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Old Dec 31st, 2021, 07:42 AM
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Badger's second day of press gang work was much better than the first. It was still hard, and designed to be spirit crushing, but the young man looked to the practical side of things. He was above decks, with cleaner air, doing horrible, hard physical work. That was two improvements over cleaning the bilge the day before.

His back screamed at him by noon, and his knees were painful to the touch by the end of the day, but he endured. There was little else to do, but that. He took small delights in every breath of the clean, salted air, and in letting his eyes wander to the blue sky, while he worked.
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne
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Old Jan 2nd, 2022, 07:52 PM
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Lyneth Second day
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She watches the flogging and looks around to see which of the crew seem most affected by it. Choosing one she sidles next to them and speaks softly, "That seems wrong? Will it be one of us up there next for something we were simply not capable of? Must we always sit idly by as our crew mates become chum for sharks?"

Later during the night she spends some time up on deck communing with the sea. She extends her senses and tries to get an idea of what animals are around, what creatures might be found, and if any of them would be ones she might be able to influence in some way?

The next day she goes out and fishes again. This time her net comes back full of fat fish. She brings them back to the galley and shows what she has caught to the chef. "A good haul today! Look at these amazing fish! We can certainly feed many people with this." She also tries to get an idea of how the chef feels about the captain and crew. Perhaps she can get them on her side?


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Old Jan 2nd, 2022, 08:42 PM
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Graak Fishguts
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Graak awoke feeling refreshed and eager for more challenges. What lay ahead of him seemed to disappoint the young goblin at first, it seemed so easy, why did he get lumped with the boring things while the others had fun? Not too long after this thought however, another more devious one slipped in - if this job was so easy, it would leave plenty of time and strength for other goings on! Graak resolved to complete his task as quickly as possible and propelled himself forward to undertake his task.

In fairness, it was a fairly hum-drum sort of job. Coiling, uncoiling. Stowing, retrieving. Dragging, tying. The monotony was only punctuated by the occasional pirate passing him by, but he wasn't really interested in them anyway. An unexpected side-effect of the constant pull of the ropes on his fingers was the rubbing. He had several blisters by the end of the day, and no doubt if he continued this line of work they would turn to callouses very soon. Popping one idly, he instantly regretted it as a wave of seaspray flew up and covered him with salt water. The wound stung, and he shoved his finger in his mouth as he once again headed down to the Galley. His mind was on food, or weapons, but he wasn't that stupid just yet. Graak watched his namesake and the to-ing and fro-ing in the Galley closely, trying to see patterns in their movements or observe when the shifts were changing. As he watched, his stomach growled and he tried to put the thought of another bowl of slop they called 'dinner' out of his mind.

OOCGraak succeeded at his Rope Work, rolling 16 on his Profession (Sailor) check. He also rolled a 24 on a Perception check to watch the comings and goings in the Galley, looking out to see whether there would be an opening to swipe an extra bit of food and quickly stuff down his mouth. [/SPOILERBUTTON]




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Old Jan 8th, 2022, 12:23 AM
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Vizk; Main Deck [A1]Sandra Quinn, after officially introducing herself and calling the lizardfolk by his affection, Scales, in a show of camaraderie, listened to the newcomer with undisguised delight. When he finished she nodded enthusiastically and even clapped him on the shoulder with one weathered hand.

"Yu'll not be finding anyone that agrees wi' ya more than I, Scales! By Besmara, I t'ink the winds are finally shifting, aye! I'm not 'n the one ya needs to be convincing though, handsome. 'Twas on board with yer folk from the start."
Results:Vizk's [Dimplomacy] check is unsuccessful; Sandra Quinn is already Helpful

Badger; Main Deck [A1]Slipping away unobserved from his work on the main deck proved a chore for Badger. From the outset, he felt a set of hateful eyes on his back. Every occasional glance invariably caught a glipse of the suet-sack from their first day aboard, Fipps Chumlet. Worse still, no matter how the sailor went about his tasks, either Mr. Plugg or Master Scourge worked their way into his field of view.

Eventually Badger was able to post himself up in the alcove to the cabin he'd sussed out as the armory. Riaris Krine, as identified by an overheard conversation among the other swabs, made her way in and out of the room all day long, making its usage plain. By the time Badger slipped out of the bossun's direct oversight, Riaris had been gone for several hours. He realized immediately that the room itself was locked and beyond his ability to tickle. Almost as immediately, he noticed a grate fitted to the wall facing the side of the door.

