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Old Feb 13th, 2012, 01:11 PM
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Knick Knacks of Doom

NameFated Children
a Knick Knacks of Doom episodic

SystemPathfinder 1e

ThemeEpic, Mythic, Cosmic Adventure

FlavorHigh Fantasy, Super Powered, Storytelling

BackgroundJust as there is an ebb and flow of the seasons, so too does the world see great surges and regressions in power. The year is 1092 Age of Peace - the so named modern era following a millennia of warfare ending in the rise to power of an ultimate evil which nearly ended the world.A.P. and power is again surging through the material plane. Great spells once thought lost forever return to the grasp of mortals, warriors display feats of arms unimaginable, and the very balance between mortal and divine rests upon the most fine of points. It is in this great season of change the Fated Children of a new age come into their own. Will you be among them?
Fated Children is an epic level game set in the established cosmos and geography of the Knick Knacks of Doom campaign world. The game is not a campaign with an arc, instead it is intended as an episodic where every chapter is an opportunity to explore a new challenge, story, objective, or idea. There are a lot of exciting concepts we can explore at the upper echelons of power, however with power comes responsibility. It is easy to grind the game to a halt and make playing a mindless, tedious morass of gigantic numbers and infinite actions. I think, I hope, with a small group of likeminded players we can have high flying enjoyment and do entertaining things which cannot be done in normal play.
The philosophy I need the players to accept for this game is: we don't need to try to break or beat the game. By 20th level the game has already been beaten. The mechanics are already broken. No additional work necessary in that regard. So it is more than fighting 10 CR level creatures cranked up to 20 CR with random attributes. Can our merry band of characters speed run an 11th level dungeon with no rests or retreat? Can we defeat armies without killing the innocent rank and file soldiers? Can we steal a Balor King's molar without him noticing? Instead of focusing on the numbers, I would like to play a game where we use the numbers to support worldbuilding and storytelling. We will tell the unintelligible stories, play chess against Chuthulu using mortals as chess pieces, and throw charity galas for gods. I want to tell crazy stories that only being insanely powerful can tell. During the game expect all PCs to acquire levels, divine ranks using a semi-custom set of divine rules, mythic ranks, and powerful artifacts.

Game Details
  • Starting level is the lowest current PC's level -1 (level 25)
  • Starting Mythic Tier is the lowest current PC's -1 (MyT 0)
  • Starting Divine Rank is the lowest current PC's -1 (DvR 0)
  • All PCs start with the advanced template
  • Starting wealth per level 25 (2,100,000 gp)
  • Standard Game Creation Rules
  • Plus the Fated Children specific creation rules
  • I will be accepting 2 PCs.
  • Do not make a character sheet until accepted.
  • No evil characters.
  • Only after acceptance, the character will go through a lottery of cosmic power wherein they will be randomly assigned an asymmetric boon of either 5 extra levels, demi-godhood, a mythic rank, or access to an artifact of their choice.

Application InstructionsMake one post for your application. If you need to edit, update, or change your application do so in your original post. I will consider the first post you express interest as this post, not necessarily the first post you ever make. Making other posts are for questions, comments, and conversations.

Knick Knacks of Doom games take place in a custom universe. Memorization of the worldbuilding is not required, but familiarity will make things easier and reduce disconnects between expectations and gameplay. Fairly important posts to the game include: setting, calendar, cosmos, and most importantly my house rules and play style to be sure this game is one which is thematically appealing to you.

In your application include:
  • Name
  • Race
  • Class
  • Mechanical Role / Purpose
  • Personality
  • Description
  • Backstory (It is usually the case where a backstory can be so exciting that past deeds eclipse gameplay, and at such high levels it's possible to write more than anyone can reasonably read. Keep it under 2000 words if you can.)
  • Goals (backstories are important, but what drives your character forward? What do they want to achieve in life? Why do they strive for more power, or wealth, or adventure? What are some concepts which would be uniquely applicable to your character in regards to mythic trials, divine deeds, and the like. Bullet point format is really useful here.
  • Your personal Pathfinder and RPGx experience.

Important points to keep in mind.
  • The purpose of the game is to explore parts of the rules, such as advanced character levels, which we rarely get an opportunity to play with. This is not a competition between you and me, or you and the rules. If the allure of the mechanical power, not the allure or powerful storytelling, is what draws you here this is not the fit for you.
  • This game is for collaborative storytellers. No loaner, socially dysfunctional PCs.
  • The party makeup is one full arcane type, one gish-y sword mage type, and one intelligence based skills-monster.
  • The current episode has the party winning a tournament, awarding them positions as divine champions of patron deities, but disaster will strike and they will be sent on their first mission sooner than expected!
  • Unique doesn't always mean interesting. There are a number of criteria I will be simultaneously judging applications by such as if applications mesh with the world, the story, each other, the theme of the universe, etc. Grammatical correctness and composition style will also factor into final decisions.

