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Old Jan 26th, 2022, 04:14 AM
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STATUS: Gone. Unsure if I can come back.

Last edited by HotsuSama; Jun 9th, 2024 at 11:28 AM.
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Old Jan 26th, 2022, 04:15 AM
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Omega Blue Stars Without Number abc123, ForeverWizard, Hiruma Kohaku, mightmconeshot, Preacherwolf, Solitaire64, UnderDarkLord, Vesper First game I GM'd here - a massive sandbox with scattered macguffins for the PCs to chase. Ultimately I got bogged down in over-planning planetary politics and by the time we swam past that to get to some actual meaty quests, I was burnt out. Dropping this game is one of my biggest gaming regrets.
Archon City Fate Core Krow Nest A one-on-one game in the Solo Bazaar with a street-level superhero theme, intended to act as a tutorial to the system. Didn't get very far but some of the notes might be useful later.
Ronin of the Rebellion Lancer Amarga, AnotherDragoon, Arjent, Drachenspirit, EmmaRae, justsujoy, MoonZar, Preacherwolf, PSinha, techRomancer, UnderDarkLord A tactically-heavy game set in the Code Geass universe. Two teams were playing concurrently, the imperial Britannians and the rebellious Ronin. I loved this game but it was far too ambitious to keep going. I made it through one mission out of the planned seven-mission campaign and wrapped it up there.
Do Good in the World Fate Core Wishkamon A one-on-one game in the Solo Bazaar using the Ethereal Lands setting as built by RPGX users. Some great RP and a lot of detail-building, but Wishkamon had to drop back to focus on RL. Maybe it'll come back one day.
The Road has a Song Wanderhome 97mg, Humble Hero, Kaigen, Leviticus, Roekahs, selkie, SevenStones, Solid Snek, Wenders Not 'my' game, although I helped set it up. A GM-less adventure without dice and violence, where players prompt each other using game-driven cues. An interesting collaborative experience. Let it be after several attempts to keep energy and pace up didn't quite work out.
Walking the Dragon's Egg Ryuutama 10Doc, Amarga, Ermine, Howling Winds of, Kaigen, Kaiya, Mitsuki, Seeks A more light-hearted game that'll deal a lot with hex-travel and episodic adventures.
Hold Back the Night Fate Condensed + Venture City Dylan Scott, ihinka, GleefulNihilism, Lightbringer, Mitsubachi, mystwatch, PopCultureBard, pseudenim, Sirviantis, Tiger Basilisk, Touketsu, Ursinorum Teams of superheroes devoted to saving Venture City from villains and corporate overlords.
Jaunt Jaunt Cap Ut, Mindsiege, Raylorne, Wynamoinen Playtest of my own system about omniversal travellers.
STATUS: Gone. Unsure if I can come back.

