Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
Last edited by lostcheerio; Jul 24th, 2023 at 05:28 PM.
Turn Summary Initiative: Move: To the ship! Reaction: Action: Will cast Send if Briony needs answers via Bingle.
On the ship:
1) Tempest will cut down or lower the Half Elf to the deck. If he needs to be cut down, she'll happily climb the ropes and carry him down like a sack o' potatoes.
2) Tempest will look for the Captain's Quarters and if there are navigational maps/tools specific to this world without stars. She will be doing the typical "What do we need to set sail, how many sails are there, is there wind, do we need to cut that guy down from the mast? etc." Bonus Action: Conditions: Concentrating: Object Interaction: Other:
Posting: Better! "Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." RBG
Trying to be sociable, Fela acts excited for the hospitality, though she's apprehensive that here in the underdark that loathsome mushrooms will feature heavily, and is relieved when they don't. But maybe they're in the wine? She pushes the intrusive thought away with "at least it's not claw wine". The fancy goblet is not Fela's style at all, but fancy food, his description of the view -- she misses home more than she has these last two weeks and change. Cheese and chocolate, watching ships come into Templetome from the griffon's nest, her father, demanding but devoted. And she's never been so far from it. "Home..." But just as she can't understand Vorn, she doubts he'd be able to understand this homesickness, even if she knew how to put this tightness in her chest into words anyway, so she swallows it and chases it down with another gulp of wine, makes appreciative noises about the food, and distracts herself by gingerly fingering the goblet-sculpture.
Vorn's addendum to the note is a nightmare. Briony and her crew wouldn't stand a chance against Nithe. But what was the alternative? Was getting eaten by a homesick eel-dragon preferable to slavery in the underdark? She knows she should be diplomatic, find some compromise, but the wine... "Unnecessary. We'll be back. The crew couldn't stand up to Nithe anyway, and they will be safe..." Her eyes flare like the sun.
She can't help but respond incredulously to Tempest as well. "The surface is sensual? You're a Siren!"
Not sure this is necessary, but her reaction to Vorn might be an intimidation check..
Dice intimidation?:
Total = 27
Aura of Protection: +4 to saves for Fela and any friendlies within 10'
CHARACTER SHEET HP: 52/52 AC:In Chain Mail, with/without Shield16 or 18 Spells: Fey-Touched: Charm: 1/Per Long Rest1 | Misty Step: 0/Per Long Rest1 Level 1: 2/4 Prepared: Alarm, Bless, Charm Person, Command, Compelled Duel, Detect Magic, Divine Favor Level 2: 1/2 Prepared: Locate Object, Misty Step, Moonbeam, Prayer of Healing, See Invisibility, Zone of Truth Lay on Hands: 30/Per Long Rest30 As an action, you can detect good and evil. Until the end of your next turn, you can sense anything affected by the hallow spell or know the location of any celestial, fiend, undead within 60 ft. that is not behind total cover.Divine Sense: 2/Per Long Rest5 Channel Divinity: 1/Per Short Rest1 You can use your Channel Divinity to invest your presence with the warding power of your faith. As an action, you can choose a number of creatures you can see within 30 feet of you, up to a number equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature). For 1 minute, you and the chosen creatures have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.Watcher’s Will You can use your Channel Divinity to castigate unworldly beings. As an action, you present your holy symbol and each aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, or fiend within 30 feet of you that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly end its move in a space within 30 feet of you. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can take the Dodge action.Abjure the Extraplanar You can expend a use of your Channel Divinity to fuel your spells. As a bonus action, you touch your holy symbol, utter a prayer, and regain one expended spell slot, the level of which can be no higher than half your proficiency bonus (rounded up). The number of times you can use this feature is based on the level you’ve reached in this class: 3rd level, once; 7th level, twice; and 15th level, thrice. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.Harness Divine Power Attuned: Shield of Missile Attraction DM Inspiration: Vorn is a horse-girlYES Heal Potions: 1, from Tumble Carrying: Drunkard’s map, 1x Nyssa's Can keep watch all long restWatchdogwood Petals, 1x Granny Peth's Beast Befriender's Fluid, Shield of Missile Attraction, +1 Springer Sword Pearl's calling card, Make a ranged attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 3d8 poison damage and must make a DC14 Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, it is also poisoned. It can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns.Dragon gas bomb, Turtle Distractimal Ricardt, the Retainer: HP: 12/12 AC: 10 Hide+10 Maude, the Marsh Tacky: HP: 13/13 DC 16 Animal Handling check, once per dayLoyalty checks (here)1/3
Bingle, that is nuts. Anyway, the whirlpool disappeared. Will it come back? Then we sail in? You are saying — Does Fela—Fela said to do this?
Briony has questions, but she sounds clam and falt, Mtater-fo-Fcat. You can tell Tempest her queries, but then. right after. you know. Lrod Vron. Says the thing. The word. You know, okay, so WHY? You had Jelby. You read the lonely night books. YOU KNOW OK WHY SAY THIS. You saw Not-Thalia in a cemetery. There are rabbits. You personally know many, many voles. The throes. YOU KNOW SO SHUT UP.
You look to Banx. Nope! He is very busy looking elsewhere at literally anything, Banx has Bingle-Specific blindness where his eyes don't point in a small Bingle shaped area where you, Bingle, are existing. He is word deaf to one word and he didn’t hear that word WHAT WORD SAID TO WHOM? You mouth at him and he pulls his black cowl up over his head and over his face and all the way down to his neck. This evil cloak is closed for business, thank you.
Yes, yes, poetry. Vorn smiles faintly, and when you sputter to a halt, says, almost wonderingly, Warlock of Glasya. What a cypher you are. No, I do not know Balek. Have you any of his books I might borrow until you return? Oh we are talking poems? Banx emerges. You are pointing a blameful finger at him still and he nods, vigorously. Yes, yes, all his fault, or yes, yes, poetry, or just nodding.
When you speak of Yetas, Vron quickens, brightens. He knows this poet, loves this poet! He quotes:
…What could have made her peaceful with a mind
That nobleness made simple as a fire,
With beauty like a tightened bow, a kind
That is not natural in an age like this,
Being high and solitary and most stern?
Why, what could she have done, being what she is?
Was there another Troy for her to burn?
Fela, you should be conciliatory, diplomatic—but this is Briony. You will make a vow for you, but not for Briony. You snap, and once again, that strange deference, as when he told you (and you alone) not to call him a lord, descends.
Of course. I meant no insult, Lady. You are more than equal to this piddling task and shall no doubt return forthwith, triumphant. His tone is well-oiled, soothing, his eyes down. Then he side-mouths, Pozzik! And gestures sharply. Pozzik scuttles forward in a dither and sloshes more wine into your goblet.
Oh, for sure. FOR SURE. We will just keep Banx with us. Banx can handle things that won’t need handling because you will have handled er, um, all the unhandled, er things that need handling and return to see your crew here all totally uneaten by any eel dragons, FOR SURE, this is a Pozzik guarantee, please, have more cheese, triple cream things are so very calming.
