Exposition Corner
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I just came on to quickly start the sheet but im going to bed. I'll do more and ask more later!
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I was expecting some feedback on what i did so far... since you said i had to one at a time
I get lost in large posts easily, please be patient with me! Check out my podcast with my VA buddies; Rejected Party Members |
Then I shall await for the game to be ready
I get lost in large posts easily, please be patient with me! Check out my podcast with my VA buddies; Rejected Party Members |
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║ NPSG FORUMS ║ SOLO BAZAAR ║ EXPLOSIVE RUNES ║ SHARE YOUR STAT BLOCK ║ MY GAMES ║ Last edited by HotsuSama; May 12th, 2020 at 10:28 PM. |
Okay, sounds like I've gone heavy on the terminology. So, answering all your queries and reviewing some mechanics.
- Remember that an aspect is anything that is true about a person, a place or a circumstance. Characters and locations will always have aspects, because it sums up what's known about them. 'Magic student chosen by destiny' is a character aspect that is true about you.- 'Issues' are just the specific name for a couple of aspects that are always 'active', regardless of what location you're in. That's what the Archon City aspects are. They are general knowledge - 'Modern but flawed metropolis' is something everyone in the city knows, whereas 'Something powerful is brewing' is more of an upcoming knowing - people know things are getting worse, but they don't yet know what 'worse' looks like. - The 'opposition is 2' refers to what you have to roll to succeed. So you'd roll 4df + skill, and if you get over 2 you succeeded. The number will be different on other rolls based on set difficulty. - You might remember when I discussed 'invoking' aspects; that's what I'm referring to when I say that an aspect can gives you +2 if you spend one of your Fate points for it. You can do this for any aspect - one of your character aspects, an aspect for your current location, even the 'issues' if you can justify it in the narrative. You can read more about that here. Did you have any other questions on top of the above?
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I... really dont understand what you are refering to regarding the dice... are you saying that anything with +2, +3, and +4 skills are just automatic winners?
and I just don't understand the 'invoking aspects'... sorry, your explanations feel like I still need to know how the game is played
I get lost in large posts easily, please be patient with me! Check out my podcast with my VA buddies; Rejected Party Members |
Maybe it will help to re-examine the dice. You may remember I described them in the character thread (and showed in the example roll there) as a special kind of dice. That's why we call them a 'df' in the dice roller rather than, say, a d6. One 'Fate die' gives one of three results: a +1, a -1, or 0.
That means that a 4df roll could give you a -4 result if you get four '-1' results. Your skill rating bolsters that result. Dice Another example roll, with a +2 skill:
If the difficulty rating was 2 for that roll, then it would have to get higher than 2 to succeed. A tie would still succeed, but sometimes with a minor compromise depending on the circumstances. An aspect has two purposes. One is narrative; it explains something that's true. 'Magic student chosen by destiny' is a truth about your character. The other is mechanical. They can be used for bonuses, if you can justify it in the narrative. 'Magic student chosen by destiny' may be invoked where your status as a magic student would be relevant. And yes, you can choose to do this after you see the roll result. There are limitations and side rules to this. - You must have that narrative justification; so you'll have a harder time trying to justify invoking 'Magic student chosen by destiny' when you're trying to, say, win a sprinting race. - You can only use an aspect once on a single roll. But you can keep using that aspect on rolls until you run out of Fate points, if that makes sense. - You can use multiple aspects on one roll to improve your bonus. So on that roll above, you could spend a second Fate point to also invoke 'Being taught by a mysterious master', perhaps as a way of saying your teacher has shown you similar spells before. Now your +2 has become a +4. There's a little more to it, but I've been holding off on some of the advanced stuff for until you're more settled. I hope that makes it a little clearer. Don't be afraid to ask any more questions.
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Ok, I understand using MY Aspects now and the dice. I dont think you brought up the dice thing but that makes sense. Is that why FATE comes with its own sets of dice?
I get lost in large posts easily, please be patient with me! Check out my podcast with my VA buddies; Rejected Party Members |
I did an example roll and description in the first post in the character thread, but it was brief and probably easy to overlook with the other info there. No harm done.
But yes, that's why Fate has its own dice. They use '+', '-' and a blank face. Further on aspects, those rules and example apply for any aspect available to you. That includes the aspects of enemies; if you're battling a foe and you know some of their aspects, you may be able to invoke those. Say that you know their aspect 'Easily frightened': you could spend a Fate point to add that to a Provoke roll and intimidate them. In certain locations, aspects are available to use as well. So in Firmament Park, there's an aspect of 'Large and overgrown park' - that 'overgrown' part would do very nicely to boost a Stealth roll to hide in the bushes if you needed it. All this said, don't feel like you have to do this for every roll. You only start with three Fate points, after all. But it's a concept I needed you to be familiar with from the start, because aspects are such a large part of the game.
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Alright, I think I understand. Can aspects be used AGAINST me? (I also cant think of any things to do in the rp so you can continue?)
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Yes. In two ways.
- Enemies can have access to Fate points too, and can invoke aspects in all the ways you can. The points they have scales with number of players. In a game with 1 PC, an enemy will start off with 1 Fate point to use. - A rule called a 'compel'. This means I can choose one of your character aspects, propose a way it creates a bad situation, and then that happens with your agreement. (That last bit is important: I can't compel without you accepting the circumstances.) In return for accepting the compel, you get a Fate point. A straightforward example might be using your 'help others even when it costs me' aspect to put you into a compromising situation as a result of assisting someone. I can put up a new post soon to give you more to work with, sure. Nearly time for dinner over here though so won't be right away.
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║ NPSG FORUMS ║ SOLO BAZAAR ║ EXPLOSIVE RUNES ║ SHARE YOUR STAT BLOCK ║ MY GAMES ║ Last edited by HotsuSama; May 16th, 2020 at 04:49 AM. |
I mean, I don't really have anything else to do in the game
I get lost in large posts easily, please be patient with me! Check out my podcast with my VA buddies; Rejected Party Members |
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Sorry, life is stressful. So what im seeing is a dude crying... with homeless people sleeping around him in a circle???
I get lost in large posts easily, please be patient with me! Check out my podcast with my VA buddies; Rejected Party Members |
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