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Old Apr 9th, 2024, 12:40 AM
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Thornton's View

That constant whistling in the air. The rhythmic clanking of a loose piece of wood somewhere. It was like the world hadn't desired me to sleep. Well, ha! Slept I had, for as my eyes opened the tail ends of dreams retreated, much like the rabbit into its hole. That furry little meal and I had an ongoing relationship, you see. I knew it lived on the west side beyond the fences. So plump and delicious in scent, yet strangely so quick and frisky in its leaps and bounds! One day, I would have it, all to myself. Or if I remembered, maybe I'd bring it home to share? Of late, the bunny had seen fit to taunt me in my slumber, turning its head towards me to bark and mock.

"Catch me? You're stuck in a pen, silly! You'll never touch this cotton tail of mine, never ever!"

Well, the rabbit was correct, at least for now. My eyes opened to the familiar scene of the insides of my pen. A timber home so cozy and warm. Blankets that smelled as familiar as oneself. The dry bone in the corner which I so adored to chew.

I exhaled deeply, the breath doing that funny thing where you can actually see it coming out. I don't know why, but this always seemed to happen when it was cold outside. Extra cold. Great...

Allowing myself a whine, one of discontent that today might not be an "out" day, I closed my eyes once more. No run. No play. No new smells. No rabbit. Great. The two-legs people around here had really changed. I guess they were more troubled by the nasty winds than even I was? It felt like forever since I'd felt the cool squish of the white earth beneath my paws, or the glory of showing my strength to that dumb wooden cart-thing they loved to have pulled about. Was it forever though? Wasn't it just the day before that I'd been "out"? Alas, I couldn't remember. Only today mattered, and tomorrow, when I'd catch that rabbit once and for all.

"Thornton, out!"

That was Rarnars voice! She said "out!" It was going to be an "out" day! Within the time it takes to wag one's tail left to right, all my earlier worries were gone. Gone like the way the white stuff that falls, melts if it lands on your tongue! I hopped up and hurried out of my home, to see her stood and making her way through the fence's gate.

"Frosty, out! Killi, out!"

Horray! My friends were invited too! The three of us converged on Rarnar's legs, running circles around them, yapping, and daring a leap here and there to see what food might lie in her paws. Was today's "out" just a walk? Or... oh please oh please, a run? Or... or... a "pull"! Oh to pull the dumb wooden thing again! That feeling of control. The power. The command of making it go where we wanted it to go, or at least where Rarnar thought she directed it.

Then the pats came, and Rarnar gently stroked the top of my most fine head. Oh! Something was different. Her touch was a great deal warmer than usual? Looking upwards into her eyes, for a moment I though I saw something, like an image of an old two-legs man, smiling and glowing as though backlit by a campfire. One day, I might learn that it could have been a reflection, but not today. Today were were going "out"!
Someone Listens

Thornton wasn't the only one who thought they'd noticed something odd or different this day. During the blizzard, a visit to Alsard's humble shrine felt more like a sacrifice! An offering of not only one's time, but also body heat and energy, all whilst stood there in the blasting wind. There were relatively fresh footprints in the snow at its face though, which might make Wyl or Rana wonder who else had dared try to spend a moment to converse with the old one? Such conversations were always one-sided mind you, so these moments were most often more about contemplation, thanks and remembrance.

Between the howls of the wind which tried oh so very hard to cut through to Wyl's flesh, the distant bark of some dogs, fluttering tarps and the creaking of wood, it was hard to hear one's own thoughts, let alone the words of another. Who had spoken then? Was this damned cold starting to get to Wyl too? Was the blizzard's greatest risk that it might turn everyone mad? Well, Wyl was sure he'd heard it. As sure as that stone slab sat before him.

"Indeed. I am always listening. Just as you warm my loneliness, I shall return your thanks."

The voice had been elderly and soft, its accent surely local, but Wyl was stood alone. It did not speak again.