Now everyone is talking about sex. COOL. Siren says what?
Tempest, Fela is right to look askance. What is sex to a siren? Very few people can say, because for most who experience it, the little death is quickly followed by the big one.
What a way to go, though, your father has said more than once, smiling and wry, well aware of your mother’s pleasures and practices. He is Bright-born, and for all his goodness, he has that Fey detachment.
For your father's peace of mind, your mother only scuttles slavers and pirate ships and the stupid siren hunters who come practically asking for it, (when you are with her, anyway), but she still snags this or that drowning miscreant: an evil deck witch with long hair uncoiling in the waves, a brash first mate with waxed mustachios, a hard-eyed slaver with a piano player hands. She drags her choice down out of sight into the dark depths, but you know what she's doing.
This truth exists at peace with this one: your father loves your mother as she is.
Your father loves a monster. No, he loves two monsters, because he loves you, too, and you are not a half-elf, Tempest. Sirens might need a partner to egg, but they throw true.
Not that they egg often; it is usually in their last century, when they understand they are mortal, when their territorial savagery has faded far enough for them to (probably) not eat their own. As a Siren with a young mother and a present, living father, a siren who can read, a siren with a goddess, a siren born on the Prime, you are odd in many ways— but you are a Siren.
Your father has raised you on poetry and taught you to work the weave with prayer; your desire for friends and your wild romanticism comes from his nurture, not your nature, but the upshot of his influence is, you have a capacity empathy. Bingle is clearly in some sort of dither, so you are kind to her, but—you are what you are. You were raised to want what you want and to have it. Why should you not? Which of your parents would have taught you shame or modesty? Your Eladrin father from the 'Wild? Ha! Your voracious mother? HA HA! The books you read may value constancy, but it is as theoretical to you as a “town” was last week.
And yet your parents are in love. Have you ever been in love? Is love a pretty skirt you can pull on or strip off as easily as you call legs, or is it a jewel on a high shelf you can’t reach, or is it a bland box that you let sink into the sand and never bother to explore?
Bingle wants you to open the locket but you must away from Vorn first. Perhaps you SEND to Briony? But then you and your closed locket are carted the same way Falco went, to a tidy little clipper called the Lost at Sea. Gary drops you there and then heads back for Fela and Bingle.
Falco, you are already there with Nilfil. The well-wrapped evil bundle is hung at a convenient height for talking and is staring at you with dead eyes that are way too old for his young face.
Did you leave your pipe with Banx? Banx doesn’t smoke, but he will learn how if you do this, as he is proud of his adventures. And anyway, smoking goes with the sihtkciker evil botos.
Nilfil clears his throat. He has an ignorant, thick accent. I’ll answer what you ask me, sounds like, Erl Arnser whert yer arsk meh. Just don’t put me back with them, eh? I’d rather swing fast from the gibbet than die the way they’ll do me for talking to you. Still. Rather them than be slow-ground to powder by one of these spider-worshipping accursed drowish women.
I wasn’t with the Black Rabbit. A scrub like me? Those that get a berth (and survive) on his ghost ship with its thousand names die old and rich. I was new recruited, a powder monkey on the recent capture – yours I gather. Dusk Maiden. Our job, to take other ships. Those that live get officer slots on those new boats. We tried to take a sloop, and lost, and ran, and hid in The Quiet Water - then the funnel came and sucked us down.
What do you want to know, Corsair?
Bingle you send Halran for a quick tree hunt. He launches off Pozzik’s head and Pozzik yelps and tries to grab him, saying, OH UM HEY DON’T UM DO NOT FLY OVER, UM DON'T -
Harlan communicates where he sees the tree motif, only two other places. Fela’s wine glass, and the orrery. Strange, to have an orrery in a place that has no sky? You know the planets and placement, same as Keledek’s of the Prime. It moves and spins in the same way, too. But. It is so strange! Worked metal, like the locket, the cigarette case, the goblet. This is art, you understand, these are all arts, all with function. To wear, or carry smokes, or drink from, or show the passage of the planets. Halran moves his eyes from the orrery to Vron as he ---
DON'T FLY OVER THE DAIS! Pozzik finishes.
SO fast, those spiders. SO FAST! Scuttle-leap-jab-pop. A puff of fey mist and feathers. Halran is gone. But not before he puts it in your head. What he sees. What cannot be unseen. Only a flash. For maybe 70% of a second, but it is enough. It is more than enough, forever.
The robe ends where the desk begins, so it will not caught in the works of him. The works of Lrod Vron.
Halran shows you, and you know: he is teh nat tarp. You see his spine stretched down curved into the gears and cogs and workings of the seething metal, all the way into the floor, which seeths him back and forth and around, his flesh dripped among the workings, his soft organs permanently melded in the steel. You see the glass and whirring gears and pulsings of him. He is a juncture. At very meeting point, every binding, every winding connection, at the site of every loss and its welded in replacement, it sparks up blue. You know this blue. His brain, his weave-work, his blood and anima—he powers the machine. The alive blue light in the bottom of the pit is him, it is his soul, subverted.
There is no sitting room in the Ant Trap. He never sits. There is no bedroom. He never sleeps. No, he will never marry. No, he would not want to smoke and see his story.
A silence, and then Pozzik says, Oh dear, but the little bird, he is your familiar? Yes? Not dead, right? Look, here, HERE is incense. HERE are the herbs! I can loan you a bowel if –a BOWL! I mean a BOWL.
However will you unsee the workings of Vorn? Looped among the machinery.
You look at Vorn. He looks at you. You know, and he knows you know. His eyes are like Bongle’s; he will tolerate no pity.
You’d best go and get on with it, he says politely.
DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh DMed: Battle of the Bards, Banshee Bride, NPSG, Clockwork Sienna, The Witch is Dead Playing: Ozbox Souptoot Played: Fioravanti-Anya-Ripper-Malyth, Ingetrude Frostblossom, Myrrh the Burned, Primble Thorne, Ozbox, Ferrar, Burnapolia Bronkus
Last edited by Fillyjonk; Jul 28th, 2023 at 08:17 AM.
It isn't a tarp for nats or sihps. It's a tarp for him. For Vron. He is tarped. So tarped and clod.
A story blooms into her mind, fully formed. The two trees. One dark and one light, and Vron was the light one. This love was forbidden. Ended in a punishment, too cruel. She, a revolutionary, like Mad Gnone, but madder. He, hopelessly in love, trying to stop an uprising. But she loved a revolutionary, and put him in misery. What happened to Mad Gnone when the uprising failed. She was rich and wild, and the revolutionary died, and the revolution died. What happened to Vron. Look no more in the bitter glass. Bingle wondered if the beloved revolutionary sweetheart was still out there, and suddenly burned to know what the spyglass was trained on. She had thought, the Nat Tarp. Now she understood Gary's loyalty. And so much. But she wouldn't show him pity. Gnomes live a long life. If they're careful.
There's a clod nuderstanding between Bingle and Vorn.
"May I look into your spyglass?" she asks quietly. "I have never looked through such a lens."
