The 200 Word Adventure
System: 3.5 because hardly anyone runs this system anymore. Flavour: Standard fantasyMint Chocolate Chip. Summary: Hell with it. I’m curious about this project. Curious enough to take a swipe at running it. The game takes place in an unnamed town and surrounding area. I’m not using maps for the world or combat. Things are always as far away as they need to be. No more no less. The group is a band of adventurers in search of adventure, and adventure they shall find. Fight off hordes of bandits of various racial backgrounds. Sail the seas in search of pirates or piracy. Overthrow an evil regime. Anything is possible because it’s all made up. Players will be encouraged to make up details about the game world as we go along. Let’s pick a direction and head in it until something interesting happens. Characters start at level 5 with wealth by level. Nothing homebrew accepted. I’d worry less about the character sheet and more about making an interesting character at this step, but maybe that’s just me. Expectations on applications not stated, but hopefully are implied. Think of this first step as a test one must pass.
“Squeak is right" - Dirkoth Last edited by Raylorne; Nov 16th, 2023 at 11:55 AM. |
I’ll take four players. I’ll give a two week notice before closing the ad once sufficient interest has been obtained. If you’re not a fan of improv you may wish to look elsewhere because this game is being made up as we go.
“Squeak is right" - Dirkoth |
Color me interested. Something worth waking my old behind up.
Half Orc Barbarian, but thinks he's a bard. Name:Khul B'hat Race: Half-Orc Class: Barbarian Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Description: Khul, with his baby blue eyes, looks as though the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top. His muscular frame is shoehorned into a leather cuirass that is ill-kept. Faded runes that look like small human writing dance along the trim of the armor. Long stringy black hair frames his square head. A small canine at the bottom right of his mouth, protrudes a little, leaving a perpetual stream of saliva sliding down his scarred jaw. Personality: Bright is not what one would call Khul. Loyal, honest, sure but not bright. He does not let that stop him from joining any conversation, from the spiritual to battle tactics. He has the confidence, yet lacks the intelligence. What he lacks in intelligence, he possesses in strength and ability. When Khul is found in a tavern, which is often, he can be found on stage, doing what he calls, singing. It is not revered by the crowds, as his singing voice sounds of cats being strangled, which, in many cases, cause the crowd to turn violent. Telling him no, or to stop, only gives him more gusto. That being said, he is a good friend to those that are good friends to him, he is loyal and will defend his friends without question. Backstory Get ready for the tragic upbringing of our new hero, Khul! Last edited by doggius; Nov 17th, 2023 at 11:36 AM. |
I'm interested too.
Not sure of the initial class, but I would like to play as a Merchant who just wants to earn a semi-honest living but keeps in getting dragged into these crazy situations with the party. Perhaps the Noble Class from the Dragonlance Campaign Setting. Possibly going into the Merchant Prince Prestige Class if we get to a high enough Level. Last edited by triedtherest; Nov 16th, 2023 at 04:09 PM. |
interested in playing a wizard necromancer who isn't evil and is trying to improve necromancers' reputation
I'm not intellectually arrogant, I'm just right all the time |
It sounds like all three of us would be good at "making friends!"
![]() All but the one serving girl had given him a wide berth since he entered. He only half listened as the King's tax collectors entered. That's what tax collectors do, after all. It wasn't their fault. He continued to enjoy the buttered bread, his mug of cool ale, and ignored the bowl of slimy stew they'd served. Voices were raised. He heard the serving girl speak up on behalf of the innkeeper. Something, something, taxed twice already this year, something. He heard a gauntlet striking flesh and a body crumpling to the ground. A drop of blood appeared on the table beside the bowl of disgusting stew. "Da, no!" the girl exclaimed. She's brave, Jisk thought. Silence, his sword, was tucked away behind the bar. The innkeeper didn't allow weapons in the common room. He stood, catching the eyes of the tax collectors and noticing the knives at their belts. He hurled the bowl of stew.
Play-by-Post Safety Tools Last edited by orcbane; Dec 3rd, 2023 at 06:46 PM. |
Color me intrigued. I'll start toying with ideas and hopefully get something up this weekend. Or at least the start of something
"When people say a knight's job is all glory, I laugh, and laugh, and laugh. Often I can stop laughing before they edge away and talk about soothing drinks." ~Lord Raoul in Squire |
very up for this!
Skin and bone app, but I'll add to it as we focus more the details of the world together. Last edited by Remorazz; Nov 24th, 2023 at 08:23 AM. |
Name: Derek Draven Race: Variant human Class: wizard specializing in necromancy Alignment: lawful Good Description: Derek is a small, young man standing 5’2 and weighing 120 pounds. He wears a black robe gifted to him by his master. His eyes are a deep green. His hair is a short, straight, and as black as a raven’s feathers. Personality: Derek has a strong sense of justice due to the wrongs that were done to him and his people. He believes that wicked people must be punished, and the innocent must be protected. He is quick to latch on to those who offer him friendship and is fiercely loyal. Background: Derek started his life in a small village and lived an uninteresting life until a horde of raiders came which slaughtered everyone. The only survivor, he traveled from one village to the next, finding them all destroyed until he met a man with a large undead creature collecting the corpses of the raiders that had been killed. He revealed himself to be Janfadar, a necromancer who agreed to take Derek in and teach him his craft. He taught Derek his rules for being a good necromancer: never turn an innocent person into undead. Now Derek seeks the raiders and to change the bad reputation of necromancers through good deeds.
I'm not intellectually arrogant, I'm just right all the time Last edited by Togot; Nov 24th, 2023 at 04:50 PM. |
Last edited by triedtherest; Nov 24th, 2023 at 01:50 PM. |
If you must roll in your thread then feel free. 4d6 drop lowest is fine.
*First set of rolls binding. I’ll be up at my Mom’s place all weekend. May not answer questions till Monday, but I’ll probably still pop by the site. @Orc I wanted you to find this organically, but I would’ve linked in the GD thread eventually. ![]()
“Squeak is right" - Dirkoth |
I'm going to have to pull this one back, too many irons in the fire right now.
Last edited by leftyyy88; Dec 1st, 2023 at 11:35 AM. Reason: Withdrawing |
Questions I gotta ask:
Any class/race bans? My idea should work either way but always wanna check. Last edited by MundayKnight; Jan 23rd, 2024 at 08:27 AM. |
As long as you can provide a link. Nothing homebrew.
“Squeak is right" - Dirkoth |
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