On indefinite hiatus from the site. Last edited by Wynamoinen; Aug 3rd, 2023 at 12:18 PM. |
"Curiosity. It always gets you in the end, doesn't it?" the stranger says jovially to Mike. "I need more of a commitment from you before I get into bullet points. Suffice to say that though a combination of accumulating quantum knots, rift bleed and a little something called the Interspatial Eddy Theory, I have solid grounds for transforming this reality into a zone far more exclusive in its traffic. I just need some assistants." As if to prove something, he flicks his coat open to reveal a utility belt a superhero would be proud off, stuffed with gadgets and paraphernalia. They all look crude, and it's likely he cobbled them together himself. "Need intimacy? I have a name to give you, Christophe. Need incentive? I can't pay much, but I can scrape together something small. Or contacts! I have a few of those, if you have more exotic needs." The smug tug at the corner of his mouth fades when Tou turns his back to address the other jaunters, and he finally loses his cool a little. "Hey ... hey! You think that's cute? I'm still mid-pitch here!"
STATUS: Gone. Unsure if I can come back.
║ NPSG FORUMS ║ SOLO BAZAAR ║ EXPLOSIVE RUNES ║ SHARE YOUR STAT BLOCK ║ MY GAMES ║ Last edited by HotsuSama; Aug 3rd, 2023 at 12:14 PM. |
Last edited by Cap Ut; Aug 5th, 2023 at 04:06 PM. |
When the substance of Tou's pitch sinks in for Christophe, he balks, the most he's lost his composure since striking up conversation with the jaunters. "We've just been talking about how the OP operate and ... you want to ask them nicely? They don't have a PR department, scrub. The best way to get their attention is by being their target. Even if they did have what you're looking for, they'll keep it for themselves. They're not philanthropists. They're the worst kind of crusaders." Then he stops to think. "But if we had a haven they can't breach, we could actually keep prisoners or captives. We could interrogate them, or even woo turncoats. That might work." Christophe claps his hands together. "First things first. Here's the plan, keep it quiet now. First we swipe a few key items from stalls in the bazaar. Then I get some work done. After that, we begin the resonance conversion. That involves - and stay with me now - opening the rift that's already fit to split here. If this works, and I'm confident it will, then the rift will be nothing to worry about. Capiche?"
STATUS: Gone. Unsure if I can come back.
On indefinite hiatus from the site. |
Continuously recruiting: The West Marches | Always open: The Solo Bazaar | Starring in: Dragons of a Broken World
Last edited by Mindsiege; Aug 15th, 2023 at 12:53 PM. |
Last edited by Cap Ut; Aug 15th, 2023 at 01:00 PM. |
Mike starts nodding at the stranger's explanation. "Quantum whozits... uh huh... Ed Theory." With his thick neck and beefy physique Mike looked kind of dumb. Now he wasn't a genius by any stretch of the word, but he was a lot smarter than he usually looked. With his face screwed up from trying to follow things he didn't understand and red from the poor decision not to leave his hoodie in the car Mike looked really dumb. Maybe he was. He could take the hoodie off, but then he'd have to carry it around and anyone who's carried a hoodie around knows it's just easier to wear it and suffer.
"Woah mate I don't even know how this thing works. Could be a gremlin in there..." Mike was cut off as Tou turned around and spoke with the group. The big man winced as he felt his new companion's pain. He was being forced to accept some very large truths in one morning. He wasn't high as a kite and sitting in a windowless sterile metal cell, so Mike's sympathy for the man only went so far but nevertheless it was a big day. Mike waved off the Christophe's angry retort with a cocked head, raised palm and what was likely the universal face that says "Well you were kind of a dick to him" Grimmacing at Tou's suggestion Mike exhaled sharply before waving off the train of thought. Sucking air through his teeth Mike struggled to find the right answer when Agni explained things. "Yeah. What he said." Mike added nodding. "We don't want anything to do with them." A shudder runs down Mike's back as fragmented memories of the cell came back. "The lights weren't even florescent." Mike muttered to himself. Snapping back Mike waved off any inquiries to anyone who heard his With permission Mike has a memory of his hours in an OC cell where all he heard was the humming drone of a florescent light. The lights in the cell weren't florescent. Where was the noise coming from?non-sequitur. Fortunately Mike was spared the indignity of having to share repressed memories as Christophe renewed his pitch. While Mike had no personal desire to have captives or engage in revolution against the OC it would be a lie to say that idea didn't excite him a little bit. If nothing else the experience would certainly draw their attention away from them, but after ditching RayJay there was certainly less chance the OC would ever come looking for this new and less crime spree oriented group anyway. Yet without the OC how long would it be until somebody wiped out all of existance? What would that feel like? Mike pondered as he got swept away in a river of thoughts he'd never had before. How does this damn toaster work anyway? I would've killed the gremlin by now anyway with how often I shake it. The word rift dragged Mike back to reality kicking and screaming. Maybe he was hearing things. Nope there it was a second time. Rift. "Yeah I'm sorry what?" Mike blurted out. Reeling in shock Mike looked around mouth gaping hoping everyone else just heard what he did. At Tou's response Mike, still bug-eyed, gestured toward