As he later made his way to meet the exploration party, there was a strange sense of being unburdened by something, like the joy of removing one's heavy pack after a long day's outings. The cold air on his face no longer stung as it once might have, and a wiggle of his toes revealed that they were actually quite cozy down there. Warm toes? Now that was something new!
A Glow in the White

Fire. Lighting one outdoors was near impossible for most. What good was the spark of steel against flint versus wind, angry flurries of snow, or cold hard rain? Not everyone was armed with such simple methods though, and the very fact that Aeona had survived so long out here spoke for the fact she had a few unusual gifts! First impressions might have been that she'd just been lucky, and in some ways she had, but her ability to weave magic into things which were actually useful, rather than just fanciful or dangerous, was a glory to behold! A fire near the gates was a rare sight indeed, though the miracle was witnessed by few.

Kirra saw it though. This, right here, was exactly why one should bring a foreign gnome on a dangerous expedition! There was no telling what other magics she could do, and how they might not only aid in the task at hand, but also quite possibly save many a life! Diversity was important, especially when the knowledge of what was "out" there lay obscured by storms of white and grey. Well, hopefully not for long! If Darnel's viewing spot was half as good as he'd said, the trip would surely be worthwhile, if only for a brief moment of uninterrupted views... and a scene other than... "oh, more storm coming, fancy that".

That's not to say Aeona wasn't a potential liability too though. Actually, everyone was a liability in their own way. It just took a little wisdom to accept this, and wisdom was something the bar tender had in spades! Not just the wisdom to see virtue in everyone, and know how to deal with folks, but also to know a gnome's imprint when she saw it.

Aeona was swiftly reunited with the outside world, as opposed to the insides of a mound of snow, by Kirra's fast-moving and deliberate actions. All was well! That had really been a gust though, which might make one wonder if Aeona was prone to becoming spontaneously airbourne? Would they need to tie her down like the rest of their gear? At worst, she'd need to be given something firm to hold onto, be it a rung on the side of the sled, or the side of someone's belt.

Speaking of sleds, it wasn't long until a rather large one arrived, steered by none other than Rana, and powered by no less than three, happy-looking hounds!
Setting Off

Some morning greetings. Some checking of supplies and loading. It wasn't so very long until the great sled was all set to take off! The trio of dogs just couldn't wait to have a marvelous run, their desire for activity far outweighing any instincts to avoid the perils of overland travel, during none other than a blizzard.

Bundled together, be it standing or seated, front or rear, everyone found a place on the sled for both themselves and the tools they saw fit to bring along for the ride. A whip's crack or a firm yell to "go", and they were off! Twelve legs dug deep as they could into the white-covered surface below, whilst behind them the sled glided along, leaving a trail of spray in their wake. So far so good. East for a while, then a turn to the north, the group's eyes anxiously waiting to pick out the landmarks Darnel had mentioned, which would indicate their path was true. It wasn't long until they saw the first, a great and open expanse devoid of trees. Yes, in warmer months this was a lake, though its surface was permanently frozen shut to all but the most vigorous of fish-hunters. Easy, the sled-riders just had to shoot directly across it to the other side. Then, up a gentle incline, before following along the edges of a valley...
OOCThanks for your posts everyone! Really enjoying reading your work
I just need an animal handling check from Rana (with advantage from those helping).
PS: Feel free to change the other two doggie's names... that's just what came to me lol.

Last edited by 97mg; Apr 9th, 2024 at 10:56 AM.
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Old Apr 9th, 2024, 03:15 AM
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So Much Barkyness!

Caring for the sled dogs was a full-time job, just ask the Geirhilds or Duliks! The pursuit of raising animals that could handle this district's unique affinity for a literal cold, harsh reality, was no simple matter. It wasn't like you could just wait for pups to arrive, and expect them to understand that towing a sled was "fun". Even those destined to be hunting companions required substantial one-on-one time. The building of trust. The comprehension of vocal and gestured commands, the building of core muscles required for extensive work. Such training was a daily reality for Cilsie's breeders. Thankfully, they had a good thing going. The bloodlines and heritage of their animals was strong! Perhaps the first of these animals had been none other than wild locals? The current dogs were surely adapted to life here, and well-adored by all.

Still though, they were dogs, and sometimes dogs liked to be dogs. Yes, they might pull a vehicle as though a more traditional mount, or diligently assist a hunter via their well-honed nose, but other times more primitive instincts kicked in.