If he allows it, she will look through it. She misses Halran with a little awful pang of loneliness but won't use Pozzik's components to get him. She has her own bowl and things. She feels a flare of anger at Pozzik and jealousy and worry over Banx staying here with him. Stupid goblin! His fault! Harlan's quick little nibbling beak and soft wing flutters. When she gets to the ship, she will get Harlan back, and he will never sit on Pozzik's head again, ever. Because she's mad at him for Harlan getting zapped.
"Goodbye for now, Lord Vorn," she says politely, with a bow. "I look forward to seeing you again on our return with your ship and ours. And on that point, I urge you to never give up."
OOC: Initiative: Saving Throw: Move: Action: Look through the spyglass.
Dice Roll:
Total = 16
On the ship, cast Find Familiar as a ritual and get Harlan back, again statted as a Raven but looking like a parakeet. Bonus Action: Reaction: Free Action: Concentrating: Harlan's Action: Scout around the ship.
Dice Roll:
Total = 20
Bingle Wildwander
Forest Gnome
Wizard 5, School of Transmutation. Warlock 1, Pact of the Fiend.
Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
Last edited by lostcheerio; Jul 28th, 2023 at 10:01 AM.
Falco didn't mind leavin' th' pipe with Banx. He knew he could trust 'im an besides, a wizard must needs a pipe. It were basically common knowledge, pointy hat an' pipe. Not like there'd be time fer smokin' it out here in th' dark waters anyways.
This loathsome bag of skin, bones, an' cruelty danglin' from th' mast before 'im were nothin' more'n a faceless swab amongst th' Red Feathers. Falco doubted they told 'im much o' anythin'. Still, he may have heard somethin' an' he still values 'is life enough t' talk. "Ye had th' Dusk Maiden an' ye couldn't even take a sloop? If only I'd been quicker!" He paused fer a moment t' look at th' artificial silk-bound bundle t' Insight: 12try an' sus out if'n he were speakin' true or maybe holdin' back.
"Does 'is ghostship often sail the Quiet Water?" Falco asked, "D'ye know who bought it, th' cloaker? Ye ever hear talk 'bout some big weddin'? Or maybe Th' Eye?" It weren't likely but he still had t' ask. Somebody besides Cinderrabbit has t' know somethin' an' ever'one talks on a ship, even pirates. "If'n ye want t' ever see th' sky again, how helpful can ye be? Can I trust ye t' at least help me get us all back up?" He leveled an assessing look on th' half-elf an thought he knew th' answer already."Were that all o' ye, in that pen?"
Saving Throws: Free Action: Move: Action: Insight to see if Nilfil is lying or omitting: 12 Reaction: Bonus Action: Condition: Cosmic Omen: Woe X2, Concentrating:
Halfling︱Druid Falco Goldenbairn HP: 45/45 AC: 12 Spells: DC: 15 Level 1: [ ][ ][ ][ ] Level 2: [X][X][ ] Level 3: [ ][ ] Wild Shape: [X][ ] Attuned: House's Whistle, Moon Sickle DM Inspiration: None Potions: 1 bottle of Granny Peth’s Nervous Drops, 1 2d4+2 HPPotion of Healing, 4 Potions of Alter Self (8 hours) Carrying for party: A simple wooden band that appears to be entwined by evergreen ivy vines. The top is decorated with a small rose petal, which remains bloomed and perfect until the ring's effect is used. The petal may be expended to heal a target the wearer can touch by 2d4+2 hit points. Once used, the rose petal wilts and falls off the ring, but each day at dawn the petal blooms and can be used again. It doesn’t require attunement.Band of the Dryad ; One letter stamped with a stargazing rabbit; one paper with signal notes; 1,223 gold, 30 silver, and 6 copper; a Hag's purse, a red velvet rat-pouch; 1 chairfart; Pipe of Rememberence, House's Whistle, 1 green diamond worth about 300 gold, 1 red feather pendant, 1 temporary red feather tattoo (3 days), 1 Dragon Gas Bomb, Kreb's keyring, a small wooden box with a portable hole, a letter, a pair of Dimensional Shackles, 1 Good for use intown or swamp, single use on a monster or NPC targeted creature will follow the Distractimal away in the direction you specify for d6 rounds. This effect is broken if the creature is harmed by the party. Multiple creatures in a room may be targeted and will spend 1 round gathered around it questioning, allowing you to sneak past a doorway or cavern entrance with no stealth roll.Beetle Distractimal
Recipes known (Herbalism):
When you expend hit dice to recover hit points while using this salve, you recover an additional 3 hit points for each hit die expended. This effect lasts for 1 hour after applied.Soothing Salve
You regain 2d4 + 2 hit points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.Potion of Healing
Red Amanita Mushroom
A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.Antitoxin
Rowan Berries
Ingredients carried: 2 Red Amanita Mushrooms
Herbalist advantage on the following checks:
* Your knowledge of nature and uses of herbs can add insight to your magical studies that deal with plant creatures and your attempts to identify potions.Arcana
* When you inspect an area overgrown with plants, your proficiency bonus can help you pick out details and clues that others might miss.Investigation
* Your mastery of herbalism improves your ability to treat illnesses and wounds by augmenting your methods of care with medicinal plants.Medicine
* You can identify most plants with a quick inspection of their appearance, smell, and their surrounding environment.Nature and Survival
"Oh yes, Fela Markwig Springer. I, of course, am sensual as well. I am delightful on the Surface." Tempest smiled toothily at Fela, beautiful and ….one could wonder if she ever ate drowning pirates. La Belle Dame sans Merci. But there was so much wonder in her wild eyes, and such a desire to insert herself in the civilized world beyond making merry on lonely ships out at sea. In her grace and graciousness, the Siren allowed a lover to continue living. There wasn't love involved with said 'lover', as much as they would claim such in any throes of passion. That was the Charm, really, this love that most would define as a Siren's appetite - just a scratching of an itch! Life or death after an intimate encounter was whimsical at first, but as she matured, she had gotten more selective, not desiring to black widow each and every person under her spell.
Once Tempest was onboard the Lost at Sea with Falco, she eyed the webbed present that hung there. She could sense that the Starsinger was not pleased with the gift, but yet there the Half Elf was with his rough accent. She walked the length of the ship away from the questioning so she could finish Bingle's discussion with Briony. Weaving the spell, invoking her goddess, Tempest tried to contact Briony with the following woven message. Fela negotiated deal for everyone's safety while we ship hunt in Glimmersea. Lord Vorn appreciates good stories and books. Enter whirlpool. Brave Fela said Exhilarating!
That certainly sounded correct, and positively Lady Wizard Bingle would admire her similar magical skills.
As the Siren walked with purpose, taking a quick peek at the locket again once below deck knowing if Gary or the spiders witnessed the opening of it, that would hurt Vorn and Nithe, she hid it away again knowing she and Bingle would take a look later. Peeking into the Storage Room, she opened the jar of pickled limes, sniffed them loudly, and snatched one to chew on. The salty, spiced, delicious cross-split lime was joyous! She ran back upstairs with it in her mouth and slurped on the rejuvenating fruit as she set the sails ready, removing it to speak. "Ahoy Falco Starspeaker, I do not know what wind we are to catch, but I am unfurling the sails in preparation to launch when everyone is onboard!"
