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Old Nov 22nd, 2024, 12:25 AM
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Interlude - A Trio At Home

Cilsie - Late Autumn

Weather: Blizzard - Day 10 of The Blizzard
IntroductionThis far north, the weather is rarely a topic of conversation. If folks complained about the cold every time some snow blew in, or the pathways got slippery, then many a voice would be lost very quickly! It's just a fact of life out here. There will always be some howling wind, descending sleet or deep crusty ice to deal with. Most of the seasons are much the same too, yet years don't exactly just blend into each other. Oh no! The mid-summer month is an insomniac's worst nightmare where day and night bleed into one. Indeed the sun might not show its face very often, but that doesn't stop the landscape from being cast in perpetual, and at times blinding reflected light. Mid-winter, some would say, is even worse, with a month's hours entirety spent in darkness. A night that feels as though it will never end.

Suffice to say, the folks who call this place home and reside in the world's most northern little-known village... Cilsie, aren't phased by what mother nature dishes out for them on a daily basis. For whatever reason, the locals tend towards being friendly and accommodating. It takes a certain warmth of heart or spirit to survive out here, even if often mixed with equal measures of stubbornness and denial. Are they happy? Strangely, yes, most of them are quite content. Life here might be a challenge, but for many it is quite enough. There are a great many things to appreciate. No overlords to make iron-fisted decisions. No taxation. Not a whole lot of crime. It is a tranquil existence for those with the right mindset, and those who don't mind physical work or finding other ways to make contributions to the community as a whole. Furthermore, the isolation of the white-swept wilderness is at times exceptionally beautiful. If you look hard enough, there is wonder and mystery everywhere. From the uniqueness of a single snowflake's crystals, to the gleaming mirror-like shine of icicles hanging off a pine.

So, one might ask, what kind of story might eventuate in a locale such as this? Well, we're soon to find out! Perhaps the weather is finally becoming a concern, as many of the villagers have begun counting days, days that weren't like those that preceded them. Today, they have named "the tenth".

Why? Well, ten days ago one almighty blizzard rose up and tore its way from the northern peaks, southwards across the land like a great endless wave. Not the first time, of course. Such things happened sometimes, they came and went... except this one refused to depart! For the past week and a half the snowfall and wind has been relentless, not to mention the temperature drop to even lower than its usual most uncomfortable self. The howling gales endlessly slam against the village's timber structures, bashing at the panels like an invisible army of angered undead. The snow and ice particles now airborne, fly with such ferocity that they not only sting, but could almost cut. The mere task of moving between buildings feels as though it drains the very last of one's strength. Where once, a layer of furs was commonplace, now most only dare step outside with two! You're probably thinking that everyone should just stay within their humble abodes and wait it out, but what if this blizzard refuses to let up? What if things become truly dire? For Cilsie's residents to survive, there are quite a number of tasks that simply must be done. Things that were once a daily routine, are now at threat! Without timber and the felling of nearby pines, there is no timber. With no timber, there is no fuel. And what of food? Yes, the river is loaded with fish, but is that an icy crust beginning to form on the water's surface? How will one hunt for meat, or forage for a limited variety of edibles, when a humble mile's walk from the village walls, feels like a one-way trip to an oblivion iced in white?

Well... the residents had a plan! In recent days, several of the village's most esteemed Rana and Kirra plus the NPCs in the Guidebookcouncil members had decided on a course of action. Group efforts organized to fell timber. Hunting parties to head out during daytimes. Then, at the end of each shift, a wonderful meal at the Kirra is the main serving-lady here! This lodge offers the only form of recreation in the small, isolated village. Owned and run by a human man in his 50s named Bardur. The lodge itself is a long house with a hearth in the middle and several spots with tables, benches, and even just animal furs on the floor, where people can sit and enjoy a warm meal and mead. The food is good here, but the mead unfortunately only acceptable. Cilsie doesn't have many visitors, but the Hunter's Refuge has one room for them nonetheless. It has 3 bunk beds and a fireplace. Finally, at the very back of the long room is a big table where the locals have councils from time to time, when a big decision needs to be taken.Hunter's Refuge

Aside from that, common news around the village was that yesterday an Ice Troll had attacked the gates, and soon been slaughtered. An exploration of a viewing platform on a distant cliff face had revealed potential "magical" influence on the current weather, and just this morning, someone or something had let some of the village's very important working dogs escape!