[Perception] It didn't take a particularly clever individual to realize the faint glint deep in those cast shadows were the heads of wickedly barbed harpoons. Set into the wall as they were, when triggered they'd skewer anyone standing in front of the armory. [Passive]
Results:Badger identifies a harpoon trap set to trigger on the Armory [A4a] door.

Lyneth; Galley [A8]Yesterday's vicious lesson in her mind, the sea witch had much to ponder about her new existence. Still, she managed to draw in a whopper of a haul. Her arms over-loaded with her catch, she returned to the Galley [A8] just as a tiny, crooked frame slipped away in the ample shadows.

Her arrival seemed to startle the cook, who was once again insensate in his chair by the pot. Ambrose leaped up with a great shout and a series of bangs as precarious pans toppled, setting the entire galley aroar. The hatched door on the far side of the room slammed open in the same instant, followed immediately by a rangy half-orc woman that could put the fear of the divine in Rovagug itself. Cut-Throat Grok stepped into the Galley wielding an ax almost impossibly sized for combat in the tight quarters; the way she moved, however, told Lyneth beyond doubt that Grok could split her in twain without a second thought.

The rough-looking female cottoned on to the proceedings immediately, to the sea-witch's good fortune. Instead of whipping her ax at the other woman's head, she roared a laugh, her scarred throat bulging and barking. For his part, Fishguts stood as if stunned, eyes wide on his usually humorless drinking partner. After a moment, Grok's mirth subsided, followed by her wiping blearily at her runny nose.

"Ah well. S'time to take up the grog n'ways. Make us some good chum yeah, Ambrose?" The half-orc stumped over to a corner of the galley and grunted as she lifted a heavy lockbox. Glancing up, she caught Lyneth staring over her armload of fish, and shared one of One-Eye's legendary smiles. The gap between the woman's tusked jaws lacked teeth; instead, every square inch of her gumline was studded with the jagged splinters leftover from the maul that mercifully spared the rest of her face. "Just 'cause ya know where t'is don't mean ya can take it, y'ken? Ye seen what we do to t'ieves on this ship."

As Grok left with the daily rum ration, Ambrose snatched the catch from Lyneth and set to preparing it for dinner. The witch realized two things almost instantly. One, that Ambrose Kroop was likely a terrible cook, even when completely sober. Two, that Ambrose Kroop was neither sober nor had he been for... Quite some time.

Whatever could appeal to the man's heart, it appeared it was not Lyneth's words on this occasion. His non-committal grunt could be taken for anything from agreement to the woman's assessment about how far the fish would go to lamenting that he was ambulatory. An uncomfortable silence fell between them as they cooked, and it was with some relief when they finished and prepared to take the meal out. First, the captain's cabin boy appeared to gather the officer's meals, then Ambrose began portioning stew into easier-to-transport pots. Fishguts then marched upstairs, leaving Lyneth to follow quickly behind, pausing only long enough to notice that Grok had left the hatched door to the quartermaster's store hanging wide open.
Results:Lyneth's [Diplomacy] check [Failed]; Ambrose Kroop's initial attitude is set to Indifferent

Graak; Galley [A8][Passive] It didn't take much watching for the tiny goblin to discern the schedule of the quartermaster and ship's cook. By the time Graak made his way downstairs, the human and half-orc were well into their cups. Within minutes, Fishgut's head slumped against the littered table and the sounds of ragged snoring could be heard from the other side of the closed door the quartermaster slumbered behind. His goblin brother by name felt reasonably confident that he'd never have a better time to snatch something from the mess save for when the galley was completely empty.

[Perception] Maybe it was the food on his brain that led his eyes to the cookbook resting on the counter not far away from the unconscious Ambrose. Just as he was about to duck into the room and check it out, however, the cook's mate returned. Perhaps other times he would have a passed a word with his fellow newly minted sailor, but Lyneth seemed to have her arms full of mouth watering fish. Better to get out of her way and let the cook get to work. Instead, he slipped out of sight back up the stairs and waited for the bell to ring.
Results:Graak learns that the quartermaster and cook, One-Eyed Grok and Ambrose Fishguts Kroop, respectively, are drunk most of the time. The best time to attempt thievery in the Galley [A8] is during the day if the cook's mate is not present. He also noticed a Manual of Cooking, which grants a +3 circumstance bonus to cooking checks when consulted beforehand.

