Onward! The Quest Begins
Using the map and notes given to you by the Clan Heads, you can see that there are daeva sightings scattered across the land. Currently, you can go north to Woaz, but you will have to cross the river to do so or you could travel south to Darix. There are other locations, but these are the two closest to your current position. Where do you go? Use the first part of this thread to discuss it In Character. Once the party picks a direction, rolls will be made to determine how the traveling goes and whether there are any Encounters along the way.
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allen Poe |
"We should head towards the North. Crossing the river at this point of the year should not be too difficult and I know the forests of the area well and could help find appropriate places to rest. The south is...bothersome."
Elara timidly takes a step forward and speaks. "Maybe if we examine the notes closely, we can determine the most recent sighting? If we head there, we may have a chance to track the beast."
Examining the notes, the group will find that the events seem to have occured simultaneously.
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allen Poe |
Rina examines the map, looking to see which regions Woaz and Darix lie in.
Woaz is in the region governed by the Akagi family: Rina can find it by placing her finger on Adrian and moving it straight up to the first black dot.
Dariz is in Vinci territory: it is found just under the "n" of the "Great Plains of Silence".
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allen Poe |
Elara looks to see which region is closer and/or which one can be traveled to the quickest.
The two places seem to be fairly equidistant and the travel time would likely be the same either way, though traveling to Woaz will involve crossing a river.
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allen Poe |
Zuri looks at the map again, "The river should not be too difficult. You all seem capable of swimming at the very least."
Astrid pulls out her map again and tries to take a closer look at the two cities. "If we are trying to learn more about the creatures, it might be more to our favor if we can see them coming, instead of stumbling upon them in a forest or the mountains. I think I would be in favor of taking the road in the other direction."
Zuri pulls the map towards her. "Yes, but if we wish to study the creatures to learn more about them then the element of stealth would be beneficial. We would be able to hide amongst the trees at the very least and observe their behavior rather than in the south."
Elara jumps on Astrids bandwagon, looking a bit relieved. "I agree. I'm familiar with some of the region myself. We would also have no river to contend with.
Until now Bartholomew has sat quietly in the corner. He stands, "Better to go south for fighting. More open. All you can stay further away from me."
Going over to Bartholomew, Fëanor pats his arm. "Don't worry too much, friend. I'm sure all will be well."
The Original Lizard Wizard |
Zuri gives a small huff, sensing that she has lost the battle, "Well it seems as though you all are quite gung-ho about this. You shall all fit in quite well with the south. If anyone needs me I shall be ahead enjoying the last few moments of quiet before we enter the courts of chattering monkeys." With that she unfurls her large wings and flys upward and a little ways ahead of the crowd, her form casting a large shadow on the ground.
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