Woven throughout the fabric of Golarion (and, perhaps, even further), the unknowable House of Ejlvajn transcends the bounds of time and space in an effort to fulfill a purpose shared only with those held closest to its heart.
Though the only permanent residents of the House are its most recent crop of foundlings and Creyton himself, it has ties to others outside of its walls. Over the course of the foundlings' lives these radically disparate personalities often served as mentors, teachers, and spiritual guides, though rarely for any regular length of time. Their connection to the House and Creyton is as obvious as it is obscure; the House doesn't make rooms for just anyone. While some are more forthcoming about themselves than others, all share a similar disinclination to talk about things that touch directly on their connections to each other or the House itself.
Basil is, perhaps, one of the most hideous half-orcs on Golarion. A thick mat of scars covers the man from head to toe, ever visible - even in bad light. The flesh, however, is just a mask to hide his beautiful soul. Many years ago, by his telling, Basil found freedom in the worship of The Song of the Spheres. It's one of the few areas of his past he's completely unguarded about. Basil's defining characteristics are patience and empathy.
When away from the House, the half-orc seems to operate largely in Nidal. When visiting Ejlvajn he serves as the foundling's primary instructor in spiritual power and matters of faith. His depth of knowledge in religious lore and arcana is seemingly encyclopedic. He's also quite handy with a longsword and has helped many a foundling don their first set of armor.
Basil stands at about six foot and four inches tall. His skin is extremely pale and covered in heavy scarring. He has dark hair and pale blue eyes. Despite his generally uplifting personality, he favors blacks and greys in both armor and wardrobe. On his left forearm and down to his hand is tattooed the entire text of The Eight Scrolls in ever-shifting script. The text is anchored by a livid purple butterfly-shaped birthmark.
There are few things this tiefling lady hates more than having her time wasted. She is, after all, one of Hell's finest lawyers. She is least likely of all the friends to visit the house for any length of time so her attention is immensely valuable. There is no subject of higher learning she can't speak about, at length, from the subtle nuances of a Gothic buttress to the names of Hell's many devils.
Isaralta is an extremely talented wizard and summoner. While she struggles to win any popularity contests due to her exacting and critical nature, she is an excellent instructor in the art of tapping into the weave of reality. She expects her students to reward the investment of her time with the mastery of what she has to teach.
Isaralta is rarely seen out of her specially designed foot-wear and so appears to be around six feet tall. A crown of spiraling horns reaches even higher, the tips of her bat-like wings when spread higher still. She wears her ghostly white hair in a long, single braid down her back, contrasting sharply with the deep cinnamon burnish of her skin. She favors primly tailored suits and slacks in muted colors, strongly emphasizing her bright and otherworldly beauty.
Argady the skinwalker visits the house only when directly summoned to do so. It seems to be a point of pride for this fierce hunter, that the House needs him more than he needs it - much like the conceit of always wearing his lupine form. The Witchwolf is most often found in the wildest places of the world when the House comes to call.
Argady has a deep and natural connection to the planet and hunts and tracks with the instincts of his distant werewolf kin. If he has a circle of his own, he's never revealed it to any within the house. His strength as a druid, however, is uncontested. For training Argady often took the foundlings out into the wild spaces for weeks at a time, to varied success.
The skinwalker never leaves his shifted form and is a solid, six foot mass of lanky muscle, a werewolf in miniature. His pelt is snow white but certainly not from age - he appears in all regards in the prime of his life. He has distinct green eyes. Living in the wilds has roughened his edges with other sentients but after a time some folks find him tolerable in his fashion.
Benny is the only being in all of the foundlings' combined experience that can get away with smoking inside the House. Benjamin Hamish is rarely without a thick, well-chewed cigar stuck between his teeth. Anyone besides the heavy shouldered simian caught smoking quickly found themselves on the House's -and by extension, Creyton's- naughty list.
Benny is also the only known person that can slip inside the house and escape Creyton's attention. A scarred, suit-wearing chimpanzee suddenly appearing in your living room, smoking a cigar you're just now noticing, can be a very intimidating prospect. He uses this ability freely when he stops by to teach, keeping his students ever on their toes. The great ape is a master of many practical skills like lockpicking and observation. He serves as an adept alchemist, as well. He's known to be more conversational when he's had a little beer from the House's restricted stores.
The chimp has a tendency to subconsciously stretch for every inch when at rest, though this only nets him about five and a half feet or so. His dark brown eyes are hard to see distinctly within the deep caves of his eyes. The suits he wears are always immaculate but of a strangely cut fashion. This could be due to his apparent association with Numeria and its otherworldly artifacts.
Few that walk Golarion truly deserve the title of Sword Saint; Gander Elden of Ustalav is among that refined company. This came as a surprise to the foundlings, who first encountered her peacefully gathering flowers in that haunted country. Her warm smile and calm demeanor can be instantly disarming, and she affects a certain naivete.
While Basil is handy with a particular length of steel, Gander is an artist with any blade placed in her hands. The sparring ring made manifest by the House is her undisputed domain and she readily trounces her pupils backwards and forwards across it. Gander fights for the thrill of the sport and never rises to anger, no matter the provocation. While a talented instructor, she generally shuns casual company, preferring her quite meadows.
Gander is tall and compactly muscular, just under six foot. She favors little armor and light, fast weapons, though she always arrives with a heavy breastplate and grieves in her carry-all. Her hazelnut eyes burn with a strange inner light and betimes the foundlings have noticed a strange shimmer to her pale yellow hair. Gander likes to travel and therefore, despite her lonely nature, has spent almost as much time in the House as Basil.
There is no peace to be found in all of the infinite House of Ejlvajn when Daniel Nightcaller resides within. Like a nattering magpie, the man never stops talking once he's given leave to start. He takes his own flaws in stride, however, and his generally devil-may-care attitude makes him attractive for some types. Several types, if he's to be believed.
Nightcaller has travelled far and wide earning his surname as a talented musician and bard. The breadth of his skills and his facility with a variety of languages is hardly surprising. However, the disorganized chaos that runs his mind makes him a horrible teacher most days, imparting a gift of random knowledge more by luck than by any conscious effort on his part. Fortunately he has an ill-gained insight into magic that runs in the blood. That, at least, he has some knack for communicating.
Daniel manages to cast a long shadow at five foot and eight inches tall. He's the type of man with a ready smile and a party plan hidden in his saphire gaze. Even without his alarmingly vivid color schemes the man can draw attention. One would be tempted to think he's lived a life of indolence but he's traveled most of Golarion on foot, usually catching up to it in this city or that to stop and exchange tidings. Daniel never lets a moment to announce himself as loudly as possible pass him by.