-Encounter 1-
Badger, Graak, Lyneth, Vizk; Middle Hold [A6]Despite their individual discoveries, the work day proved mostly unexciting for the new conscripts. They each finished their assigned tasks with success, or at least enough success to go without notice from Master Scrouge or Mr. Plugg. When the shift bell finally tolled for the three men above decks, the beginnings of normalcy began to settle in. Each exchanged places with the skeleton crew that would man the night watch and joined the line of jostling pirates headed to the middle deck for chow and rum.

From Lyneth's perspective, the unruly horde flooded the room just outside the galley like a sea in storm. She and Fishguts barely had time to set out bowls and pots before the swarm of humanoid locusts descended. That they so obviously hungered for the slop the cook served indicated things she'd rather not consider about her own future aboard. After a minute she located Scales and the rest near the back... And the oncoming trouble that stood between them.

Perhaps unconsciously, Badger and the other two descended together, where they would go no further easily. A group of four seasoned sailors formed a semi-circle at the foot of the stair to the main deck. That their target was the three newcomers were without doubt, for they were led by the shiny-pated Fipps Chumlet. The other three were known by reputation if not experience: Aretta Bansion, Jaundiced Jape, and Slippery Sly Lonegan. All four had been part of that first morning welcoming committee.

Arms crossed, Fipps took no time stepping up to Badger, his lips curling as he muttered, "Where ya think yer goin, eh?"
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Last edited by Icereach; Jan 8th, 2022 at 01:48 AM.
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Old Jan 8th, 2022, 10:20 AM
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Badger had had enough. He knew this was a test, and he knew why. Bullies had to maintain their status in the pecking order, by stepping on, and ruling over, those who were weaker. Badger knew the process, and had been in this situation many times before.

The mistake this bully made, however, was a common one. He had picked on Badger, because the monk was the lowest in the group. Fipps wasn't trying to put Badger in his place, like a smart bully would have. Fipps was using Badger to cement his own place, higher up on the chain.

That was the mistake. Fipps could not put Badger any lower in the order than he was. Badger had no where to go, but up. A smarter bully would have picked on someone with something to lose, something to threaten. But, Badger had nothing to threaten, nothing of value he could lose.

And so... the monk looked at Fipps and his partners, and smiled.

"I'm going there," Badger said, and pointed over Fipp's shoulder. "To where the air smells better than here, and the view isn't as ugly." He didn't glance towards either of his companions, he just hoped they would either join him in the fray, or run away. He could take what was coming with help, or endure it without. If they joined in with his bullies, however, it would be over before it began. They would have to make their own decisions, if they wanted to be the next in line for the ship's bullies, or if they were going to make their own place in the hierarchy while the opportunity presented itself.
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne
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Old Jan 9th, 2022, 02:50 PM
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Vizk Ichimal
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Main Deck

Good to hear Sandra, you looked a bit angry at me last night, so I wanted to make sure we were good. Of course, mammalian faces can be confusing. He narrowed his nostrils and arched his eye ridges to show amusement. All I want now is a meal and some sleep, I may have overdone it today."

Middle Hold

It was, Vizk reflected, not to be as the four surly crew blocked their way and made their threats. Normally, he'd be pleased to drub some sense into a thick skull, but exhausted as he was, he wasn't going to be much use.

Nevertheless, he rose to his full height at nearly seven feet and puffed his scales out, flexing his clawed hands, looking down at the sailors in front of him. "Captain says anyone gets killed, people get dragged. Bit of a risk to take, don't you think?" he considers a moment, "Move aside. If you need to assuage your feelings, come up with a game to challenge us to tomorrow night."


Last edited by Brian; Jan 9th, 2022 at 02:51 PM.
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Old Jan 10th, 2022, 02:14 AM
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Graak Fishguts
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Easy. Graak had seen his way in but he had to test the theory before he was going to launch into anything stupid. Food was definitely on his brain - after all, nobody had told him sailoring would be such hard work! His stomach growled as the thought of dinner was imminent, and he fell into line with the other new recruits as they headed towards the galley.

Maybe one of them could be his stooge? Graak had largely ignored the other unwilling sailors he had been lumped with, but now might be the best time to reintroduce himself with a plan of action. He opened his mouth to speak when he was rudely interrupted by the bald guy and his goons. Badger and Vizk made their first moves and Graak watched the group carefully, Sense Motive check - Dice total of 2... >.<sizing up their chances against the group should things turn ugly.

