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Old Feb 25th, 2024, 09:49 PM
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Shivery Times - A Cold Life for Warm Souls

Game NameShivery Times - A Cold Life for Warm Souls
Game SystemDnD 5e
ThemeSurvival in extreme environments, community, comedy, people and resource management.
FlavourA hard world with soft moments, and some hard moments too! An exploration of relationships and personalities when nature serves up a freeze.
Plot Summary

There are some places in the world that even tourists and conquerors won't go...

Cilsie is one of them.

Update: Hi folks! We are looking for two new players! Please submit your applications :-)

Huh?Why? Well the reasons are many, but mostly because this place is annoying! Not an annoyance in itself of course, as the local folks are hospitable enough. It's more to do with that ol' balance between effort and reward. No matter what greater world the humble village of Cilsie lies on, there are surely better places to try your hands at building a snowman, strapping on some skis, or just enjoying a taste of snow-covered paradise. Yes, there are places far more appealing to those interested in a change of scenery, than this remote community in the far north of nowhere. For starters, getting to Cilsie is an expedition that only fools might dare! Is it featured on general maps of the northern lands? Nope. Is it a site of sacred significance or historical interest to experts in their field? Nope. Is it a long journey through slippery terrain, desolate forests and calf destroying ranges to climb both up... and down? Sure is! Once the most experienced of explorers ask themselves questions about such a journey, considering the likes of "what will we eat?" and "what happens when we get lost?" the answer is always the same. It's just not worth it! Not even for bragging rights. Indeed, there are far more attractive locations to set off to in the name of adventure. The Troll's caverns of Ooglebog near the lush and wonderous Fairie's Forest. The Mountain of Flames where one might defeat some old Lich and rescue some artifacts of wonderous power. Even Phandelver's mine is still said to host many a bunch of keen explorers. If you're out to make a name for yourself, then Cilsie ain't for you.

CilsieCilsie is a small village in the very north of the known world. For miles and miles around there exists nothing but pine forests, permafrost arid lands and snowy mountain ranges with glaciers occupying their tops. It is a place where families of fishers and hunters live, people who have learned to make the best of the tough terrain. People who are content in simply going about their lives unambushed by desires to know more, or see much else. Why bother? Everything else is just so very far away...

Our StoryThe locals think they're pretty well adapted to life here, or at least they thought as much until a few days ago! Yes, something is going on. Bad weather kind of goes with the territory, but there's bad weather, and there's arg this is horrible weather. It seems that the latter has kind of set in. It makes sense then that the local community would look to its most... umm, experienced, or affable folks to deal with things. There's going to be a lot to do! Not all heroes need be forged by the fires of Mount Burnytop, or the barbarian wars of Sandsville's Plains. Some heroes are made in far away places, through acts that change the lives of folks who until now, have been forgotten.

The GameWelcome! Shivery Times is a story for a group of level 3 characters who can be locals to Cilsie (preferred) or travelers who have through some form of grave misjudgment, found their way here. Characters need to be willing to help the local community, though that may be from the kindness of their hearts or some other less scrupulous motivation. Character relationships and backgrounds will be very important, as we're hoping to get some real depth and fun into Cilsie's flock.

The story will feature a few things beyond that of a typical adventure:
  • Community. PC actions will directly impact on morale and the goings-on of various NPCs, not to mention the village's "happiness" at large.
  • Random events. There is an over-aching plot at play, however numerous random happenings will be tossed in for fun, misdirection, and plot advancement. I don't know exactly how the story will unfold. That's up to you, and to be a result of your actions alone.
Also, I'll warn you now that as a DM I tend to really adore certain kinds of story and playing style. This may or may not fit your needs!
  • Slice-of-life. Yes, making common activities interesting and fun is something I really enjoy. Not all adventures will be heroic. Some might even be decidedly domestic!
  • Comedy. Although this is a "hard" setting in a formidable location, I'd like us to find ways to share a chuckle and liven things up with some good ol' humor along the way. Not everything in life is serious, and when faced with serious situations, sometimes a little comedy can help our PCs cope.
  • Depth. The depth and complexity of NPCs and world events will often be driven by the depth of the main characters. I'm hoping to find characters who feel real, and have much to say and think about! One or two good-length posts a week is preferable to short ones. I like to know what characters are thinking, feeling, and considering as they react to whatever is going on around them.

