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Old Feb 19th, 2014, 10:51 PM
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Basementicus bashes the red skeleton in the face, putting a crack in it's jaw. Willowick's grease hits the floor around the skeletons, but since they are not really moving currently it isn't doing much, though it might if they do need to move. Reynard's firework hits the same skeleton that Base hit, causing it yet more damage. The final hit from Angarato's fire manages to drop the skeleton to the ground. Thomas's moves in next to Basementicus, causing for rather cramped quarters fighting (the hallway is only about 6 feet wide). He would have swung at the skeleton in the door, but it had already fallen to the floor and the other two weren't within reach at the moment.

The red skeleton's bones quickly begin knitting themselves back together again as the yellow skeleton moves into the doorway to attack Basementicus. It bites at him, managing to draw a small amount of blood on his leg. Due to the hallway and door, the other skeletons will not be able to reach him to effectively attack.

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who

Last edited by Valistar; Feb 19th, 2014 at 11:09 PM.
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Old Feb 19th, 2014, 11:03 PM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Dice Fortitude:
d20+5 (3)+5 Total = 8

Basementicus doesn't notice any adverse effects from the bite yet.

Dice Crush:
d20+6 (3)+6 Total = 9

Edit: He takes a step to the side in the hallway to make room for Thomas as he comes over.


Last edited by Explosionguy; Feb 20th, 2014 at 02:15 AM.
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Old Feb 19th, 2014, 11:27 PM
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After watching the yellow skeleton sink its putrid teeth into Base, Thomas bodily pushes him aside, attempting to take up the whole doorway and prevent the drow from incurring any more venomous bites. Gesturing towards the red one, Thomas adds, "That's why. The others wont regenerate as quickly. Once dispatched, we can scatter the crimson bones."

OOCAs you said, it's cramped. I'm not sure how you want to play that one, or how hard Base would resist. If I have the time leftover somewhere to batter the yellow one, I will, but that's not priority.

Dice Arcane Strike on Sword:
d20+3 (8)+3 Total = 11
d6+2 (2)+2 Total = 4
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Last edited by DraconigenaArma; Feb 19th, 2014 at 11:27 PM.
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Old Feb 20th, 2014, 12:37 AM
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"Use the ring! It will keep them from regenerating by blocking the negative energy." Reynard says as he throws the second dragon-like firework through the doorway at the yellow skeleton, this one also zips around friend and foe alike to find its mark. He advances to the doorway and presents the ring for one of the two to take.

Dice Bang!:
1d4 3

OOC: Ring of Grasping Grave
found here

Last edited by Aarroun; Feb 20th, 2014 at 01:23 AM.
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Old Feb 20th, 2014, 01:42 AM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Angarato considers the situation, he know he could help put down the skeletons. However, there isn't a lot of room to work and the grease makes things problematic for his touch attacks. Then and idea occurred to him, holy water could serve much the same purpose and he had stuck 2 bottles in his pockets from the group supplies. First though, we need to do something about the grease. Angarato wonders if it will burn.

Checking to make sure that none of his team mates are near enough to be harmed by the fire, he discharges his flame charge at the grease spot on the floor.

Dice Grease Fire:
1d20+3 (13)+3 Total = 16

As the flame strikes the floor, the grease explodes in flame. Hopefully, this magical grease will burn off quickly.

Angarato says aloud, "If we can knock them all down, I can throw some holy water on them and that should keep them down, otherwise, I can move in and hit them with a positive energy touch attack. "

Last edited by Angarato; Feb 20th, 2014 at 01:43 AM.
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Old Feb 20th, 2014, 05:04 AM
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Willowick hisses and takes flight, retreating from the open flames, his plan had initially involved luring the skeletons onto the grease so that they might fall in the first place, and not to have stopped them ON the grease.

"Being skeletons, there is little I can do against them. My apologies. Unless... One moment."

Willowick flies upwards towards the ceiling, knowing very well that the building is old and desolate. Faery dragons were never so good at direct combat. Indirect and alternative combat, however, is their specialties. He looks about for any loose brick, rock, bit of rubble, or otherwise suspended heavy object that he might use to drop on the skeletons if dislodged.

