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Old Nov 9th, 2021, 10:47 AM
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Dramatis Personae

Since many individual NPCs are important to the story, I'll list them here after introduction, along with their attitude towards the party.
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Old Nov 13th, 2021, 06:11 PM
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The Wyrmwood
Captain Harrigan
right-aligned image
Name: Captain Barnabas Harrigan
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Captain
Race/Class: Human (Male)/?

Weapons: ?
Protective Gear: ?

Disposition towards the party: Indifferent
Known Associates: Mr. Plugg

Captain Harrigan is a well muscled Garundi man with a shaven head. He projects success, wealth, and authority with ease. He's rarely seen without the golden rings binding his braided beard and mustache, or the diamond studded patch over his left eye, and his clothing always appears laundered and freshly pressed. Harrigan does not associate with the sailors, passing along all orders through his first mate, Mr. Plugg. As such, little is known about his greater disposition or history except perhaps to his officers, none of which can be encouraged to tell tales the captain would rather keep silent.

Mr. Plugg
left-aligned image
Name: Mr. Plugg
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: First Mate
Race/Class: Human (Male)/?

Weapons: Cat-o-nine tails
Protective Gear: Leather Armor

Disposition towards the party: Hostile
Known Associates: Captain Harrigan

Mr. Plugg is an angry looking man that's balding on top but wears the rest of his hair in a long ponytail down his back. He traditionally wears a long coat very similar in design to the one Master Scourge wears, though Plugg's is clearly of a more fashionable cut and infinitely cleaner. He's almost never without his infamous cat-o-nine and is not shy about letting it kiss another's flesh. Plugg's position at the foredeck, as well as his direct communication with the captain, indicates he's clearly the ship's first mate.

Master Scourge
right-aligned image
Name: Master Scourge
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Boatswain
Race/Class: Human (Male)/?

Weapons: Whip
Protective Gear: Leather Armor

Disposition towards the party: Hostile
Known Associates: ?
Known Rivals: The Party

Master Scourge is a tall, painfully thin man serving aboard the Wormwood. His homely face is covered in a collection of even uglier scars, contorting his already menacing grin into something positively demonic. He seems prone to rapid shifts in mood and holds enough authority to strike sailors with impunity. He wears a thick, oversized leather jacket and boots that seek to hide but only highlight his scarecrow physique, and he wields a whip with sharp precision.

Ambrose Kroop
left-aligned image
Name: Amrose "Fishguts" Kroop
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Cook
Race/Class: Human (Male)/?

Weapons: ?
Protective Gear: ?

Disposition towards the party: Indifferent
Known Associates: Grok

Ambrose Kroop, the ship's cook, is a thick man with a nose shiny from drink and teeth horrible stained from not flossing. Not much is known about him, yet, as upon first meeting the party he was blind drunk and snoring.

Cut-Throat Grok
right-aligned image
Name: Cut-Throat Grok
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Quartermaster
Race/Class: Half-orc (Female)/?

Weapons: ?
Protective Gear: ?

Disposition towards the party: Indifferent
Known Associates: Fishguts

The Wormwood's quartermaster is a reedy female half-orc with a no-nonsense demeanor and massive scar the circumference of her narrow throat. She makes a habit of smiling frequently with her mouthful of broken teeth, infinitely pleased with the unsettling effect it has on people. Grok is known to be deeply superstitious. She spends most of her day in the quartermaster's store [A9], adjacent to the galley [A8]. She seems to get along quite well with Fishguts.

Peppery LongfarthingName: Peppery Longfarthing
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Sailing master
Race/Class: Human (Female)/Sorcerer

Weapons: ?
Protective Gear: ?

Disposition towards the party: Indifferent
Known Associates: Captain Harrigan

The sailing master and resident arcanist.

Riaris KrineName: Riaris Krine
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Master gunner
Race/Class: Human (Female)/?

Weapons: ?
Protective Gear: ?

Disposition towards the party: Indifferent
Known Associates:

The female human master gunner of the Wormwood.

Habbly Quarne, the "Stitchman"Name: Habbly Quarne, the "Stitchman"
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Surgeon
Role: Ship's surgeon and carpenter
Race/Class: Human (Male)/?

Weapons: ?
Protective Gear: ?

Disposition towards the party: Indifferent
Known Associates:

The ship's surgeon, a male human that doesn't seem to think very highly of anyone.

KipperName: Kipper
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Gunner's mate
Race/Class: Human (Male)/?

Weapons: ?
Protective Gear: ?

Disposition towards the party: Hostile
Known Associates:

The male human gunner's mate.

Patch PatchsaltName: Patch Patchsalt
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Boatswain's mate
Race/Class: Gnome (Female)/?

Weapons: ?
Protective Gear: ?

Disposition towards the party: Hostile
Known Associates:

Thie female gnome assists Master Scourge in terrorizing the crew.

"Caulky" TarroonName: "Caulky" Tarroon
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Role: Cabin boy
Race/Class: Human (Male)/?

Weapons: ?
Protective Gear: ?

Disposition towards the party: Fearful
Known Associates: Captain Harrigan

This male human child is rarely seen outside of his or the captain's quarters, typically only to retrieve the latter's meals. He has a distressingly fearful disposition for a child so young. He's generally left alone by members of the crew, however, due to his position as Captain Harrigan's property.

Sandra Quinn
left-aligned image
Name: Sandra Quinn
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate Priestess
Role: Swab
Race/Class: Human (Female)/Cleric of Besmera

Weapons: {Clerical Magic}, ?
Protective Gear: ?