Chaotic Good | Siren | Tempest Cleric of Aerdrie Faenya | Level 6
HP: 45/45 | AC (15) with Shield (17) Initiative: +1 | Darkvision | Acid Resistance
Weapons: +5 to Hit / Damage: 1d6+2 (1 handed or thrown) or 1d8+2 (2 handed)Trident +1 | +4 Attack / 1d4+1 DamageDagger | (3/3)+4 Attack / Damage: 1d6+1 Damage)Javelins
Spells: +3 Modifier | Spell Attack +6 | Save DC 14
Level 1 Left: 4/4 | Level 2 Left: 1/3 | Level 3 Left: 0/3 Cleric Spells Cast: Gust of Wind (Lvl 2), Water Walk (ritual), Spiritual Guardians (3rd), Spiritual Weapon (2nd), Sending (2x) (3rd) Cantrips: Acid Splash, Mending, Spare the Dying, Toll the Dead, Word of Radiance
Divine Tempest Magic: When a creature within 5 ft. that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a DEX saving throw (DC 14 or it takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage (your choice), half damage on success).Wrath of the Storm: Remaining: 2/3 (per Long Rest) | Channel Divinity, twice per short rest, 2/2] Destroy Undead or Destructive Wrath. Divine Domain Feature: Thunderbolt Strike - At 6th level, when you deal lightning damage to a Large or smaller creature, you can also push it up to 10 feet away from you.
Siren Spells Once Per Long Rest: Create or Destroy Water, Water Walk |
Other Stuff/Notes:
Magic Items Prayer Beads: (1) Wind Walking, (1) Smiting, (2) Cure Wounds (2nd level) or Lesser Restoration, (1) Blessing Necklace of the Ithil’mírë (Locket): From Nithe Potions: Polymorph (1)
Turn Summary Initiative: Move: Reaction: Action: Explore ship to get acquainted with rigging and navigation. And eat a pickled lime. Bonus Action: Conditions: Concentrating: Object Interaction: Other:
Posting: Better! "Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." RBG
Tempest, The Lost at Sea is narrow and well built; she will go fast, but the hold, with its hammocks and hardtack, cannot please you. Utilitarian, dim, ugly. You have not been with this group long and are still under the impression that Bingle is a noble just like Fela, and that Fela must be the scion of a major house. What of Falco? How does he strike you? And if they are indeed practically royal, how will they manage this hardship! (Hard ship?) How will you?
You cast SEND, and Briony pauses so long the connection almost closes. Finally she says, Orders received, ma'am. I'll steer us in as soon as the funnel returns.
The sailor is still wary of you, Siren.
Falco, Gary is ferrying your friends to the ship and the Siren has the prep work handled, so you can focus wholly on Nilfil.
"Ye had th' Dusk Maiden an' ye couldn't even take a sloop? If only I'd been quicker!"
He looks ashamed. Not for the piracy and murder, but for the failure. Too right. We shoulda had em! They was just traders, their sloop slow from a fat hold. But the ship you chase is cursed and haunted. All we did went wrong for us. In the middle of the fight, I saw a half-orc rise up, not ours or theirs.Where did he come from? Pale and furious, he was, and he ran at me yelling YAR YAR YAR, and then for no reason I fathom, I punched myself right in my face and blacked out. When I came to, we had been driven off and half were dead. We ran for Quiet Water to regroup, and right into the funnel.
"Does 'is ghostship often sail the Quiet Water?" Aye. We all do, time to time, and other pirate gangs besides. That’s the best kept secret I hand you now corsair, that the toothiest dogs on the sea use that dead space to parley, or rest up, or settle scores and sink each other in peace.
He and his were captured by spiders and in the holding cell before the ship was sold, so that’s a dead end. He knows nothing about a wedding, either. But when you ask about the Eye, he stills.
Scrub like me? I never saw the Black Eye, but he is why no one ever leaves the Red Feathers, not once you have the tat. They track you down, and they give you to the Eye, and then your stinking, rotty corpse comes back to swabbie on board the ship you left. Dumb and desperate, only able to shuffle and swab and pick barnacles and stink and obey, but not like regular zombies. I seen regular ones plenty, and they are just carcasses with jobs. But these he makes from the deserters, they say he traps their souls of in their own dead flesh. Takes decades for ‘em to rot enough to drop apart and be still.
Naw, naw, naw, I won't go up with you. I’d rather die than let the Eye get me or be a slave to one of these matriarchs. Just make it, quick? Then he pauses. Crinkles up his nose and squinches up his eyes. But if you pass land and let me off instead of killing me, I’ll see what I can find to do with myself here. I can promise that you’ll never hear from Nilfil anymore.
Bingle, Vorn agrees, and Pozzik will show you how to work the huge spy glass while he says cordial goodbyes to Fela. Gary is back to take her next to the ship. You head over to the spy glass with Pozzik the Bird Killer and Banx. It faces out a porthole, looking into the black waters of the Glimmersea.
Now, This can look in all directions, by way of magic,, Pozzik explains while not killing any birds, but probably only because there are none left. For amost no magic, like a cantrip’s worth, the Lens can look anyplace in the Ant Trap, or right around it.
There are all sorts of knobs and dials, and if you like, you can flip and spin and see the black surface of the sea, or different depth views of the webs and the stairs, or this empty holding cell or that one, or the one where 11 pirates huddle and mutter, or the harbor where Tempest is mucking with sails and Falco is questioning Nilfil and Fela is arriving and Gary is heading back. You can track Gary if you want, turning a dial and following his moves.
Now, if we used these levers here we can look reallllly far, (but we won’t because it drains the Ant Trap. He means Vorn. It drains his Weave to look far. When we want to spend the energy, it can show his city, or any place he knows well, but mostly we use it to look all the way up to the surface world, just above where we are, and watch. When we spot a ship, we calculate and move to intercept and put the funnel up.
While Banx has his turn looking, you find your gaze drifting to the orrery. Very art. Much elf. The roots of the tree spread over most of the platform, and some even twine up the base of the telescope. You are sharp-eyed and smart, Bingle, and low to the ground, and you notice the tiny lever hidden among these roots. It looks like part of the orrery, but no, it is on the scope.
You message Banx to ask dumb Pozzik a lot of questions (which he already wanted to anyway, OF COURSE). Then you look into it again and stealthily click the lever over with your toe. You look.
For the briefest flash, less than a second, you stare into a darkness so absolute you can barely make out the scene in grayscale.
You see a dais. A shroud. A figure. She sits so still. Too still. The gauzy shroud doesn’t so much as flutter with breeze or breath, and it occurs to you that this might be a statue. Is she a person, or an art? Is this a prison, or a tomb?
