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Old Aug 20th, 2022, 06:42 AM
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Early morning
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Able Aeronaut Featherstar obviously enjoys the admiration and speechlessness that the adventurers feel at the sight of the impressive sight. "Ay, it's magic!" he states as he too gazed with shining eyes at the airship, now brightly illuminated by the rising sun, making the white envelope shine. "The gas bags are filled with the gas from boiled foam of the skywhale. And the engine contains orichalcum, the rare metal that can draw magical energy from the environment."

Then he turns to Khat. "Ay, the harnesses have two ropes, each with a hook for mooring. The ship has jacklines, tether loops and rings for the hooks on the railings and climbing nets. Those are important when it's storming. Especially if you need to climb to the upper or lower lookout." He points to a small basket-shaped platform below the ship and a larger one above the outer hull. "The person in the lookout always has a bow or crossbow with him. Something is always flying around and at least trying out how edible the ship and crew are." He grins at Khat. "And that's where you guys come in. This time it's very likely we'll get in trouble and the captain wants to prevent us or the ship from getting damaged. So more damage than absolutely necessary. We can operate the two small ballistas, but that always takes time and only works on large, slow targets. So you'll have to engage the enemy directly from the railings with spells, arrows and bolts - or whatever else you have. Aaargh!"

When Suluruk addresses the Able Aeronaut, he actually stands up a bit unsteadily, but then sits back down after Suluruk assesses him as unworthy. With an unhappy face, he clicks his tongue and lets the reins click. The horse pulls up again and the cart heads purposefully toward the airship and the bustle below.

Captain Frostraven steps out from the group and greets the new arrivals. "Aeronaut Prrup-tik, welcome! Sykwolf Cunjo!" She nods with a smile to the two. Skywolf is obviously not a real rank. "We're loading over the cargo crane through the floor hatch. I hope your wolf likes pulleys." She points upward. Hovering about 25 feet above the ground, the cargo hatch with the cargo crane opens in the hull of the Dragonrise. Dangling from the hook is a cargo net with a barrel inside. "But don't stand under it while other cargo is being loaded."
Then the captain nods to Khat and Kazza as well. "Aeronaut Khat! Aeronaut Leafwind! Greetings! Aeronaut Codrin!" Now, she turns to Suluruk and stand up straight. "Skypriest Suluruk!" She salutes. "Welcome aboard. Your appearance is a sign of the gods' blessing."

Then she points to a rope ladder dangling down beside the cargo hatch. "Put your things next to the rope ladder, we'll load them up later, you'll find sleeping bags in the crew quarters on the lower deck. Then we'll gather on the upper deck."

DragonrisePlease find below the map of the Dragonrise.
  • The upper deck is covered with ropes and two tents for the helmsman and the ballistas.

  • The lower deck is for the crew and the adventurers. The crew sleeps in hammocks, the adventurers have bedrolls. There is also a tiny galley. The front cabin is for the captain and the first mate. You're not allowed to enter. Same goes for the engine room which emits a constant droning which sounds dangerous.

  • The cargo deck/hold is for... well... all kind of cargo and the head. One can climb there via a small ladder. There is also the water barrel of Prrup-tik.

  • The top crow's nest is made for 4 persons and is directly mounted onto the envelope. You reach it via a rope ladder and a small shaft between the envelope and two gas bags.

  • The bottom crow's nest is a willow basket, big enough for one person. The barrel is fixed below the airship's cargo hatch and can be reached via another rope ladder. The basket can be further lowered down with the crane.

Open the picture in a new tab to zoom in for more details.
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Last edited by LeDragon; Aug 22nd, 2022 at 03:31 PM.
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Old Aug 20th, 2022, 08:36 AM
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Valerius Codrin, Druid of the Moon
HP: 33/33 | AC 16 | PP: 15 | Spell Save DC: 13 | Spell Attack: +5 | Status: Normal
HD 3/3d8 | Spell Slots: (1) 4/4, (2) 2/2 | Starting at 2nd level, you can use your action to magically assume the shape of a beast that you have seen before. You can use this feature twice. You regain expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. Your druid level determines the beasts you can transform into, as shown in the Beast Shapes table. At 2nd level, for example, you can transform into any beast that has a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower that doesn’t have a flying or swimming speed.

