Game Thread Chapter 8: Hang and Haul Together, Away-i-oh - RPG Crossing
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Old Apr 19th, 2023, 08:30 AM
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Chapter 8: Hang and Haul Together, Away-i-oh

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Krag has removed his suit jacket, rolled his sleeves up, and donned an apron and a puffy hat.

He has also made hot grain bowls with dried fruit and nuts, plus fried minnows, very oily and salty and crunchy with bones.

Everyone gathers to eat except Greed. He must be hiding or dead or still asleep?

The constructs flank Creativity who is quiet and his eyes have big circles under. One nun talks, one doesn’t. Both constructs eat, but they are quiet.

Fela, as you come to get food, a paper bird comes winging down from the deck above. Your dad! Your dad at last! This answer should have been here hours ago.

You reach up, but it evades your hand and goes to Creativity.

He reads it, and his warm dandelion skin fades to pale lemon. He coughs, smiles weakly, crumples it in a fist and and says, Nothing of import.

Party, He makes desperate eye contact with one of you, then another.

He touches the brooch at his throat, makes significant eyebrows, then scratches his own ear, and speaks loudly and clearly:

Well, how nice to have everyone gathered here all of us at breakfast to go rescue the young nobles. The heroes of Saltmarsh and some new crew since Sahuagin killed most of mine and damaged the Wailing Maiden and the art. He scratches his ear. Soon I will go to my room. Alone. Snigs and Biffers rustle and stir and he amends, Well, alone but with Snigs.

Man, that itchy ear is bugging him.

OOCOKAY great job getting here etc and settling a bunch of logistics in the night. In your morning sections, though, a LOT of conversations and actions and the start of different plans simultaneously happened in space with random NPCs and it couldn't be resolved. I put you in a scene, so you can say where you go and what you do. A MAP TO HELP YOU

I am going to say that ANY PC who wanted to share info with another PC was able to do so last night, discreetly, so you ALL know:

--Fela wants to deal with Creativity and the constructs first, now, so that any subsequent plan won’t be scried. She suggested Tempest pretend to betray the party to trick the automatons.
--Falco wants to set sail first, then deal with Creativity, and then figure out a plan to get the Zombie to take you all to Anders.
--Tempest is willing to speak with dead to get intel but wants to know what to ask. Here is how the spell works, good to know as you formulate questions.
--Bingle is willing to be an excellent small fake sahuagin (Banx will be a slightly less excellent small fake sahuagin) to trick the animated corpse into speaking more freely (Roll perform or deception w adv).

cheerio BnB can get to the ship before this scene at breakfast--it was just fun to strand you. If they use the Johnny boat, roll survival, not to see if you make it but just for fun to see how rowing goes for BnB, or they can get there by swimming or however you want.

Plaid, NICE CRIT! Roll d4+2 and that is how many beads Tempe found. In this game you ID items by using the Identify spell, or rolling high arcana (DC 16 in this case), or trying to attune to the item over the course of an hour. If it requires attunement you will both attune and ID it, if it does not require attunement, you do still figure out what it is. You ID potions with Identify or tasting a tiny drop and either rolling a good arcana (again, DC 16 in this case) or spending an hour thinking on it.

Thread title is some ye olde authentic SHANTY lyrics
DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh
DMed: Battle of the Bards, Banshee Bride, NPSG, Clockwork Sienna, The Witch is Dead
Playing: Ozbox Souptoot Played: Fioravanti-Anya-Ripper-Malyth, Ingetrude Frostblossom, Myrrh the Burned, Primble Thorne, Ozbox, Ferrar, Burnapolia Bronkus

Last edited by Fillyjonk; Apr 19th, 2023 at 08:38 AM.
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Old Apr 20th, 2023, 12:38 AM
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Bingle Curiosa Wildwander, Forest Gnome Wizard/Warlock
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"Of coruse I can do oras!" Bingle snaps. Is she not to the forest born? Did she not spend hours in a coracle with Mitzi Prinkle? (Did they not actually mostly use a pole to drive the little boat, or just push it from rock to rock?) Is she not skilled with watercraft from the cradle? (Did they not actually mostly park the coracle and poke at crawdads that scooted under rocks provoking them to say words and laugh?) Prowess, she has it. And if worse came to worst Banx could certainly do what Mitzi Prinkle's older brother Pog used to have to do when the water was high, just walk along the bottom and tow.

She tells Banx what Pim said. They are both very suspicious of Pim who is probably going to turn out to be a lying liar. She spends some time thinking of the words she would use if her father were close enough for her to point her little finger and message right into his brain. Who is Pim. Are you hiding the village because of a vapmire. If I may have let the vapmire out of his pirson, is that fine. What if I am a warlock. Of a boosb fiend. Good thing she will never go back to her village to ask him questions because she has some really fiery ones that he would not appreciate. That would make her mother grind her teeth.

She eats the dried fruit out of her oatmeal and cleans and pockets the nuts. She doesn't eat minnows like some dang badger. Creativity is acting so weird that he is going to have to be fake-killed soon. She huddles up with Fela, Falco, and Tempest, to make a plan.