Not everyone in Cilsie who was immensely capable was a council member. There were those who just went about their daily business, and helped as they could. Gideon the machine-man for example, was a most impressive specimen! He'd been here a while now after his plunge from the heavens, and was probably out doing repairs to infrastructure or something? And what of Bug? Now there's an odd fellow! He could literally be anywhere around here? Lots of people with ailments that need treating! Then we have Keg. No, Keg doesn't work at the Inn, nor is he a receptacle for booze. He's been here a while, apparently on some kind of field trip. Whatever it is he's looking for, this damned blizzard has kind of put a pause on progress.
OOCWelcome! Please scheme something together to be in the same place, and let me know what you're working on today! I struck that bit out because I have a plan hehe! Another post coming... This Interlude is just to give you something to chew on until the other group finishes its mission, which should be soon. Then we'll start day 11 all together.

Last edited by 97mg; Nov 22nd, 2024 at 06:03 AM.
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Old Nov 22nd, 2024, 06:17 AM
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Ooo a Project!Wherever or whatever Gideon, Bug and Keg were up to, eventually they were paid a personal visit by the village elder, the esteemed, well-aged, and practically minded Darnel Whiteborn
Male human, Neutral Good
Personality: Sincere, Slow Talker, Laid Back
Darnel is 90 years old and has lived all his life here. He knows the land around the village like no one else, and although he won't travel anywhere anymore, he can be a source of information. The rest of the village has him in high regard and will listen to his advice for matters of survival and scouting.
Darnel Whiteborn. He'd nod respectfully to the three, as although they weren't on the council quite yet, each of these folks had proven themselves useful, kind, and yes... a little odd at times. He invited them over to the Hunter's Refuge for a warm drink and a quick chat. It was there that the reason for this impromptu meeting was revealed.

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"Friends, I am very sorry to bother you with this, but there is something that must be done. A task, unpleasant, but to see it done properly I was hoping to entrust it to you."

He looked downwards, at the floorboards for a moment, and a look of sorrow came across his features.

"Time, and this weather too, has taken a few souls from us. I need to ask you to prepare some graves. Eight to be precise. I think it is important that we remember our fallen and see their remains treated as respectfully as they can be, given the circumstances. We have assembled a small team of diggers to take care of the hard work, but I'd be very grateful if you could oversee the operation?"

"You are welcome to refuse of course. Not the most heroic or pleasing duty for sure. I just thought that Gideon's strength might help with breaking the cold hard and ice-encrusted earth. Bug's knowledge of ailments and physiology might ensure the graves are adequate to see the remains untampered with by foxes or worse... and Keg, could help keep the process spiritual and calm. What do you say?"
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Old Nov 23rd, 2024, 11:33 AM
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Bug was sat miserably stewing in his hut when the elder came knocking. He took a deep breath, put on his smile and open the door. After having lived his whole life in the belief that all races were inferior to the Yuan Ti, it wasn’t the easiest thing to then be thrust among them and then decide to devote oneself to making their lives better. As things were going, they weren’t that bad. Still inferior, but…what could one say? They were…nice?
”Yes, divine leader. I will make my way to the Refuge of the Hunter. I will make hasssste.” It was still difficult not to lisp and hiss, even with a flat wide tongue…

As the elder had said, things had been more difficult as of late. And Bug was all most sad to learn of the villager’s deaths. At first it was just sighs at the weakness of their weak bodies. But as he learnt of the death of Todgen, one of the woodcutters, he noticed a pang of…something. Todgen was a lonely old dwarf. No family, but lots to say. Even if no one was listening. He seemed to have taken a shine to Bug and would tell him stories of his past adventures whether he had asked or not (and he never did ask). But in the days after his death, Bug noticed the quiet, and Bug found himself wanting to ask for a story. From anyone. Perhaps, Bug had just lost his first friend…
”Yesss, divine leader. I will do as you request. We must dig the graves deep. The foxes will not bother going to such lengths. Even if they try, they will freeze before they make any discoveries.”

I have taken the Oath of Sangus!

Last edited by Azure Nokori; Dec 9th, 2024 at 02:04 AM.
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Old Nov 26th, 2024, 01:23 AM
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Keg Chiliad
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"Spiritual and calm?" From atop his customary perch on the barstool, Keg whistled through his nostrils. To those accustomed to the grimwhal, the gesture was known to be one of either incredulity or derision. "Only the villagers of Cilsie would insist to dispose of their carcasses with burial in the frozen-ground season. You see what I mean about always being at odds with the gods? You must have things your way, even if it is against the natural order."

The artificer made a few clicking sounds from his larynx, which might have been his version of tsk tsk. He stared at Whiteborn with a wry grin then added magnanimously, "Of course you do not have the sea at your doorstep, to easily send your dead back into the Cycle. But you could leave them for the ravens who would see them off properly."

