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Old Feb 4th, 2010, 02:57 AM
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Jelly anyone?
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Being greeted so politely causes the half-elf to be shocked for half a second, before regaining his composure and bowing his head slightly. Contrary to before, it seems that now he has you attention and you haven't immediately stabbed him, he's quite in control and calm...though he still looks rather ragged. Oily blonde hair in a loose mess, grimy hands and face, with a suit of ragged leather armour to top it all off. "My name is Shefton Rosk, there's a good place just down the street." The group sets off, and Herb grins when he realises where they're headed. This is one of his favourite dives, the Rusty Hook.

The bar smells like piss, beer and just a touch of blood. Shefton sits at the bar, and waits for someone to buy him a beer before he starts talking. Taking a few huge gulps, he downs half the drink before putting the glass back down on the bench. "'re after Vanthus right? Five gold and I'll tell ya where he's been going as of late. Him and that dirty bastard Penkus undercut us something fierce recently..."
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Old Feb 4th, 2010, 09:13 AM
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Quietly thinking, Jules considers the man in a whole. Honor is something that is earned, and something no man is really born with. "You sure you didn't hear theres a bunch of stupid hounds lookin' for some information? I appreciate you for steppin forward, but I've heard o' this scam before."

"This IS shadowshore. I'll give you two for the information, and another three if it helps us." Jules holds out two coins in his hand, and sets another three down on the bar, keeping close track of them in this kind of bar.

Last edited by HarpyBane; Feb 4th, 2010 at 09:48 AM.
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Old Feb 4th, 2010, 09:20 AM
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Jelly anyone?
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Shefton stares at the coins in Jules hand for a few seconds, before greedily snapping them up. "Parrot Island...they've got a smuggling operation going on under there. I followed Vanthus one night, he entered via a little trap door hidden in some bushes." Downing the rest of his drink, Shefton scoops up the other three gold and nods at the door. "You want to get going now? I can be back in time for happy hour if we're quick."

Parrot Island is a small landmass in Sasserine, too rocky to be built upon it's ignored save for a few ghost stories. It's name comes from the huge amounts of parrots that live on the isle, leaving each morning and returning at night to roost, a rainbow of colours and a cacophany of noise.

OOC:It's not too far to Parrot Island from here, actually just South of Shadowshore. By the way, Jules passed his Sense Motive .
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Old Feb 4th, 2010, 09:52 AM
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"After you, guide. I don't know where we're going..." Jules stands up and stretches a bit, happy to be leaving the stench of 'civilization' behind.

OOC@_@ sense motive? What was he sensing? What was I bluffing? I was just roleplaying
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Old Feb 4th, 2010, 11:53 AM
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The whole story seem's to good to be true to Hubris, and something about the man put's him on edge. Or perhaps it's Shadowshore district in general.

"I think we would better serve our Lady, and ourselves if we reported back and set out on our our own time."
he looks around at the others, the look of intelligent concern and caution on his face.
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Old Feb 4th, 2010, 05:08 PM
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"Anoffer Rum barkeep!" Herbs words cut through the noise just a second after hubris stops talking, hes had a sizable amount already, clearly happy here and not listening at all. Getting his next rum he sets about talking to the local talents jeering happily and sometimes telling the wornout tale of killing the pirate captain.

When you turn over a rock and it says on it made by god, then, and only then, will i believe.

Last edited by Barark; Feb 4th, 2010 at 05:09 PM.
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Old Feb 4th, 2010, 06:21 PM
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Jelly anyone?
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OOC:The sense motive just let you know something is a bit fishy about him...that's all. But you feel his words are true...note that the trapdoor is quite well hidden and might take you awhile to find otherwise.
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Old Feb 4th, 2010, 09:23 PM
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Boar listens quietly to the conversation the others are having, picking his teeth with the top point of one of his axes. Just so happened to follow him, huh? "'sa trap." He states akbarically, pushing off of the wall. "But's alsa th'best lead we got." He twirls his weapons, and cracks his neck, giving a sidelong glance to Herb. Don't go yammering to the wrong person about that. "Lead th'way."
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Last edited by Prometheus; Feb 4th, 2010 at 09:30 PM.
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Old Feb 4th, 2010, 11:15 PM
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Kirovo nods at Boar's words, gaze fixated on the informant, "I think your right...", his heavy accent adds a certain emphasis to his words, added to further by his stone-faced expression, "Though I hope for the sake of our new friend here that it is not... Lest he find a few fingers, and perhaps something else taken from him." as if on cue, Toki who had been sitting next to the table lets our a short growl and rises to his feet.
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Old Feb 5th, 2010, 09:05 PM
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Jelly anyone?
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The consensus is to head off with Shefton, even though he seems a little suspicious and a half hour later they stand on Parrot Island, trying very hard not to tread on bird poo. Shefton keeps rubbing his hands together nervously and looking around "It was here somewhere..." he mutters, pushing shrubs apart and kicking around in the undergrowth. More than once a disturbed bird had the half-elf on this backside with a short scream.