ۜ\(סּںסּَ` )/ۜ

Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse

Last edited by lostcheerio; Apr 20th, 2023 at 12:41 AM.
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Old Apr 20th, 2023, 12:53 AM
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New beginin's
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With Krag's breakfast, it were already shapin' up t' be a great day. Sure there may be a few knots t' work out an' maybe even a hitch or two but, th' sun were out an' there were an open sea before em. There be plenty worse ways t' wake up, as Falco'd experienced personally. Th' bird an' Creativity's subsequent reaction couldn't darken 'is spirits but, it did change things. He knew he shoulda jus' finished th' deal last night an' not drag it out but here they were.

Falco smiled an' nodded when Creativity put on th' show fer 'is boss. He also looked across t' 'is friends with a raised eyebrow. Things might need t' happen faster'n he thought. "Thank ye fer bein' so understandin' Creativity. Hey, once we find 'em nobles maybe they'll commission a bust or two after th' weddin'." "Krag, well done once again! Simple yet satisfyin' an' delicious." He scrapped 'is bowl clean before leanin' back an' sighin' contentedly, jus' fer a moment before th' day truly started.

When Creativity an' 'is escorts left t' go be alone, Falco stood up an' said t' ever'one, "Part o' why we need discrete is we're helpin' Creativity run away here. It has t' be secret but 'is crew are his captors an' 'is boss, owner. I jus' can't abide a person ownin' another. I won't be askin' anyone t' help but, I felt ye should know." Then, t' Bingle, Fela, an' Tempest, "Can we stage another Sahaugin attack? Make it look like they came back t' finish us off?"

A flash o' smile, nod t' Fela, an' he were headin' down t' hold up 'is end o' th' bargain.

Below, Falco knocked softly before tryin' th' door. If'n it opened, he'd step in say t' Creativity, "They weren't jus' tryin' t' steal th' Wailin' Maiden, they were lookin' fer somethin' specific. I think maybe Skerrin Waverunner had a co-conspirator. How well d'ye know Biffers 'n' Snigs?" If'n it didn't open, he still said it only jus' a bit louder. O' course, it were probably jus' that Ketterman Barley were workin' with th' Red Feathers an' in on th' whole thing. Hells, he were probably one of 'em.

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Old Apr 20th, 2023, 03:51 AM
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Fried. Minnows. The goddess has obviously manifested in Krag, or his pan, or in the crispy fish. Tempest collected a bowl of them with a *plop* of hot grain with fruits and nuts softening in the steam. Her odd eyes were wide, and she gazed upon Krag for a considerably longer time than anyone should gaze upon someone, then said in all seriousness. "You are blessed and wondrous. Th.." The Siren nearly chokes on the rarely spoken words unless it's to her parents. "...Thank you?" Well, that's what 'manners' and 'etiquette' are and this is a special occasion. After the words nearly plunk out of her mouth, Tempest flipped her wet blue hair back and went to the table, sitting herself down on a corner next to Sis, who she flashed a hungry smile at before digging into her meal with her fingers. Running her thumbnail down the center of the crispy, oily fish, she popped it open like a purse and stuffed it delicately with hot grains and fruit bits; it was much like a herring canoe for the other contents in her bowl. She hunched over the bowl, eating guardingly with satisfaction and enjoyment on her face. Fingers were licked, contents were sometimes brought to her cute nose to sniff once or twice before trying a nut or fruit fragment. A growl-snarf-growl occurred in her throat, rising and falling with the motion of her chewing by the time she was on her second stuffed fried minnow.

Tempet's gaze slid sideways to consider Creativity as she swept her fingers around the greasy bowl to gather up any traces of scales, grain, or a lost fishy eye. "Are you lovers?" She glanced at Snigs, or who she thought could be Snigs, then eyed Creativity again without judgment, but with pure curiosity. "..With Snigs? He is not an available mate. As are you. Your room is fancy for not-mates." The Siren did think he should have a room; what about those with RANK on the ship. Should they not have a room? Did he not know of the ballroom-palace-esque dancing that took place in the tavern that would have fit into the setting of a GRAND Dance Hall with Gardens and Balconies under Starlight and dancing fireflies that her father drew for her as pink-headed bugs with glowing yellow-ish butts. NO, Creativity and his Guards did not know. A small hmph is heard under her stinky fish breath.

When Falco spoke at the first sign of privacy, Tempest concentrated on what he was saying about not accepting people owning people. This was something that was seen on pirate ships she had boarded and/or sunk before and it bothered her. Mom would always try to save the children from drowning outright, but when they were chained, the weight meant they had to be very quick. She felt as though this was a good cause, and Fela MarkWig Springer she trusted with clever warrior plans. The Siren agreed with a firm nod of her head to the group. "I will follow your lead, Falco Shiningstar." As she trailed after Falco, she gracefully nodded to Bingle and Banx, "I am honored to fight alongside you again."
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"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." RBG

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Old Apr 20th, 2023, 08:32 AM
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Fela, radiating
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Speaking with Briony in the evening, at first Fela is the cool, collected one. "Tempest? I guess she's half siren? Is that worth than working with ex-pirates or elves with huge prices on their head or..." she realizes Bingle's secrets aren't hers to share, and so spills her own instead "...or a paladin who's been kissed by the agent of a banished arch-fey? She was fought nobly against the Sahuagin, and didn't just save Mermaids -- many more in Saltmarsh would have died if not for her actions last night. We need all the help we can get right now." Entirely too pragmatic for her taste, and it makes Saliber's embrace later all the more sweet.

