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Dec 1st, 2021, 12:15 AM
The Cynic's Barrel
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Last Visit: Jan 15th, 2024
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Ship Maps, Rooms, and other Minutia
Map Key
Poop Deck
Main deck
Officer's Quarters
Peppery Longfarthing's Laboratory
Captain's Quarters
Cabin Girl's Quarters
Captain's Storage
Middle Hold
Quartermaster and Cooks' Cabins
Quartermaster's Store
Lower Hold and Crew Berth
Icereach Gaming
Icereach's Character Compendium
Last edited by Icereach; Dec 17th, 2021 at
11:59 PM
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Dec 1st, 2021, 12:33 AM
The Cynic's Barrel
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Last Visit: Jan 15th, 2024
RPXP: 5724
Posts: 2,970
A1. Foredeck
This raised deck stands some 10 feet above the main deck
, immediately behind the bowsprit, which is shaped like a rearing dragon. The foremast raises 30 feet above this.
A2. Poop Deck
The deck for you to poop on.
This raised deck stands 15 feet above the main deck
. The mizzenmast rises another 30 feet above this deck. The ship's bridge protrudes forward of the mizzenmast, and contains the ship's wheel. The wheel is 3 feet across with 10 spokes gilded in silver; the bolts holding them in place are stylised to resemble kraken heads. An iron cage hangs suspended from the side of the mizzen; inside it is a body long cold, preserved only by the salt in the air. Atop the cage is usually found a disreputable looking parrot that seems to delight in its extensive vocabulary of swears and curses. Captain Harrigan and Mr. Plugg spend most of their time on the poop deck. When the captain is present, this area is off limits to everyone but officers.
A3. Main Deck
The main deck stretches between the foredeck and the poop deck. The mainmast rises from the center of the deck, extending 60 feet into the air and topped by a crow’s nest. Rigging connects the mainmast to the ship’s other masts and can be crossed with DC 10
checks. Several strands of thick rope are secured to the foot of the mainmast for use as a whipping post. An
[Escape Artist]
check is required to escape the bonds. The ship’s clock, a macabre brass and- copper object depicting worms writhing through whale corpses, hangs from the mast above the whipping post. Not only does the clock keep time, but its bell strikes at dawn and dusk to signal the beginning and the end of the workday.
Two 10-foot-square hatches sit in the deck fore and aft of the mainmast. These hatches are thick wooden grilles (DC 25
check to lift) and open onto the middle hold
15 feet below. At the fore of the ship, two doors lead into the officers’ quarters
, while two doors aft lead to the captain’s quarters
. A large wooden box bound in iron sits just beneath the bridge. This sweatbox, used to torment sailors, has just enough room to hold one Medium creature (and can be altered to confine a Small creature). It is locked with a good lock.
A small jolly boat (same statistics as a rowboat) sits on the deck next to the port rail. It has two sets of oars but no mast. Although designed to carry four Medium passengers, the jolly boat can fit six at a push.
A4. Officer's Quarters
The ship’s officers occupy the hammocks and sleeping mats in this cramped cabin. A set of steps descends sharply into the middle hold
below. The two narrow doors leading to the main deck
are locked with good locks. The officers store their possessions in footlockers, each with an average lock. Mr. Plugg, Master Scourge, Riaris Krine, Peppery Longfarthing, and Habbly Quarne sleep here at night.
A4a. Armory
This tiny chamber is crammed with chests and neatly ordered weapon racks. The door is secured with a good lock and
with a harpoon trap. Riaris Krine, the ship's master gunner, is meticulous in her job and quickly spots any obvious thefts, in which case an immediate search of the crew's lockers is made. Anyone found to be in possession of items stolen from the armory is given six lashes from the cat on the first offense and a keel-hauling on the second.
A4b. Peppery Longfarthing's Laboratory
The ship’s sailing master and resident sorcerer, Peppery Longfarthing, uses this chamber as her laboratory. The cramped cabin is overwhelmed with curious and often unsettling objects that Longfarthing is studying. The door is secured with a good lock.
A5. Captain's Cabin
Captain Harrigan’s cabin is richly decorated, its walls covered with intricate carvings depicting krakens devouring whales. A quartet of portholes allows light to drift in, and a bed that can double as a navigational or dining table when the mattress is rolled up sits against the aft bulkhead with a chest at its feet. Two rich carpets flank the bed. A flight of steps leads down to the middle hold
, though it is common knowledge amongst the crew that the door is trapped. The two doors lead to the main deck
. All of these doors have superior locks. The portholes are very narrow, but an
[Escape Artist]
check would allow a creature to squeeze through. Captain Harrigan usually entertains his officers for dinner here, and sleeps here at night.
A5a. Cabin Girl's Quarters
The captain’s cabin girl sleeps on a small cot in the starboard compartment.
