"Assessment. Target has escaped. Status. Buggered." IIc spoke Downes over the radio. Being given orders to complete a task that IIc was all ready pursuing was redundant. IIc was definitely in contact with a bio-logical. This Vullze Garako had been in contact with IIa and was still alive, presumably Vullze had some authority back the bold claim of speaking for Darth Vader. With the ship escaped IIc began to calculate the odds of their own escape from the Empire. As experimental property of the Empire IIc would have a hard time evading the escape. Was there a plausible avenue to cast blame on. Riel had been involved in the hunt from the start. The enemy routinely made narrow escapes at the last minute. Had Riel been tipping off the Jedi off their plans. A possibility if IIc had a chance to explain this failure. IIc opened communications with Vullze. "Status update. Target has escaped into hyper space."
When in doubt... explosions. |
Vullze's anger at IIc's pronouncement boils off him in waves. He doesn't know any of the escaped rebels, and until today he wouldn't have claimed to have had even the slightest interest in them. But they'd brought a building down on top of him. As far as reasons to hold a grudge go, it's among the biggest he's ever had. His personal feelings aside, there are few irritants in life greater to an anzati than one's prey escaping.
"Acknowledged," he responds. "Rendezvous with the ISD Serpent. I will confirm your clearance to dock." Vullze gestures to the co-pilot, indicating that the man should cut contact. "Raise Captain Palomer," he tells the officer after the link to the droid is cut, then waits for the new line to be established, staring ahead at where the holographic Palomer will spring into being. When he does so, he greets the man cursorily before passing on his interpretation of Lord Vader's will without further preamble. "Captain, our mystery ship is to land on the serpent. Their compliance is nonoptional. Have the TIE fighters escort them in and tractor beam them aboard if you have to. Let us hope a second ship doesn't escape from within your grasp today... On that note, is there anything you would like me to relay to Lord Vader with regard to this failure? I do hope so. His Lordship was already extremely displeased before this bungle. If you have anything to say that might improve my master's mood, you would be wise to share that information now. You might not get the opportunity to explain properly if you wait until you face him in person." The anzati smiles without a degree of warmth, his red eyes flashing.
Player: Vullze (Purge: Hall of Fame 2017) Check out my blog for RPG/D&D 5e articles and Fifth Edition Fallout, a sourcebook for playing D&D 5e in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout. |
Rendezvous with ISD Serpent. An action that would place that place IIc in the vicinity of in the presence a wrathful Lord Vader. Programming would not allow IIc to take an action that would result in self destruction. Following these orders was not technically self destruction as there was a chance that reporting this failure could be survivable.
The HWK-290 was damage from the fight and low on fuel from the pursuit. Downes had all ready fired the missiles. Possibility of escape from a star destroyer, deployed tie fighters and Vader. Porro was an exceptionally skilled pilot, an escape might be in the realm of possibility. "Orders Acknowledged." IIc responded to the radio transmission from Vullze. "Porro, set a new course for the Serpent. I have footage from my optical sensors recording a successful kill of a Jedi on the roof. Confirmation of this kill could possibly prevent Lord Vader from killing us."
When in doubt... explosions. |
IIc heard Porro's groan of dismay over the ship's communications when the droid relayed their orders to dock on the Serpent. No doubt, Darth Vader's personal flagship was far from where the poor Gran wanted to be headed, and IIc's rather cavalier attitude to the probability of their executions was not exactly endearing the Gran to the idea. But at this point it was clear the Sand Panther's had passed the point of no return. Especially once the wing of TIE fighters wheeled around to come back towards them, falling into escort formation around the HWK-290, making it clear that compliance was not optional.
~~~~~~ Though it was difficult to tell because of the blue tinge to the man's face from the holographic projector, Vullze could see that Captain Palomar looked paler than in their previous conversation. Gone was the haughty attitude the captain had displayed earlier at being forced to deal with an underling. If anything, he seemed relieved now to be speaking with Vullze instead, if only to stave off facing Vader's direct displeasure for a few moments longer. The man fidgeted slightly under the anzati's stern gaze. "Yes, sir. It will be done," he answers quickly when Vullze's orders him to redirect the TIEs to escort the ship carrying IIc to the Serpent. Vullze then went on to ask the captain if her had anything else to say for himself. Palomer's mouth opened as if to respond but no sound came out. He swallowed nervously and quailed further underneath the implications of Vullze's words, but he had no excuse he could give that would satisfy Vader, and both he and Vullze knew it. Marshalling whatever courage he had remaining, Palomer drew himself up, trying to present himself once again as an Imperial Officer. "I accept full responsibility. I will meet with Lord Vader when you arrive on the ship to apologise in person."
Bleach d20: Trouble in Paradise (HoF: 2015) [Co-DM] || Purge (HoF: 2017) [GM]
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