But then Briony mentions 'sister', and then it's Fela's turn to be concerned. Flustered. "Sisters? What would -- oh. Oooooh" She can't meet Briony's eye after her grin, but can't help herself from looking up again to watch her saunter away.

Saliber's noontime warmth continues to radiate from Fela after his visit, and those sitting next to her for the afternoon breakfast can feel it. The safety of it, the warmth, like a picnic in the sun, even here below deck, in a cave. Fela eats all her minnows, but out of politeness. The oil and salt is a nice contrast to the rest of the meal, though bonecrunching puts her off a bit. Still, better than mushrooms. Still, she nearly chokes on one when Tempest asks about lovers.

Her face falls as the paper bird slips through her hand and into Creativity's. She can't keep the concern off her face, and so gives voice to it. "My father should have written back by now...." and it's only when Creativity excuses himself and Falco speaks, away from automata or of rescuing him that the implications of what might have been in the actual paper bird strike home. "Do you reckon he can see what Biffers and Snigs can see? I think we need Tempest or an illusion Sahuagin to claw the brooch off Creativity, make it look like an accident of the fight? Possibly after jumping in the water with him. Then maybe we could clear the guards off from behind, without giving anything away? Or throw a sack over their heads, blind them some other way...if we do it now we can set Creativity off in safety here"

She gets ready to go with Falco, but then it strikes her that the other Tiefling hasn't been seen. "Wait, where's Greed? Is he up to something? We want to be the one doing the surprising..." and she rushes off to look for him.

Actions, etc.
Aura of Protection: +4 to saves for Fela and any friendlies within 10'

Rather than follow Falco to the cabin door, Fela makes a quick sweep looking for Greed.
Dice Perception, I guess, rapidly searching the ship for Greed:
d20-1 (2)-1 Total = 1

If she doesn't find him her next step is to rush back to Creativity's door.
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Old Apr 20th, 2023, 06:21 PM
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Bingle, Banx has strong, wiry arms and is great at oras. He makes the boat go fast with good, smooth movements and rolling shoulders. Probably not as great as you would be, what with all your experience reading in coracles, so it is good for him to practice. Also---and you would never say this, because it would hurt his feelings---oras is a duridy thing, not a wizrad thing, certainly not a wralock thing. All that vigorous physical scooping at wet nature.

You sit in the front and study FRIEBLAL! You are almost to the ship when Banx says, Why does Pim look our age, though? Bongle is a gramma. What if---Bingle, what if we have it backwards, and he is your little borther, born after you were stone. That happens. Maybe not past 200, but my Aunt Jibble had a perfectly awful baby when she was 180, and now it is my stupid cousin Borfy. If Pimbel got tarpped and grew up alone in the tarp while you were still stone, it explains why you don’t know him, and why he is so weird, and why he looks so much like you.

Bingle, can you imagine your little stooped mild father? Your mother with her unbending spine? Could they have been a third time like the rabbits. The throes. A late baby. At breakfast, Banx takes a huge scoop of minnows, which is weird, but then you realize, he is tucking them into a napkin to feed Greed, who is still hiding in the snooch-hole.

Fela, Briony sits down between you and Falco to have breakfast. There is table chat about headings and sails, friendly and lowkey. But she finds a moment to say very quietly to both of you, You know there's no such thing as a half-siren, right? All sirens are female; no matter who they mate with, they only have more Sirens. The fathers rarely survive. The weird part is that this one is a cleric. Maybe that’s why she’s not murdering us?

Falco, this tracks with what you know of Sirens, too. Tempest is imperious enough to match the legends, but Sirens aren’t clerics. They aren’t friendly. They aren’t curious about taverns. They are territorial, dangerous loners.

Speaking of the Siren, here she is.

left-aligned image
Tempest, they are all grateful to you. Tempest the Helper. And it is nice to see Land things. You are a curious being. They have no idea how high the stakes are for you, these adventurers whose fighting skills equal yours; they want to murder the same evil ones who plan to gut your mother and hunt down your sweet father. You need them, maybe more than they need you; you are not sure. So you keep that to yourself for now --- Strategy, Siren. Your mother would be proud--- and play visiting dignitary. As such, you really ought to have that fine, fine room.

Everyone chats at breakfast except Snigs and Biffers, who put food into their bodies with efficiency and no visible pleasure. They do not talk unless you talk to them, and then they say bland, short things. At least, this is so until you ask Snigs if he is lovers with Creativity. Creativity startles, blushes fetchingly gold, and says, Snigs, uh, works for my---he--- Snigs begins talking over him then in a loud flat voice: You should not ask such things or attempt to be lovers yourself with Creativity. He is in a committed relationship. Please turn your eyes another way.

Fela, after Breakfast, Snigs takes Creativity back to his room, and Briony sends Biffers, who wants to station himself by the door of Creativity's stateroom, up on deck to check the rigging, prepping to sail. Falco briefs the whole crew and tells you his plan. You do a quick sweep for Greed, but he cannot be found. Back you go to Falco, wondering where your paper bird is.