Graak then nodded in earnest agreement with Vizk's words. "Yep, yep, yep... You saw what happened to ol' Jakesy, right? I betcha you don't want to end up on the wrong side of the ship, and I sure as hell don't either." Now was not the time to pick a fight with the big boys. Graak hadn't even had time to make a crude weapon, or swipe one from the galley! "Listen here boys, looks like the Captain runs a tight ship and things will get out sure as night turns to day. If there is a rumor that one of you lot were involved in a fight, don't you think you will be hauled over the keel just for causing Master Scourge the annoying job of having to think of a punishment? Seems like a waste of time and a world of pain to me." He was laying it on thick, or at least Diplomacy roll of 2.attempting to. Times like this he would have had someone clip him round the ears to get him to shut up, or perhaps something harder than a clip to ensure his silence, but he had gone in too deep to slow down now.

He shot his most enterprising grin up at Badger and Vizk, hoping they would instinctively back him up, if only because he was about to throw them under the bus with him, then smiled at the four seasoned sailors. "We have been on board here for what, 2 days? And we already got the lay of the land. More than that, we've got secrets. Things that could make the lives of our friends real nice, if you wanted to jump on board. Why threaten us, or beat us up, when we can help each other?"

It was Bluff check was better! 13 on the dicea gamble, but then again so was doing just about anything on this ship. Graak grinned like a fool up at the four bullies, waiting for their response.





On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus.

Last edited by pianoman90; Jan 10th, 2022 at 02:15 AM.
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Old Jan 10th, 2022, 12:50 PM
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Lyneth - Middle Hold
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Before heading down Lyneth had attempted to filch 14 on the rollsomething useful from the open Quartermaster's door. That meant it had taken her just a bit longer to get down. Still things seemed to be in progress when she arrived but she had no clue what to do to stop what was happening. Best option was to use the Poison Touch hex on herself and get ready to use her new claws on someone.



Last edited by Ysolde; Jan 10th, 2022 at 12:50 PM.
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Old Jan 19th, 2022, 08:22 PM
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Lyneth, Badger, Vizk, Graak; Middle Hold"T'ink ya are, do ya," the well-fed man replied to Badger with a hard sneer. He tucked his thumbs into his waistband, subtly displaying the tiny dagger shoved there, and puffed out his chest before stepping face to face with the other sailor. The way his eyes darted to the sides as he did so, obviously marking his backup, indicated that his braggadocio came from their overwhelming numbers and no true confidence in his own abilities. "Do'nt be tink'in so meself. Master Scourge says those'n that don't take their medicine ain't gettin' no food. What ya t'ink about dat, scurvy?"

[Bluff]As Scales and Graak had their say, Fipps' dedication seemed to waiver. The diminutive goblin, in particular, seemed poised to disarm the situation entirely. He would have been entirely successful, perhaps, until Chumlet's eyes flickered back up the ladder to the main deck. Whatever he saw there seemed to harden his resolve. The tension in his jaw made the muscles in his cheek twitch, and he growled out a response without taking his eyes from Badger.

"Got no pr'lem wit' the rest of you," he allowed. "Master Scourge says this'n has t' learn, though, an' learn he will, right mates?" That same swagger and dedication, however, didn't seem shared by his compatriots. The two directly behind the overweight Fipps exchanged a pair of glances, then disappeared into the milling mess getting their dinner without another word.

-Encounter 1, Initiative-

DirectionVizk, Graak, and Lyneth may all bypass combat if they'd like. If you'd like to support Badger (or the Wormwood crew, for whatever reason), go ahead and roll initiative. You're facing two combatants, Fipps Chumlet and Slippery Syl Lonegan. Neither has presented a weapon, though Fipps has a dagger he can draw if need be. We're going to do group initiative for this fight: I'll average all of the rolls of both sides and then those sides will go together.

Last edited by Icereach; Jan 19th, 2022 at 08:27 PM.
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Old Jan 20th, 2022, 07:42 PM
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Vizk Ichimal
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Vizk says quietly to Badger, "I'm not in my best form, but I will not allow you to stand alone." before holding Fipps' eye as his scales briefly show using blessing of protectioniridescent, and he tells him, "One day you may stop crawling like a worm for others and stand for yourself, but that day does not seem to be this day."

OOCInitiative 6


Last edited by Brian; Jan 20th, 2022 at 07:43 PM.
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Old Jan 20th, 2022, 08:06 PM
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"I t'ink," Badger said with a draw of his breath, "that given the quality of food, that's about as much a threat as you are."

He paused, eyes on the threats before him.

