pleasure your highness," he offered an insufficient bow to the old toddart king, "But I need t' get my stuff ready if this lot is goin' t' have a chance t' see it 'fore the morn." The otter winked, "I'll be in me quarters whenever you lot need a peak and a copy of the map."

Foulk, Yvonne, and Renfred bowed low upon their exit and Yvonne offered them a word of goodbye.
"We shall be sure to see you off in the morning, brave strangers, come see us if you need any advice. Sleep well."
Foulk piped in, "And remember, no matter where you find yourselves, a jolly old Woodguard isn't far away!"

The king was about to say something, but was suddenly taken with a fit of deep, throaty coughing croaks. Torbeth moved to assist him, but the old king waved him away irritably with his staff. However the coughing fit continued.
Taking charge, Prince Rocus and Princess Vishel stepped forward.
Princess Vishel announced, "The king is tired from his day's exertions, please forgive us this lapse. We thank you all for gathering here today and will speak again in the morning before your departure. You are free to spend what remains of your evening as you wish."

Clutching yet another sob soaked handkerchief in concern, Princess Phyllia attended to the king, whispering inaudible words as the tips of her finger flowered with fluorescent, magical bubbles.

OOCSomeone can attempt an arcana check to determine the spell type Princess Phyllia is using.
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Last edited by Amarga; Jun 30th, 2023 at 04:23 PM.
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Old Jun 24th, 2023, 04:47 PM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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Kraghbar gave Esylle a quick nod after she'd finished sharing her instructions. Looking around between the honored guests and the royals attending King Rapplus III, the orc decided he himself would make his own exit and prepare for the later evening's activities.

"No problem, Princess Vishy! You've been more than hospitable to us lost whelps, and a little bit of trekking's the least we can do to even the score. Just gonna ask that when we return, ya make sure your cooks know what spicy actually means. If one of your folk in these lands are famous for some extra hot goodness, buy all their stock and introduce yourselves to a brand new world of pleasure. Pleasant moons to you and yours then, gonna go and rest up for the mission."

Kraghbar, not quite remembering if there had been a mention of proper protocol for leaving the presence of the royal toads, just smiled and waved all the way to the doors leading out, not daring to turn his back on them until he had reached the exit and was safely out of their little bubble. That awkwardness was quickly forgotten as the orc made a beeline back to his room to double check his gear, passing the time admiring the work the toddarts had put into cleaning his equipment, inspecting the potion more carefully and imagining all the fun that could be had at the enemy's expense, and just whiling away the hours until...

Kraghbar had found the southern terrace easily enough, give or take the help of an enthusiastic toddart attendant, and now awaited his new squire friend as he casually inspected the area, looking to see if anything else of interest caught his eye about this strange new environment.


Last edited by Crocodile; Jun 24th, 2023 at 04:47 PM.
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Old Jun 24th, 2023, 09:51 PM
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At World's End
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'Well, things certainly have a way of changing quickly around here' Harper thought happily to herself. 'And by all appearances, they seemed to be looking up for her! First: Leonora had remained calm, if not a bit icy, at her attempt to weasel a favorable impression of the court, at least her innards were still intact, and on the right side of her body... Second: Nobody had seemed to bat an eye at her taking multiple items from the chest... But after all, how did they expect her to help them? Without getting properly prepared first anyways? And Lastly: The King had answered her silent prayer that she would find a night of respite before the ferry in the morning. Plenty of time for her to try and come to grips with her new surroundings, and her new employment.'

"Thank you for your faith in us Your Majesty, I admit we might appear to be an odd group, but I have a good feeling about this... We'll see you and your peoples set aright, that is an Oath." She spoke as confidently as she could Persuasion Check : 18portray, putting on a brave face even as her mind added in the addendum 'After all, tracking down multiple people in a place we've never been before? How hard could it REALLY be?'


We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.

Last edited by Alemar; Jun 24th, 2023 at 09:51 PM.
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Old Jun 26th, 2023, 02:17 AM
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”Oh er…if you haven’t already we should probably all take at least one of those healing potions. Never know when those might come in handy.” The scholar nodded, pondering possibly grabbing something else from the chest that nobody else had claimed yet, until he overheard the ruckus coming from the royal family.

And if that wasn’t enough to grab Cadmun’s attention, then the chromatic flock of bubbles Princess Phyllia seemingly conjured certainly did. An incantation he thought he recognized…but did he?



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Old Jun 30th, 2023, 05:46 PM
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The Council
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As the party filed out, King Rapplus III's coughing slackened into troubled wheezing. Cadmun was unable to pin down Princess Phyllia's spell, but it sounded like it was helping the old toddart king.

Your rooms were small, but comfortable. Everyone was well furnished with a wardrobe, a chest, a desk, a chair, a window to see the half-moon's light streaming through the windows, and a bed. The beds were stuffed with wood wool layered with fresh moss, and then covered with a thin sheet.
It made for a comfy sleep, and you all have a good rest before the morning.

The Terrace
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Esylle was waiting for Kraghbar on the moonlit terrace facing the southern expanse of the swamplands. She was nervously fidgeting between bouts of flashing forwards with her claws and beak. When the little squire saw the orc she chirped a nervous greeting, "Hello, Kraghbar. Sir Keuron has finished his nightly rituals and is asleep, so we won't be interrupted. Are you ready?"

OOCKraghbar for this little bout I just need a BaB roll form you with advantage.
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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Old Jul 1st, 2023, 08:29 AM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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"An al-Gruun's always ready, feather buddy. It's why we're still around when so many were lost to the sands." The orc stepped forward, one heavy footfall after the other, slowly closing the distance between himself and the avian squire, stopping just short of being within striking distance of Esylle as he looked her up and down. "Highest thanks for this, Esy. Not many pleasures greater in this or any world than having a good meal and a good fight on the same day. Gotta say, from the moment I set eyes on the pair of you, been curious about how skyfolk fight with those beaks and claws of yours."

Kraghbar raised both his fists into a ready position, hunching down slightly to more readily defend his face as he spread his feet apart, forward and back to create a solid foundation to stand firm against the world arrayed against him.

"Show this sand-spit what the skies got to show for 'em. Let's go!"

He held a moment, making certain that Esylle was herself prepared to clash, and when it was clear the two were ready to pit themselves against one another, he charged forward with wild abandon, grinning ear to deformed ear as he struck at the squire.



BaB roll = 25


Last edited by Crocodile; Jul 1st, 2023 at 10:27 AM.
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Old Jul 8th, 2023, 01:07 PM
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The Terrace
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Esylle stood still for one moment, then launched herself at Kraghbar the next. She flinched and ducked as the orc's yell stunned her, but continued forwards regardless. The resulting crash was predictably more beneficial for Kraghbar than Esylle, and the winged squire skidded across the ground with a pained "peep!".

Rising to her talons, Esylle launched herself at Kraghbar again, and again, and again. But it was clear that the avian squire was outmatched. It took little effort for the large orc to bat away her aggressive and direct approaches, tactics that would be much more suited to a larger creature.

Before long, Esylle was huffing, battered, and exhausted from her constant attacks, while Kraghbar's skill and experience meant he was more than ready to continue.
The squire raised a plaintive wing, "Just... one moment... I need to... catch my breath..."
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Last edited by Amarga; Jul 9th, 2023 at 02:33 PM.
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