A click noise and a dizzy swirl of color, and now you are looking into the sea right outside again. A blind white fish with a dreadful underbite goes by. Pozzik yacks on to Banx. If you look, Vorn has wheeled to stare at you, eyes hard and dark. Did he feel that as a power drain? Or did his high perch let him see your toe make the extremely hidden lever click over? Either way, the scene is gone.
Your ride is here, Vorn says, tone mild, but the eyes! You had best be about your business. Tiny emphasis on the word “your.”
Time to go. Banx kicks at your evil boot with his evil boot and presses his mouth very hard down. He looks a lot of places that aren’t you. He says, Well but anyway. Anyway. When you get back, which will be soon, I'll have learned smoking. He waves Falco's pipe at you, and then Gary takes you to the Clipper.
FIRST PERSON to see this occ, roll me a d4. Say the result in Dis please, or in the OOC! This is the number of days it will take for you to catch the Dusk Maiden. No matter the number of days, tell me how you fill the time, and make sure to include a roll of some kind.
We will not roll for encounters. You have the star chart so finding them is not an issue, and Gary Gonme can help you avoid the terror-holes and aboleth lairs and trade routes.
Ptwids, I am just assuming you have travel and move stuff, and I think you were mostly done with this scene, so I too you to the ship. EVERYONE is on the ship but if you want to ask a final thing or say a final thing in the lab, you may.
DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh DMed: Battle of the Bards, Banshee Bride, NPSG, Clockwork Sienna, The Witch is Dead Playing: Ozbox Souptoot Played: Fioravanti-Anya-Ripper-Malyth, Ingetrude Frostblossom, Myrrh the Burned, Primble Thorne, Ozbox, Ferrar, Burnapolia Bronkus
Last edited by Fillyjonk; Aug 3rd, 2023 at 10:09 AM.
Falco couldn't hold back 'is laughter when Nilfil mentioned th' pale an' furious half-orc scuttlin' their plans. "Aye, cursed an' haunted she is," he said when he regained 'is composure. Garrick always did enjoy a bit o' theatrics an' drama. "But that fearsome phantasm be th' one what taught me how t' manipulate th' natural flow o' magic. It ain't a curse fer me."
Now, th' new pieces 'bout th' Eye came with more questions. A different kind o' zombie. He remembered th' kobolds, who wasn't ghosts either, back in Glotten. He'd assumed it'd been Cinderrabbit or even Crines what made 'em. "Whad'ye think he is, th' Black Eye? Fey, or maybe a demon? That where th' Rabbit got 'is Ghostship?" It'd likely help t' know what they was up against. Falco narrowed 'is eyes a moment an' looked at th' miserable bundle before 'im. "Ye'd rather stay down here, in th' Underdark? I might consider lettin' ye loose but that jus' seems like a different sort o' prolonged death."
He kept 'imself busy as they sailed th' Starless Sea. Falco were constantly checkin' th' star chart, anythin' t' help distract from th' lack o' actual stars. He spent as much time talkin' t' Gary as his friends, askin' questions like how many ships do they catch in a month or if'n he got a very good look at who they were chasin' an' what he made of 'em. He were also very curious how Gary could navigate such a sea an' if'n it could be taught.
Falco left Nilfil hangin' but did pay 'im frequent visits with food, water, an' conversation. He asked th' usual things at first like "Where ye from?" an' "How'd ye get 'nto th' business?". He even offered up 'is own story o' answerin' th' Sea's call which led t' tales o' exploits an' talk o' strategy. He'd be needin' more hands aboard th' Dusk Maiden an' were tryin' t' get a feel fer how deep th' stink permeated Nilfil. Jus' how sorry could one skinny half-elf make 'im if'n he cut that artificial silk? "I know th' world wouldn't shed a tear fer ye," Falco confided, "But, ye ain't th' one I want t' kill. Still might though, before we go back up."
After a time what felt longer than it really were (who can keep a sense o' time without th' sun or moon?) he finally caught sight o' her gain. Th' Dusk Maiden. Home. He tried t' tamp down 'is burnin' excitement an' stay calm fer what were t' come. "When we board," he explained t' 'is crew o' friends, "we'll need t' be fast an' loud. Make 'em think we're more'n we are an' don't give 'em time t' react. All goes well, it'll be over before it even begins." Falco tucked away th' chart from Bramble, drew 'is moon sickle, an' took some deep breaths t' prepare 'imeslf.
Saving Throws: Free Action: Move: Action: Survival for navigating and learning with Gary: dirty 20, Persuasion on Nilfil to join us: 6 lol Reaction: Bonus Action: Condition: Cosmic Omen: Woe X2, Concentrating:
Halfling︱Druid Falco Goldenbairn HP: 45/45 AC: 12 Spells: DC: 15 Level 1: [ ][ ][ ][ ] Level 2: [X][X][ ] Level 3: [ ][ ] Wild Shape: [X][ ] Attuned: House's Whistle, Moon Sickle DM Inspiration: None Potions: 1 bottle of Granny Peth’s Nervous Drops, 1 2d4+2 HPPotion of Healing, 4 Potions of Alter Self (8 hours) Carrying for party: A simple wooden band that appears to be entwined by evergreen ivy vines. The top is decorated with a small rose petal, which remains bloomed and perfect until the ring's effect is used. The petal may be expended to heal a target the wearer can touch by 2d4+2 hit points. Once used, the rose petal wilts and falls off the ring, but each day at dawn the petal blooms and can be used again. It doesn’t require attunement.Band of the Dryad ; One letter stamped with a stargazing rabbit; one paper with signal notes; 1,223 gold, 30 silver, and 6 copper; a Hag's purse, a red velvet rat-pouch; 1 chairfart; Pipe of Rememberence, House's Whistle, 1 green diamond worth about 300 gold, 1 red feather pendant, 1 temporary red feather tattoo (3 days), 1 Dragon Gas Bomb, Kreb's keyring, a small wooden box with a portable hole, a letter, a pair of Dimensional Shackles, 1 Good for use intown or swamp, single use on a monster or NPC targeted creature will follow the Distractimal away in the direction you specify for d6 rounds. This effect is broken if the creature is harmed by the party. Multiple creatures in a room may be targeted and will spend 1 round gathered around it questioning, allowing you to sneak past a doorway or cavern entrance with no stealth roll.Beetle Distractimal
Recipes known (Herbalism):
When you expend hit dice to recover hit points while using this salve, you recover an additional 3 hit points for each hit die expended. This effect lasts for 1 hour after applied.Soothing Salve
You regain 2d4 + 2 hit points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.Potion of Healing
Red Amanita Mushroom
A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.Antitoxin
Rowan Berries
Ingredients carried: 2 Red Amanita Mushrooms
Herbalist advantage on the following checks:
* Your knowledge of nature and uses of herbs can add insight to your magical studies that deal with plant creatures and your attempts to identify potions.Arcana
* When you inspect an area overgrown with plants, your proficiency bonus can help you pick out details and clues that others might miss.Investigation
* Your mastery of herbalism improves your ability to treat illnesses and wounds by augmenting your methods of care with medicinal plants.Medicine
* You can identify most plants with a quick inspection of their appearance, smell, and their surrounding environment.Nature and Survival
Bingle hasn't seen much cruelty in her life. Violence, yes. Nature is all about killing and eating each other, and a forest person like her can put most violence in that context. The green dragon eating babies. The smugglers. The sahuagin. Even the basilisk was just being violent, not cruel. The dwarves who put Xolec in the hole were just doing what they needed to do. Prior to this experience, maybe her only brush with real cruelty was with the Fey. So she had associated it with whimsy. Hurting someone when you don't have to.
