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Old Jan 29th, 2022, 10:06 AM
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Vizk Ichimal
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Vizk's tail angrily thumped the deck as Chumlet surged forward, hissing his own challenge. He was fairly sure he could end this fight quickly if he used his claws, but also knew that would significantly increase the risk of punishment from the captain. So it was that he used his superior reach to 19 to hitsmash a fist into Chumlet as he came, 3 non-lethal damageleaving a fine pattern of scales imprinted around his right eye.
OOCAdjusted stats for Vizk given the various stat penalties he is under:
HP 9/9 (9) AC 12 (12/12) BoP


Last edited by Brian; Jan 29th, 2022 at 10:11 AM.
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Old Jan 29th, 2022, 10:44 PM
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Lyneth - Better Lucky than Good
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"Really not my first choice for attacks but I will do my best..." The Witch moves to the man and took a swipe at him with claws that were really meant for a stronger sort of person. Still, somehow she used them to their utmost advantage.


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Old Jan 30th, 2022, 06:08 PM
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Graak Fishguts
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The fight was on and Graak felt a proper rush of adrenaline for the first time since the rope climb. Here was a chance for the scrappy lot to prove themselves against the ship's bullies and he was delighted to see that the others had dived into the fray without so much as a backwards glance.

Graak knew his strength lay not in the end of his fist, but with his speed and cunning, so he spent a gleeful few moments ducking and weaving between the legs of his comrades and that of his enemies before coming up on the other side of Fipps. He didn't even bother to hide his attempts to "You want a go, then? Come on! Hit me! AHAAHAhaha!!" Graak punctuated his mad laughter with a wild swing of his fist, connecting firmly with a wooden plank several inches away from his intended target.

OOCGraak moved through as many threatened squares as necessary to provoke AoOs from the two mooks. He did that so he could use Opportune Parry and Riposte as liberally as possible.

Graak's attack roll: 8 to hit, 2 non-lethal damage
Graak's parry attempt (only used if they attempt to attack Graak): 21 to parry attack
Graak's Riposte attempt (only used if parry was successful): 11 to strike back, 1 non-lethal damage.



On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus.
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Old Feb 7th, 2022, 03:49 PM
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Lyneth, Graak, Badger, Vizk; Middle DeckStunned silence filled the middle deck as the newcomers squared off with the members of Master Scourge's bully crew. Not for the fact of the fight, itself - scuffles were a pretty common way for sailors to let off steam and settle the pecking order between themselves. No, it was the speed in which this dispute was settled that stilled all commotion in the normally boisterous hold at feeding time.

While Badger's flying fist missed its mark by quite a margin, the man's blow forced Fipps Chumlet off-balance, straight into Scales' naturally mailed fist. This blow, in turn, threw the overweight man back against Lyneth's hastily grown claws as she approached the confrontation from behind. Whether the witch intended to draw blood or not, bright red splashed against the planking in the dim light of the gimbaled lantern hanging from the deck above. Fipps took one look at his precious vitae spilled against the dark grained wood, blanched as he placed a hand against the wound in his side, and barreled through the companions as he raced up the ladder to the main deck with a high-pitched shriek. A tall, slim silhouette briefly cast itself into the middle deck, then disappeared without a sound.

"No, Syl," a voice shouted from the crowd heartbeats after Fipps' inglorious exit, drawing all eyes to the reedy woman. Finding herself squaring off alone against four clearly competent opponents, she had crouched defensively, her hand sliding into the top of her tall boot. "Master Scourge just wants 'em to learn their place!" The anonymous speaker's meaning became clear seconds later as the woman with the deranged expression drew a small stiletto and grinned widely.

Graak, however, knew just what to do in such situations. The goblin's wild strike was clearly intended to draw Syl's attention, which it did, no matter how convincingly the diminutive male's fist smacked into the bulkhead. Syl leaned forward with a quick slash, obviously intended for Fishgut's wide face. Almost contemptuously, Graak slipped Slippery Syl's blade and smashed his other fist so soundly into the woman's face that she collapsed without another sound, save the wheeze of air through her clearly broken nose.