Last edited by HotsuSama; Jun 8th, 2023 at 07:47 AM.
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Old Jan 26th, 2022, 04:15 AM
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Serrin Pai Tower of the Mage NPSG Fate Core Roekahs A disgraced mage and former tutor with a scrappy apprentice. He might be fun to bring back in some capacity, actually. Completed the NPSG module with him.
Casper de Marco Into the Jaws of Oblivion Rosette Diceless Roleplay Nade A survivor of various post-apocalyptic colonies. The eternally sunny disposition type. A bit too passive in acting on the scene though. Game went on eternal hiatus.
Turushno After the Quake D&D 5e Therru Turushno and this game have been among my highlights. A wandering monk with the ancestry of a maligned fringe ethnicity, determined to act in service to others but often a slave to his mounting frustrations. Currently in hiatus, but might come back one day.
Belliger Thorpe Tenmen D&D 5e Starflier A minor lord dealing with the twin burdens of his growing responsibilities within his noble family and an unnatural horror he's found himself on the front lines of combating. Pretty good mix of character traits when I'm able to write him well. Had to leave when I got overburdened.
Ollinar Aidhazi Sky Realm: An Age of Change Fate Core Roekahs A bumbling but good-hearted giantkin who just wants to become a beloved explorer. Game was shuttered.
Thel Silverstep Ravnica: Reconstructed D&D 5e hjohenson A Golgari enforcer with mercurial intentions. Never really got to flesh out much aside from her rustic mannerisms and all-consuming ambition. Game went on eternal hiatus.
Berkeley Ultraviolet Grasslands D&D 5e Inuvash255 A bastard. Specifically a psionic undead bastard, with flighty intentions, a malleable backstory and an addictive personality. A lot of fun to play out. Had to leave when I got overburdened.
Varli 'Cuttlefish' Risher Pirate King's Legacy Fate Core Inem An ambitious lieutenant of a pirate ship who claims ancestry with the dead Pirate King. I never quite clicked with her and bowed out of the game.
Isawa Anshi The Topaz Championship Legend of the Five Rings 5e Spoonybard A young Phoenix Clan samurai hopeful caught between her clan loyalties and her own growing convictions. Some fantastic RP opportunities, especially with kepheren's rugged Unicorn. Game completed.
Siobhan-R-XTZ Fun is Mandatory Paranoia Talkin A low-level service worker with good technical knowledge and some natural cunning but awful people skills. Game was shuttered.
Zephyr Becoming a Hero (Solo Debut) Masks: A New Generation Homestarbaby An awkward teen superhero still figuring out his own powers of buoyancy and non-corporeality. Homestarbaby ran it well but I couldn't click with Masks as a solo offering and bowed out.
Overwrite A City to Save, a City to Make Masks: A New Generation Wynamoinen The insecure and dogged, self-appointed leader of a band of teen superheroes, and protege to the notorious Batman-esque hero Red Herald. Channelling his frustration and having him lash out at his allies has been hard, but it's making some great drama. Game now shuttered.
Lumi Novac Welcome to Luna: The First Colony (Homebrew d100) Ermine A hot-headed colonist who thrives on risky situations and pushing people's buttons. Actually based on a favourite colonist of mine from a game of Rimworld. Game was shuttered.
Feldspar The Road has a Song Wanderhome (N/A) A wizened pilgrim searching for an ephemeral 'promised land'. Game ran out of steam.
Clear Ky Duskwall Rising Blades in the Dark MoldyNolds A disowned scion making a living with larceny and smuggling. Just getting the shape of her thrill-seeking personality. Game on indefinite hiatus.
Eleanor Brush Oreinoi: The Dream Technicians Mage: The Ascension 20e Solid Snek A mild-mannered and middle-aged housewife who's just awakened as a mage and is re-beginning her life on her own terms. Had to leave the game early on due to being overburdened.
Thalente Duskwall Rising Blades in the Dark MoldyNolds A sailor and former holy warrior searching for his lost god. Created as a 'ringer' when Clear Ky has gone AWOL on a bender. Game on indefinite hiatus.
Har-Lann Young Heroes Stand Together Masks: A New Generation Homestarbaby A traveller from a deep space commune staying on Earth as a grass-roots defender while investigating a possible divine revelation for their native religion. Shelved when I had to step back from playing characters for a while.
Stahl Hearthson Forbidden Lands Forbidden Lands 97mg A scout and beastmaster with rider clan blood who seeks new adventures and prestige. Shelved when I had to step back from playing characters for a while.
Abanti Ashes of the Sea Numenera Retry A former worker and drone from a flesh/machine hybrid hive-mind colony. Looking for new meaning and attachments. Shelved when I had to step back from playing characters for a while.
STATUS: Gone. Unsure if I can come back.

Last edited by HotsuSama; Apr 11th, 2023 at 09:44 PM.
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Old Jan 26th, 2022, 04:16 AM
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HotsuSama HotsuSama is offline
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Ramiro The Red Peninsula Worlds Without Number Apidae22 A former cult leader now adrift in a foreign land. Game now shuttered.
Torrence 'Spur' Greig Adventures in the Forge Starforged N/A An ex-military ironsworn in a GM-less campaign. Game seems to have run out of puff early on.
Ihab Attama Grottos and Godbound Godbound Inuvash255 A survivor of a cataclysm, now a deity of the deep sea and forgotten things. Game on hiatus.
Agasha Saba Broken Blades Legend of the Five Rings 5e Cardassian A shugenja and budding scribe, thrust into strange circumstances by chance.
STATUS: Gone. Unsure if I can come back.

Last edited by HotsuSama; Jun 9th, 2024 at 11:30 AM.
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Old Mar 8th, 2023, 08:32 AM
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HotsuSama HotsuSama is offline
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Collaborative Worldbuilding: The Ethereal Lands A roleplaying exercise where users contributed lore to a shared setting. Petered out naturally, but has quite a big of content and hooks for a high-fantasy world.
Ironsworn: Starforged - The Voyages of Fletcher Hadley An attempt at a solo chronicle of a playthrough for Ironsworn: Starforged. Might start it up again one day ...
STATUS: Gone. Unsure if I can come back.
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