When you choose the circle of the moon at 2nd level, you gain the ability to use Wild Shape on your turn as a bonus action, rather than as an action. Additionally, while you are transformed by Wild Shape, you can use a bonus action to expend one spell slot to regain 1d8 hit points per level of the spell slot expended.
Combat Wild Shape 2/2 | The rites of your circle grant you the ability to transform into more dangerous animal forms. Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Wild Shape to transform into a beast with a challenge rating as high as 1 (you ignore the Max. CR column of the Beast Shapes table, but must abide by the other limitations there). Starting at 6th level, you can transform into a beast with a challenge rating as high as your druid level divided by 3, rounded down.Circle Forms
You have resistance to fire damage.Hellish Resistance | Thanks to your infernal heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.Darkvision | You know the ray of frost cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the armor of Agathys spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the darkness spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.Legacy of Stygia 1/1
Familiar with the various outcast groups (beggars, urchins, slaves), able to locate/contact these groups in urban settings. They'll aid however they can, might shield/fight for you. Knowing the underbelly of cities you have an easier time locating and conversing with criminal's & their organizations.Outcast Familiarity | Common, Infernal, DruidicLanguages

Very much unaccustomed to leaving his things behind, which was almost everything he had, Valerius reluctantly set down his things Athletics 17and scrambled up the ladder easily enough. Once up on deck, he leaned over the side, keeping his eye on his stuff as if afraid it would disappear.



Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.

Last edited by FatherDondo; Aug 21st, 2022 at 07:24 AM.
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Old Aug 20th, 2022, 04:33 PM
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Prrup-tik, Grung Ranger (revised)
Sheet|AC: 16|HP: 49/49|Status: Normal
Initiative ADV|Early attack ADV|2-Weapon Fighting|Piercer Feat|Poison piercing|+2 dmg v. humanoids|Poison touch|Poison immunity|Jumping and climbing|3/3 Spells|4/4 HD

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Prrup-tik’s eyes follow Featherstar’s words as the man describes the different features of the Dragonrise’s deck. Places to climb and perch are abundant; the grung will be comfortable here, working his light crossbow. Cujo, on the other hand, will be literally out of his element.

-2 InsightOblivious as usual to interpersonal tension, Prrup-tik listens to Suluruk’s many questions and, not completely understanding their rhetorical nature, waits politely for the answers until Captain Frostraven arrives to change the subject. “Thanksth!” he exclaims in response to her welcome. “Oh, you bet – Cujo will pull any rope you want, as long as you want. He ain’t as good at stoppin’. But he’ll do what I say, justht like I promisthed. As sthoon as we board, our firstht sthtop is the…head, stho I can teach him how ta use it. Right after I figure it out.

“Let’sth go, sthkywolf,”
he says as he follows Frostraven’s boarding instructions.

OOCThanks for the water barrel - and the beautiful maps!





Prrup-tik AC 16| HP 49/49|PP 10
Cujo AC 17|HP 17|PP 13 (18 for smell)
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Old Aug 21st, 2022, 07:24 PM
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Khat - Rouge Female Shifter (Swiftstride) | Darkvison: 60ft, PP 13, PI 11 | Status: normal | Initiative: +5

Able Aeronaut Featherstar explained the harness, hooks, and look-out. Khat touched the crossbow on her back, "
It sounds like you'll be wanting me on one of the look-outs. My crossbow lacks the range of an Elven longbow, but I can guarantee whatever I hit will know it."

Khat was used to hunting - albeit in Sharn's urban jungle and not Westhaven's skies. Still, the Shifter had her gear sorted between what was useful in the camp, and what was useful on the prowl. On her body were Khat's weapons y - crossbow and quiver, rapier, daggers, and darts. As well, her Thieves tools were in a pouch on her belt. Here exploration gear was in her pack. Khat gave credit to her ancestry as she Acrobatics 26easily scaled the rope ladder to get onto the ship.