Shoving her other crewmates out of her way, Sandra Quinn strode out of the stunned silence with the sharp crack of bootheels on wood. After briefly crouching to check on Syl, the woman straightened and fixed Badger, Graak, Vizk, and Lyneth with a hard stare. She then grinned, a brief flash of white teeth, and motioned for the four to follow her down the ladder to the lower hold. "Come wi' me; t'ese lads have had enough show f'now."

DirectionThe default option here is following Sandra downstairs. If you choose not to do so, please indicate your Night Time Ships actions and I'll pick them back up after the NPC interaction.

Last edited by Icereach; Feb 7th, 2022 at 03:51 PM.
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Old Feb 7th, 2022, 07:49 PM
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"Uhm, thanks," Badger said, somewhat ashamed of his own performance. Left to himself, the outcome would have been much, much different. He was very glad to have had some allies, much better prepared allies.

"Thanks a lot," he said. Both combatants were down, and honestly, he had barely lifted a finger. Well, he had lifted one... but it hadn't really done anything. Maybe the lack of good food has ruined my chi, he thought. Or maybe I just suck at it.

He looked up as the woman gave directions.

"Follow me," she said. Or something to that effect. Badger didn't really care what she had said, since it did not involve others suddenly ganging up on him and beating him to a pulp.

Badger shrugged his shoulders. In for a penny, in for a pound, he thought, and followed her.

"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne
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Old Feb 8th, 2022, 04:43 PM
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Lyneth - Better Lucky than Good
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She watched the man run from her and then looked down at the claws she had grown. Blood leaked off them and she was almost tempted to stick one in her mouth but she did not. Mostly, though, due to her own surprise at what she had done. Sure, she'd used some of the powers granted her by the great spirit of the ocean but slicing someone with mermaid claws was new!

Her surprise was short lived though she was able to tell her allies, "Yes, of course, I hate bullies..." That was all she could say though since the a dangerous woman wanted them to go somewhere else. Lyneth nodded and said, "As you wish milady."


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Old Feb 8th, 2022, 08:43 PM
Brian Brian is offline
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Vizk Ichimal
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Vizk thought fondly of his bunk, then mustered his will and nodded to Sandra, following her as she led. He counted it a small victory that his tail did not drag the deck as he walked.


Last edited by Brian; Feb 8th, 2022 at 08:43 PM.
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Old Feb 11th, 2022, 11:58 PM
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Graak Fishguts
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"HAHEE!! Fell for the ol' one-two trick again... Ahhh, that never gets old!"

Graak beamed as the group remained unscathed in the face of the bullies. That they had decked two of them easily too meant that surely their standings on the ship would rise significantly. It seemed as though their just rewards were immediately obvious as well - Sandra Quinn's presence told him that. As the others acquiesced easily to her command, Graak fell in behind them, pleased as punch with his... punch.

"That didn't even hurt! Jig told me that would happen if I trained right, but I still didn't think it would be that easy... Haha!"

OOCGraak moved through as many threatened squares as necessary to provoke AoOs from the two mooks. He did that so he could use Opportune Parry and Riposte as liberally as possible.

Graak's attack roll: 8 to hit, 2 non-lethal damage
Graak's parry attempt (only used if they attempt to attack Graak): 21 to parry attack
Graak's Riposte attempt (only used if parry was successful): 11 to strike back, 1 non-lethal damage.



On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus.
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Old Feb 14th, 2022, 05:58 PM
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Badger, Lyneth, Vizk, Graak; Lower DeckThe group found the lower hold and berth strangely empty, considering it was dinner time. It seemed that, for whatever reasons, their crewmates had chosen to eat out in the open air. Sandra met them at the ladder and waved them deeper back among the wooden columns supporting the decks above, then followed quickly after glancing back up and finding no one else following. Down here her grin grew even wider, touching on exuberance, as she sauntered with the roll of the ship.

"Not sure t'wasn't better t' just let 'em have their fun," she began, her tone at odds with her words. "On t' one hand, I doubt they'll try it again. Or anyone else, f'that matter. The rest of t' mates were surely watchin'. And even ifin Fipps don't catch a wholloping from Scourge, they all know him to be a coward. Ifin' they didn't already know. Syl certainly will, for pullin' steel... Bu' not much loss there. The woman's ha' crazed on t'best of days."