But as Vorn's story unfolds and she has a minute to let the reality sink in of his organs melted into brass and his skin fused to glass, she has a new angle on this word, cruel. His mother uses him, and is just fine with using him completely up. Never mind his loves or longings. Or the fact that he is a person. A tree is trapped -- nature, a stone gnome is trapped -- violence, a soul in a dagger is trapped -- a contract, a vampire in a dwarf hole is trapped -- protection. But Vorn is trapped because he is being used with no regard for his own self. Cruelty isn't a transaction. You can't have a transaction with a piece of meat.
Bingle shivers when she sees the woman on the dais. Mad Gnone. For sure. But a dark grey Mad so draped with punishment. Awful. And everywhere down here is awful. When Banx kicks her boot and is awkward about her leaving, she thinks he is being very barve to stay and she gives him a hug. "I can already smoke really well," she whispers before she is off with Gary.
While they are on the trip to the Duskmaiden, Bingle has a list of things to do:
1. Cast Sending to her father and find out what is going on with the Pim borther thing.
2. Get Harlan back! Should have been #1! Harlan can help scout.
3. Learn to smoke. The only thing she has to smoke is the cigarettes that Vorn gave her for Xolec. But! Needs! Must! She will ask Falco to give her a smoking lesson. She will smoke one cigarette per day.
OOC: Initiative: Saving Throw: Con save for smoking:
Dice Roll:
Performance check for smoking:
Dice Roll:
Total = 18
Move: Action:
Full Day 1: Get Harlan back! Cast Identify on the cigarette case. Learn to smoke from Falco. Look at Pim coin.
Cast Sending to father: Good morning. My prayers for you and my mother. I trust my sister and her family prosper and all in the village are very well.
Cast Sending to father #2: Papa, do you know a coin that lets you write messages back and forth? It was in the bag of random coins I got. Thanks.
Day 2: Cast Sending to father: Father, my best wishes for your health. The thing is do I have a brother? And did you leave me stone to protect swamp gnomes?
Cast Sending to her father #2: Don't worry about me coming back because I will never come back and I joined a wizard guild so it's perfectly fine don't worry about --
Holding off on Day 3 in case I can retroactively say what she Sent if he responds. Reaction: Free Action: Concentrating: Harlan's Action: Scout the Duskmaiden.
Dice Roll:
Total = 22
Bingle Wildwander
Forest Gnome
Wizard 5, School of Transmutation. Warlock 1, Pact of the Fiend.
Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
Falco has the cocooned one with the weird words well taken care of. Tempest decided at first to work with the spiders that creep up the rigging, and …they were quite efficient with Gary being experienced in this strange sailing under no sky. There were no maps she could dramatically point at, nor could she use her lovely navigational tools, and therefore approached Gary once, or maybe twice, to point at something that glowed, wondering if he was guiding the ship by mushrooms, or gems, or colonies of shiny bats. "Gary, you and I are glorious with our keen eyesight in the darkness, but others here…they are dependent on lanterns. Would it hurt you greatly if I summoned the light of the sun on the ship we are going to attack as to startle them, and light them up so bright that we will not be at a disadvantage? I fear this is something I must do, and I want you well."
The day before Tempest's Mom would bring her on a ship hunt, all she could do was plan. It felt as though the outing was always a lesson and series of tests - to test her mettle, her creativity, her viciousness and judgment. Could she charm pirates over to the edge of a ship so she could grab their leg? Or see if they would climb down to a dinghy in a storm to greet her, sometimes falling on their own accord to their screaming death that she quickened mercifully with a faster drowning. This attack on red feathers with a Drow and a 'Cloaker' was not that. They speak of monsters being on board, and ..to her the Humans, the Hin, the partially Elf-blooded were the monsters and more or less could be seduced to their last breath. Vorn, being a Drow, was certainly not taken with her, barely even glancing at her. The Siren fascination….might only work under the darling Moon, not glowing fungi. Was this a proper time to depend on her goddess? Could She even hear her when she was so deep below the world she was from? Fela prayed, and certainly her faith would never waiver. Tempest would rise up to the challenge like a boiling storm and show her newfound friends that she and Aerdrie Faenya were prepared.
On the first 'morning' after sleeping …not in a hammock net, but curled up in a tasteful silk and velvet coat NOT in a net…the great and wondrous Tempest helped with breaking fast, creating a lovely and bland spread of fruits, berry pies, mutant roast chickens, stacks of buttered and honey'd toast, pots of meaty stews, fishy pies, suckling pigs with apples in their mouths, small wheels of creamy cheese, something green that may be a cross between asparagus and peas, mashed tatoes, baked tatoes, and gold-roasted potatoes carved to look like mermaids, and as much clean, pure water as could fill anything Bingle and she could find that was fillable.
By the afternoon, Tempest approached Bingle and whispered. "If everyone is busy up here, especially those spiders, let's go below deck and go somewhere secret and take a look." If no spiders or Garys were about, Tempest would try to sneak off, wanting to open the locket with Bingle.
By the evening, a Sending would be cast to Briony. "Hi it's Tempest. We are well and sailing without a sky. We have had meals. We prepare for battle. How do you fare, friend?" The Siren was trying to be friendly, not that she was going to win Briony over anytime soon, but at least she is checking in to hopefully keep Fela from being distracted with worry.
Over the next two days, Tempest tried to learn the Glimmersea, and prepared herself to take over the enemy ship.
Chaotic Good | Siren | Tempest Cleric of Aerdrie Faenya | Level 6
HP: 45/45 | AC (15) with Shield (17) Initiative: +1 | Darkvision | Acid Resistance
Weapons: +5 to Hit / Damage: 1d6+2 (1 handed or thrown) or 1d8+2 (2 handed)Trident +1 | +4 Attack / 1d4+1 DamageDagger | (3/3)+4 Attack / Damage: 1d6+1 Damage)Javelins
Spells: +3 Modifier | Spell Attack +6 | Save DC 14
Level 1 Left: 4/4 | Level 2 Left: 3/3 | Level 3 Left: 3/3 Cleric Spells Cast: Cantrips: Acid Splash, Mending, Spare the Dying, Toll the Dead, Word of Radiance
Divine Tempest Magic: When a creature within 5 ft. that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a DEX saving throw (DC 14 or it takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage (your choice), half damage on success).Wrath of the Storm: Remaining: 3/3 (per Long Rest) | Channel Divinity, twice per short rest, 2/2] Destroy Undead or Destructive Wrath. Divine Domain Feature: Thunderbolt Strike - At 6th level, when you deal lightning damage to a Large or smaller creature, you can also push it up to 10 feet away from you.