"I'm not in my best form, but I will not allow you to stand alone."

The big lizard folk behind him spoke up, sending a nice, reassuring wave of calmness over him. Nice to have someone at my side, he thought, and nodded his head slowly.

"One day you may stop crawling like a worm for others and stand for yourself, but that day does not seem to be this day."

Ooh, and threats, too. Badger tried to not let a smile reach his lips. That alone is worth an edge.

"And because you are slow, I'll explain the joke, slowly," he said. "It means, the food is bad, and your threat is just as bad."

Badger twisted his neck, while he raised his shoulders, making the line of vertebrae in his neck pop in a rolling symphony. Then, he smiled.
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne
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Old Jan 24th, 2022, 04:44 PM
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Lyneth - Middle Hold
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Realizing the difficulty of actually going into the Quartermaster and grabbing something while everyone was awake the Sea Witch hadn't gathered anything at all before getting down to the mid deck. There she found two potential allies getting into a fight. She decided to go ahead and help them out.

Her nails were already elongated and sharp, much like a mermaid or harpy, and poison dripped from them. So, she was ready for this battle even if she wasn't holding a dagger or the like.


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Old Jan 26th, 2022, 05:12 AM
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Graak Fishguts
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Graak grinned as he slowly came to the realisation there was about to be some serious action, and he was going to be a part of it. His first fight! He had already forgotten his attempt to calm the situation, instead he started cracking his knucklebones as his grin grew wide.

Vizk stood on one side of Badger, Lyneth stood on the other side. Graak was the runt of the pack, but he would still be able to bite a few ankles given half a chance. If only he had grabbed that knife when he had the chance, he would have at least had something to deal some serious damage to these bullies. Sliding under between Badger's legs, Graak found himself squeezing up in between the two protagonists. He tried disarming, but it came off just looking like he was deranged. Well, that's pretty close anyway...

"So you want to teach us a lesson, yes? Yes! Brilliant! First one to lay a finger on me wins a prize! My fist in your face sound good, right? And if you think the others are going down any easier, you obviously haven't taken a good enough look at Lyneth's claws right there, have you?"

OOCInitiative: 13



On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus.

Last edited by pianoman90; Jan 26th, 2022 at 05:12 AM.
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Old Jan 28th, 2022, 03:02 PM
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Vizk, Badger, Lyneth, Graak; Middle DeckChumlet's face went slack with obvius confusion as Badger's verbal sally landed. The newest conscript's insinuation was correct; Fipps was indeed too slow of thought to keep up with even simple wordplay. That didn't prevent his face from flushing more deeply as the confusion set in, however. By the time Badger got around to explaining his insult, Fipps' face had deepened to the color of rutabaga. Slippery Syl, despite her bloodthirsty nature, had noticed that the odds were no longer in their favor, and she reached out to catch Chumlett by the shoulder before the corpulent man could commit.

She was too late, however, as Fipps Chumlet surged forward raising ham-like fists, roaring with rage.

-Encounter 1, Round 1-
Name HP (Non) AC (Touch/Flat) Effects
Badger 9/9 (9) 16 (16/14) -
Vizk 10/0 (10) 14 (13/11) Blessing of Protection
Lyneth 7/7 (7) 12 (12/10) Poison Claws
Graak 12/12 (12) 16 (16/12) -
Fipps Chumlet ? ? -
Slippery Syl ? ? -

DirectionI made a mistake in a previous game by not stating this expressly, and I almost did it again here. Once initiative is called, we move into combat actions and rounds. Abilities that require an action (such as hexes and blessings, or growing claws, etc.) will take place on round 1 and use your appropriate action for that round. This time I'm letting you begin combat with those abilities active, if you'd like, simply to get us through a quick combat. Group initiative is in effect; the party goes first.
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Old Jan 28th, 2022, 07:59 PM
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Badger was ready for the assault. It always happened with bullies, once they were driven far enough by their ego.

But his readiness didn't help him much. He tried to strike at the man, punching for his face with a hard fist, but the blow glanced to the side as the man twisted, and did little damage he knew. He ducked, and tried to find good footing, to unleash a follow up to disable the pirate, and hopefully, end the fight quickly.

And if not quickly, at least victoriously.

Or alive.

Oh gods,
he thought as he saw his best chance of ending the fight with a sudden, stunning victory slip away on a scrubby, bearded chin with the feel of granite, I hope someone else is going to help. Or else I won't even manage survival.

"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne
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