A5b. Captain's Storage
The captain stores his personal booty in the portside compartment, locked with a superior lock.
A6. Middle Hold
This is the ship’s main cargo hold. The hold is mostly empty, save for the 14 pigs, normally kept caged. In the forward section, a flight of wooden stairs climbs up to the officers’ quarters
, while a second set of stairs descends into the lower hold
. Another flight of stairs in the aft section next to the galley leads up to the captain’s quarters
, but it is common knowledge among the crew that the door is trapped. Stored near the mainmast are two light ballista, a disassembled light catapult, and 12 barrels containing 20 gallons of oil each.
A7. Quartermaster and Cook's Cabin
This tiny cabin contains two beds and two footlockers. The Wormwood’s quartermaster, Cut-Throat Grok, and ship’s cook, Ambrose “Fishguts” Kroop, share this cabin with several of Kroop’s chickens. Grok sleeps here at night, as does Kroop, who is found here during the day as well if he is insensibly drunk.
A8. Galley
The galley is the domain of Ambrose “Fishguts” Kroop, the drunken ship’s cook. The cramped and chaotic kitchen holds two wooden worktables, several wooden cupboards, and two small stoves against the port wall, as well as virtually every cooking utensil imaginable and a frightening array of meat cleavers. A score of chickens and three goats wander freely throughout the
chamber; the goats are meant to be caged but have a distressing tendency to escape their bonds. Also located in this room is Lyneth the sea witch's familiar,
. The kitchen is a madness of dirt, food, and knives, and finding anything in here requires a Perception check. The stoves are perpetually lit, and large cauldrons bubble away atop them at all times. A huge array of spices mingle with barrels of rainwater, two tuns of rum, cupboards full of ship’s biscuit and salted beef, barrels of sauerkraut, and a small supply of fresh vegetables picked up in Port Peril.
Despite the chaos, the entire galley functions as a set of masterwork tools for
[Profession (cook)]
checks. Several items of value are lost among the ruin and squalor in the galley, each requiring a
check to discover. So far a masterwork dagger being used as a butcher’s knife, a pair of handaxes used as meat cleavers, 11 daggers, a Manual of Cooking (+3 Cooking), and 12 sp fallen behind a meat rack have been identified. There are certainly other treasures hidden amidst the clutter. In addition, a trio of harpoons, a spear, and Kroop’s steadfast grapple hang on the walls.
The best time to attempt thievery actions in the Galley is during the day, if the cook's mate is not present.
A9. Quartermaster's Store
The ship’s quartermaster, Cut-Throat Grok, can usually be found in this cramped, crowded storeroom containing numerous barrels, boxes, and chests. The door is locked with a superior lock and features a 3-foot-square serving hatch (also with a superior lock). The quartermaster’s store acts as a kind of unofficial shop aboard the
. While any plunder stored there technically belongs to the captain, this is a pirate ship after all, and everything has its price. Any equipment stored within is for sale at the normal price listed in the Core Rulebook. Items found on the ship (or won from other pirates) can also be traded at the store for other merchandise. Bartered objects are generally worth 50% of their normal value when traded for goods. Additionally, this is where the party's gear was stored after their conscription.
One-Eyed Grok occasionally leaves the Quartermaster's Store unlocked and unattended when she goes to delivery the daily rum ration.
A10. Lower Hold and Crew Berths
Sixteen pillars support the deck above this spacious hold. At night, the Wormwood’s common pirates tie their hammocks between the walls and pillars and sleep until dawn. Two of Mr. Plugg’s toadies, Kipper and Patch Patchsalt, have claimed the far forward section of the hold as their own, and their hammocks are strung between the foremast and the stairs leading up to the middle hold
. A trap door just behind the mainmast opens onto the bilges below
, and requires a DC 10
check to lift. The hold is currently empty of cargo, but several footlockers line the walls. Each member of the crew has a locker, equivalent to a small chest. Only 18 of these lockers are in use while 22 empty lockers are stacked along the walls.
A11. Bilges
The lowest deck of the ship, the bilges are a foul, damp place with thick cobwebs above and 1–2 feet of dark, brackish water that stinks abominably below. A ladder leads up to a trap door that opens in the lower hold
, and a single bilge pump rests near the stern. The bilges also double as the ship’s brig, and six sets of masterwork manacles with average locks are fixed to the bulkheads in the forward portion of the deck.
Entering the bilges runs the risk of being attacked by the bilge spiders living in the webs covering the ceiling. To aid in preventing this, and to provide the only source of consistent lighting below decks, a small magical lantern has been installed near the ladder leading down.
Lock Type
Harpoon trap
Hidden switch
Ranged attack (1d8+8 plus
greenblood oil
Icereach Gaming
Icereach's Character Compendium
Last edited by Icereach; Jan 8th, 2022 at
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