Keg alighted on the floor. "But Keg will earn his keep, he is a mindful guest of the local customs. Cilray-uk will make the breaking of frozen ground easier." He gestured to the odd little homunculus that followed him wherever he went, but that was currently perched on his shoulder.

The miniature creature, if it could be considered such, looked like a skeletal quadruped constructed of carved whalebone struts, with a long tail and a tapered proboscis. Although it could walk, it tended to sail along a few inches above the ground on insect-like wings of spun silk.

"Come, Ray-u. There is work." On cue, the homunculus lifted up from Keg's shoulder and hovered in mid-air, its wings a blur. Keg beamed.

"Ray-u may be small, but he packs quite a wallop! His blasts will help soften the earth for your frozen burials!" But Keg's eyes narrowed slightly and his grin faded when Bug came through the door. Still, he knew it was important to be civil, so he nodded at the odd dwarf.

"We are working together, I see. Let us do it, then."


KegKeg Chiliad
HP: 24/24 | AC:16 | Init: +2
Stats STR: 10(0) DEX: 14(+2) CON: 14(+2) INT: 16(+3) WIS: 12(+1) CHA: 10(0)
Saves STR: 0 DEX: +2 CON: +4 INT: +5 WIS: +1 CHA: 0
Attacks: Light Crossbow +4, 1d8+2 | Dagger +4 1d4+2 | Club 0 d4+1 | Firebolt +5 1d10
Skills: Arcana + 5, Insight +3, Medicine +3, Perception +3
Proficiencies: Common, Aquan, DraconicLanguages | Alchemist's Kit, Cook's Utensils, Flute, Thieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools, Woodcarver's ToolsTools
Racial Traits: Darkvision 60', Chef Feat
Class Features: Infusions (2): Enhanced Arcane Focus, Enhanced Defense, Homunculus Servant, Replicate Magic Item | The Right Tool for the Job | Experimental Elixir (1/LR rolled at random, 1/spell slot by choice)
Spellcasting Ability: Int | Spell Save DC:13 | Spell Attack Bonus:5 | | Spells Prepped:4
Cantrips: Firebolt, Guidance
Level 1 Spells (0 cast / 3 slots): Absorb Elements, Detect Magic, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Caustic Brew

I have taken the Oath.
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Old Nov 29th, 2024, 02:21 PM
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The elder's words hang heavy in the cold air. Gideon's sensors pick up the weariness in his voice and the somber lines etched into his face. Despite his magical core's perpetual warmth, a chill runs through Gideon's circuits - not from the weather, but from the weight of the elder's request.

He stands motionless for a moment, then nods. "Of course, Elder Whiteborn. I will assist."

The frost-covered earth will be a challenge, but Gideon's capabilities should make quick work of it. "How soon do we begin, and where shall we dig the graves?"

His voice is calm, steady - a tone the villagers have come to associate with reliability. He wonders, briefly, if that steadiness brings them comfort in moments like this. He can only hope.
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Old Dec 8th, 2024, 08:20 PM
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Ooo a Project!Through wind and the endless falling of snow, Darnel led his most unlikely team of burial experts to the village's far western perimeter. It was here in a clearing that lay the Cilsie folk's burial plots. Rows of graves that covered numerous generations formed something of a grid, marked by the tops of stones yet to be completely buried under a blanket of white. Near the area's front, three human men stood assembled with tools such as picks and shovels, clearly waiting for some direction and assistance. They called out.

"At last! Darnel, let's get this done, it is freezing out here!"

The men eyed Darnel's chosen assistants with quite some surprise.

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"Friends! Yes! I bring you aid! These fine people will do all that they can to see this unpleasantness dealt with. Please dig the holes as best you can, and I'll return shortly, as I must go and see to the poor soul's remains being loaded onto a cart. See you soon!"

And then with a wave of thanks, the elder turned and departed. It was just the strange trio, and the diggers remaining.

"So what now?" One of them asked. "The ground is damned hard and cold, and if we don't dig fast enough it fills with snow before you can finish!"
OOCWelcome! Sorry for the delays there, had some annoying Christmas stuff to deal with. Anyway, feel free to RP and see if you can come up with some creative solutions to make this project less painful
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Old Dec 9th, 2024, 12:36 AM
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Keg Chiliad
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Keg stands with his arms folded across his chest. "Mmm." Perhaps it is a contemplative sound, or perhaps a disapproving one. But eventually the grimwhal claps his hands together as if summoning himself to the task. "What do you think, Gideon?" He gives a side-eye to his dwarven companion. "Bug."

He strides up to the edge of one of the burial plots. "For my part, I will work with Ray-u to break the topsoil. Good idea, eh?" The latter does not come across as a question.