Suddenly, her easy manner and wide smile vanished. The look she focused on Badger was as serious as a big storm on open water, and the tone of her following words hardly less so. "Bu' now you're in t' stew for sure. Scourge can't have us swabs disobeying. And Mr. Plugg will back any action he takes, short 'o killin'. Ya' defy him again an' it'll be the sweatbox for sure. Why did ya not just drink yer rum like the rest o' us? Keeps down on disease. We're a bit shor' o' real healin' out his far."

RewardsThe group gains a permanent +2 bonus when attempting to influence non-officer members of the Wormwood crew.
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Old Feb 15th, 2022, 07:49 AM
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Badger thought of the vile concoction that passed as rum here, and thought a small lie might be the better option. No sense in pushing away a potential ally... they might be hard to come by in the future.

He frowned, and shrugged his shoulders. "I do not imbibe," he said. "A vow I have taken, and try to live by." He plastered a weak smile on his face. "I cannot say I have always been successful, not every day of my life, but to try, to attempt, is the point of the vow."
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne
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Old Feb 15th, 2022, 11:38 AM
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Lyneth - Better Lucky than Good
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She moved to Sandra and touched her shoulder. The sea witch made sure she had the woman's attention when she said, "That is no longer true. I can heal what has been hurt. I am not just some fisherwoman, I am a servant of the tides and the deep. I can heal wounds as needed and I can also tell you that putting poison in your body will not heal you. Oh, it may be clean unlike water and it may breifly make you feel better but it is poison nonetheless."

She steps away and stands near one of the wooden walls. Feeling the ocean just outside, the great power of her waves and all to protect against it was this wood. What foolishness to believe that such could truly protect one from the ocean.


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Old Feb 18th, 2022, 09:39 AM
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Graak Fishguts
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Sandra was perplexing, and that was a seriously annoying problem for a simple goblin like Graak. "Why didn't we just drink our swill? On a ship like this? Nah... You gotta be kidding me - I wasn't going to wait around just to be beaten up - we have to take our chances and show these people that we aren't to be messed with..." Graak grinned wide, showing his teeth. "Shoulda taken that pretty knife."

Badger was another oddity - he kept talking about this 'vow' of his. Something about not drinking, but was there more? Graak would never understand those who could pledge themselves so wholeheartedly to something like that. He would rather just go with the flow, find his niche in the world and exploit it for all it was worth. Still, he was fun enough to be around, and if he brought a little more entertainment to Graak's doorstep, he was worth sticking close to. Graak stepped up behind his new friend and laughed, then cast about for a drink of his own. "Plenty of healing left for me then if you want to give me your share..."

Graak made sure he was on the far side of Badger from Lyneth - the poison-lady was not someone Graak wanted to cross. Looking up at Sandra, he sheepishly grinned and shrugged. "What now then? Back to the grind for Master Scourge and the boat?"




On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus.
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Old Feb 22nd, 2022, 08:00 AM
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Graak, Badger, Lyneth, Vizk; Lower Deck"T'is excellent news, lil sister," Sandra replied to Lyneth, reaching out to rest a hand briefly on the woman's shoulder. Her head canted to the side, brow cocking at a jaunty angle. "But some hurts go b'yond simple flesh wounds. 'specially for those tasked wi'h cleaning t' bilges - like a chef's mate 'at fails to sa'sfy the crew at dinner time. Poison it may be, but t'is effective against the sickening airs and foul humors that ever haunt a crew on the deep waters."

"Oa't or no," she continued, turning her attention on Badger, "If'n yas keep floutin' t' ship rules, ye'll end up in t' box or worse. Captain might no' wanna lose a soul but 'e won't long put up wit' ins'bord'nits..." As her low murmur trailed off, the woman's face closed in, as if she were struggling with some inner conflict. Twice she opened her mouth to say something then minutely shook her head, sending her thick curls bouncing. When she did speak again, it was in a falsely cheery and supportive tone. "S' too early yet t' lose yeh. We -t'crew, dat is- need yer strength for a mite. Might be time t' forget some of y'vows for a bit and atone fer them later. Besmara, she would understand."