As a collective trio, Rana's hounds looked to be having a most marvelous time! Running like there's no tomorrow and taking in the scents, whatever they might be, blowing in alongside sleet and snow. It was a joyous sight really, to see them acting as though so free, even though they were in the midst of some hard physical exertion. They were loving every minute of this, and all aboard the sled might even find it infectious, this feeling of optimism and hope. Yes, there was something wondrous about flying along in a blizzard, enough of a distraction at times to even forget the possible dangers of this situation, not to mention the actual cold of wind from weather combined with wind from high-speed movement.

The dogs were obedient, following Rana's directions and calls with excellent reactions and adjustments to their course. For some reason today though, they were just extra loud about it. The barking was relentless! The yaps of happiness seemed to never end as the animals shared in their pack-style morale-boosting vocalizations. It was like they were daring and encouraging each other, sharing the amazing reality that at last, they could get out and truly run!
OOCAnimal Handling wasn't great, but doggos are good doggos. They're just excited and noisy is all
So... Lili's hypothermia check wasn't hot. I'll write that in once we know if Lili is still in play.

Last edited by 97mg; Apr 9th, 2024 at 03:16 AM.
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Old Apr 10th, 2024, 04:45 AM
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Aeona Brightcap | School of Divination Wizard | Gnome

AC: 12 | HP: 11 | Speed: 25ft | Spell-casting: +5 / DC13
Passive Perception: 14 | Insight: 12 | Investigation: 13
  • Score: -1
  • Athletics: -1
: 8 |
  • Score: -1
  • Acrobatics: -1
  • Stealth: -1
  • Sleight of Hand: -1
: 8 |
  • Score: -1
: 8 |
  • Score: +3
  • Arcana: +5
  • History: +5
  • Investigation: +3
  • Nature: +3
  • Religion: +3
: 8 |
  • Score: +2
  • Animal Handling: +2
  • Insight: +2
  • Medicine: +4
  • Perception: +4
  • Survival: +2
: 8 |
  • Score: +2
  • Deception: +2
  • Intimidation: +2
  • Performance: +2
  • Persuasion: +2
: 8
Languages: Common, Gnomish, Elivsh, Draconic

.Feats |
Racial features Class Features
  • Gnome Cunning: You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

  • Darkvision: Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

  • Natural Illusionist: You know the minor illusion cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.

  • Speak with Small Beasts: Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts. Forest gnomes love animals and often keep squirrels, badgers, rabbits, moles, woodpeckers, and other creatures as beloved pets.
  • Ritual Casting: You can cast a wizard spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell in your spellbook. You don’t need to have the spell prepared.

  • Arcane Recovery: You have learned to regain some of your magical energy by studying your spellbook. Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher. For example, if you’re a 4th-level wizard, you can recover up to two levels worth of spell slots. You can recover either a 2nd-level spell slot or two 1st-level spell slots.

  • Divination Savant: Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a divination spell into your spellbook is halved.

  • Portent: Starting at 2nd level when you choose this school, glimpses of the future begin to press in on your awareness. When you finish a long rest, roll two d20s and record the numbers rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can see with one of these foretelling rolls. You must choose to do so before the roll, and you can replace a roll in this way only once per turn. Each foretelling roll can be used only once. When you finish a long rest, you lose any unused foretelling rolls.
Features |
  • Quarterstaff: One-handed
    Type: Bludgeoning
    Range: 5ft
    Damage: 1d6-1

  • Quarterstaff: Two-handed
    Type: Bludgeoning
    Range: 5ft
    Damage: 1d8-1
Actions |
Cantrips Level 1 Level 2
  • Create Bonfire
  • Mending
  • Minor Illusion
  • Prestidigitation
  • Absorb Elements
  • Comprehend Languages
  • Detect Magic
  • Feather Fall
  • Identify
  • Shield
  • Silvery Barbs
  • Sleep
  • Unseen Servant
  • Augury
  • -
Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
  • -
  • -
  • -
Spells | . Equipment | . Reactions

"Gah! Thank you, I'm fi~ine!"