The artificer barks, "Cilray-uk! O'tak!" The odd little scrimshaw homunculus hovers up over the first grave site and tilts down toward the ground.

Then Keg points a bony, purple finger toward the plot. He warns the gravediggers, "Clear aside, now, clear aside." Then he emits a series of high pitched clicks and whistles, and a jet of flame shoots from his hand and bathes the frozen earth.

The tiny eyes of the homunculus Ray'u flash white, and a ray of force shoots from its needle-like proboscis, blasting the warming ground.


KegKeg Chiliad
HP: 24/24 | AC:16 | Init: +2
Stats STR: 10(0) DEX: 14(+2) CON: 14(+2) INT: 16(+3) WIS: 12(+1) CHA: 10(0)
Saves STR: 0 DEX: +2 CON: +4 INT: +5 WIS: +1 CHA: 0
Attacks: Light Crossbow +4, 1d8+2 | Dagger +4 1d4+2 | Club 0 d4+1 | Firebolt +5 1d10
Skills: Arcana + 5, Insight +3, Medicine +3, Perception +3
Proficiencies: Common, Aquan, DraconicLanguages | Alchemist's Kit, Cook's Utensils, Flute, Thieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools, Woodcarver's ToolsTools
Racial Traits: Darkvision 60', Chef Feat
Class Features: Infusions (2): Enhanced Arcane Focus, Enhanced Defense, Homunculus Servant, Replicate Magic Item | The Right Tool for the Job | Experimental Elixir (1/LR rolled at random, 1/spell slot by choice)
Spellcasting Ability: Int | Spell Save DC:13 | Spell Attack Bonus:5 | | Spells Prepped:4
Cantrips: Firebolt, Guidance
Level 1 Spells (0 cast / 3 slots): Absorb Elements, Detect Magic, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Caustic Brew

I have taken the Oath.

Last edited by Yoshimi; Dec 9th, 2024 at 12:37 AM.
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Old Dec 9th, 2024, 05:33 PM
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Gideon takes in the scene, his gaze lingering on the snow-dusted grave markers. The past generations of the Cilsie folk rest here, a quiet testament to the resilience of this village. The sight of the men, their breaths visible in the freezing air, reminds him of just how fragile organic life is against the forces of nature.

Striding forward, he raises a hand in greeting. "I think I can make it easier for them," he replies to Keg.

He steps to the first marked site, crouching to inspect the ground. The layer of ice and frost glistens under the pale daylight, defiant but brittle. He glances back at the group. "I will break through the frozen layers. Once it is loosened, shoveling will be easier. Work in teams to clear it as quickly as you can. Together, we will stay ahead of the snowfall."

Gripping the heavy pickaxe that he brought along, Gideon positions himself and swings with precision, driving it into the frozen ground. The satisfying crack of splitting ice echoes in the clearing. He steps back slightly to let them begin clearing the chunks, already preparing to repeat the process at the next site.

"Let us move quickly," he says, his voice steady but encouraging. "The sooner we finish, the sooner we can have all of you out of this cold."
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Old Dec 10th, 2024, 01:45 AM
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Totally oblivious to any sideways looks at him, Bug was eager to be helpful and get some points towards his redemption. "I will join the clansssmen in the hole." he hissed lisped. "If we come across any large rocksss, I will Divine Smite that rock!muster every ounce of mussscle I have to break them! And when our bodiesss have been defeated by the cold, lean on me and Lay on HandsI will ressstore you. "

I have taken the Oath of Sangus!
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Old Dec 10th, 2024, 02:33 AM
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Ooo Holes!Now this, right here, was what Cilsie life was all about! Folks working together and pooling their strengths to combat not just the terrible weather, but also the cold hard ground it constantly battered against. This was no traditional grave digging style, and perhaps the village would learn a lesson that some tools, such as magic, were substantially faster than mere shovels alone. Ah Darnel must have suspected that this trio, plus the other digger trio, would form a great team of six.

With Keg unleashing bursts of fire, and his most unusual pet thing whacking the earth with waves of force, the top layers were surely melted and softened up nicely. Like a topsoil massage with interest! Simultaneously, at a second grave, Gideon took a more tool-in-hand approach, and chopped away at the ground with gusto. Were there rocks in the ground? Oh yes there were! They proved to be no match for Bug's divine interventions though. Typically this godly gift only worked on "creatures", yet for some reason fate smiled kindly this day, and whatever strange deity he followed, it surely didn't mind assisting with some hard labor.

All this, combined with the other three men's shoveling, saw the graves all dug and ready in a very timely manner. It wasn't so long until Darnel returned, smiled, and began unloading the cloth-wrapped bodies of former community members into their places of rest.