Scales' sad condition seemed to draw her interest as she continued dispensing advice, drawing a brief frown. She took a moment to rummage through one of her flat pouches in the dim quiet, then pulled out a quartet of small vials. That she was reluctant to part with them was plain on her face, even with the abysmal lighting. Still, she handed one to each of the conscripts, beginning with Vizk. "T'is... T'is sea water, blessed by the Pirate Queen. It'll help wi' the side effects o' t' rum if yer cons'tution is too delicate fa such. I've got a small supply secreted 'way but I cannae' make more without my blessed salt crystal. Peppery Longfarthing too' it when I was brough' aboard. I haven' gotten into her lab'ro'tory yet, but imagine tha's where she's a keepin' it."

"S' fer now," she finished, rounding on Graak with a fresh grin that gave her handsome face its only true beauty, "Aye. Ye'll go up and get y' dinner, take yer medicine I hope, and make good use o' y' free time. Like I said... Yer made an impression t'day, and not just on Scourge. I doubt any of that lot wi' cause ya trouble on t'er own, now, without tha' sorry eel-licker to drive 'em on. Ye' might even find a few more allies to make life easier. At least until... Well. Fer now." As she knelt to look the little goblin directly in the eye, however, her light-hearted visage and tone changed entirely to something as serious as death on the horizon. "And aye. Ye' shoulda. If'in ye' can get away with it, take any weapon ye' can find. And get yer gear back from Grok, if'in ye' can. T'winds are blowin' a storm on the horizon. Ye' might need them sooner t'an later, even if t'is only to keep Scourge and his toadies from killin' ye'."

"We been below too long, a' t'is point, too not occasion comment from t'rest. F'good o' ill." She offered a shrug as an off-hand apology, through for what it wasn't entirely clear. "I sug'est ye think hard on y'er options -which are few- before heading ba' up to mess. For me, I b'lieve I'll spend t'rest of the night on deck." With that, the woman rounded on her booted heel and climbed the ladder back up, leaving the four to converse and make decisions among themselves.

Night-time Ship's Actions Now it's time to decide what to do with your evening. Be sure to consult the chart for your options and what they entail.

TreasureVial of Besmara's Seawater ...1/ea
A vial of Besmara's seawater can counter the effects of one dose of alcohol, including fatigue and temporary ability score damage. When consumed, remove any negative effects caused by the last dose of alcohol consumed by the character.

Last edited by Icereach; Feb 22nd, 2022 at 08:42 AM.
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Old Feb 22nd, 2022, 11:25 AM
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Lyneth - Plotting
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"Just a moment," She says to the others trying to get their attention. "We are all here against our will, forced to serve when we might wish to do more. We should cultivate allies so that, when the time comes, we can put ourselves in charge. What say you to that idea?"

Once she'd been a simple girl who loved the ocean but clearly she was beginning to desire more. Maybe it was being on the bottom rung, being tossed into the position of menial serf, that made her desire more. Whatever it was she knew she couldn't just let herself languish on the bottom. That she would cultivate allies and try to take a leadership role or die trying.

She had noted that there were songs and the like every evening and though she was not the best singer she thought that perhaps, if she could entertain the crew, that would be one way to gain their assistance.



Last edited by Ysolde; Feb 22nd, 2022 at 11:26 AM.
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Old Feb 22nd, 2022, 06:48 PM
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"You had my back," Badger said to the woman. "Seems fair that I have yours, especially since it sounds as if our paths are the same." He nodded to Lyneth in agreement. "So long as the cause is fair." He smiled. "Or just fair enough. I won't be too picky with causes."

"One thing," he said to the others, "is perhaps see about getting Sandra her crystal back. Not now, not immediately, but..." the monk shook his head. "I don't like people taking from others," he explained with a shrug of his shoulders. "Eyes open and all, if the opportunity arises."

With that, Badger hung around with the others a bit, before going to meditate, and sleep. Lyneth had offered some form of entertainment, and he was eager to see what it might be.
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne
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