The little Gnome blew a raspberry as she was retrieved from the snow bank, and she ran back to the column where she crouched to get out of the path of the powerful wind, shrinking into her furs to contain the body heat, her face poking out of the furs, with strands of her vivid green hair poking out in every which direction. A quick cast of Prestidigitation was enough to dry her furs and rid herself of the snow, but she was still much chillier than before. The fire was gone too, but now with everyone arriving, it would be wasted. The chill was forgotten as the dogs arrived, and Aeona smiled in delight, patting their strong backs and complimenting them in Gnomish, figuring that if most animals back in the forest understood her, then these ones might too.

"Granny Geirhild sure is confident in us"

The little Witch looks towards the sky, intrigue easily discerned from her features.

"If something is out there, what happens if we don't make it back...?"

She looks at Wyl, who seems a little less stressed than usual. That would likely be fixed soon as long as she was around.

The ride was colder than she would have liked, and even worse, as they rode, she could not even face forward in her position in the sled, as the icy cold wind hurt her face and eyes, so now she sat facing the rear, hearing the rhythmic pounding of the dogs paws against the snowy earth, unable to watch them run as she wanted. Rana was admirable, handling the canines with firm words and skill, but the obvious care was there too. Aeona could tell they were having fun because they were barking a lot, which was a good sign in her books. The furs covering her were nice and warm, but the constant howling of the wind made her feel cold just in its severity, and the further they travelled, the worse it became, setting her on edge. All other emotions were eclipsed by the excitement at the potential of the discovery. The viewing place was not far, and the fact they would likely be arriving made the little pile of furs seem ineffective, though the shivering was simply the Gnome buzzing with excitement.

"Rana! Are the dogs good at tracking? Once we get there, there's no telling what we might find, if we get split up, the dogs might be our lifeline"

Aeona was quite good with her incantations and spellcraft, but the spells she enjoyed were supplementary in nature at best, getting lost out here would be a death sentence for her. Maybe she could keep herself warm for long enough with a small fire, but the cold would get her eventually if the wilds did not get the job done first. There was no way in the hells she was going to get done in before she had a chance to truly fulfill her dream of exploring the edge of the world.

"Has anyone been to the Viewing point before? How much further has anyone gone?"

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Old Apr 14th, 2024, 08:19 PM
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Rana Dulik | Character sheet | Character page | AC: 13 | HP: 30 / 30 | Hit dice: 3 / 3d10 | Insight: 12
Investigation: 10
Perception: 14
Passive senses | Parry
Precision Attack
Trip Attack
Superiority dice: 4 / 4d8
Maneuvers | Rustic Hospitality
Defense combat style
Second wind: 1 / 1
Action surge: 1 / 1
Features | None
Passed death saves: 0 / 3
Failed death saves: 0 / 3
Conditions | Common


Rana bent over, trying to bring her ears closer to Aeona. The blowing wind and movement of the sled could sometimes make it hard to hear conversation, but the real problem was how damned loud the dogs were being. Rana had shouted a "Quiet!" a few times, and once even a sterner "Shut up!", but to no avail, and her heart wasn't in it anyway. She knew they'd been cooped up for too long and couldn't begrudge their excitement. They were announcing their presence to anything and everything and made it almost impossible for Rana to listen to their surroundings, but there was no avoiding it. She'd just have to keep her eyes peeled.

"Tracking?" she shouted. "Any dog can track! Wyl and I, too! But nothing's sure on days like this!"

She clapped a hand twice on Aeona's foot. "Don't get split!"

She straightened up. "I ain't been to Darnel's spot! Never had a reason to go that far!" She
Dice Wisdom (Perception):
1d20+4 (1)+4 Total = 5
glanced around, looking into the blizzard for anything attracted by the dogs' noise. "Until today."
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Old Apr 14th, 2024, 11:16 PM
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Kirra could not help but grin from ear the ear as the sled moved over the snow. She had never been in one before, and she was more that happy that her first sled ride happened to be with this group on a very important mission to protect the town. The barmaid didn't even mind how loud the dogs were, making it hard to hear each other.