CharactersStarting Level: 3
Sources: Any Official Published. The wise will consider characters that fit snugly into a "cold" setting.
Races: Human, Elven, Dwarven and Halfling are preferred, but a couple of stranger folks are welcome to reside here too if you just have to be something else.
Stats: 27 Point Buy

ApplicationsUpon acceptance there will be some pre-game scheming and setup to do together. Players will need to work as a team to establish inter-PC relationships etc. I'll also need to info-dump quite a bit of setting information for you to read. I think this will be essential for the story's success. As such, rather than assessing a fully-fleshed character, to apply please write:
  • A rough outline for the concept of your character located in Cilsie. Things to cover include your current role in the village, why you've always lived there (or why you traveled there). Your personality, style and quirks are important things too. Although you might be a village nobody, your being level 3 means that you're one of (if not the most) capable folks around! Are you secretly awesome at something? Maybe you've used the quiet life to develop some unusual hobbies...
  • An little explanation of why you'd like to play this game with us.
  • An example of some of your writing (can be a link to pre-existing work on this site, or type something new).
There are two spots reserved in this game for Noquarter19 and Vaynol. We need 2 or 3 more! This advert will remain open until it looks like we've got a great team together.

Thank you!


Last edited by 97mg; Oct 17th, 2024 at 07:12 AM.
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Old Feb 25th, 2024, 11:30 PM
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Showing interest. I have an idea for a barmaid working at the tavern/inn would that be allowed?
I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Feb 25th, 2024, 11:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Cheshire View Post
Showing interest. I have an idea for a barmaid working at the tavern/inn would that be allowed?
A barmaid would of course be welcome! There could be quite some fun to be had in ascertaining how she's level 3 too! A master in brewing and entertaining perhaps? Maybe a keen businesswoman?

The main (and only) drinking establishment in the village is a long house with a hearth in the middle and several spots with tables, benches, and even just animal furs on the floor, where people can sit and enjoy a warm meal and mead. The food is good here, but the mead unfortunately only acceptable. This was my plan... but perhaps if brewing is your thing, then the mead can be marginally better
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Old Feb 26th, 2024, 01:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Cheshire View Post
Showing interest. I have an idea for a barmaid working at the tavern/inn would that be allowed?
Originally Posted by 97mg View Post
A barmaid would of course be welcome! There could be quite some fun to be had in ascertaining how she's level 3 too! A master in brewing and entertaining perhaps? Maybe a keen businesswoman?
I was playing a Rime of the Frostmaiden game a while back, and one of my character concepts was an Artificer (planned to go into Alchemist) that was an innovator in mead brewing. Of course, a barmaid isn't necessarily a brewer... I'm curious to see where you take the concept!

Myself, I'll recycle a concept I've used before in games that died tragically young deaths:

Rana Dulik, Human Folk Hero Fighter
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Name: Rana Dulik

Race: Human

Background: Folk Hero

Class: Fighter

Concept: Why Rana's ancestors came to Cilsie is long forgotten, and if you were to ask her, she'd say it probably wasn't worth remembering anyway. For generations, both sides of her family have lived off if Cilsie's fish, game, and trees, and Rana expects to spend her life the same way. Nominally, the Duliks breed and raise working dogs, but as is common in small communities, Rana wears many hats: she hunts, she gathers, she maintains her family's home and equipment, and when they need it, she helps her neighbours.

Rana has no need for glory, discovery, or adventure. She wants a quiet life of honest work, small-town kinship, and predictable familiarity. She's dedicated to Cilsie, however, and has a reputation for stepping up whenever someone needs help. Cilsie's a hard place to live; no one can do it alone. If her community is threatened, she face down world-ending threats to to protect it. She's never been fond of violence, but she's never been afraid of it, either; to her, it's an occasionally necessary chore.

