Man, I just know my rolls are going to be awful. I have rarely had luck with rolling over point buy.... but here goes nothing. Lets go, bunches of 18s! Lol
EDIT: Is that one re-roll allowed mean one 3d4+6 is re-rolled, or one full set of rolls?
"Well I would say she had marvelous judgement, Albert, if not particularly good taste." Last edited by TheMagicalMick; Sep 14th, 2014 at 05:25 PM. |
HP is 1/2 HD + 1D(1/2 HD)
So if you had D8 it would be 4+1D4. D10 is 5+1D5. So on. Population wise I would say we are looking at right around +/- 300k for the whole island minus the kings land. Over all the minimum ratio of normal adults to armed men should be 20 to 1. Over all minimum forces should be around 15k for the island, divided among the districts. The kings land has 5k standing men and 15k population in the capital and outlying lands. The kings land/military does not count into my numbers above.
Pendragon? No not really, he is more of a worm, but penworm sounds contagious.
An odd thing is happening with the roller, no 17-18s.
If you do not roll an 18 you can drop your lowest roll and put in an 18 instead. I think you should have at least one max stat to be in your position. This is only if you do not roll a natural 18 (which no one has, yet).
Pendragon? No not really, he is more of a worm, but penworm sounds contagious.
Mick I am giving you more land on the main island. Just a small bit of the western shore. I am still ironing out the map so I can't give you more details than that.
Pendragon? No not really, he is more of a worm, but penworm sounds contagious.
Okay, so if the Capital is 15k, then 5k would be a small city and 10k would still be a decent sized city? Or there about?
If split equally, about 43k people and 2100-ish guards/standing military is roughly what we're dealing with unless someone wants less, then there's more to go around. EDIT: I can live with that. Maybe then I won't have to be 100% dependent on importing food. Couple fishing villages or something would be nice.
"Well I would say she had marvelous judgement, Albert, if not particularly good taste." Last edited by TheMagicalMick; Sep 14th, 2014 at 05:46 PM. |
Also what system are we using to price our buildings/holdings? Currently using Ultimate Combat for ships and Ultimate Campaign for buildings just to see where it puts me at (ignoring the build point system, they have costs for entire buildings, or for building your own structures room by room.)
I'm loving the 18 - much obliged!
Also, it's 3.5, but I've been skimming Stronghold Builder's Guide to get a sense of what things will cost - building your own castle has never been more fun . |
Wow looks like a great group.
Happy to have made it through, really looking forward to this game. |
Hello everyone, your local moral compass here. Looking forward to working with you in order to restore our kingdom to it's former glory (unless you're evil in which case here, have a holy war)
Holidays and my new overnights schedule are still taking a toll on me and my post rate, and will probably continue to do so until some time after the new year. Please bear with me until then! |
Yes and as far as buildings are concerned they cost 2500gp x BP needed. You do not need to buy every building, most would already be in place. You would only need to purchase any improvements over a standard city/town and your personal residence/place of rulership.
I have to run for a while I will be back tonight with a map and answers to questions as I am sure there will be more to come. Edit: I will look at 3.5 SRD and I might use that for buildings instead. I would much rather have the gp laid out for me.
Pendragon? No not really, he is more of a worm, but penworm sounds contagious.
Last edited by Pendragon; Sep 14th, 2014 at 06:30 PM. |
Holy war? Every time Darth's character speaks now, this will always be playing in the back of my mind .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUMkcBctE7c
Also, no holy war please. I helped an old lady across the street the other day. Totally not evil.
"Well I would say she had marvelous judgement, Albert, if not particularly good taste." Last edited by TheMagicalMick; Sep 14th, 2014 at 06:40 PM. |
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