TimelineApplications will stay open until July 19th (three weeks.) I will only mark complete apps where the player has said specifically they are complete.

This is a recruitment thread for an established game, current applications for this recruitment period begin at this post.

Current Games:
The Knick Knacks of Doom

Last edited by DraconigenaArma; Jul 20th, 2024 at 12:01 PM.
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Old Feb 13th, 2012, 01:47 PM
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Name: Alundra Dodsvik
Race: Tiefling
Class: Barbarian 1/Necromancer 2 (+1 LA Tiefling Buy off)


Alundra Dodsvik was born to a nomadic Tiefling clan on the northern nether realms of civilisation. Life was a daily struggle for her people and resources were often scarce. She learned from her people the ways of survival and fitness necessary to make her way in the world. Battle was often the only path available to sustaining the clan's spring and summer hunting grounds and providing daily needs. Raids were frequently a necessary risk in winter months where food became nearly unattainable. In that hostile environment, she learned why the warriors often were short tempered and saw the benefits of brute strength in confrontations.

Still, despite the violence, her life was full of love. Her clan members held each other in high regard and celebrated even the smallest feats around the nightly campfire. Competitions were often fierce, but friendly and avoided harm. Chores were done in groups with jovial conversation distracting idle minds from the monotony of the tasks. Children were raised communally with little idea of who their actual parents and siblings were. In fact, most of the children of a given generation were siblings or at least cousins of some sort as the adults frequently changed partners.

In general, most issues of Her clan's veiw of marriageownership took the same liberal stance. Most property belonged to the clan, and while some items were only useful to a single member, use of any item in their possession was usually taken for granted. Only the rarest of items and most obscure components for tasks were relegated to select users. Elite warriors had access to magical weapons and armour, and certain spellcasters hoarded away items of use to them, but the average item was used by whomever presented the greatest need. Despite frequent hunger and the rugged environments, Alundra cherished her formative years as a time of ease and blessing. She knew love and companionship from an early age and the concepts of jealousy and want were foreign to her on a personal level.

As a teenager, she tried her hand in the raiding parties, but her passions couldn't overwhelm her as easily they did her siblings and cousins. It was apparent after a few small pillaging runs that she would never excel in the task. It saddened her to be unable to provide for her clan in the way others did, and it wasn't until speaking with her elders that she noticed many other tasks made the group function beyond pure acquisition.

A mentor who cared for ill and dying took her on as an apprentice and taught her many lessons. Largely she learned how to value life but respect death. She was shown the truth of the transient nature of the two states. They were merely the two modal poles of existence with varying degrees between them. The energy flow between the states came under her control and she was wizened to its ways. Those who were suffering and beyond healing could often be better treated with the mercy of further infliction upon them. While it pained her at first to use such a skill upon her own family, she found their peace rewarding.

As her studies were advancing, and she was finding purpose, her clan suddenly degenerated into violent power struggles. A harsher than normal winter cost them many of their elder leaders, and those left to make decisions were woefully unprepared to take action. Factions began to spring up with warriors and hunters brawling openly in camp, older and younger leaders arguing publicly outside of council meetings, and murder and assassination becoming common for the first time. The clan had started to treat its own members as viciously as they did outsiders.

In treating one particularly sloppy act of poisoning, Alundra had seen enough to make her snap. She didn't understand how the people who had carried each other through so much hardship could turn on each other so quickly. She missed the good and loving acts of her childhood. Her world was destroyed, and it was time for her to leave. They would slaughter each other in time, and she didn't care to witness the rest of their fall. She packed her things and left without a goodbye, seeking a place where people treated each other better.
Posting Rate: Sporadic at best. | Discord: Numen Wraith#9817
Characters: Drystan the Red|Anders Foundlingson|Jan Gauss|Breton Guan

Last edited by Numen Wraith; Feb 14th, 2012 at 04:32 PM.
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Old Feb 13th, 2012, 02:08 PM
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DMDracoMoondragon DMDracoMoondragon is offline
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Sounds fun. I'll check out the specs.

I'll roll something fun for this one.

Last edited by DMDracoMoondragon; Feb 13th, 2012 at 02:39 PM.
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Old Feb 13th, 2012, 03:03 PM
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Name: Serena Law
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Class: Dragonfire Adept 3

Will complete later.
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Old Feb 14th, 2012, 07:42 AM
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Editing rolls is bad ju ju Moondragon.
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The Knick Knacks of Doom
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Old Feb 14th, 2012, 03:39 PM
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Application format based on what I saw in the thread

Name: Fawkes Harkwin
Race: Human
Class: Fighter 1 / Warlock 2 (Melee specced)

Physical Description: Fawkes is somewhat irregular for a man of his profession. Rather than appear to be skinny and frail, he is relatively tall with broad shoulders and particularly muscular. His face is eerily symmetrical, with a pointed chin and eyes of a bright sapphire blue that appear to peer within one’s soul. His face is always clean shaven, while his light brown hair is kept long, usually down to his lower back. He wears a modified sleeveless chain shirt that he’s fitted underneath his long sleeveless robe. The robe is a silvery grey with golden trims and motifs, split in a “v” pattern at the bottom in the front and back. From the slits, it’s possible to see the large poofy black pants he wears on top of his silver greaves. His forearms are mostly covered by the rather large royal blue gauntlets he sports, shaped like claws and expanding more and more the closer it gets to his elbow. Fawkes usually adorns a royal blue cloak that covers his entire ensemble when he ties it in the front with a golden chain.