Why I'd like to play the game: Maybe it's because I've only ever lived in big cities, but I want to explore that small-town, everyone-knows-each-other feel in an RPG. I've also always been a fan of down-to-earth heroes with humble origins. Finally, I just have a thing for freezing, snowy landscapes. I think they're neat!

Writing sample: I previously played Rana in this thread, but feel free to dive into my post history if you need a wider range of samples.

On a side note, is this game set in any particular published world? I don't expect it to be a big deal, but it'll be nice to know what religions or nations our characters could have ties to, etc.
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Old Feb 26th, 2024, 02:05 AM
Tyrtaeus Tyrtaeus is offline
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Hey, I like the idea of the game, I have Aeona here, she's a Gnome (cause I like the flavor they bring, but I can totally change to halfling) Wizard of Divination who has travelled up to the far north to explore because she had a thought about what the end of the world would look like, and set out to find it. Mostly focused on support spells and the likes, to go along side with her adventurous nature.
She's very friendly, and asks a lot of questions, wanting to learn as much about the world and it's people as possible, having lived on the road almost her entire life, she's adept at adapting to whatever circumstances she finds herself in.

Why I'd like to play the game: I enjoy the idea of slice of life games, I love RPing way more than combat, and I'd like the chance to play a quirky fish out of water character like Aeona in the frigid tundra of the north to see if she can warm up the locals a little.

Writing sample: None as of yet, but I can fire one up soon, I just wanted to get my hat in the ring asap

Witch of Fate
Aeona Brightcap

Aeona Brightcap

In the hollows of the trees, in the shadow of the leaves...

In the space between the waves, in the whispers of the wind...

In the bottom of the well and in the darkness of the eaves...

Slowly, places that had been silent for who knows how long...

Stopped being silent

Forest Gnome
Chaotic Good
Wizard: School of Divination
Sage: Astronomer

  • Curious: There is nothing in the world that Aeona cannot find interesting, and she will search the highest tree tops to the dirtiest of ditches if there is something that catches her attention. Endlessly curious and enamored with the world around her, the little Gnome is constantly filling notebooks with notes and drawings of the infinite curiosities that she comes across in her day to day life. This is the fuel for her life of adventure.
  • Adventurous: It is not that Aeona is fearless, but it is perhaps that her itch for adventure to satiate her endless curiosity that would make her appear so. Life is full of mysteries, and she is ever so excited to solve them. Thanks to her urge to know everything, she will cast everything aside to explore the world, making her a hard woman to pin down in one place. No matter the size of the adventure, she is on board, one hundred percent.
  • Studious: Though she is often found with her nose in the multitudinous notebooks she carries with her, a quill etching her newest focus of the day on the pages within, she is also very fond of the writings of others, and when she is not physically exploring the world around her, she is exploring the world within the pages of whatever book falls into her hands. Learning first hand is her preferred method of course, but there are many valuable lessons one can learn through the experiences of others, often lessons that do not get a chance to be taught more than once, and when one lives on the edge like Aeona, avoiding fatal curiosities thanks to the warnings of others can be crucial.
  • Boisterous: When she is excited to fulfill her hearts latest desire, fair be it to the ones in her way. As rambunctious as she is curious, she can often find herself barreling through the shortest path to her destination with less respect than those in her way deserve. Though she is quick to apologize when she is in the wrong, it is not a common occurrence. If you are in the way of her exploration, then chances are, it was your own fault for not being as excited as the little Gnome who got herself tangled in your feet.
  • Helpful: Everyone needs a helping hand from time to time, Aeona recognizes that from a morality stand point, but more importantly, she recognizes that good deeds are often rewarded. Whether it is monetary rewards, a reward of information, or even a heart-felt trinket, the Gnome will help anyone out (as long as she isn't currently indisposed with something she deems crucial). Even without a reward, she is light-hearted and predisposed to kindness on a good day, and often cannot help herself but lend a hand.
  • Eager: Passionate and wearing her heart on her sleeve, when something catches her attention, anyone can recognize it. She feels her emotions in an extravagant manner, with big smiles, deep pouts, and the occasional angry foot stomps, but she feels them fast and hard, moving from emotion to emotion with breakneck speed. Alongside being helpful and curious, people often do not expect the rapidity in which she chooses to begin the task at hand
  • Energetic: Aeona moves quickly and never seems to stop one she gets moving, which can be tiresome for those around her, with the endless enthusiasm for the day to begin with which she wakes up, the excitement of a day full of adventure and people, to the satisfactory cup of tea of a day well spent, there is not one moment of her day she can let hang in silence or stillness.
  • Hard-Headed: Being right is not important, not all the time, but if she is convinced that she is, she will die on that hill. Unbending in the face of conflict over her morals and beliefs, she stands proud in her decisions, no matter the storm she faces. Even down to dying on the smallest of hills, such as the fact that hot chocolate should only be consumed at the end of the day as a reward for a job well done
  • Head in the Clouds: Almost literally. Aeona spends a small amount of time studying the movements of the stars and diving the messages that they may be trying to deliver. Under a cloudless nights with little surrounding lights may as well be her idea of the perfect way to fall asleep.