Dice Perception:
1d20+8 (19)+8 Total = 27
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Old Feb 20th, 2014, 09:47 PM
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Basementicus bashes the skeleton that just moved in with his shovel before moving back to give space to Thomas. Thomas swings, but his attack merely bounces off the bones harmlessly. Reynard's little fireworks manage to dislodge a couple ribs on the yellow skeleton, but it still seems to be standing, barely. Angarato hits the grease setting it on fire, causing a little bit of damage to the skeletons and then dying out almost as quickly as it started. This causes the yellow skeleton to fall, though it looks like it will get up soon. The red skeleton had already been moving but stopped again after the fire burned it. Even still you can see the red skeleton's bones fixing themselves yet again. The small green skeleton carefully steps over it's fallen comrades and tries to claw at Thomas, fortunately the swing goes wide and misses Thomas. Willowick searches for heavy items to drop on foes, but only finds that the library is well made with fairly sturdy marble and granite. He does, however, find an old falling block trap, but it seems that it's trigger no longer works and is not sure (yet) how to get it to work. Even better, it is right above the doorway inside the display room.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who

Last edited by Valistar; Feb 20th, 2014 at 09:58 PM.
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Old Feb 20th, 2014, 10:10 PM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Angarato noticing the fire has gone out, he pulls a bottle of holy water out from its pocket and tosses it at the skeletons.

Dice Holy water bath for skeles:
1d20+3 (14)+3 Total = 17

Dice Holy Dmg:
2d4 2, 2 Total = 4

Angarato says to both the guys in the doorway, "I might could hit them a with my touch attacks if you guys could make some room for me to get by the door"
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Old Feb 21st, 2014, 01:39 AM
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It's looking like the ring won't be needed for this conflict so Reynard, now fresh out of fireworks to launch, balls up his fist and mimes attacking the remaining skeleton as though he were in melee with it.

Dice Telekinetic Fist - ranged touch:
1d20-1 (9)-1 Total = 8

Dice Bludgeoning Damage:
1d4+1 (3)+1 Total = 4

OOC: included -4 penalty to hit for "firing" into melee.
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Old Feb 21st, 2014, 02:50 AM
Explosionguy Explosionguy is offline
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Dice Boss Thomas around:
d20+6 (1)+6 Total = 7
DC 10

Basementicus makes an effort to demonstrate to Thomas the recommended course of action but absolutely nothing comes to mind. Standing behind Thomas, he raises a finger and opens his mouth as if to say something, but all that comes out is a "pthhbttt" sound.

Last edited by Explosionguy; Feb 21st, 2014 at 02:56 AM.
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Old Feb 21st, 2014, 05:49 PM
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Watching Base out of the corner of his eye Thomas wonders at how odd people can be, even at times like this. Hopefully it's the skeleton's poison and not that Basementicus is actually a crazy person.

"Once the venomous one is incapacitated we can group the other ones. Until then, find a better way to help me with this."

Dice Arcane Strike:
d20+3 (3)+3 Total = 6
d6+2 (2)+2 Total = 4
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Old Feb 21st, 2014, 06:02 PM
Angarato Angarato is offline
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Angarato looks to Reynard, "Can I use that ring? The negative energy here will weaken my attacks, the ring will push back the negative energy such that my positive energy attacks will hit for full strength. "

Angarato reaches his hand out to accept the ring as soon as Reynard's shadow boxing attack is over.
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Old Feb 21st, 2014, 08:02 PM
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"Sure, Aang, here ya go." Reynard hands over the ring, firmly setting it into Angarato's waiting hand, nothing fancy here.
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Old Feb 22nd, 2014, 12:27 AM
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The dragon, upon noticing the falling brick trap, scrambles to attempt to find out how it works, and more importantly, where the trigger is.
Worst case scenario, a party member triggers it and gets themselves killed. Best case scenario, he may be able to use it to shatter the skeletons. He scans the room carefully, attempting to find the trigger.

Dice Perception:
1d20+8 (20)+8 Total = 28
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Old Feb 22nd, 2014, 12:48 AM
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Angarato tosses his bottle of holy water, which causes the green skeleton a fair amount of damage. The better part is that the liquid that falls on the other two skeletons on the floor causes them to stop moving and it seems that their regeneration has ceased as well. Only the green skeleton still standing, and only barely. Reynard's magic fisting misses the skelly, simply going through it's ribs. Basementicus attempts to assist Thomas, but has a huge brain fart instead and mostly just makes a nuisance of himself for a moment. Thomas swings at the skeleton and unfortunately misses again. Willowick, wandering around by the ceiling spots the reason the trap isn't working and manages to fix the problem almost instantly causing the large brick of marble to fall on the last standing skeleton, flattening it quite effectively. The fight (for the most part) is over. Now the adventurers can go back and finish looting their chest.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish some time!" -Doctor Who
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