Khat briefly stopped in the crew's quarters to leave a dart claiming her sleeping bag, before ascending to the upper deck where they were supposed to meet.

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Old Aug 22nd, 2022, 08:13 AM
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Magic? She glanced upward at the great ship, her eyes trying to see if perchance she could spot the crackle of magic. But, it didn't look magical to her at all. By all appearances there was some odd contraption or trap in there of a more mundane nature. People could to wonders in crafting clever traps - could they not make something fly as well? She shrugged. She was going to hold herself together in the presence of magic and other contraptions. She wouldn't let this intimidate her.

"Captain," she said, offering what she thought was a salute, but wasn't really sure what was expected. On a normal ship there were rarely salutes - just addressing by the appropriate titles. Fair was fair. She glances over as Khat speaks, adding her own words to support Khat's. "I have an elven longbow. It will make good at a distance. I will defend the ship as you require. Just put me where you need me to be." She was going to go along with whatever the Able Aeronaut and Captain said.

Jumping to command, she took her backpack and belongings with her, and dropped where the captain had indicated. Only her bow and her quiver, along with her warm clothing did she take with her. She slung the bow across how shoulder, and secured the arrows. With a simple tug she tested the rope for security and for grip on her hands. Then, she
Dice Acrobatics:
1d20+4 (20)+4 Total = 24
started climbing using her rusty skills to make her way up the rope as best she could. It was far easier than she'd expected, and she expertly made her way to the top, nimbly vaulting onto the lower deck once she'd done climbing. There, she waited for the others to join her.

Posting Status: Very Slow (Catching up)
Stop the Earth, I want to get off!

Last edited by Pinotage; Aug 22nd, 2022 at 08:14 AM.
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Old Aug 23rd, 2022, 03:45 AM
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suluruk begins to climb the ladder.
Dice athletics:
d20+3 (10)+3 Total = 13
(13) the rope waves under the wind of the ship and suluruk has to muscle his way up the ladder fighting the ladder with each step. He found himself with more difficulty than the rest he curses and grunts under his breath. I should really find a trainer for this.

"greetings captain, let's hope the rest of the trip goes better. I was told to say prayers did you have a spot you would like me to go?"

Last edited by delpinator; Aug 23rd, 2022 at 04:38 AM.
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Old Aug 23rd, 2022, 06:01 AM
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Prrup-tik, Grung Ranger (revised)
Sheet|AC: 16|HP: 49/49|Status: Normal
Initiative ADV|Early attack ADV|2-Weapon Fighting|Piercer Feat|Poison piercing|+2 dmg v. humanoids|Poison touch|Poison immunity|Jumping and climbing|3/3 Spells|4/4 HD

left-aligned image

Upon encountering Khat near the bed rolls, Prrup-tik did not hesitate to engage. "You're different," he noted, "like me." A slopping little laugh burst through his lips. "Well, not like me," he clarified, further elaborating on the obvious. "You're furry, and I'm...sthomeone sthaid 'rubbery;' we're very different colors; you're taller." He appeared to have completed his analysis for now. "I justht mean I never stheen nobody like you, and mostht people never stheen nobody like me. Are there a lot of you sthomewhere elsthe?"





Prrup-tik AC 16| HP 49/49|PP 10
Cujo AC 17|HP 17|PP 13 (18 for smell)
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Old Aug 24th, 2022, 03:07 PM
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Khat - Rouge Female Shifter (Swiftstride) | Darkvison: 60ft, PP 13, PI 11 | Status: normal | Initiative: +5

Khat is charmed as Prrup-tik engages her. The Grung Ranger reminded Khat of herself when she started working with Mouser.

Khat smiled, exposing her canines."I don't know if there are others like me cause I'm not sure what I am. Some think I'm part Lycan, but my birth parents were human. There are Lycans, both in the world from which I came and think in this world. However, I've yet to meet any in Westhaven."

"A few have said I'm blessed or cursed by a Deity. That my form is due to the blood of my ancestors."