  • Coming: hi
  • Coming: hi
  • Coming: hi
  • Coming: hi
  • Coming: hi
  • Coming: hi

  • Childhood: Forest Gnomes, much like the many animals they surround themselves with, live in symbiosis with the forest around them, and thanks to that, Aeona, even in her earliest years, was surrounded by a plethora of different creatures, both fey and material. This inspired her as soon as she developed consciousness to understand that she wanted to travel the world and see all sorts of other creatures and things and people. Her parents were magical folk, and impressed upon her a studious mind, not anticipating her eventually growing an insatiable thirst for knowledge that would lead her to running away from home with as much food as she could carry. Long before that though, she learned magic from her parents and all the other Gomes in their community, all of whom would take turns with the lessons to avoid exhaustion in the face of unfathomable depth. Having a penchant for Divination magic, the littlest Witch was inspired to turn her eyes to the stars in order to learn more about what lies beyond the Material Plane.
  • Exploration: hi
  • Learning: hi
  • Arrival in Cilsie: hi

Last edited by Tyrtaeus; Feb 26th, 2024 at 04:03 AM.
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Old Feb 26th, 2024, 02:43 AM
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A puppy-breeder looks fun! She could certainly fit into the goings on

Originally Posted by Snicker View Post
On a side note, is this game set in any particular published world? I don't expect it to be a big deal, but it'll be nice to know what religions or nations our characters could have ties to, etc.
At the moment it could really be anywhere... so if there are ties to more distant things that you'd like, let me know! Alternatively we can cook up our own to suit the character's needs (either before play or as we go along)


Hello! Well I think it would be lovely to have one of the site's newer members along for the ride, so thanks for your interest! Gnome would actually be okay, no worries at all, and Divination is an especially fun skill I think for this kind of story. She could be one of very few who have traveled so very far to get to Cilsie... and the pretext of doing it to study what the end of the world, or a return to more "primitive" days might look like, is very clever


If Cheshire returns with an application (I've experienced Cheshire characters before and they are lots of fun), then that might be a wrap. I'm not really into long and protracted application processes, and I can see a really nice team coming together with what we have here.

If you're a new applicant replying after this, I just wanted to be transparent that at the moment we're looking all filled up.

In normal conditions I'd open the game up to multiple groups, but this time I'd like to keep it smaller and a bit neater hehe.

Last edited by 97mg; Feb 26th, 2024 at 02:44 AM.
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Old Feb 26th, 2024, 03:02 AM
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What is Noquarter19 and Vaynol playing?

.... Wow. Didn't even notice you have it all wrapped up already. And here I was thinking of making some kind of woodcutter or merchant. Well, if Cheshire second guesses things drop me a message.

