He took his time, judging each sway of the ship and roll of the waves, and held on longer than many of the others as they moved above the decks. If it were his decision, he would lash himself in place, and do his job, then move on, and secure himself again. Instead, he held on with both hands, walked slowly on the roped spars and moved carefully on the oiled, slick canvas.
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk! |
She/Her || DM Village Survival || DM Knights of Justice || DM War of the Spider Queen
Badger took the bundle, but responded with nothing but a grunt. It could be taken in many ways, as affirmation, or simply acknowledgement. Or, as a grunt.
Politics are a treacherous path, the monk told himself. Best stay off the path until you are forced on. He didn't want to side with the woman, or prick her off, and so he simply adjusted his clothing a bit to hide the bundle, and moved towards the bilge. If the woman succeeded, so be it. If not, he was in no position to help or harm. The tiefling shimmied through the small hatch, and dropped into the water and muck beneath. The smell was instant, an assault on his nose, lungs, and stomach. The bilge water was a mix of seawater, tar, and oils leeched from the keel, which did not bother him. Rotten algae, rancid fish, and salt tanged the air in the hold. The bad parts were the other things in the water, the detritus of life aboard a ship. Small bones floated by, pieces of gristle still attached, rotting after weeks, perhaps months of being here. Globs of oil, fat, grease, and mold floated as well. Badger wasn't sure what to do. Bilges were pumped from the upper deck, not from the bilge hold itself. Even in the dark, his eyes cold see the ship had a common double elm bilge pumping system. At the deepest point of the hull, two slime slick tree trunks poked down, and rested on an equally slime coated platform, knee high off the hull. Water, about waist deep, surged as the ship rocked. Badger looked around, and spotted the other man. He nodded and shrugged. There was little he could do here... the windlass for the bilge pump was on the upper decks, where the chain looped over the pulley, and pulled the water up one of the hollowed out trunks. The rope, or chain, looped over the pulley, and came back down the other trunk, to run through a smaller pulley under the small platform, under water, then return up the first trunk. Badger wasn't sure if the system used buckets or seals, and he knew better than reach under the platform to discover which. If the sailors up top started winding the pump wheel, his hand could become snagged, and jammed in the mechanism. Even if it didn't severe his arm, it would likely cut him, and the resulting infection would put him out of action for months. And I doubt they'd waste a healing spell on me, he thought. He turned, and spread his hands wide towards the other man. "Is this just punishment then, or are we to do something here? Push the worst towards the elm, when they start?"
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk! |
Last edited by Brian; Dec 1st, 2021 at 05:13 PM. |
Last edited by Icereach; Dec 1st, 2021 at 06:43 PM. |
GM: Tyrant's Grasp ~~ Carrion Crown On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus. |
Badger went to work as best he could. There were better ways to do the job, he knew, but it was punishment, so the better ways were withheld. He attempted to slosh through the muck slowly, and get a bigger clump of something pressed against the keel, then use his boot to slowly stomp it into smaller pieces.
The light above did nothing for him. Despite his human appearance, his heritage allowed him to see perfectly well in darkness. But, he left the glowing orb as it had been left, for the sake of his silent companion. If a bit of light brought any relief to his days of punishment, far be it from Badger to take that away from him. It was nasty work, but Badger did it slowly, and carefully, trying to avoid over exerting himself in the hold. Sweat went no where in the humid environment, and he wanted to avoid splashing anything higher than his knees. Eventually, the elms began to shift and move as the chain between them started up, and slowly, materials were lifted up the hollow trunks to the upper decks, and over the sides. The monk began to slowly push materials towards the small platform where the leather scuppers ran down and back up the pump tubes, and slushed the muck into the system as best he could.
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk! |
She/Her || DM Village Survival || DM Knights of Justice || DM War of the Spider Queen
Last edited by Ysolde; Jan 2nd, 2022 at 07:38 PM. |
Last edited by Icereach; Dec 17th, 2021 at 05:40 PM. |
Badger took his meal and rum ration, and returned to the upper deck. He sopped the gruel with the hard biscuit, which had probably been made before his birth, from the feel of it, to moisten it a bit. He gnawed on the hard tack, far too salty for his liking, but at least it tasted less of sawdust than he had feared it would. Or perhaps, his sense of taste was still impacted by his own body odor. At least, he thought, no one complained when he left their company, to seek the open air and salt spray of the deck.
Picking at the stuck pieces of dough in his cheek with a tongue, he moved towards the body of the former sailor. Badger himself did not imbibe... the monk knew the effects of alcohol, a poison, and refused to willingly intoxicate himself in that manner. He tipped his rum cup towards the dead man, and nodded his head downwards towards him. He slowly poured the ration onto the lips and mouth of his bilge companion. "Last call," he said solemnly. "Be well, sailor." He poured a little on the man's lips. "For you," he said, "to warm your way." He paused, then poured the rest on the man's mouth from the cup. "And some more, to spit in the Dark's face, if you meet 'im." It was an old sailing superstition, and ceremony. A drink for the road, and a drink to ward off bad luck. Even with the sailor far past caring about bad luck, Badger felt it appropriate. He did not know what beliefs the man might have once had, but everyone believed in luck. He set his wares down on the deck, and began to prepare the body to go overboard.
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk! |
Last edited by Brian; Dec 18th, 2021 at 09:27 PM. |
GM: Tyrant's Grasp ~~ Carrion Crown On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus. |
Day 2
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