Jules sighs, not really expecting him to have followed, and works his own way down the rope. He works his way down to the bottom, and looks to the others. " Still standin here? What are ya'll scared?"
As soon as Jules feet hits the floor, you hear a scream and alot of barking. There's a yipe and a thump from above, Kevot rushing to the side of the chamber and desperately climbing up the rope again. Suddenly the light from above is blocked off, but you can make out a shape falling towards you. Afraid it might be Toki, Kevot holds his arms out to catch it...to find a rather dead Shefton. Dropping him and looking up, another shape comes hurtling down..this time whining rather loudly. The force of this one knocks Kevot down, but he's relieved to find Toki on top of him licking his face lovingly. He seems perfectly fine, just a bit scared.
Looking up the group sees a man cutting at the rope, but before they can do anything to stop him it comes sailing down, landing with a splash in one of the puddles. "Say hi to Penkus' ghost for me whilst you're down there!" calls down the man...this must be Vanthus. Seems like Shefton was set up to lead you all here, and then Vanthus betrayed him, slitting his throat and dumping his corpse down here. "Oh yeah, and leave my sister alone!" he yells, before closing the trap door with a thud...a few moments later you hear the sound of stone scraping on stone, sounds like Vanthus has blocked up the trap door! You stand in a small room, with a door leading deeper into this abandoned place and the shaft you came down as the only exits. The floors and walls are all made of bricks, now covered in mildew, fungus and rot. It doesn't seem like this place will collapse on you, but it's sure as hell damp, slipperly and not much fun to be in. Climbing back up the shaft now seems impossible, the wetness would cause you to fall in no time, and even if you made it to the top one would need to break through a steel door and somehow move lots of boulders. No, the party must press on if they hope to escape from this place. Taking the only door leads them down a short, winding corridor opening up into a larger one. This larger corridor is ten feet across but only fifty feet or so wide, the damp, slippery brickwork continues here, and two doors lead out of this room. One to the left and another to the right. |
Herb swears loudly, clearly annoyed at their situation, he continues to swear under his breath all the way to the new corridor. "You know theres a ole pirate ditty about Lefty Larch, the pirate who had a misunda standin wif a shark and could only go left, he could never get lost cause if he always went one way he wood eventually get free." Seeing the mass confusion he sets about explaining his point. "If we go one way the whole time we will skirt the whole place and find an exit, eventually...." he lets his talking fade and moves to each door listening eagerly at each.
Listen check
When you turn over a rock and it says on it made by god, then, and only then, will i believe. Last edited by Barark; Feb 7th, 2010 at 06:58 AM. |
"Told ya." Boar grunts plainly, leading the way ahead, axes in hand. He taps the side of his axe against his armor every few steps, giving the others a plain, repeating sound to follow. Tang, tang, tang. The possibility of alerting foes or wild animals to their arrival is a calculated risk, and, at least in Boar's mind, more a hope than a threat. Tang, tang, tang. Grunting and looking back, he shrugs at Herb's suggestion. "Left's fine b'me." Tang, tang, tang. In no rush to leave, he plods ahead steadily, walking through the tunnels, turning left whenever the need arises. Tang, tang, tang. "C'mon, w'don't have 'nuff supplies to stay long. If y'got magic light ready, g'ahead an use it, but save yer torches." Tang, tang, tang. This is easily the most talkative Boar's ever been. Perhaps feeling at home down here, in his own element, has lightened the berserker's mood. Tang, tang, tang. "An' shut up. Talkin' wastes air." Or perhaps not.
Tang, tang, tang. EDIT: Whoops, apparently, someone misunderstood something. ![]()
DM of Beyond Evergrove Player in Out of the Abyss ------- Status (3/26/18): On a short hiatus. Work + allergies + probably sick. Last edited by Prometheus; Feb 7th, 2010 at 10:30 PM. |
All business for once, Herb carefully listens at both the doors. From the left he can hear water gently sloshing, as if there are waves breaking on a shore or there's at least some sort of current. Listening for a few seconds more, he hears a serious of large splashes, like something moving around or falling into water. The right door has no sound at all, and both doors seem unlocked.
Last edited by Avelestar; Feb 7th, 2010 at 10:14 PM. |
Kevot as usual says nothing, simply drawing the machete at his belt and kneeling down beside Toki, a hand slowly scratching behind the massive animals ears, a few quiete words of comfort escaping the mercenaries mouth before he rises to his feet and looks over the rest of the group, looking to Boar and Herb in particular as they seem to be the ones taking charge.
At Boar's suggestion Hubris says a quick arcane word, and the tip of his quarterstaff lights up with an orange radiance.
"After you stout companions, into the death trap we go..." a plainly disgruntled and unhappy Hubris responds. |
Herb motions at the left door, "Lets go this way, water means a way out" Herbs thoughts are simple, way out first, explore later.
When you turn over a rock and it says on it made by god, then, and only then, will i believe. |
"Water means a way out, I shall have to write down that bit of wisdom for posterity. So they can carve it on our tombstones..." the usually cordial wizard seems to have his cranky hat on. Although in all fairness, being lured into a trap by your employers evil brother can do that to a person.
"By the way...does anyone else hear loud splashing noises coming closer?" he asks as he extends his magically lit staff towards the left door. Last edited by Redoak; Feb 9th, 2010 at 01:18 AM. |
Herb opens the door as quietly as possible, but even a tiny crack to look through makes the metal grind on the stone floor. Looking through the small crack, he sees that luckily the things making the splashes are far too busy to notice. A pair of pirates, their flesh rotted and clothes torn are splashing about in the water, their hands constantly grabbing at something...one of them groans happily and holds a small crab up high, its claws biting into the flesh of his fingers. But it's a one sided fight, and the creature is shoved straight into a rotted mouth, where yellowed teeth and broken bone crunch his shell loudly. Leaving the door slightly ajar, lest the sound disturb the zombies, Herb turns back to the group whispering what he can see.
As soon as Herb describes the zombies to Jules, he frowns angrily. A brief internal conflict wages, between some inner principal. "The zombies are behind th' door...best ta' shut it and try the other route. If there was a way out through that door, there wouldn't be to our left now would there?"
Herb looks down trodden, shaking his head he moves away from the door, and to the door on the right, again he slowly pushes it open enough for him to peek through.
When you turn over a rock and it says on it made by god, then, and only then, will i believe. Last edited by Barark; Feb 9th, 2010 at 06:17 PM. |
This time Herb sees a large empty chamber, with little more than a pair of old stone columns and broken crates and chests strewn about. This room does seem to be less damp and muggy than the one in which you stand, possibly pointing towards a way out with some airflow...or just no water getting in.
A couple of shufflers? Two you say? I think we're more than qualified to dispatch them..." adding emphasis to his words, Toki dips his head and lets out quite growl, with the mercenary adding, "Unless the other door leads to something better?"
Last edited by Askaran; Feb 9th, 2010 at 09:34 PM. |
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