Siren Spells Once Per Long Rest: Create or Destroy Water, Water Walk |
Other Stuff/Notes:
Magic Items Prayer Beads: (1) Wind Walking, (1) Smiting, (2) Cure Wounds (2nd level) or Lesser Restoration, (1) Blessing Necklace of the Ithil’mírë (Locket): From Nithe Potions: Polymorph (1)
A lab jar of rat organs.
A glass container of mushrooms pickled in wine and spices.
Three smooth stones. A strange, fancy sling shot
Two small ornate bottles of potent mushroom wine.
A pewter hinged ring box lined in black velvet holding a selection of loose humanoid teeth
An vial of ointment with a handwritten label that says: Mushroom powder and saffron in lard.
Turn Summary Initiative: Move: Reaction: Action:
Day 1: Cast Create Food & Water for Breakfast. Cast Send to Briony. Open Locket with Bingle secretly in secret away from prying eyes and spiders. Anyone else in the party is FINE...just not Gary & his Crew.
Day 2: Cast Glyph of Warding, Explosive Rune Lightning, on one of the smooth rocks. Trigger is someone with a Red Feather tattoo within 10 feet of it, and not a Half Elf.
Day 3: Nothing planned. Probably a Send to Briony to check in with her. Bonus Action: Conditions: Concentrating: Object Interaction: Locket Other:
Posting: Better! "Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." RBG
Last edited by PlaidPeregrine; Aug 2nd, 2023 at 12:58 AM.
Falco, Nilfil will agree that The Eye might be a demon or sadistic Fey or any kind of eldritch horror you can think to mention. He’s sure The Eye will get him and “Do him undead dirty,” if he ever goes up. He tells you he deserved your knife, but begs to get off at any land you come to.
He tells you, Yes, The Sea Hare (for such is its real name, no matter what lying colors his sly ship is currently flying) was a gift of The Eye to Cinderrabbit, who is his right hand and speaks for him and to him, even!
You and Tempest study Glimmersea navigation with Gary Gonme; it relies on a compass, knowing the trenches and sounding for depth, plus memorizing or having a chart of the currents created by underground springs. Gary is a mechanic, not a sailor, he mostly relies on the spiders. You get the how of it, but, damn. It would take years to memorize the .
He flatly refuses your HIT ‘EM HARD AND FAST idea. You aren’t running Lord Vorn’s clipper into cannon range! She has no cannon, and the Cloaker will shoot first and ask questions la—well, never.
You might need another plan, Corsair. There is a Johnny boat, or you can swim, or magic yourself over, or follow them to land. We are heading toward wild islands, covered mostly in fast-growing mushroom jungle. There are a few trading posts, but the vegetation grows so fast no one builds beyond the coast’s sandy edge. Perhaps the ship you chase means to replenish their fresh water there?
Tempest, you are an excellent sailor, but this is NOT EVEN A SEA. No moon or tide? You ask Gary about using bright light; he says he doesn't care at all. He is a mechanic, not a fighter; he and the clipper plan to be a half mile away from any battles, waiting safely, and PS SEND spell if any of you live and get the Dusk Maiden so you can follow the clipper back to Vorn?
Briony says: We’re alive. The fall— gods! Spiders drugged us. We woke aboard, harbored at a strange island. Spiders guard the gangplank. Who’s “Lord Vorn?” Is Fela— She is trying to sound steady, strong, but you are familiar with the spice of human fear; she is scared enough to talk to you, scared enough to lose the count to 25.
NO to hammocks, NO to hardtack, yes to summoned feasts and faith. Gary kips on deck, too, unspooling a bedroom on the upholstered bench in the Tool-Hand Spider. You take turns following the star chart, sleeping in shifts, and it pulses flicker like a heartbeat getting faster. Now it is as fast a bird-heart. You can hold the star chart in one hand and Halran in the other and know.
Gary and his spiders do not go below, ever, so it is easy for you to show the locket to any who wish to see. Inside is a miniature oil portrait of a princess in a strange, heavy crown; she is drow, but—the moon is with her! Your moon!
You are insightful and art-savvy; this image was rendered by a master hand, and whoever painted it loved her. Adored her. The Princess faces two cities. You recognize the architecture of the top city as Eladrin, more specifically, Moon Elf. The lower city’s architecture is similar but hrm— it feels elvish, elf-esque — but not sun or moon or seasonal fey Eladrin like your father’s home city. It is strange to you.
Bingle, smoking is terrible. It makes you sick and dizzy. It for sure might kill you. But. Good gods. You look so cool doing it.
Halran comes back puffy and sleepy and happy to see you. The cigarette case is just a case. But also art. Falco can tell you the tobac smells sweet and rich, quite costly, but, BLERGH. Inside the coin, Pim’s plea remains the same. Days have passed. Nearly a week. Can he answer if you do not respond? Maybe you can leave it this forever and he can never lying lie anymore, or maybe he waiting craftily like a spider all poison and vile for you to break down and be nice, or maybe he is waiting patient and hopeful like a sad scared borther, hoping you will be a hero. WELL, YOU WILL NOT. YOU ARE EVIL AND A WARLOCK AND YOU ARE GOING TO CALL YOUR DAD AND TELL ON HIM.
You message your father with proper manners and formality. Who taught you this? He did. Your mother. Your many uncles and aunts. Bongle and her thumping knuckles on your head. The shape of courtesy is a refuge, but your father blares back into your head instantly with none of it, none of it:
Bingle! My child! Where are you! Come home, samlelst! I thought— the wizard said—you’d scuttle home scared in two days, but no! WEEKS! DEAREST—
Bingle. Your father. Your father. He has big ears, a big nose. His cheek skin above his beard is very soft like paper that has been crumpled and uncrumpled a lot of times. He likes nougat. He likes puns. You soldier on, professional, PROFESSIONAL, and ask about the coin. You get a messy rush of words back. He sounds overwrought. Your mother, if she could hear him, would make him lie down with hot moss on his feet and a cup of Valerian tea.
Must be a STONE, not a COIN. I told Bongle you SENT; she said you couldn’t learn that so fast. Why, she can’t even cast—
You soldier on and ask if you have a borther, and he answers, bewilderment in his tone. Borther? A BORTHER? No? Unless — well, Bongle married, you know this, while you were -- Is this a SEND stone? -- BINGLE! THIS IS MAD! COME HOME!
Is this sad dithery provincial cleric who cannot even cast SEND bossing YOU, Bingle, a Curiosa of the Undine Mouth and a warlock of Glasya? But he sounds genuinely mystified. And genuinely — undone? And when you say that you will not come back, he does louding and urgentness:
No! Come home now. Immediately. Live quiet. Be happy! It's not safe for you out there! A VAPMIRE HUNTS US, CHILD! AND ALSO THE WINTER--
DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh DMed: Battle of the Bards, Banshee Bride, NPSG, Clockwork Sienna, The Witch is Dead Playing: Ozbox Souptoot Played: Fioravanti-Anya-Ripper-Malyth, Ingetrude Frostblossom, Myrrh the Burned, Primble Thorne, Ozbox, Ferrar, Burnapolia Bronkus
1. The wizard said she would scuttle home in two days? The wizard said that? Griselda Erevyn (the beautiful) said that Bingle, favored apprentice and recipient of a spell book copy (very rare) would scuttle home in two days? (S C U T T L E ? ? ?) What the feraking carp. No. Keledek said the spellbook gift was an act of faith and love. So, there must be another wizrad. Fine.