Disposition towards the party: Helpful [Climb, Profession (Sailor)]
Known Associates: ?
Known Rivals: Master Scourge

This remarkably friendly pirate, clearly a newer conscription from her still cleanish appearance, saved Graak Fishguts from his first taste of the cat-o-nine. She wears a distinctive tricorn hat. She also has bears a deep hatred of Master Scourge for reasons unknown, deep enough to pledge her aid to virtual strangers simply because he dislikes them. She is a cleric of the Pirate Queen, and clearly believes herself far more capable than her superiors.

Canchobhar Turlac Shortstone
right-aligned image
Name: Canchobhar Turlac Shortstone
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pretend Pirate
Role: Rigger
Race/Class: Gnome (Male)/?

Weapons: Cane
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Indifferent
Known Associates: ?

The diminutive gnome with the incredible mouthful of a name must be quite a recent addition to the crew, judging by his overly mauve finery. Still, there was a bit of the style of a pirate about him, albeit quite a flamboyant one. With his slender cane and silk eye patch, he seems more costume than substance. He blames the party, fairly or no, for being forced to move heavy barrels in the ship's musty interior, though his attitude seems one of exasperation and not outright hostility.

A conversation with Scales has convinced the gnome to stand aside if he sees any trouble brewing from the newest conscripts, though he hasn't fully committed to their cause. It seems Conchobar really wants to be a pirate, no matter what that entails.

Rosie Cusswell
left-aligned image
Name: Rosie Cusswell
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Swab
Race/Class: Halfling (Female)/?

Weapons: ?
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Indifferent
Known Associates: ?

Rosie is a halfling woman that more than lives up to her name.
Crimson "Cog" Cogward
right-aligned image
Name: Crimson "Cog" Cogward
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Swab
Race/Class: Human (Male)/?

Weapons: Fists,
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Unfriendly
Known Associates: ?

This tall brawler of a human male seems born with a chip on his shoulder. None of the crew seem particularly fond of his aggressive nature.

Fipps Chumlett
Name: Fipps Chumlett
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: ?
Race/Class: Human (Male)/?

Weapons: Sap
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Hostile
Known Associates: ?

Fipps Chumlett is an overweight, balding man that appears subordinate to Master Scourge. He hates the four newcomers because he was punished for speaking out of turn before the intemperate bossun. Having his tongue lashing witnessed by strangers has hardened his already black heart against them.

Barefoot Sams Toppin
Name: Barefoot Sams Toppin
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Rigger
Race/Class: Human (Female)/?

Weapons: ?
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Indifferent
Known Associates: ?

A barefoot female human.

Giffer Tibbs
Name: Giffer Tibbs
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Swab
Race/Class: Gnome (Female)/?

Weapons: ?
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Indifferent
Known Associates: ?

A one-eyed female gnome.

Jack Scrimshaw
Name: Jack Scrimshaw
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Swab
Race/Class: Human (Male)/?

Weapons: ?
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Indifferent
Known Associates: ?

A young male human.

"Ratline" Ratlisburger
Name: "Ratline" Ratlisburger
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Rigger
Race/Class: Halfling (Male)/?

Weapons: ?
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Indifferent
Known Associates: ?

A long armed male halfing missing three fingers.

Tilly Bracket
Name: Tilly Bracket
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Swab
Race/Class: Human (Female)/?

Weapons: ?
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Indifferent
Known Associates: ?

A very tough-seeming female human.

"Badger" Medlar
Name: "Badger" Medlar
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Swab
Race/Class: Half-elf (Female)/?

Weapons: ?
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Unfriendly
Known Associates: ?

An older female half-elf with a distinctly unfamiliar demeanor and a hair-style emulating her namesake.

Shivika Sulari
Name: Shivikah Sulari
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Swab
Race/Class: Human (Female)/?

Weapons: ?
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Unfriendly
Known Associates: ?

A statuesque Mwangi former slave.

Aretta Bansion
Name: Aretta Bansion
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Swab
Race/Class: Human (Female)/?

Weapons: ?
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Hostile
Known Associates: ?

A bad-tempered female human with abnormally large ears.

Jaundiced Jape
Name: Jaundiced Jape
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Swab
Race/Class: Half-orc (Male)/?

Weapons: ?
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Hostile
Known Associates: ?

A male half-orc mute.

Name: Maheem
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Rigger
Race/Class: Human (Male)/?

Weapons: ?
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Hostile
Known Associates: ?

A large Rahadoumi with a permanent scowl.

Slippery Syl Lonegan
Name: Slippery Syl Lonegan
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Rigger
Race/Class: Human (Female)/?

Weapons: ?
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Hostile
Known Associates: ?

This female human has an unnerving appearance and an air of dark menace hangs about her.

Tam "Narwhal" Tate
Name: Tam "Narwhal" Tate
Affiliation: The Wormwood
Occupation: Pirate
Role: Rigger
Race/Class: Dwarf (Male)/?

Weapons: ?
Armor: ?

Disposition towards the party: Hostile
Known Associates: ?

This male dwarf has a uniquely prominent nose.
  • Friendly NPCs help out shipmates during the day. A friendly NPC can provide a +2 bonus on any single job task skill check made by a PC, provided the NPC has ranks in the appropriate skill.
  • Helpful NPCs provide aid not only during the day as above, but also at night, providing a +2 bonus on checks to influence other NPCs, or on checks for pirate games and entertainments. Helpful NPCs are also happy to lend money or equipment, with restriction, or possibly perform other tasks to aid the PCs.
  • Abusing Helpful NPCs in any way will change their disposition to Hostile for the remainder of the adventure.

Last edited by Icereach; Jan 8th, 2022 at 12:20 AM.
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