Last edited by taleteller50; Feb 26th, 2024 at 03:08 AM.
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Old Feb 26th, 2024, 04:30 AM
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Hi taleteller50! No worries at all. If Cheshire, Noquarter19 or Vaynol end up not joining in I'll let you know
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Old Feb 26th, 2024, 07:23 AM
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I was going to make a bladesinger, but we have a wizard now. Do you know what Noquarter and Vaynol are playing as?
I have taken the Oath of Sangus
Playing- Amari the Elven Bard, Jarik the Human Rogue, Harmony the Tiefling Warlock
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Old Feb 26th, 2024, 08:01 AM
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Not fully decided yet but I'm likely going to go with a rogue of some description
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Old Feb 26th, 2024, 08:37 AM
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Ah shucks I knew I should have put in an app sooner!
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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Old Feb 26th, 2024, 08:38 AM
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Hello all. 97mg, thanks again for indulging my want for a frosty survival adventure. I just woke up a bit ago, so I'm still brainstorming. My character is going to be tied into nature somehow, but the actual class I've not decided on (leaning hunter ranger, but depending on party needs I might go totem barb or shepherd druid.) Make whatever you would like Cheshire, the class is less important to me than the environment aspect. I'll hopefully get my character concept up by tomorrow at the latest.
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Posting status: Delayed by life/brain stuff. Will post when I can. Skip/NPC as needed.
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Old Feb 26th, 2024, 12:44 PM
Tyrtaeus Tyrtaeus is offline
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Originally Posted by Cheshire View Post
I was going to make a bladesinger, but we have a wizard now. Do you know what Noquarter and Vaynol are playing as?
Aeona is more of a support wizard, a bladesinger would not conflict with her at all. Lots of every day use spells as opposed to anything really combat related
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Old Feb 26th, 2024, 02:29 PM
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Name: Lili
Race: Human
Class: Bard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Background: Entertainer

Character Sketch”Why are you still here in Cilsie Lili? Why haven’t you left this place behind you on your road to fame and fortune?” A simple question but the answering of it was anything but. Lili of Cilsie believed in the very core of her being that she, she was destined for great things. And yet here she was, still living in Cilsie despite everything and despite the gift of singing and storytelling that she knew she possessed. Why this, this was a paradox in and of itself, a question that would surely perplex the minds of scholars and mystics alike in the unravelling of this great, earth-shattering mystery, or so Lili would have liked to believe anyway.

The truth of the matter though was that Lili, the greatest storyteller of her generation (in her own mind) felt a strange, almost unbreakable connection to Cilsie that she couldn’t quite explain. There was something here. Something that she needed. Something that she had once had but that she had since lost. There was something to be found somewhere in Cilsie, something that was deeply, profoundly important to her. Something that would provide her with the answer to a question that she didn’t know she had herself.

Despite having no memory of her true parents, and no memory of her early years, Lili’s natural talents have always meant that she has never wanted for anything. Having the ability to sing for her supper so to speak is a precious gift to have in this remote, frozen environment. Her abilities as a songstress and storyteller has meant that there has always been a room for her at the local inn and tavern, and no shortage of admiring listeners. Indeed, Lili has found herself propositioned on more than one occasion from admiring men and women alike but has always turned said advances down with kind words and a heartfelt smile. Perhaps she still waits patiently for that one true love who is going to steal her heart and soul.
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Old Feb 26th, 2024, 05:38 PM
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Name: Kirra Bray
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Race: Human

Class: Monk

Background: Entertainer (Barmaid)

Concept: Kirra works at the only tavern in town. She spends most of the time working behind the bar pouring drinks and severing the patron of the small town. She was born here and found that she fell in love with the tavern and the people who frequented it. As she grew up and took a job as a barmaid, she befriended many of the towns people. She learned to play the violin, and even learned how to fight. Although she found that she favored fighting with her fists more than with a blade. Plus it helped that roughens would not expect someone of her size to be able to handle herself. During her time off she would step out into the nearby forest and practice her fighting techniques. While working she would entertain the few guests by dancing and playing the violin.

Why this game? First things first, I am already playing a game with you DMing and I enjoy your style. Also I like Slice of life games and it might be a nice change from the games I am playing now. I really enjoy RPing.

Writing Style: See Zatt haha.
I have taken the Oath of Sangus
Playing- Amari the Elven Bard, Jarik the Human Rogue, Harmony the Tiefling Warlock
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