Falco, you knock on the stateroom door, and Snigs opens it. Creativity is sitting at a porthole, reading. He startles and invites you in. Snigs steps back and holds the door. When you ask your question, Creativity swallows, and starts to say, I don’t know what they could have been looking for. The art was valuable, and I have a lot of clothes and --

Once again, some sort of scripted response seems to have been triggered. Snigs says, loud and firm: The crew of the Wailing Maiden is loyal to Ketterman Barley and are trusted implicitly. Please do not trouble the pretty head of Creativity with petty concerns.

He stays by the door, keeping it open, as if inviting you to go.

OOCCheerio, I took you interpretation of the ROWING

Ptwids, I am not sure Fela KNOWS there is a secret door in the wardrobe in the big storage room. I think only Tempest saw that. So I interpreted your low roll to mean she doesnt; know or remember or think of that small dark space when she went greed hunting.

As you move forward with the plan, give me the rolls that make sense to you---deceeption or performance seems likely, maybe perception? If I don't need it, I will ignore it.
DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh
DMed: Battle of the Bards, Banshee Bride, NPSG, Clockwork Sienna, The Witch is Dead
Playing: Ozbox Souptoot Played: Fioravanti-Anya-Ripper-Malyth, Ingetrude Frostblossom, Myrrh the Burned, Primble Thorne, Ozbox, Ferrar, Burnapolia Bronkus

Last edited by Fillyjonk; Apr 20th, 2023 at 06:27 PM.
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Old Apr 21st, 2023, 02:11 PM
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Tempest - Lesson 2, Siren Possessiveness
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The Siren must adapt to different waters; to thick kelp forests, jellyfish swarms, and the wide open meadows where turtles nip and octopi startle too-easily. This is like that, but with surface folk. They are not competing with her for the glory of killing the most threatening Saughin. They work together, so she must try to take on their enemies as her enemies, and their allies as…as her allies? This golden Creativity is lovely to behold, like the blessed first rays of the sun as a warm breeze curls over bobbing waves. His alive-but-not-really-alive guards are heartless. They smell funny, she bets. Even the nuns smell like people and sweets in their older crinkled but powerful age.

As a fried, paper-crisp tail stuck out of her mouth, Tempest stared at Snigs as her eyes darkened as he told her what to do. The last crunch of the fish was dedicated to her opinion about Snigs. The expression on her fine blue face reflected the annoyance and insult. "I will dote upon who I please, if doting is what I claim to be doing. I have no shame in admiration, or desiring whatever or whomever I may desire in matters of affection or possession or killing." A feral, toothy grin appeared and disappeared suddenly as a glint of warning. Perhaps this is how the Siren was setting up The Plan. Maybe this was a Strategy, or she absolutely meant what she just said. At Fela's suggestion of Tempest clawing off Creativity's brooch, she offered a sound nod. "I will try to get it. If his guards are someone else's eyes, then I am concerned I am making an enemy. We will need to speak of this further because I do not want a war with surface people, unless they are pirates."

Tempest stalked after Falco, and watched as the door was opened to Creativity's fancy room. All ships have a fancy room for the Captain, and Falco is not demanding it to be his which is very strange. Bingle will demand it as she took the one in the Haunted Manor of Hidden Treasures. Won't her Highness be excited when she finds out about all that was found last night before sleep. She would even consider giving her a bead so she would not be thought of as a horrible, crass ruffian-thief.

Speaking of which, the Siren stalked after Falco, thinking of how she was told not to look at Creativity as though he were owned. And Creativity looked sad or awkward and not strong, like a Mermaid that was kept in a net, half in and out of the water. How horribly uncomfortable. So she will help fix this with the new onslaught of enemies. Lucky for Tempest, the door was being held open for her, so she tried to march right in. And if she could march right in, because she is a Siren Without Pause until she was inside the stateroom where she would stand proud, tossing her braided hair back, and would stomp her trident to the floor to get everyone's attention. "I, a grand and magnificent Siren and half-Captain of this ship, claim this room as my own and will accept you all as appreciative and humble sailor-servants who will deal with the Sharkteeth that are about to board this ship. Since Lord Creativity is too beautiful to fight, I want him dressed in finer, softer clothes that I found. I command that Lord Creativity remove his current shirt and find something more grand and velvety to wear in my presence for we will celebrate after the deaths of our enemies."

And if she was allowed to speak so much, Tempest pointed at Creativity with a sweeping gesture of her shield and said in a demanding, arrogant voice. "Remove your shirt so it can be re-scented with mint!" And boy oh boy did she give a Look to Creativity with those strange, intense green-gold feral eyes of hers. As she focused on the Golden Tiefling, she remained well-aware of her surroundings, trying to prepare herself to be grabbed by one of these goons. Such thoughts brought a twitch of a grin to her lips as she tried to set the stage for a fight or chaos so she can hopefully make a grab for Creativity's brooch.
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"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." RBG

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Old Apr 22nd, 2023, 12:39 AM
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Chummin' th' water, throwin' th' lines
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In a committed relationship! With who, th' sculptor? Now that were a distressin' thought. Could that be Barley speakin' through Snigs? All th' more reason t' deal with 'em sooner than later. "Well, someone is very lucky then. They must be paranoid with Creativity traveling in such uncertain times." Paranoid enough t' be constantly scryin'.