his tentacled companion in a see he gets it expression. Then Aisha started talking. Still recovering from Christophe's suggestion of opening a rift Mike could only stand there dumbfounded as his AI companion brushed off the suggestion of ending all of existence and began to console Tou on the number of harsh realities he was being forced to accept today. Mike was reminded of a buddy from school who had an autistic brother. What was his name again? Mike pondered. Reily.. Ryan.. Scratching at his chin Mike struggled to remember this insignificant detail from his past as Aisha had an emotionally significant if not ill timed moment with Tou. Roger. That's it. His brother's name was Roger. He'd do stuff like this all the time. When they had to put the family dog down all Roger wanted to do was talk about elephants. The kid liked elephants. Mike knew Aisha didn't want to be perceived as a "robot" but he filed this one away for himself in the "weird connections you can never unmake" corner of his mind. I wonder how Roger is doing. Mike thought fondly as Aisha finished speaking. The kid liked robots too. Mike's jaw dropped at Agni's response. This was the member of the group who was supposed to actually understand these things to some extent. "You're being polite right?" Mike deadpanned while staring at Agni. "He said rift. You heard that right? Rift?" Mike looked over at Christophe and asked in the tone of voice which implied that no reply was actually required. "Rift? That's what I heard right? Rift? You said it twice." Mike looked over at Tou and paused for a moment. Cocking his head Mike scratched at the sweaty stubble covering it giving thought to the possibility that he was losing his mind. "You heard it right? He said rift?" "Listen." Mike said, turning to ensure both his companions and Christophe knew he was talking to them. "I'm no expert on these matters but I'm pretty sure there's two things I don't want to be anywhere near. The OC and a Rift. Your Batman belt there sure looks fancy" Mike said pointing at the belt "but existing is pretty awesome most of the time too... so uhh I'd like to keep doing that?" Mike offered as the bewilderment on his face deepened. Am I going crazy? Mike thought worriedly as he began to feel like he was in way over his head. He had never been issued a handbook on rifts, but he was told they would end everything. Granted he had been told that by the OC while high on drugs, but that hadn't seemed significant until now. Maybe there had been a handbook buried in the mountain of pornographic magazines dumped out of the car when they abandoned RayJay. At the very least if he was still alive when he ran out of PCP and ammunition he wouldn't be bored when he came looking for them. Looking around Mike was struck by the insane turn this day had taken.
“Squeak is right" - Dirkoth Last edited by Raylorne; Aug 17th, 2023 at 04:04 AM. |
Christophe has been charming and a little mercurial up to this point, but he's clearly running thin on patience. "That's all I get? Some 'thanks for offering, we'll call you' shtick? I'm working a big angle here, you condescending little - ahem. Yeah, I said rift. I meant it. And who the hell is Batman?" He flicks his coat to show off his gadgets again. "You think I'd talk about cracking open the Inter if I wasn't sure I could channel the rift?" He blinks, looks at each member of the group briefly, then shakes his head. "Right, you don't know me. Right. Well, I wouldn't. Anyway, I've said my piece and y'all aren't a united front. So I'm off." He spins on his heels and heads off, away from the bazaar entrance but hugging its perimeter, waving without looking back. "If you want to be part of omniversal history ... well, last chance."
STATUS: Gone. Unsure if I can come back.
Last edited by Cap Ut; Aug 23rd, 2023 at 01:21 PM. |
On indefinite hiatus from the site. |
Continuously recruiting: The West Marches | Always open: The Solo Bazaar | Starring in: Dragons of a Broken World
Last edited by Mindsiege; Aug 25th, 2023 at 12:50 AM. |
"Doesn’t sound like you’ve done this before either." Mike shot back at Christophe with a snort at the man’s presentation of his belt. "For what it’s worth Batman is one of the good guys, but your plan sounds like suicide. Would you trust a complete stranger with what you’re suggesting?". Mike called out at Christophe’s receding back.
"I dunno about you guys, but I don’t understand half of what he said." Mike said to the group. "I’m sure somebody here must know something about him if we ask around." Shaking his head at Tou’s comment Mike retorted with "Not by a long shot bud. I’ve got two words for you. Fleshy Pods" Mike shuddered as he said the last two words while memories of those things he saw somewhere between the eighth and twelfth push of the button on that fateful night surged back. Tensing up as Tou moved towards entering the bazaar Mike softened at Aisha’s interaction with him. Patting his friend on the shoulder Mike assured her "nobody is going to take you away from us." The prospect of deactivating their jaunt box did not appeal much to Mike, but it seemed to be the only way to move forward without opening a rift and destroying reality, so he reluctantly handed over their jaunt box for deactivation to the man at the entry.
“Squeak is right" - Dirkoth Last edited by Raylorne; Aug 25th, 2023 at 03:08 PM. |
Last edited by Cap Ut; Aug 25th, 2023 at 07:20 PM. |
"Technically correct." Mike said, clicking his tongue as he shot the gun one handed; directing his finger towards Agni. "Although given the circumstances at that time it would be a minor distinction at best." He offered by way of explanation.
“Squeak is right" - Dirkoth |
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