Bundled under furs and blankets, Kirra could not help but be in a good mood. When the question was asked about how far everyone had traveled, Kirra answered in a way she was not accustomed to acting...almost shy. "I must admit that I have not been far outside of the town. This will be my first time to the view spot...." There was a moment where she seemed lost in thought. "But I am glad that I am able to see it for the first time with all of you...I just hope I don't get in the way." Truth be told, the monk had never been in a real fight before. Sure she had dealt with the occasional grabby patron after they have had one to many drinks, or couldn't hold their booze and tried to pick a fight with someone else. However, her life, or the life of another was never threatened.

I have taken the Oath of Sangus
Playing- Amari the Elven Bard, Jarik the Human Rogue, Harmony the Tiefling Warlock
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Old Apr 18th, 2024, 12:35 AM
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Wyllis "Wyl" Underwood
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Speaking in beast to the dogs using Speech of the Woods: ‘Easy, friends, easy. There are wolves and worse out here.’*
Dice * Persuasion (a little quieter, please):
1d20-1 (10)-1 Total = 9
Rrrruff, rruff, yip, rruff ruff
The druid runs alongside the sled dogs for a time, the cold strangely not affecting him. In truth, the air out here in the woods outside of Cilsie feels almost like being indoors. He is in fact comfortable enough that he has taken off his coat – which worked out well, because poor Lili is shivering from her place on the sled. In between Proficiency bonus doubled from Natural Explorer
Dice * Perception:
1d20+7 (7)+7 Total = 14
Dice * Survival:
1d20+7 (2)+7 Total = 9

An excellent start... not
keeping an eye on the landscape ahead, and keeping an eye on the four friends who have set out on this journey with him, Wyl finds little time for marveling at the unspoiled beauty out here. Right now they have a job to do, and his job first and foremost is to keep Lili warm, and to quiet these dogs down.

”Here,” he says, draping the thick fur coat over the shivering girl’s shoulders. He looks over her face and adjusts the fur cap to better cover her exposed earlobes. ”Tuck your fingers into your armpits and then hunch forward into a little ball. Soon as we get where we’re headed, I’ll get a fire started.” Assuming we find this place at all. He was confident in his ability to follow Darnel’s map, and he was as long as we travel an hour plus, we can’t get lost, thanks to Natural Explorercertain that they would stay on track, but there were always variables – and right now those included the cold, the girls, the dogs… and whatever was listening to them as they passed through the landscape.

He should have been freezing, not having the thick coat over his shoulders, but he wasn’t – and now, here in the (almost) quiet serenity of nature, he reflected on his earlier prayer. He hadn’t brought it up yet to the others, because he was still processing what had happened, what he had heard – or thought he had heard. He realized that the one to talk to about this was Darnel, for the man was the oldest citizen in town and had forgotten more about Cilsie than Wyl would probably ever know. That voice sounded local. I hope it wasn’t a trick, but clearly something happened to keep the cold from settling into my bones – and it’s not mead and stew this time.

”Just checking in with y’all,” Wyl asked the girls as he hopped back onto the sled. There was a bit of a pant in his voice. He had run beside the dogs for a few minutes, trying to get them to calm down their barking, but he couldn’t help but feel a little excited as well. They were journeying into the unknown, setting off on an adventure after long days of being cooped up without being able to stretch their legs. Wyl could relate. Any time he had to spend more than a few hours indoors, he began to feel antsy himself. He couldn’t be angry at them, but that didn’t change the fact that the noise might bring hungry predators into their path. He wasn’t too worried. His as long as we’ve traveled an hoursenses were sharp enough to keep them from getting ambushed, and they were moving at a steady clip. The dogs showed no signs of fatigue. Really, the only concern besides the noise was the shivering Lili, and right now he had done all he could for her. Hopefully the assuming that we haven’t lost Vaynol, Wyl will cast guidance for when she has to make her next con save vs coldcoat would be enough to ward off the chill as the day wore on. And hopefully we reach the spot on Darnel’s map before we all freeze to death, he thought nervously.

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A watched game never updates...