Falco watched Creativity react an' answer but it were hard t' get a read on what were goin' on in that pretty head. He smiled at th' doorman an' stepped 'nto th' room with Tempest. She made bold proclamations and looked ever' bit like roilin' clouds over a rough sea yet also like a child seein' somethin' special fer th' first time an' still somehow regal as if what she were sayin' were right perfectly fine. He watched Snigs with a vulpine smile.

"Now Snigs," he started before th' construct could protest, "she be a foreign dignitary joinin' us in th' war against th' Sahaugin. Different culture an' all that." Falco shrugged an' stepped closer. "I'm sure ye be loyal an' dedicated. Ye kept Creativity safe durin' th' attack. But what of yer collective employer, hhm? How deep do his loyalties run? Deeper'n his pockets? Ships 'n' crews be expensive, ye ken? What if he needed t' cut some losses? I'm only askin' because th' Sahuagin targeted this specific ship when they could've easily taken th' Solmar ship. Seems a bit fishy." Can constructs be confused or angered? Falco might soon find out if'n he kept pressin' buttons an' th' more he learned about Ketterman Barley th' less he cared if'n th' man knew he took th' Wailin' Maiden.

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Old Apr 22nd, 2023, 01:21 AM
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Bingle Curiosa Wildwander, Forest Gnome Wizard/Warlock
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In a prefect wrold, Bingle's mother and father would have plucked her fully formed from between the roots of an elder tree. They would tuck her tidily into a basket next to Bongle, already dry as moss, and quiet. She could not imagine her mother and father being so riled up for all that huffing and thumping, nor could she imagine being close enough to her mother to be born.

At the time of the basilisk attack, Jelbi Gimble was the only one of her friends who had been given any official instruction on childbirth and its causes, but the three of them, Jelbi, Mitzi, and Bingle, had made a pact to share all worldly knowledge. So the pointed eyebrows and the hints and innuendoes and metaphors that Jelbi's concerned aunt had managed to haltingly deliver all got mulled and analyzed and cross-referenced with the tales in books, and spied-on scenes, and natural evidence, until the three arrived at some understanding. Everything in the village was so embarrassing. Touching, speaking, and even just opening your mouth to breathe, sometimes. Cultivate big ferns, then snooch into 'em.

She is glad to be gone. She thinks it, and knows it's true. Considering Pim, and what might or must have happened in the village while she was petrified, she addresses for the first time with some seriousness the fact that had she not been turned to stone, she would at this time be a mother, maybe a grandmother. She would have her own house with its own front crevice and particular illusions. She would have married someone. Never met an elf, never fought a kobold, never got kliled and put in the dagger. The basilisk: a boon in a bane's pocket. She lost her whole family, but gained the world... and Pim?

If she had never been petrified, then she would have grown old, and when she was old enough, she would have been told an answer to the question: why does the village remain hidden? Since she did not grow old, she will have to find out for herself. Or she could ask: Father, do you have a son? Father, do you know the name Nexa Banishae? Father, does Nexa Banishae have your son?

Bingle waits outside the cabin, ready to duck behind some crates and turn into the sahuagin priestess and burst in to playact another attack. Harlan sits nearby on the rail, looking fluffed and pert. She messages Falco: IS IT TIME? and then Tempest; IS IT TIME NOW? and then Falco again: HOW ABOUT NOW. She looks around to see who's paying attention, who might have got too curious, and whether their little drama will need to be fully private, or whether they can fake-toss Creativity's corpse into the sea.

ۜ\(סּںסּَ` )/ۜ

Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
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Old Apr 22nd, 2023, 08:23 AM
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Fela, out of her groove
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"Of course I..." Fela's instinctively puffed up and ready to claim deep and intimate knowledge of Sirens (errr, not like that), but a look at Briony and she catches herself. Even Fela can see Briony likes her, and the sea is Briony's area, not hers -- what's she trying to live up to, here? Maybe that extra glow from Saliber makes her feel a bit more secure in herself, too, but manages to deflate with a giggle. "--I had no idea. Must have fallen asleep in that lesson. Like praying mantises?" and she can't help but giggle again. Talking know. With Briony so close.

But Briony's words aren't far from her head when when Tempest speaks to Snigs about not having any shame in desiring or admiring or doting or possessing or killing who she wants. Killing? That doesn't really belong on the list. Unless you're a praying-mantis-siren. Ooooh. Fela can't help leaning over and whispering to Briony. "Praying-mantis. Cleric-Siren. Praying Siren." But it's probably just an act, for the plan. Mostly an act. Probably. Partly an act. Played up at least a little.

When they're out of earshot and Tempest seems game but wrings her hands a bit about making enemies, Fela reassures her. This would have been a rocky and difficult path for Fela just a few weeks ago, taking justice into her own hands like this, she'd been wringing her hands along. But having traversed it a few times now -- making deals with Slurrybird, dealing with Kreb, with driving Xendrose out of town -- well, as Limey Dicknison (why did Finn seem exclusively to quote gnomish literature?) put it, she'd been swerved by a splinter, and now the "Floods have slit the Hills--
And scooped a Turnpike for Themselves"
. It was no work at all for her to justify taking the brooch. "Ketterman, Creativity's master, is a pirate for sure. A pirate of secrets, of privacy -- his statues terrorize what should be the safe waters of people's homes, my father among them. The access is sold off to the highest bidders, or used to blackmail those he's spied on. I will gladly join in war against him. But if we can hide, or make him doubt, what we know just a little longer it would help greatly. If you act like you've lost control of yourself a bit, and I'll play along, try to talk you out of it, and then in the chaos we can have the fake Sahuagin appear. Maybe try to get Creativity in the water, like you're swimming off with him, and drop the brooch down to the bottom in the process?"