Khat shook her head and smiled at Prrup-tik, "I've learned to count my blessing - my heritage - and do the best I can with what I have."

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Old Aug 26th, 2022, 06:14 PM
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Prrup-tik, Grung Ranger (revised)
Sheet|AC: 16|HP: 49/49|Status: Normal
Initiative ADV|Early attack ADV|2-Weapon Fighting|Piercer Feat|Poison piercing|+2 dmg v. humanoids|Poison touch|Poison immunity|Jumping and climbing|3/3 Spells|4/4 HD

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Prrup-tik and Cujo return to the main deck several minutes after the last of the others, having accomplished multiple goals on the cargo deck. Educating himself, then Cujo, on the use of the head proved not to be the most challenging of these for Prrup-tik; Cujo is a good boy, after all. Navigating the ladder, however – that requires more than obedience and good intentions for one with neither opposable thumbs nor an upright posture. But after much practice, Prrup-tik can proudly proclaim to anyone in earshot, “There will be no poop on the deck!” Cujo is now a reliably respectful and hygienic passenger.

While below, Prrup-tik took a quick dip in the water barrel dedicated to his use. At least, he hopes it was the right barrel. He intended to check his choice with a crew member, but by the time he returns to the main deck he has forgotten all about it. His skin shines nicely with a fresh sheen.





Prrup-tik AC 16| HP 49/49|PP 10
Cujo AC 17|HP 17|PP 13 (18 for smell)

Last edited by secretID; Aug 27th, 2022 at 07:56 AM.
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Old Aug 29th, 2022, 04:53 PM
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Early morning
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Valerius nimbly climbs the rickety rope ladder. On the upper deck, he almost collided with 1st Helmsman Ragrum Stormfall. "Ay! Aeronaut! Fresh on deck! I like that!" The dwarf grins grimly and nods to the warlock. He then begins poking the golden plates on the underside of the gas bags with his tassel-adorned staff, to which they respond with muffled hisses.

right-aligned image
Able Aeronaut Featherstar gestures to Captain Frostraven. "She will decide your deployment, but the upper crow's nest sounds like a good place." Now Khat climbs the rope ladder up like lightning. For her, the airship is almost a kind of giant 3-D adventure playground. In the lower deck, she meets the second Able Aeronaut Grudark Ironcloud. The orc - or half-orc, as he points out, though the half is probably lost - is stowing food in the galley's kitchen cupboards. The very orcish half-orc growls and grumbles something unintelligible, which is probably meant to be some sort of greeting.
A few moments later, Khat appears next to Valerius on the upper deck. The gas bags are now shining warmly on the main deck.

Captain Frostraven nods to Kazza Leafwind, "I will indeed need a bow, maybe your bow, on the top crow's nest. Then another archer shall be deployed on the main deck."
Only a short time later, Kazza Leafwind is also on the top deck. The rope ladder posed no challenge even for the elf.

In any case, less strenuous than for Suluruk. The sky priest seems to have a surprising amount of trouble with the wobbly climb.
"If you say your prayers on the main deck for our voyage and crew, and thus gain the blessing of the gods, we would all be grateful." Maybe it strikes Suluruk that the captain is about Religion check with advantage for the mass and the pray, demand a success from him, maybe not.
By the time Suluruk appears on the main deck, the stern of the ship has already begun to rise and the deck is clearly sloping.

left-aligned image
Prrup-tik finds himself on the cargo deck first his barrel near the cargo hatch and the head near the stern. The head is little more than half a bucket with a wooden lid on top that, which when opened, provides a direct view of the landscape below. In this case, including the men loading the ship. Therefore the training with Cunjo must take place first and literally dry. Next to the head is another small barrel of water for washing the hands and other body parts after using the head and for various reasons the frogman would rather not bathe it in this water.
On the way to the upper deck he meets an oil-smeared rock gnome, 1st Engineer Perrin Nightingale, who only briefly fetches something from the cargo deck and then disappears again into the engine room.