2. Bongle.
She sends twice on the third day.
She cannot even continue with the polite behaviors. She counts every word and snaps them off in her mind like sticks. The first message is to her father:
What wizard? Tell them I have met this vapmire and he is in my debt. He won't bother you anymore. Release all your stone girls.
She has powerful allies. A durid. A vapmire. A siren. A Slatmrash wizard. A spirgner. A porstitute. A drow. A mnok. She doesn't need to be crawling for approval to someone whose wife controls his honey intake. She feels like crying and slapping someone. So frustrating. She can make a zmobie. She can FLY.
The second message is to Bongle, in a frigid, imperious tone:
Pimbal Wildwander. "Cleric's eldest child." His sister had hollow coin for sending messages with paper scrap. Who put this coin in my bag? You?
To Pim she scratches out a message:
With all this communicating going on, and no Banx, Bingle is moody and spends a lot of time with Gary asking pointless questions or watching him eat. Her father doesn't get it. Her sister doesn't get it. She thinks about the voice that comes from Malbolge during a Hellish Rebuke. Girl, I know you did not tell this wizrad right here that you expect her to be scuttling home. Because you know when she's done with you a vampire's bite gonna be a kind and merciful ending. She does Alter Self into a sea beast. She does Alter Self into the Hin girl. She resets all her spells into violence. She knits on the Glasya sweater. What village, never had a village. What borther, never had one at all.
OOC: Initiative: Saving Throw: Move: Action: Third day, two Sending spells. One to her father, one to Bongle.
Write in Pim coin. Reaction: Free Action: Concentrating: Harlan's Action:
Bingle Wildwander
Forest Gnome
Wizard 5, School of Transmutation. Warlock 1, Pact of the Fiend.
Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
Last edited by lostcheerio; Aug 4th, 2023 at 09:06 PM.
Falco ain't never been th' type t' say no t' feasitn' or t' count th' legs on any conjured meal. It were a welcome an' calmin' distraction from sailin' a sea without stars. So did Vorn's fine tabac an' th' smokin' lessons. He showed Bingle how t' just hold th' smoke in her mouth after she turned green th' second time. Banx was gonna be impressed.
He took some o' th' food t' Nilfil an' considered how neither o' 'em liked th' situation none. If only th' half-elf had been there that night, things would be easier. Clearer. Killin' Nilfil wouldn't feel good even if'n it were still justified. Red Feathers were th' worst o' th' worst, after all, but this one were sad an' emptied. Still, what could Falco do?
"I can't be cuttin' ye loose before we take me ship back," Falco told th' cacooned half-elf. "Too risky, I can't rightly trust ye, an' we ain't stoppin'. Not til after th' Dusk Maiden. I'm sure ye understand."
Falco spent some time, when things was quiet, recallin' th' names an' characteristics o' all th' animals he'd ever seen both in th' world or a book. He focused on th' type o' magic what calls or conjures, with th' intent t' add chaos an' confusion t' th' upcomin' boardin'. Cap'n Kieran would always laugh so hard ever' single time Garrick would summon a gang o' squirrels or parrots out from 'is tricorn.
It were understandable, Gary's reluctance at a direct assault. There was plenty o' ways t' take a ship. Falco wanted t' make it happen sooner'n later though. "No worries Gary, I can become a shark or octopus an' they won't even see me comin'. I'd rather hit 'em before th' island, bad form t' disrupt a market day. At least Up it is. Besides, maybe they're tryin' t' arm 'emselves." These things work best when nobody sees 'em happen. "If'n we don't make it back," he said casually, o' course they would, "the little gift wants off th' clipper. Dump 'im in th' Glimmersea, if'n ye want. Otherwise, I'll take care o' th' blighter when we return."
Falco offered t' carry anyone who might want t' ride a shark through an ink-black sea, whenever th' time came. Th' plan were still t' hit fast 'n' hard, only more quietly now. They'd sneak aboard an' take 'em unawares like true pirates.
Halfling︱Druid Falco Goldenbairn HP: 45/45 AC: 12 Spells: DC: 15 Level 1: [ ][ ][ ][ ] Level 2: [ ][ ][ ] Level 3: [ ][ ] Wild Shape: [ ][ ] Attuned: House's Whistle, Moon Sickle DM Inspiration: None Potions: 1 bottle of Granny Peth’s Nervous Drops, 1 2d4+2 HPPotion of Healing, 4 Potions of Alter Self (8 hours) Carrying for party: A simple wooden band that appears to be entwined by evergreen ivy vines. The top is decorated with a small rose petal, which remains bloomed and perfect until the ring's effect is used. The petal may be expended to heal a target the wearer can touch by 2d4+2 hit points. Once used, the rose petal wilts and falls off the ring, but each day at dawn the petal blooms and can be used again. It doesn’t require attunement.Band of the Dryad ; One letter stamped with a stargazing rabbit; one paper with signal notes; 1,223 gold, 30 silver, and 6 copper; a Hag's purse, a red velvet rat-pouch; 1 chairfart; Pipe of Rememberence, House's Whistle, 1 green diamond worth about 300 gold, 1 red feather pendant, 1 temporary red feather tattoo (3 days), 1 Dragon Gas Bomb, Kreb's keyring, a small wooden box with a portable hole, a letter, a pair of Dimensional Shackles, 1 Good for use intown or swamp, single use on a monster or NPC targeted creature will follow the Distractimal away in the direction you specify for d6 rounds. This effect is broken if the creature is harmed by the party. Multiple creatures in a room may be targeted and will spend 1 round gathered around it questioning, allowing you to sneak past a doorway or cavern entrance with no stealth roll.Beetle Distractimal
Recipes known (Herbalism):
When you expend hit dice to recover hit points while using this salve, you recover an additional 3 hit points for each hit die expended. This effect lasts for 1 hour after applied.Soothing Salve
You regain 2d4 + 2 hit points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.Potion of Healing
Red Amanita Mushroom
A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.Antitoxin
Rowan Berries
Ingredients carried: 2 Red Amanita Mushrooms
Herbalist advantage on the following checks:
* Your knowledge of nature and uses of herbs can add insight to your magical studies that deal with plant creatures and your attempts to identify potions.Arcana
* When you inspect an area overgrown with plants, your proficiency bonus can help you pick out details and clues that others might miss.Investigation
* Your mastery of herbalism improves your ability to treat illnesses and wounds by augmenting your methods of care with medicinal plants.Medicine
* You can identify most plants with a quick inspection of their appearance, smell, and their surrounding environment.Nature and Survival