Greed is nowhere to be found, probably deserted and gone back to tell ... to tell someone, Kreb and Xendrose were gone but Greed was surely working for someone else now what they were up to. But there was no time to wonder who, she can hear Tempest starting to cause a stir as she rushes back, sees Bingle waiting outside the cabin and gives her a nod, then shouts "Another Sahuagin attack. Die, foul fish!" slapping her sword against her shield and shuffling her feet around rapidly, before ducking down herself, hoping to hide and then knock out Snigs from behind as he comes through.

Feints and deceptions, chaos, striking foes form behind -- the Mills were well and truly trodden out.

Actions, etc.
Dice Deception/Performance to make it sound like an attack:
d20+4 (2)+4 Total = 6

Dice Stealth to hide, disadvantage from her armor I guess?:
2d20kl1 14, 6 (keeping 6) Total = 6

Aura of Protection: +4 to saves for Fela and any friendlies within 10'

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Old Apr 26th, 2023, 12:13 AM
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The Con is On
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Fela Briony says, Or Preying-Siren with enough emphasis for you to hear the e. Time will tell. I trust your judgment, and to be fair, I've never actually seen a Siren. But then again, most people who do don't live to say how it went.

She talks softly, to you alone. Her breath is warm against your cheek. If you turned your head, just an inch, a bare inch---

---But she is going. The moment has come, and the Siren is starting it up. You wish you knew where Greed was...

Tempest, you announce to Snigs that you do what you want, but you perceive that he is not a feeling being; you cannot rile him. At lunch he would blandly answer direct questions with generic phrases, unless you hit some sort of talking point. Then he would make a canned statement and go back to doing Creativity-Guarding-things and sailor things.

Now Snigs pauses, as you seem to have hit him in three talking points at once. He addresses them in a jumble: Creativity will not disrobe. You are not approved for nudity. Is the ship being attacked? This is the bedroom of Ketterman Barley, ship owner, a rank that has authority over temporary captains who commandeer ships during war emergencies. Shall I man a battle station? You may not have the bedroom. Creativity must lock himself in the bedroom until the attack ceases---with all his clothes on---until the boat of Ketterman Barley, owner and the only personage approved for nudity, is safe. You may not commandeer a bedroom even during war emergencies. Bedrooms and ships are not the same. Tiefling molestation is not tolerated aboard the Wailing Maiden. Desist. We shall fight beside you to protect the ship from Sahuagin, all of us together, wearing all our clothing.

Behind Snigs, Creativity, who seems to be picking up what you guys are laying down, begins taking off his shirt, yelling very loudly to cover the rustle of the fabric: Oh no! More sahuagin! Attacking! Now?? AH YES, As I stand here completely clothed and certainly uninterested in any sort of sexual congress with anyone aboard, I hear the slap of webby feet and the clang of weaponry!" He points frantically to the brooch, then to his ear. He makes significant eyebrows at you. Points again. Brooch, ear. He says again, louder, THE CLANG OF WEAPONRY! I HEAR IT Resolving low performance rollBut Fela is not in place yet.

right-aligned image
Falco, soon you also perceive that Snigs and Biffers have no emotions to rile.

You (and the siren) can see Creativity's whole performance is auditory and aimed at the brooch, and also that he is not worried about the opinions of this construct, or even where its eyes or ears are pointed. It's just a tool, with set parameters for behavior. The brooch stays attached to his chocolate brown silk tunic. As soon as the tunic is off, he wraps himself in a throw from his luxurious bed, then throws the tunic to Tempest.


Where are the Sahuagin? On deck? says Snigs, looking to Creativity. It doesn't care that Tempest has the shirt, since Creativity has on a sort of shawl situation. Since she asked for a shirt and not the brooch, it doesn't seem to clock the party's true real objective. Creativity, secure your valuable person with many locks, says Snigs, charging toward the door.

As it goes, Creativity pulls a crumpled bit of paper out and throws it to you, Falco. The Paper Bird. The message says: I heard enough to gather there was an attack. Sahuagin! How I quailed for you! I’ll turn ears on as this bird arrives. Go to my stateroom, report details, and confirm that you’ll order the constructs to return my ship to Templetome. Sending paladin via griffon to extract you, ASAP!

Bingle, Banx shrugs, and now he is also a relatively small sahuagin. We sholud have satcked, he whispers. Nad been one sahuagin in a trnech coat. He remembers your story about the dead kobolds stacking into ghosts back at the farm. He likes this, you see. Wizrad siht. But where is your head?

left-aligned image
Who would you have married? Dimble Fonkin? And had a couple of pointy-headed Fonkin babies? Not hardly. Erpo Namfoodle? Please. The priestess necklace is heavy and chafes and rattles, the ugly clunk of thing! How can you believe that your kind nice father, who is kind and nice, and a good cleric, and serves a good god, would leave his son! TARPPED! But then, you were stone the whole dang hnuderd. You were left. If you leave one child, maybe the next is easier. How terrible to have Bongle left, alone of all your children. Bongle, saying, Wlel, I tlod them to saty in the frens....