Posting status: Delayed by life/brain stuff. Will post when I can. Skip/NPC as needed.
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Old May 3rd, 2024, 01:43 AM
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Despite the dogs being reluctant to quieten down and although nature fought against them, after some two hours of sliding across snow, frozen lakes, between tall bare pines and up and down inclines too, the great sled approached Darnel's mysterious "location". Coming to a not particularly graceful halt, ahead through the misty white air all could see the beginnings of a wide and expansive view. They were at the side of a mountain's face, where a steep drop fell almost vertically off this side of the summit. Down below, if one dared to stare over the edge, was dark stone and crusts of white. A formidable drop that one! Extending off the side of the cliff, a platform was soon discovered. A timber affair that appeared to be in quite reasonable condition, given the elements that it must have endured. Had Darnel been maintaining this thing quietly? Who built it? Yes, there were many questions to wonder about, but none of them were so wondrous as the view itself. The explorers couldn't see all of it yet though, however with the platform being some twenty feet long one could presume that much more of the landscape might be visible if one risked a walk upon it.

That wasn't all though. Darnell had been right! Yes, the blizzard seemed to rage here too, however its effects seemed to be somewhat dampened, or less violent, either through some miracle or the benefits of the location itself. Yes, one could see far more than just a few yards ahead up here. Mountains, many more mountains.

As all this soaked in, Lili didn't appear to be her usual self. She remained huddled and wrapped in whatever warming garb and blankets could be spared. Lying on the sled, all balled-up, she weakly spoke.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Just caught a cold or something... ironic don't you think? You should look around. I'll stay here, will keep an eye on the dogs."

Slowly, she sat up then, her nose red and a little crusted in frozen... well... snot actually. Her eyes watered like the victim of a broken heart, and every once in a while a shiver seemed to get an unwanted wobble out of face and limb.

"Seriously! Go! Just a head cold or something, I'll be..."

She rummaged in a pocket, somewhere under the layer of furs, apparently on a mission to locate a handkerchief.
OOCApologies for the delays! I'm feeling much better. Hope you're all still with us and keen! Rather than rolling for another hour's travel I wanted to keep us moving forward, so you can have the second hour free of hypo checks. Lili is just a little unwell. Disadvantage on ability checks. Otherwise she's ok. Feel free to explore and roll whatever you think might be appropriate!

Last edited by 97mg; May 3rd, 2024 at 01:45 AM.
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Old May 5th, 2024, 07:43 PM
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Rana Dulik | Character sheet | Character page | AC: 13 | HP: 30 / 30 | Hit dice: 3 / 3d10 | Insight: 12
Investigation: 10
Perception: 14
Passive senses | Parry
Precision Attack
Trip Attack
Superiority dice: 4 / 4d8
Maneuvers | Rustic Hospitality
Defense combat style
Second wind: 1 / 1
Action surge: 1 / 1
Features | None
Passed death saves: 0 / 3
Failed death saves: 0 / 3
Conditions | Common

"Woah, woah, woah!" Rana cracked the whip straight up, signalling the dogs to stop, and was relieved when they actually listened. The hours of exercise had apparently put them in an agreeable mood. She stepped off the sled and knelt next to the dogs,
Dice Wisdom (Medicine) check:
1d20+2 (14)+2 Total = 16

I don't expect this roll to be relevant, but Rana would do it regardless.
checking them for any injuries. "Good work. Good work!"

She gave each one a rub on the head and stood, taking a minute to stretch before looking back at Lili. "You got it. Watch our backs and we'll get this done, quick as we can." Of course, she didn't seriously expect her to keep lookout - once the cold gets into your bones, it's hard to focus on anything, let alone everything - but it seemed decent to play along.