Background: Every night, as a child, Fawkes’ mother would tell him a tale before he went to sleep...

On the night where the moon shines a deep blue, a dragon of sapphire scales will lay with a woman, and set forth in her a curse of 100 years. This woman will give birth to a girl, and only one girl. This curse will continue generation to generation until the birth of the first son is produced. This son shall be given the heart of a dragon, as well as the ability to manipulate lightning and the forces that surround him. Only after he has proven himself worthy will he be able to harness the full power of the dragon.

-The Legend of the Blue Moon Dragon

She would always conclude the story by telling him that he was the son that the legend spoke of, and that his eyes were evidence of that, shining a blue similar to that of the moon on the night where it all began. This gave him the aspiration he needed to become the individual he is today. Through hard work and determination, he has studied the art of the dragon and has unearthed some of the inner power that resides inside of him. Though many who undergo this path become much more studious, Fawkes trained his martial prowess instead, using what little power he had discovered to further enhance his abilities.

Despite the legend being nothing more than – well, a legend – Fawkes has always gone through life with what felt like an otherworldly force watching over him. At first, Fawkes figured he was simply blessed with good luck, but in time, he learned to communicate with this entity, and has been able to call upon its power when he needs it. “There are forces in this world that we simply cannot comprehend. All that must be done, is learn how to use them.” Because of this attunement to the otherworldly force, Fawkes has a keen sense of hearing, as well as impressive concentration when dealing with tasks at hand.

Almost as soon as he could confidently wield a sword and defend himself adequately, Fawkes set out for the adventuring life, leaving his home town in hopes of finding bigger and better challenges in some of the more populated cities. It turns out however that people weren’t looking to hire someone that had next to no experience, and despite him spreading the legend to which he was the prodigy, people weren’t easily convinced, or they had previously trusted someone from a similar legend, often resulting in failure. Dissatisfied with himself, he decided to start from the bottom of the ladder, setting forth to the smaller communities that had requests posted in search of young blood. At first, all he could get his hands on were simple delivery requests, where caravans that had attempted the same had been ambushed by monsters. He grew tiresome of these deliveries however, since it didn’t challenge him enough. He wanted something that would push his limits more, give him a sense of adventure, a way to test his abilities. Most of these requests however demand that he not be by himself, and seeing as he had been travelling for a while, he didn’t have any allies that he could turn to. No, if he wanted an opportunity as such, he would have to find someone to hire him that could provide him with the group to work with. This is where all the contacts he developed through his small jobs have come in handy. Through them, he found word of someone who was looking for individuals to form a group. This could potentially be the opportunity Fawkes is looking for to finally test himself.

Last edited by The Iron Dragon; Feb 14th, 2012 at 04:03 PM.
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Old Feb 14th, 2012, 04:23 PM
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I didn't write up a character sheet yet, but I could have one done if needed
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Old Feb 14th, 2012, 04:27 PM
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Looks pretty familiar. Didn't you apply the same concept to Kiiz's game, The Avildas Circle?
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Old Feb 14th, 2012, 04:30 PM
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I'm terrible at writing backgrounds... I found this one to be sort of good, and I wanted to submit it in time. Only difference is I changed my class. Old one was a Sorcerer.
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Old Feb 14th, 2012, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by DraconigenaArma View Post
Editing rolls is bad ju ju Moondragon.
It wasn't intentional. I added up the Con mods wrong. That's all it was.
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Old Feb 14th, 2012, 04:34 PM
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I don't think less of you for it. I remember it was something not warlock-y, I would have said battle mage if pressed. Works for me either way.

Applications are now closed.
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The Knick Knacks of Doom

Last edited by DraconigenaArma; Oct 8th, 2019 at 09:27 AM.
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Old Feb 14th, 2012, 04:38 PM
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Damn... I was workin' on Serena's sheet, too... All that was left was her equipment and skills.
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Old Feb 14th, 2012, 04:40 PM
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Thanks. I'll have my sheet up by the end of the night.
Posting Rate: Sporadic at best. | Discord: Numen Wraith#9817
Characters: Drystan the Red|Anders Foundlingson|Jan Gauss|Breton Guan
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Old Feb 14th, 2012, 04:43 PM
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Should have it done in a little while, thanks a lot
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Old Jun 24th, 2012, 03:28 AM
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Applications have been reopened for replacements.
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