The sahuagin warrior is very small for a sahuagin, and it has a solemn gaze.[B] It thinks you should ask. It would ask its parents. It thinks. But its parents never knew that it was in a Hell Dagger, did they. If they had known, would they have said, OOSP! OH, WLEL! and gone on?

You do not see anyone on the crew watching. But. You hear them, TROMP TROMP overhead. They are on deck, prepping to sail with Biffers. They will see if you throw over any tieflings. Unless you do a thing to make them not see. They will.

Fela, you have prepped the crew for theatrical nonsense. Do you trust them to witness and be silent? Briony says they are discreet. How discreet? You hustle back from your Greed hunt and make clang sounds. Maybe Creativity has cued you a couple-three times now, but at least your weaponry-clangs are authentic. Here are small Sahuagin, ready to attack, but the brooch is set to HEAR. Not SEE. (Creativity is ear pointing again) That needs to be accounted for. Currently the brooch is in the hands of the Siren, still attached to the luxurious chocolate brown tunic.

Whatever you decide to do? It must be now. For here comes Snigs, barreling out the door, ready for battle.

OOCParty, we are not going to Roll initiative on SNIGS. The four of you can easily kill him, or subdue him---he is no match. Whatever you decide to do with him, just RP it. He currently believes the ship is under sahuagin attack.

We are going to do a whole party skill check challenge. Each PC should roll ONE skill check that makes sense for your part in the next round. Performance, or Deception or another skill might make more sense, depending on your RP. I will average your rolls into one number and give Barley an opposed insight roll.

If your plan is cohesive and you work together in smart ways, you can negatively impact his insight modifier up to a -3. He is on high alert and anxious and already uncertain bordering on suspicion, so his insight will be a flat roll, not disadv! GOOD LUCK!
DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh
DMed: Battle of the Bards, Banshee Bride, NPSG, Clockwork Sienna, The Witch is Dead
Playing: Ozbox Souptoot Played: Fioravanti-Anya-Ripper-Malyth, Ingetrude Frostblossom, Myrrh the Burned, Primble Thorne, Ozbox, Ferrar, Burnapolia Bronkus

Last edited by Fillyjonk; Apr 26th, 2023 at 12:28 AM.
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Old Apr 26th, 2023, 06:34 PM
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Bingle Curiosa Wildwander, Forest Gnome Wizard/Warlock
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Bingle isn't like the other gnomes, but she does value privacy. A lot. Especially when it comes to being in a room and thinking you're alone but you aren't alone because someone has his wet eye pressed up against some statue somewhere. So that the statue you're pointing to and winking and shaking your finger like no-no-no while you're miming out words to a ribald song is actually not a statue but a distant person looking back at you? Un? Be? Knownst? No thank you. Bingle aligns with the gnome doctrine of having all observation be firmly, decisively beknownst. Aunt Dob used to say, if you're a fly on my little wall, then the last thing you'll spy is the brunt of my little maul. And she menat it.

Snigs comes barreling out the door.

And Bingle and Banx attempt to lure him right back in by squishing past him and back into the cabin with Creativity. Splush, splush, splush, Bingle Prestidigitates the sound of squelching Sahuagin feet as their gills gurgle and their fins flap.

"Bloop! BLORP!" Bingle bellows, attempting to duck past Snigs and back into the room. "POOP LOBLOB! GLUB glubluh BOO!" They get guttural. They sell it. "Everyone! To me! With blorporp for Sekolah! We're here for that blorby one! Sweep away the glubstructs so we can take our pooprize!" Bingle and Banx pound Snigs with firebolts and eldritch blasts, giving Creativity every reason to scream his head off. "You're nobnext you fancyblorb! You'll eat my trident! and know vengeance for Markaht! You think this excellent wizard and really glubgood wizard can save you? Feel the ocean's poopower!"

ۜ\(סּںסּَ` )/ۜ

Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse

Last edited by lostcheerio; Apr 27th, 2023 at 03:41 AM.
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Old Apr 27th, 2023, 12:48 AM
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T' remit payment in full
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Falco realized he'd been dancin' fer th' wrong audience. Creativity weren't concerned with th' constructs an' besides, they didn't seem t' be concerned with much anythin' besides th' tiefling. But th' brooch were somethin' different. That were their audience.

He nodded t' Creativity as th' tiefling set things in motion and paused fer a moment t' read th' crumpled paper bird what flew in earlier. Falco weren't expectin' good news an' weren't surprised none. A paladin an' griffon were a fair bit alarmin' though. How far is Baley's reach? He tucked th' note away t' give t' Fela later an' then turned t' nod t' Tempest.

"I hear so many of 'em swarmin' us! They've come t' finish what they started!" Falco joined in with th' chorus an' added t' th' chaos of their mock battle. "Can't ye see 'em Snigs?" He ran after th' construct, leapt an' climbed up th' thing, then grappled its head th' same way he'd seen Bingle tackle someone countless times before.