"Keep her safe," she told Thornton quietly, scratching him behind the ears, and approached the platform. She wasn't much of a woodworker, but she'd performed just about every kind of maintenance at some point or another, and she
Dice Intelligence (Investigation, but applied proficiency with tinker's tools):
1d20+2 (19)+2 Total = 21
I wasn't sure what was appropriate to roll here, but I figured Investigation was a good starting point and applied Rana's proficiency with tinker's tools (the all-around repair-and-maintenance tool).
inspected the platform before letting anyone put serious weight on it.
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Old May 6th, 2024, 12:14 AM
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Viewing PlatformA visual inspection, a few careful steps and a bit of general poking, and Rana found the platform to be fit for purpose. The build was stable and solid. There were no sneaky loose boards for anyone to fall through, nor any death-trap handrails to worry about. It had survived the elements, and would no doubt survive a little walking upon too! It seemed that any risks attached to the structure were common sense ones, like not going past its boundaries, or jumping around too much.
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Old May 9th, 2024, 04:49 PM
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Rana Dulik | Character sheet | Character page | AC: 13 | HP: 30 / 30 | Hit dice: 3 / 3d10 | Insight: 12
Investigation: 10
Perception: 14
Passive senses | Parry
Precision Attack
Trip Attack
Superiority dice: 4 / 4d8
Maneuvers | Rustic Hospitality
Defense combat style
Second wind: 1 / 1
Action surge: 1 / 1
Features | None
Passed death saves: 0 / 3
Failed death saves: 0 / 3
Conditions | Common

Rana was careful, checking first with her eyes, then careful pressure at the joints and closest edge of the platform. As initial tests proved promising, she grew bolder, putting more of her weight on the platform until she felt confident to thump her fists on the railings and stomp a foot on the snow-covered wooden floor.

"Looks solid!" Rana looked back over her shoulder and gave a thumbs-up. "Quality work."

She stepped out to the edge of the platform, gripping a handrail tightly while shielding her eyes with her other hand. She wasn't entirely sure what Darnel expected them to see up here, but she was going to give it
Dice Wisdom (Perception) check:
1d20+4 (13)+4 Total = 17
her best shot. They'd come this far, after all.

Last edited by Snicker; May 9th, 2024 at 04:50 PM.
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Old May 10th, 2024, 11:30 PM
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Since she was a young girl, Kirra had wanted to travel, see the world. If the town had not been counting on them she would have much more relaxed as the mountains came into view. Her eyes went wide being able to see the landscape through the lessening blizzard. "Oh wow...That is amazing..." The barmaid's jaw dropped as she slowly got out of the sled. "Have you ever seen" she was in awe of the view.

Taking a few steps closer Kirra noticed the platform and decided to not step out on it yet. Getting closer to the edge of the cliff, the monk carfully looked over the side at the massive drop. "Eep" Insensitively she closed her eyes tight and took a few steps back. "That is really high." Keeping one eye closed tight, Kirra slowly opened the other and saw Rana stepping out onto the platform. With a look of shock, the monk ran to the edge of the platform and reached out to the fighter. "Rana be careful!" After realizing that the platform is more stable than she first thought, Kirra gingerly took a step following Rana. Eventually she relaxed enough to be able to enjoy the better view that the platform offered.
Dice Perception:
D20+2 (8)+2 Total = 10

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Old May 11th, 2024, 10:32 PM
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Wyllis "Wyl" Underwood
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When Lili surprised them all by saying she was going to remain behind on the sled, Wyl's eyes flashed momentarily with panic. No, no, it wasn't supposed to be like this, we were supposed to stick together, how am I supposed to watch out for you and the others, I can't be in two places at once! Outwardly, besides that momentary flash, Wyl remained calm and steady.

"I... see. Alright. I'm sorry I don't have much in the way of signaling for you to use if you need anything, but I suppose you can just yell real loud. Plus I'm sure the dogs will let us know if anything is amiss. Well, Lili, you sit back and rest and try to stay warm. Do you need a fire?... Alright, I will stop doting, I know you know how to start a campfire." Wyl takes her shivering hands in his. "Stay strong, okay? We'll be back before you know it." He turned to the dogs and, speaking in a series of rapid barks, he expressed to them to bark loudly should anything happen to the girl. And then there was nothing left to do but leave her there.

Wyl followed along with the others, uncharacteristically subdued but still remaining focused on the task at hand. His eyes took in the old wooden structure, and he wondered just
Dice * History (wooden tower):
1d20+1 (6)+1 Total = 7
who had built it, how long ago it had been built, and most importantly, would it hold their weight.

"I'll go first," he volunteered. "I'm the heaviest one." The logic made sense if you squinted, but as it was a long climb upward, it was impractical to go one at a time. As the diminished group slowly ascended, Wyl Proficiency bonus doubled from Natural Explorer
Dice * Perception (view from wooden tower):
1d20+7 (13)+7 Total = 20
had his first look out from such a height.