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"Friends, this is very nicely done. I, and the families of the fallen will be very thankful for your work here today. Here, I shall help you cover them with earth now, lest those holes fill with snow before we can finish the job."

So... everything was sorted. There would be a ceremony the next morning. Then, just as everyone was about to head off, preferably to somewhere warmer, one of the three assistant diggers declared that, "oh... oh... whoah, I'm not like, feeling so good here..."

Yep. He was pale and chilled. Although Bug might get hands-on with assisting the poor bod, it was going to take a little more than healing to see him right.
OOCGreat work everyone! Can you all please roll me a Con save DC12 with advantage please?

Last edited by 97mg; Dec 10th, 2024 at 02:35 AM.
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Old Dec 12th, 2024, 04:56 AM
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“Rejoice clansssmen!! We have bested the wrath of the ssstorm thiss day, but she’ll be back with a fiercer intensssity no doubt…..Oh. Clanbrother. Your flessssh has lossst color. Climb upon my back. I will carry you to my infirrrmary for inspection.”

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Old Dec 19th, 2024, 12:00 AM
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HealingThe "infirmary" was a timber house that had been converted some time ago, in a small place that folk's ailments might be dealt with. Villagers who knew one end of a bandage from the other, or had proven to be at least slightly skilled in the arts of healing did shifts here. As Bug and his colleagues entered, a young halfling by the name of Poddle was rushing about between a few beds, and a man huddled in a blanket next to a fireplace.

"Oh, oh, oh so busy! Get those chillblame things warmed up a bit alright?", and then beside one of the beds, occupied by a human woman he asked her to "take slow deep breaths please, just yell out if things, you know, kind of start to happen."

Then at last he laid eyes on the new arrivals.

"Hey! Are you patients or more hurt folks, or nurses, because I'm kind of run off my little hairy feet here!"

Last edited by 97mg; Dec 19th, 2024 at 12:01 AM.
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Old Dec 19th, 2024, 01:43 PM
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Poddle's frantic energy indicates a level of urgency that is unsustainable. While the group pauses just inside the doorway, stomping snow from their boots and rubbing gloved hands together for warmth. Gideon steps forward, his metallic form briefly reflecting the flickering firelight. He inclines his head toward the halfling.

"Poddle. I can assist. Direct me where you need me most."
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Old Dec 20th, 2024, 12:01 AM
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The reptilian eyes that now only existed in his mind scowled while the his dwarverm features beamed a wonky smile. How rude of Poddle to think of him as just another injured mook or even worse, a nurse. True, Poddle was better at the internal medicine branch of care, but Bug had been around long enough to earn some respect.
"Busssy indeed!" he said biting his forked tongue. "Thisss one seems to have come down with sssomething whilst toiling in the cold. Magicsss do not seem to prevail in defeating his ailmentssss."
Swallowing his pride he asked, "What can I do to asssist?"

I have taken the Oath of Sangus!
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Old Dec 28th, 2024, 09:15 PM
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Keg Chiliad
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Keg frowns thoughtfully as he watches Bug administer healing care. Or attempt to. "Hmm..." His typical expression of disdain for the "dwarf" softens just a little. "A healer, eh? Very interesting."

He turns to the frantic Poddle. "Perhaps one of my brews will help as well. What seems to be the problem with your patients?"


KegKeg Chiliad
HP: 24/24 | AC:16 | Init: +2
Stats STR: 10(0) DEX: 14(+2) CON: 14(+2) INT: 16(+3) WIS: 12(+1) CHA: 10(0)
Saves STR: 0 DEX: +2 CON: +4 INT: +5 WIS: +1 CHA: 0
Attacks: Light Crossbow +4, 1d8+2 | Dagger +4 1d4+2 | Club 0 d4+1 | Firebolt +5 1d10
Skills: Arcana + 5, Insight +3, Medicine +3, Perception +3
Proficiencies: Common, Aquan, DraconicLanguages | Alchemist's Kit, Cook's Utensils, Flute, Thieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools, Woodcarver's ToolsTools
Racial Traits: Darkvision 60', Chef Feat
Class Features: Infusions (2): Enhanced Arcane Focus, Enhanced Defense, Homunculus Servant, Replicate Magic Item | The Right Tool for the Job | Experimental Elixir (1/LR rolled at random, 1/spell slot by choice)
Spellcasting Ability: Int | Spell Save DC:13 | Spell Attack Bonus:5 | | Spells Prepped:4
Cantrips: Firebolt, Guidance
Level 1 Spells (0 cast / 3 slots): Absorb Elements, Detect Magic, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Caustic Brew

I have taken the Oath.
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