Falco leaned back an' rocked 'is body t' throw th' construct off balance an' bring it down. "Another Champion?! Watch out Creativity, we'll hold 'em off but maybe ye should hide!" His moonsickle were out an' glowin' pale in th' lamplight o' th' stateroom. "How many are there? No!" Th' sickle flashed down, lightnin' quick a few times as th' Sahuagin invasion spilled 'nto th' room.

Drink Counter: 0/3





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Old Apr 27th, 2023, 02:55 AM
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Tempest was uncomfortable at how the automatons reacted and spoke. It was as if she gutted a simple supper fish and instead of squishy guts, out spilled flower petals and acorns. They were strange, but not strange like a Gnome in robes, or a golden Tiefling - but a lifeless wrong that was only a step to the side of a dead-not-dead zombie. She remained polite, but she almost wanted to pull a knife through one of them to see what would fall out. And then she wondered if it would feel pain. And how was it born. And if it would care if it were going to die. Because it was going to die, which was an odd notion if it wasn't alive. Certainly she would ask questions later over dinner as 'small talk'.

Snigs was funny to the Siren. Insulting and funny, and this tickled her to the point where her cheeks blushed into a shade of light lavender-pink. Not approved for nudity. The mermaids would have a field day with this creature. Ketterman Barley was a name she kept on hearing in relation to this ship, but she knew it was Bingle's ship and Falco's ship, and of course 'in part' her ship, if she deemed it so, that of which she didn't at the moment to be proper as a 'diplomat' and representative of the glorious Sirens everywhere, but especially her mother who would have just dragged Snigs upstairs and tossed him overboard with a bark of a laugh.

Creativity was also amusing, but in a more delightful manner as he pointed at his ear, then the brooch, and his words reflected a cleverness that ought to be noted in one of her drawing books along with a drawing of horned beings that had or had-not hooved feet. "I agree that there will be no sexual congress between us! Performance 9I do wish to remove my pants for fighting, Snigs. What do you say about that? But later! I hear at least four sharkteeth." The Cleric-y Siren smiled widely as she caught the lovely brown tunic with a clap of her hand against her shield. "Save yourself under the bed!" She thunked down the tunic so the brooch would hit the wooden floor. Tempest stepped on one end of the fine fabric and hooked the sleeve with her trident as she started to pull, tearing it slowly as she widened her eyes gleefully at the Tiefling, bobbing her head at him encouraging to join in as she let out a short howled Aquan throaty warcry, twisting the fabric to tear it more violently.

When Tempest turned to eye Falco's unique but effective fighting style with his chosen prey, entrusting him and the others to dispose of poor Snigs, she raised the twirl-tangled, torn tunic upwards with the butt-end of her trident to only slam it into the wall after giving Creativity a mischievous, somewhat feral grin as she awaited the right timing. The Siren Insight on Creativity for 20attempted to coordinate screams, shouts, or dramatic words with the Tiefling for the start of his tunic's demise. As soon as she saw a Great Sahuagin, she lingered in the stately room to hear some grand gurgle-bloops and fish-foot slapping before dragging the vest-on-a-trident toward the door.
Stat Block
Actions & Movement
Posting: Better!
"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." RBG


Last edited by PlaidPeregrine; Apr 27th, 2023 at 08:56 AM.
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Old Apr 27th, 2023, 08:19 AM
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Fela, off-off broadway director
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Fela wishes Finn had been here to help with this production of Death of a Tiefling. Their rehearsal schedule had been completely inadequate, Fela's missed her cue and her blocking is way off -- she's still rushing to the stage as Act Four begins. Bingle and Banx are overplaying their roles so Bingle's 1much it makes Fela wince, and Tempest, speaking of removing pants, seems to be in another play altogether, the kind that played closer to the shady docks than Templetome's theatre district and whose runs were frequently cut short due to immorality. But the show must go on, and so Fela decides she will need to play director herself.

Fela barrels into the room, miming striking at Bingle and Banx to keep Snigs from suspecting anything while 'accidentally' getting her sword and shield in between the automaton and his foes, taking a hands on approach to managing its 'stage'-fighting. Once Falco is on his head she mimes covering her mouth, hoping the halfling muffles the automatons cries, and then turns her own blade on it, hoping to knock it as quickly as possible before it can express surprise.

Once Snigs is down she waves her hands in circles in the air, the universal "hold that note" she'd seen choir directors use, trying to get everyone to keep the noise going, then catches Creativity's eyes and mimes stabbing herself in the chest with a dagger, adding to Tempest's encouragement and hoping he'll have a good dramatic death scene. Then thwacking her sword through the tunic, tossing the brooch to Bingle to keep that enthusiastic fishman-noise going, and rushes and opens the nearest porthole, gesturing for Bingle to throw it overboard, wanting to get the curtain down on this farce before it got any worse, and their new crew or the other automaton could ruin the twist ending.

Actions, etc.
Maybe it's a stretch, but going to role Persuasion for Fela to try to nonverbally coordinate everyone's actions as described above, and because I just rolled performance. Otherwise, deception adn performance are both +4 instead of +7.
Dice Persuasion to direct the show:
d20+7 (19)+7 Total = 26

Aura of Protection: +4 to saves for Fela and any friendlies within 10'


Last edited by ptwiddle; Apr 27th, 2023 at 08:32 AM.
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