"This is incredible," he said, echoing Kirra's assessment of the view. "Can you imagine the view on a clear day?"

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Old May 19th, 2024, 06:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Kirra View Post
"Have you ever seen"
Originally Posted by Wyllis "Wyl" Underwood View Post
"Can you imagine the view on a clear day?"
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Rana Dulik | Character sheet | Character page | AC: 13 | HP: 30 / 30 | Hit dice: 3 / 3d10 | Insight: 12
Investigation: 10
Perception: 14
Passive senses | Parry
Precision Attack
Trip Attack
Superiority dice: 4 / 4d8
Maneuvers | Rustic Hospitality
Defense combat style
Second wind: 1 / 1
Action surge: 1 / 1
Features | None
Passed death saves: 0 / 3
Failed death saves: 0 / 3
Conditions | Common

"...I dunno," Rana finally said, shrugging at Kirra and Wyl. "I never had a good eye for that sort of thing."
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Old May 20th, 2024, 02:38 AM
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The Vantage PointRana, Wyl and Kirra soon dared to proceed and get a good look around, whilst Lili rested and kept warm upon the sled. It seemed that Aeona was inclined to do the same thing too. Either, the gnome was nervous about heights, or just honestly preferred the prospect of cuddling up to the bardic lass and sharing some much needed body heat. A platform jutting out over a mountain's cliff face? Yeah, maybe not the best place to have one of those all too regular "accidents"...

As determined after the visual inspection, and a little weight-testing via careful footsteps, the platform proved itself to be as sturdy as any might hope. The remaining trio were free to wander its length and feast in the view that presented itself at the vantage point's very end. Even through snow and a largely misty sky, evidence of Cilsie could been seen far off into the distance. Yes, the rivers which hugged the community's shores, and even the tight little mass of structures that these folks called home were just noticeable by the naked eye.

Then, Kirra could only watch as both her colleagues seem to be distracted by something...

Last edited by 97mg; May 20th, 2024 at 02:39 AM.
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Old May 21st, 2024, 10:41 PM
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Rana Dulik | Character sheet | Character page | AC: 13 | HP: 30 / 30 | Hit dice: 3 / 3d10 | Insight: 12
Investigation: 10
Perception: 14
Passive senses | Parry
Precision Attack
Trip Attack
Superiority dice: 4 / 4d8
Maneuvers | Rustic Hospitality
Defense combat style
Second wind: 1 / 1
Action surge: 1 / 1
Features | None
Passed death saves: 0 / 3
Failed death saves: 0 / 3
Conditions | Common

Initially, Rana hadn't given the view much thought. She had important work to do, trying to see whatever Darnel wanted them to see. Prompted by the others, she gave the view another look.

Before, she'd studied the sky, trying to spot the incoming weather. This time, she turned her attention to the ground. It took longer than she expected to find Cilsie. The shapes of its buildings were distinct from their surroundings, even shrouded in white, but it was so small, so hemmed in by the rivers and forest. Even the trees its people had felled over generations were insignificant against the wilderness that surrounded it. From here, it could fit in the palm of her hand, and the rough and untamed lands around it stretched on forever in every direction. There, within that tiny aberration, was everyone Rana had ever known, and at this moment, for some reason she didn't understand, she could see every one of their faces, hear every one of their names, remember perfectly her relation to each one, including one she only realized at this moment: a connection shared by every inhabitant of the village, invisibly and inextricably binding them together.

Cilsie. Not just a village, but a people. All of them, altogether, in an impossibly tiny brown-and-white spot in an impossibly huge world.

"Huh." Rana turned and looked back at the sled, checking on Lili and Aeona. As she did, she spotted something near the side of the platform, hidden from other angles by the snow. It was a burnt piece of wood, as from a campfire, but it would be an odd choice to camp right next to the platform. Rana approached and crouched down,
Dice Intelligence (Investigation) check to generally investigate the site:
1d20 19
Dice Wisdom (Survival) check to try and determine how long ago the wood was burnt:
1d20+4 (10)+4 Total = 14
inspecting the site.
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