Then Captain Frostraven also appears on the upper deck. "Ay! Enough of chattering! Crew and new aeronauts! We will leave today to rescue our friends and hopefully their ship and cargo. The weather is good and gods are on our side! Let's not waste time!" She nods to the helmsman. "Full speed astern!" The dwarf nods and moves a few levers on the helm. Tiny blue flashes of lightning surround the steering wheel. The rudder and elevator of the empennage move. It takes a moment, then the comfortable hum of the airship changes to an angry buzz of a giant hornet. Now, a distinct wind blows in from the stern and the propellers are just shimmering shadows any more. Wood and robes groan and crunch under the new load.
"Cast off!" The two able aeronauts at the bow fiddle with ropes, then there is a jerk and a jolt and everything suddenly starts moving. The bow lifts, the airship moves abaft and rises steeply at the same time. The ground moves away faster and faster, and after barely a minute each of the adventurers is higher above the solid earth than ever before.

DM's note:The captain wants to deploy two adventurers (melee + range combat skills) and one crew member at the top crow's nest and one crew member or adventurer at the lower crow's nest. The rest can stay on the main deck or do something else. It's up to you what your characters does and where your character stays.
Buried under work. Expect me posting once per week. NPC me if necessary.
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Last edited by LeDragon; Aug 29th, 2022 at 05:05 PM.
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Old Aug 29th, 2022, 05:20 PM
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Khat - Rouge Female Shifter (Swiftstride) | Darkvison: 60ft, PP 13, PI 11 | Status: normal | Initiative: +5

Khat nodded respectfully to Kazza, the Elven Monk, "Your bow well outranges my crossbow. In the melee, I fight better when I have an ally to distract the foe. I would be better off fighting from the Upper Crows Nest or the main deck."

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Old Aug 30th, 2022, 01:38 AM
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Feeling the ship rise suluruk finds his place in the center of the ship. He sets the incense down and guidance 1prepares the ritual.

Centering himself, he begins to squat down inhaling the fumes from the incense. He claps his hands and his heavy feet pound the wooden planks as the sound of thunder increases into the pounding of a raging storm. Slowly he stops into a quiet stillness. "Lord of storms let us not fear the thunder of battle. May the winds face our backs and rise into the storm. "


Last edited by delpinator; Aug 30th, 2022 at 01:41 AM.
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Old Aug 30th, 2022, 10:31 PM
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Prrup-tik, Grung Ranger (revised)
Sheet|AC: 16|HP: 49/49|Status: Normal
Initiative ADV|Early attack ADV|2-Weapon Fighting|Piercer Feat|Poison piercing|+2 dmg v. humanoids|Poison touch|Poison immunity|Jumping and climbing|3/3 Spells|4/4 HD|4/4 Goodberries

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Prrup-tik offers some comfort to Cujo, who first cowers, then scrambles for balance, as the Dragonrise angrily lurches up and about like a great beast suddenly awakened. Before wolf or master can completely settle, there is already a call for volunteers.

“That’sth me!” exclaims Prrup-tik regarding the top crow’s nest. “I can sthtab, an’ I can shoot. Um…don’t rub againstht me while we’re there, or you might get sthick.”

Prrup-tik suddenly produces a bag. “Oh!” he says, “I got sthome good sthtuff for everyone.” He opens the bag for anyone to see. “Berries,” he describes. “They fill you up, but more important, they heal you. If we’re attacked. But they won’t lastht that long, stho try to be attacked today.” Prrup-tik offers the berries to the other adventurers and to the crew.

When the berries 30 total. I'm thinking 4 to each adventurer and the other 10 to various crew.have been distributed, Prrup-tik scrambles up to the crow’s nest. “Sthtay on the no-poop deck,” he calls down to Cujo, who has been anxiously watching his companions departure. “An’ help out!”