It takes him fifteen minutes to find the trapdoor, but find it he does. Opening it up he peers down into the darkness and smiles at you proudly. "See! I told you it was around here!" Sunlight shows a bottom to the hole roughly thirty feet down, and a rather new looking rope hangs from a hook in the wall to safely climb down with. There's a small pool of water on the flagstones below, but it doesn't seem to be more than a stagnant puddle. After two days of searching and gaining nothing, this seems to be the only lead in the whole of Sasserine.

Last edited by Avelestar; Feb 5th, 2010 at 09:08 PM.
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Old Feb 5th, 2010, 10:07 PM
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Looking at Boar as if to say, after you, Hubris wraps the rope about his wrist and starts lowering himself into the totally safe, and not a trap, hole. The echos of his grunting descent rebound off the walls of the hole, and he glances up at the others, a smirk and a challenge upon his face. As if saying, the weakest of you, a mere wizard, has the biggest balls.

Then, not being overly athletic, he focuses on the task at hand...safely climbing down without injury. The small pool of water at the bottom smells stale and of the salt air. Having gone down first, Hubris lights a torch while waiting for the others to join him at the bottom.

Last edited by Redoak; Feb 5th, 2010 at 10:09 PM.
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Old Feb 6th, 2010, 06:08 AM
Barark Barark is offline
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Herb shows no fear and dives in almost headfirst grabbing the rope with the ease of a well trained salior or pirate that had grown up on a boat. Skillfully swinging down, using the wall to slow his decent but not quite enough to land in a spectacular fashion landing next to Hubris with enough force to splash the stagnant water on his robe. Bowing to a imaginary crowd and listening to fake applause he makes a big show of it all, With a big grin he says to Hubris, "Fancy meet'n the likes o'you down ere!"

Style Roll
When you turn over a rock and it says on it made by god, then, and only then, will i believe.

Last edited by Barark; Feb 6th, 2010 at 06:12 AM.
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Old Feb 6th, 2010, 04:22 PM
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Three hundred pounds of barbarian, a rope, and a 30 ft. drop do not tend to get along, so Boar is easily the slowest climber. Going hand-over-hand, and bracing against the wall with his feet, it's clear the dwarf is doing his best to remain calm. "Dunlookdown dunlookdown dunlookdown..." He still nearly loses it once or twice, and looks a bit worse for wear once he's finally at the bottom. So, water and heights.

(Taking 10 on the climb, result of 12. If that's too low, and I fall from a distance that would cause damage, I rage, and brace for impact.)

The feeling of solid earth under him, and a wide cave around him makes Boar feel significantly more at home, a wave of nostalgia washing over him. Both axes come out, and he cracks his neck. Now, this is more like it. He gazes forward, dwarven eyes effortlessly piercing the dark.
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Old Feb 6th, 2010, 07:05 PM
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Kevot spends his time, idly scratching Toki behind the ears, eyes flickering between his descending companions and their informant, his other hand resting easily on the large knife strapped to his belt, fingers half-encircling the machete's hilt. After boar is down the rope, Kevot gives Toki an order to sit and the hound quickly sets to his haunches, ears up and alert for trouble as his master makes his way down to the rope, not attempting anything stylish but like Boar taking his good time getting down the rope.
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Old Feb 6th, 2010, 07:52 PM
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Jules is the last to descend, and motions towards the rope at their guide. " After you. Though I doubt this is some elaborate plot, you're going to go down with us. " Jules raises an eyebrow at the man, not threatening him...yet.
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