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Old Nov 13th, 2021, 06:53 PM
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Halls of Honor

This space is reserved En Memorium of characters that have come and gone, to honor their names forever more.
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Old Nov 13th, 2021, 06:57 PM
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Icereach Icereach is offline
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The House of Ejlvajn
Anja-Birgit Mestet-Jente

Name : Anja-Birgit Mestet-Jente
Played By: GeneT

Race : Half-elf
Classes : Shifter (Sheet)
Alignment : Neutral


Gilda Gemdelver
right-aligned image

Name: Gilda Gemdelver
Played by: Noquarter19

Race: Dwarf

Alignment: Lawful Good

Class: Cleric

Physical Description: Gilda Gemdelver is a little ball of a dwarf, despite standing 4' 0" Her dark brown eyes stare at everyone and everything, always on the lookout for her friends' mischief. She wears a brown and white dress when she is not dressing up in her armor for playtime, and ler long, curly, strawberry blonde hair tumbles down against her ruddy pink cheeks - which are usually more flushed with irritation at her friends not listening. Secretly, she is very self conscious about her weight and appearance, especially when compared to her pretty drow friend. She has been working out, doing push-ups and sit-ups to improve her physical strength, and has recently taken to showing off her biceps to her friends.

Personality: "Why do you have to break the rules so often? They're there to protect us!"
Some might describe Gilda as cautious, safe, or a follower. The more inconsiderate may even refer to her as a goody-twoshoes, tattletale, or a narc, but the young dwarf pays them no mind - outwardly, at least. Inside, she hurts to hear the others criticize her when all she wants is for them all to just not get in trouble. Still, despite her rigidity in adhering to the rules, she is strong-willed when she decides on a course of action, and is one of the most stubborn of the foundlings.

Motivations: Gilda never knew her mother, and has only a vague recollection of her father. She remembers his big smile, his rough, strong hands, and his smell - a mixture of dirt and sweat. She doesn't know what happened to him, whether he lives or not, but the fact that he left his mining pick behind with a note to give it to Gilda upon her 18th birthday tells her that he's not coming back. Despite this, she's never really given up hope, and her one major goal in life is to find out where she came from, and what happened to her father.


-The Hope Diamond: Acquire a gem worth 1,000 gold

-Welcome to Jurassic Park: Mine a piece of amber

-Get back in there, soldier: In one channel, heal a total of 50HP or more

-Roll the Bones: Destroy three or more undead with a single channel



Last edited by Icereach; Dec 17th, 2021 at 11:56 PM.
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