Prrup-tik AC 16| HP 49/49|PP 10|4/4 Goodberries
Cujo AC 17|HP 17|PP 13 (18 for smell)

Last edited by secretID; Aug 31st, 2022 at 07:07 AM.
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Old Aug 31st, 2022, 04:31 AM
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Kazza nods formally to the captain. "You will have my bow. For as long as we travel to find your friends. My service is yours." She walks backword to give the captain some room, awaiting the departure while scanning the deck with her eyes to familiarise herself with the layout. Once the great whale in the sky lurches, she braces herself against a nearby railing and then find her feet. It had been a long time since she last sailed, although one could hardly call this sailing. The deck beneath her vibrated under the strain of magic, an unnerving feeling to the magic-shy elf, but she hid her feelings well.

Once Prrup-tik had made his choice known, Kazza scrambled after him. "My bow and my body make for good fighting. And I have no fear of height or falling." Though perhaps not from the ship to the ground. As a warrior she could handle herself with deadly skill, and her bow was a powerful weapon at range. She reached the top of the crow's nest, amazed at how far she could see and how clear the sky and light was this high above. It was like climbing the highest mountains. She glanced down at Prrup-tik. "It's been a while. I think we can both support each other well up here. I remember your berries from our last venture. I will use them wisely." Then she turned and scanned the sky. "Shall we talk a side each to scan?" she asked as she started to look for any threats in the sky. Though it was beyond her where they might come from, unless from some giant flying beast.

Posting Status: Very Slow (Catching up)
Stop the Earth, I want to get off!
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Old Aug 31st, 2022, 12:42 PM
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Early morning

Centering himself, Suluruk squats down and inhales the fumes from the incense. He claps his hands and his heavy feet pound the wooden planks as the sound of thunder increases into the pounding of a raging storm. Slowly he stops into a quiet stillness. "Lord of storms let us not fear the thunder of battle. May the winds face our backs and rise into the storm."

The sudden calm comes over the group like a relief and everyone on the airship feels how the gods of the sky and clouds have answered the prayer. Once in this adventure, you can decide to re-roll one roll and take the better result. Valid for all kind of rolls, including damage rolls and poor rolls with (dis-)advantage.Luck fills everyone.


Kazza and Prrup-tik climb through a narrow shaft between two now bulging gas bags to the top crow's nest. The fabric of the gas bags is hot against their skin and the two adventurers are glad when they open the roof hatch to the top crow's nest and climb the lookout. The huge envelope stretches out on all sides. Nets and ropes hold its shape. In the middle runs a keel that also serves as a gangway. In the the crow's nest, a string is fixed, leading down to the alarm bell on the main deck.
Able Aeronaut Featherstar is already waiting for them, wrapped thickly in warm clothing. "Ay, welcome to the best position on board! Fresh wind and sunshine galore!"
In fact, the position is less pleasant than expected. The icy driving wind blows relentlessly and penetrates through every crevice and opening of the clothing. The goggles protect against the wind, but they first fog up and then ice over and have to be regularly scraped free. Nevertheless, the view over the sunny clouds is an unforgettable, albeit freezing, experience.


Relative quiet soon returns to the main deck. The initially furious hum of the engine has given way to a steady rattle, which, however, continues to make communication difficult. The crew around the first mate return to their quarters to be rested for the next shift. The helmsman takes the helm, and Captain Frostraven inspects the ship, pulling this knot and jiggling that rope. Cujo sits on the deck and whines at the rope ladder where his master disappeared to the top.
The rest of the adventurers enjoy the breathtaking view over the landscape in the Khat, Suluruk: Please roll a CON check DC12 against cold to avoid d3 non-lethal damage.cold lee of the ship's superstructures, delighting in the tiny houses, trees, hills and strange ants below them.

DM's note:@all: you can post what you character is doing.

@the adventurers in the upper crow's nest: please roll a perception check with disadvantage in addition to your post.

@the adventurers at the main deck: you can place your character wherever you want. One may even go to the lower crow's nest.
I also checked the character sheets of Khat and Suluruk and didn't find any warm clothes.
Buried under work. Expect me posting once per week. NPC me if necessary.
Never trust a smiling gamemaster!
DMing games with great teams since 2012. Join the West Marches Games Community (DnD5e) (he/him)

Last edited by LeDragon; Aug 31st, 2022 at 01:47 PM.
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